How To Build And PROFIT From Your Own Lists An Internet Success System Special Topics Conference June 16-18, 2006 © 2006 Mark Hendricks All Rights Reserved The Approach Making friends Reason why to become a friend The “Sale” Provide a truly valuable gift in exchange for their name and address, and permission to contact them again Build Trust Consistent behavior Believable Quality Expert opinion and endorsement Mention friends of influence in your circle Monetizing Your List Keep up on the news of your niche market Let people know of breaking news fast Give away freebies (good ones) Provide excellent articles Content – Relevant and Actionable Monetizing Your List Articles Yours Others with your intro and close Resource recommendations Special deals Deadlines Followup Newsletter Format Topic introduction Article (actionable content) Resource recommendation Free gift PS – tell them to take action now PPS – remind about something else PPPS – give a preview hint of what is coming List Management When they subscribe, sign them up to three lists at one time - Niche list for topical interest - Master list for broadcasts - News list for ‘evergreen’ content Getting Traffic To Your Site So They Can Get On Your List There’s not just one best way to get traffic to your site to get subscribers Continually implement new ways to get more subscribers to signup 17 Ways To Get More Subscribers Your biggest FREE list building source – Search Engine Traffic Top 3: Yahoo, Google, MSN PPC Search Engines Quick way to get traffic Very cheap way to build list Link Trading – friends endorse you, you endorse them 17 Ways To Get More Subscribers Newsletter Your own Your articles in other newsletters Just start one and do it Affiliate Program Builds your list with buyers and interested prospects 17 Ways To Get More Subscribers Joint Ventures – others endorse you Builds your list with High Quality buyers and interested prospects Cross-Promotion Signature Box Forums and Newsgroups Exit Traffic 17 Ways To Get More Subscribers Viral Marketing Written materials you write or compile Ebooks and reviews other people can use and/or give away Their links in them and yours too List-building scripts 17 Ways To Get More Subscribers Testimonials for others Word of mouth referrals from people on your list to their friends – give them permission to pass along your newsletter Unsubscribe pages RSS articles that others can use Blog with links to you and others Things to do Decide you are an expert Write your newsletter from that position of authority Make friends – build relationships Take one strategy and implement it Implement one more strategy Just keep doing it Why do all this?… Your list of customers and interested prospects is the most valuable asset you have As they get to know you, like you, and trust you… they will buy from you, and buy more and more from you in the future Q and A Tools Hosting Account – Steve Hetrick Webpage Editor (What You See Is What You Get) FrontPage Dreamweaver – quick and easy Tools Autoresponder System Four types: Single response Broadcast Sequential Sequential / Broadcast ***** Tools Autoresponder System Sequential / Broadcast Desktop connected to internet Hosted – Domain – plus RSS personalalized Tools Delivery Issues Spam Database Lookup White Listing AR Plumbing #1 – Subscribe / Thank You / Download / 1st Email Thank You and/or Download Page Subscribe Page AR System Name Capture 1st Email Message AR Plumbing #2 – Subscribe / 1st Email / Thank You / Download 1st Email Message Subscribe Page AR System Name Capture Thank You and/or Download Page AR Plumbing #3 – Subscribe / Opt-in Email / Thank You / Download / 1st Email Thank You and/or Download Page Opt-in Email Message Subscribe Page AR System Name Capture AR System Confirm 1st Email Message AR Plumbing #4 – Subscribe / OTO / Thank You / Download / 1st Email One Time No Offer (Upsell) Subscribe Page Thank You and/or Download Page Yes AR System Name Capture 1st Email Message Order Processing / Download Pages AR Plumbing #5 – Subscribe / 1st Email / OTO / Thank You / Download Subscribe Page 1st Email Message One Time No Offer (Upsell) Thank You and/or Download Page Yes AR System Name Capture Order Processing / Download Pages AR Plumbing #6 – Subscribe / Opt-in Email / OTO / Thank You / Download / 1st Email Subscribe Page Opt-in Email Message One Time No Offer (Upsell) Thank You and/or Download Page Yes AR System Name Capture AR System Confirm 1st Email Message Order Processing / Download Pages OTO Plumbing Order Processor / Subscribe Options / Thank You and Download Pages Order Processor Subscribe Options 1-6 Thank You and/or Download Page 1 Thank You and/or Download Page 2 Or Combined Thank You and/or Download Page for 1 and 2 List Management For product sales, have a lead list and a buyer list – and when someone buys they are added to the buyer list and remove from the lead list automatically (or manually) Keep up with unsubscribes – your system should do this automatically If someone writes you a “nasty-gram”, just delete them from your database Deduplicate your lists at least once