Sackville High School 10/11 Parent Night for 2011 - 2012 Ms. S. Sarty (A – K) Ms. K. Johnston-Hutchins (L- Z) Student Services Career Cruising Username: sackvillehs Username: careers Individual Sessions with School Counsellor Education Expo/Open Houses/Rep Visits Virtual Guidance Office (VGO) Dates and Deadlines Student Opportunities Scholarships and Awards Post Secondary Education Course Selection Book Course Selection begins in February Meet Counsellors Draft Pick online- Course selections Consult with parents at home Meet with counsellor one-on-one, make any necessary changes Make further changes, if necessary, until June 30th Graduation Requirements 18 credits required 3 English 2 Math 2 Science 1 Canadian History – Mikmaq Studies, African Canadian Studies, Canadian History 1 Global Studies – Geography or History 1 Physical Education credit - Physical Education, Physically Active Living, Dance, Yoga 1 Fine Arts – Art, Drama, Music, Dance 2 “other” credits from Technology, Math, or Science maximum 7 Grade 10 credits minimum 5 Grade 12 credits Cooperative Education 11/12 Cooperative Education 11/12 is an academic course. Cooperative Education 12 is acceptable for admissions/scholarship consideration at university and community college. The Co-op program has two components: - classroom component - 25 hours of instruction (workplace readiness/safety) - site placement - 100 hours Applications available during course selection. Phys Ed Cavalier Junior High Policing RCMP Elementary Teaching Sackville Centennial Pharmacist Pharmacy Social Worker Ronald MacDonald House/Soul's Harbour Social Worker Feed Nova Scotia Lawyer Crown Prosecutor's Office Skilled Trades Capital District Health Authority Hair Stylist Hair Design Centre Various Health professions Capital District Health Authority Costume Design Neptune Theatre Costume Department Journalism Fred Beauty Welding Dept. of National Defense Hair Stylist Hair Design Centre Navy Navy Pharmacist Superstore Pharmacy Sackville Elementary Teacher Sycamore Lane Policing Halifax Regional Police Elementary Teacher Sackville Centennial Photography Snap Magazine Police Officer RCMP Product Design/ Branding Revolve Administrative Assistant Harding Premiere Realty Elementary teaching Caudle Park Elementary Administrative Assistant Harding Premiere Realty Coast Guard Officer Canadian Coast Guard Production Assistant film British North Production - summer Teacher Sycamore Lane Police Officer RCMP Insurance Adjustor Salvatore Insurance Animal Care SPCA Policing RCMP Various Health professions Capital District Health QEII Professor Mount St. Vincent University Business Jungle Pet Store Pharmacist Cobequid Lawton's Pharmacy Pharmacist Sackville Superstore Pharmacy Social Work Feed Nova Scotia Hair Stylist Shirley Botting- Hair Stylist Acting/ Music Therapy Eventurous Theatre Navy Navy Continuing Care Assistant Shannex Retirement Centre Event Planning Muscular Dystrophy Association English As A Second Language Teacher Halifax Regional School Board/Newbridge Real Estate Agent Harding Premiere Realty Psychology, Recreation Therapy Abbie Lane, Capital District Health Computer technician Future Shop Graphic Design Centre for Arts and Technology Social Work/ Business Soul's Harbor Rescue Mission Social Work Early Education Program, Jo Howe School Politics Mat Whynot's office Interior Design Tower Interior Health and Fitness Goodlife Fitness Teaching English Cavalier Junior High Mental Health NS Hospital Automotive Engineering Major Discount Automotive Policing Halifax Regional Police Graphic Design AC Dispensing- Sure Shot Elementary teaching Caudle Park Music Production Centre for Arts and Technology Elder care Sagewood Retirement Centre Various Health Professions Cobequid Centre, Capital District Health Recreation Therapy Sagewood Retirement Centre Massage therapy College of Massage and Hydrotherapy French Immersion a minimum of nine credits in French Grade 10: Français, Art Dramatique, Sciences Grade 11: Français, Histoire du Canada, Biologie, Mode de Vie Actifs Grade 12: Français, Géographie Planetaire, Biologie, Tourisme Cooperative Education Option open to grade 11/12 students who are interested in exploring a career Separate application required Interview required Why is course selection important? Post-secondary Admissions .. University, Community College, Private Colleges, Work University – 5 Academic Grade 12s NSCC – HS Diploma for many programs Admission for Direct-from-high school The normal minimum requirements for admission to Dalhousie are: 1.Completion of secondary school (ie. Grade 12) with a minimum overall average of 70% in your final year; 2.At least a 70% in Grade 12 English; 3.Successful completion of relevant program prerequisite courses. Admission requirements 1. 2. 3. The admission requirement for certificate and diploma programs is a high school completion diploma or equivalent. In addition to the admission requirements, individual programs may have other admission criteria, such as specific high school subjects, university degrees (for some advanced diplomas) or the submission of an entrance portfolio. Please check the program descriptions for specific admission requirements. Post Secondary Application Procedure Research Request that Ms. Avery prepare a transcript for the end of Semester One Apply (by March 1st for entrance scholarship consideration/ Program deadlines may vary. Apply in Grade 11 to NSCC. Resend transcript in September of Grade 12 year.) Resend transcript in June. (Students receive transcripts with their diploma at Graduation) Remember Attendance Attendance Attendance!! You may not have homework, but you always have to study! 10 minutes per grade level: 100 minutes grade 10 110 minutes grade 11 120 minutes grade 12 Course Load Grade 10 students take 8 Grade 11s take minimum of 7 - one study (required to take 8 if unsuccessful in one or more grade 10 courses) Grade 12s take minimum of 6 – two studies Students may take 8 courses all three years Cannot repeat failed courses in 2nd sem Work Load Learning to balance school and work can be tricky, but it's a skill students will need for the rest of their lives. The positives of part time employment: organizational skills future jobs the paycheck The negatives of part time employment: what aren't they doing? can they give school their full attention Some warning signs that the balance may be off taking easier classes to handle the stress getting back-to-back C's, when they usually get high B's skimming through chapters instead of taking notes doing just enough to get by instead of really trying to master the material not eating dinner with the family friends complain that they never see them skipping events they want to go to because of their work schedule reporting falling asleep in class (high school students need nine hours of sleep a night) being irritable or unable to concentrate frequent colds or stomach pains may also be signs that the body is overloaded Striking a Balance: Recommended maximim hours per week: Grade 10s - 10 hours a week; Grade 11s - 15 hours per week, and; Grade 12s - 20 hours. Negotiate with the Employer It's OK to quit. Learning to balance school and work can be tricky, but it's a skill they'll need for the rest of their life. Taken from :"Your personal tipping point: find the best balance between work and school" Career World, Jan, 2005 by Carolyn Jabs Questions