WEEK 14-IDT Monday, Nov. 9 1)What am I learning today

Monday, Nov. 9
1)What am I learning today?
Command line (line by line instruction) vs. GUI (Windows based using mouse)
2)What am I doing today?
Essential Question: Before Graphical User Interface Operating Systems (like Windows
and Mac OS) there was
command line operations one instruction at a time (using DOS - Disk Operating System).
1 Share a unique (unlike others) picture of a
command line screen in Edmodo.
Handwrite the date, essential question and draw the picture or describe it in words
2. Check Synergy, Makeup missing work
3. War Games Movie – Notice the screen in the movie it shows DOS.
3) How will I show that I learned it?
Sketch a picture of a what a command line based screen looks like
Tuesday, Nov. 10
What am I learning today?Network Topology is the way various network devices are
What am I doing today? Essential Question: Read the INTRODUCTION and
NETWORK STRUCTURE sections of this interactive tutorial
_redirect/asset/ate10_int_networks/utm_medium=teachersdomain/asset/ .
Create a triple Venn Diagram that compares/contrasts three network topologies and then
share the link in Edmodo or printout a copy, here are the
(You can also use Word > Insert SmartArt > then choose category for relationships – you
will see a venn diagram)
Handwrite the date, essential question and draw your Venn Diagram in your binder
1. Read this networking Powerpoint, Networking Powerpoint OR Networking Powerpoint
2. Complete the Networking Notesheet, Networking Notesheet
3. Short Edmodo Networking Terms Quiz tomorrow, Study these vocabulary terms in
quizlet, Networking Vocabulary Quizlet
a. click flash cards, study the flash cards, then play the games
Extension Activity:
4. Peter Packet Cartoon/Game about packets switching (this is the technology used to
exchange information over the internet) http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/netacad/peterpacket2/NewBuild_forweb/default.htm
5. LearnKey A+ Certification Online Lessons (see Mrs. Hosmer if you are interested in
working on these online lessons towards getting A+
certified while also earning extra credit)
Notebook Check on Friday!!
How will I show that I learned it?
Which of the following is NOT a valid network topology
a) star
b) bus
c) lattice
d) mesh
Wed., Nov. 11
What am I learning today? Wireless coverage depends on the placement of Wireless
Access Points and the type of antenna used
What am I doing today?
Essential Question: Wireless networks use access points with antennas to provide
wireless service to an area. Play at least 5 levels of this
Cisco wireless
game, http://www.cisco.edu.mn/CCNA_R&S_(Switched_Networks)/course/module8/
click the game image to get started, share one unique (unlike others posted) thing you
learned from the game in Edmodo.
Handwrite the date, entire essential question and 3 facts in your binder
1. Complete How to setup a basic wired network worksheet, Steps to setup a basic wired
2. Study these vocabulary terms in quizlet, Networking Vocabulary Quizlet
a. click flash cards, study the flash cards, then play learn activity Short
Edmodo Networking Terms Quiz
Extended Learning:
3. Complete Networking Security Issues Worksheet
4. LearnKey A+ Certification Online Lessons (see Mrs. Hosmer if you are interested in
working on these online lessons towards getting A+
certified while also earning extra credit)
Notebook Check Friday!!
How will I show that I learned it?
Wireless coverage depends on
a) the number of access points
b) placement of access points
c) type of antennas used
d) all of the above
Score 79% or higher on the quiz!:
Thurs., Nov. 12
What am I learning?
Packet switching is a network protocol that divides message into packets before they are
What am I doing to learn?
Essential Question: Packet Switching is a network protocol that divides messages into
packets before they are sent. Read the ROUTER section,
click on the router button of this interactive tutorial
_redirect/asset/ate10_int_networks/utm_medium=teachersdomain/asset/ Share one
unique (unlike others posted)
fact that you learned about routers/packet switching in Edmodo.
Handwrite the date, entire essential question and 3 facts in your binder
1. Data Packet activity classroom activity,Data Packet Activity *due today
2. Computer Network Failure Assignment, Network Failure Worksheet *due today
3. Study these vocabulary terms in quizlet, Networking Vocabulary Quizlet *due today
a. click test, take the practice test
Extended Learning:
4. Complete Networking Security Issues Worksheet
5. LearnKey A+ Certification Online Lessons (see Mrs. Hosmer if you are interested in
working on these online lessons towards getting A+
certified while also earning extra credit)
How will I show that I learned it?
How does a packet switching network work?
Fri., Nov. 13
What am I learning today? Routers forward packets on a network
What am I doing to learn?
Essential Question: Find a unique (unlike others posted) wireless router, share the full
name (for example Belkin Wi-Fi Router N150) of the router, and a picture of the router.
Share in Edmodo.
Handwrite the date, essential question and the name of the router as well as a drawing of
the router
1. Read Network Hardware Requirements Instructions,Network Hardware Requirements
2. Complete Network Hardware Requirements Assignment, Networking Hardware
Requirements Worksheet (Click the download button to download it into word)
3. Study these vocabulary terms in quizlet, Networking Vocabulary Quizlet
a. click scatter, match the term with the definition
b. click learn, type the term for the displayed definition
Extended Learning:
4. Complete Networking Topology Grid Worksheet
Networking Vocabulary Test on Tuesday
Finish War Games movie (last 30 min.)
SLO TEST ON WED.-Work on SLO Review sheet given to you today.
What am I doing to show that I learned? What is the purpose of a router (Ticket out the
door or tell your teacher)