Branding Guidelines

Registration & Admissions
Charlotte French- Registrar & Director of Enrollment Services
Garnet Klatt– Associate Registrar Admissions & Recruitment
Lyndon Salas– Admissions Advisor
Lisa Randell - Admissions Advisor
Rummie Nijjer – International Admissions Advisor
Kanaiya Mutua – Admissions Advisor
Discussion Topics
New Programs
Program Changes
Nursing Requirements
What program should I
apply to?
• Q&A
New Programs
Associate of Arts in Political Science
The Associate of Arts Degree in Political Science is an Open Enrolment program. It is
intended to prepare students to pursue third-and fourth-year courses at university as majors
or minors in Political Science. The degree will also be beneficial for those students who wish
to pursue careers in journalism, government, social policy, or law.
Citation: Access Langara
This Limited Enrolment program is deisinged for students who are non-native English
speakers . It is a bridging program for students who wish to improve their English
composition, comprehension, and study skills while simultaneously taking Univeristy Studies
Program Changes
Bachelor of Business Administration Keyword search: BBA Admission
Nutrition Food Service Management Keyword search: Nutrition Food
Internet and Web Technology Keyword search: Internet Web Admissions
Design Formation Keyword search: Design Admissions
Film Arts Keyword search: Film Admissions
Theatre Arts Keyword search: Theatre Admissions
• Successful completion of BC English 12 or
Communications 12 will meet the English
admission requirement
• No longer required Pre Calculus 11 or 12 for
Creative Arts Updated English
Film Arts
Theatre Arts at Studio 58
Design Formation
English requirement as follows:
• LET 2
• LPI 24 on essay with level 4
• IELTS 6.5
• TOFEL 550 (paper based) or 80 (IBT)
• BC English 12 w/ 80% or higher blended mark
(provincial exam and classroom)
Foundations of Health Studies
Students that are interest in pursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Langara will
need to apply to the Foundations in Health Studies
• ENGL 1127: English 12 (80% minimum)
• BIOL 1190: English 12 (C+ minimum) and either Biology 11 (C+ minimum) or Biology
12 (C+ minimum). The high school Biology courses need to have been completed
within the past 3 years.
• STAT 1124: Principles of Math 11, Foundations of Math 11 or Pre-calculus 11 (C
minimum), within the past 3 years.
• The other two courses may or may not have prerequisites, depending on the courses
you choose. Prerequisites are listed on our website in the course descriptions for
each course.
If students do not meet the high school prerequisites for the above mentioned
courses, there are other options such as diagnostic tests or other Langara/postsecondary courses that you can take to upgrade if necessary.
What Program Should I Apply
Open Enrolment
• Previously known as Arts & Science
• Have been divided into individual program
• Entry requirements:
• Graduation from BC High School or equivalent
Open Enrolment
Students who have been accepted to the Open Enrolment program have
access to all courses offered in the university studies curriculum regardless
of concentration as long as they meet the prerequisite
Student can apply for a maximum of 3 Open Enrolment programs.
However, no matter which university studies program they select, it does not
limit their course selection or affect their registration
For students who apply to more than 1 program at time of application
please advise them that the system will only allow them to accept 1 program
Students can change their planned course of study at any time by filling out
the Program Change Request Form (available online under Student Forms)
It is not mandatory to select 3 program at the time of application
Limited Enrollment Programs
• Admission requirements:
• BC High School Graduation or equivalent ++
• We recommend any student apply to a Career & Limited
Enrollment program also choose a Open Enrolment s
program as a back up
• These programs are not designed as university transfer
Admissions Advising
Inquiries about how to apply, program options and prerequisites, and
general admissions advising inquiries can be sent to
or come by and visit us in person.
Kanaiya, Lyndon, Lisa and Rummie are here to connect with you
and your students!