a week to keep the AR system running smooth Q and A Market Research For Leads, Sales and Backend Profits Always remember… You are always better off marketing to people who are already interested in buying 1 – find people who are buying 2 – find or create what they want 3 – sell it to them Market Research For Leads, Sales and Backend Profits Marketing Finding people who are already ready to buy and then you sell it to them Sales Hard work – getting people to buy what they don’t already want Niches you have an expertise in Niches where you have a friend who is an expert Niches you are interested in yourself Niches you know that people are nuts about Niches you know nothing about, and could care less about except that someone else is already selling to the niche and making lots of money Overture Research Toolkit – Good Keywords – Alexa Toolbar – Forums – find people who are easily accessible Newsgroups – get on these lists Groups – people who are interested already Competitors newsletters, blogs and sites Forum +topic Newsletters +topic Groups +topic You are looking for two types of people: Buyers – understand their feelings (anger, frustrations, hopes, dreams, etc.) Sellers – your competitors, people who already have your customers – – – The magazine rack (articles, ads, classifieds) Survey scripts – Get people from Forums, Newsletters, and Groups to take your survey Give them a reward for doing it Things to do Become a “student” of niche markets Niches you have an expertise in Niches where you have a friend who is an expert Niches you are interested in yourself Niches you know that people are nuts about Niches you know nothing about or care about, but it’s already making someone else a lot of money Why do all this?… Unless you can: - Find the people who want something - Produce or acquire the product or service they want - Communicate to them and let them know you have the solution to their most troublesome problems or the object of their heart’s most burning desire… - Then all your further efforts won’t yield the biggest results as they could People want to move: Toward a Goal - Positive Emotions Away from Pain - Negative Emotions 2/3s of all people are more motivated to move away from pain, than to move toward goals The Seven Positive Emotions (toward a goal) Desire Faith Love Sex Enthusiasm Romance Hope – the most powerful emotion The question is… How many of these positive emotions can you apply to your market? Hint: the more the better The Seven Negative Emotions (away from pain) Fear – the most detrimental Jealousy Hatred Revenge Greed Superstition Anger What does your market really want to buy? Solutions to problems Achieve their goals (higher price) Provide them both, and it’s even more powerful Q and A Templates Setup templates on your site Drive traffic to the template pages Get questions to be answered Keep track of the questions and their frequency and the words they use Things to do Use the market research tools to find your targets in forums, newsgroups, newsletters, and spot the problems they are having, the goals they want to achieve – and the excuses they give for not solving them or working around them See how many of the 7 positive and 7 negative emotions you can spot it their comments Things to do How can you turn their excuses into reasons why they should take action Setup some “Q and A” survey campaigns to find out what their biggest fears and hopes are Why do all this?… You will find the words that communicate to the emotions of your marketplace Which is the “Key to the Vault” – the insight into the inner feelings and emotions of your marketplace You must become “customer-centered” instead of “self-centered” Your customers don’t care what you think or feel, only what they think and feel Bait Something of value that your visitor will trade you their name, address, and permission to contact them in exchange for your freebie Freebies to Offer Ebooks Webconference Special Reports Your own forum Software Consultation Audio Resale Rights Video List Building Podcasts Email Series Teleseminar Live Conference Freebies to Offer Free samples Free food Free trial Free networking Free membership Free tour Free CD Free vacation Free DVD Free with purchase Free book Free ________ Freebies to Offer Notice that I did not say… Free Newsletter NOBODY wants your free newsletter anymore, those days are gone Yes, you will send them a “newsletter” to keep in touch, but in your offers to get them on your lists, do not offer a free subscription to your newsletter Freebies to Offer Where do you get all these freebies to offers as bait?… Do it yourself Hire it out Get it from others Freebies to Offer Important Point: You must be giving them something unique in the marketplace Unique sells “Me Too” doesn’t sell well Okay, let’s do it Find 12 articles that relate to what your market wants, or relates to a product they would like to buy Let those articles be the chapters of your PDF ebook Okay, let’s do it Your affiliate links can be sprinkled throughout the articles in the PDF ebook You can also make offers for other freebies too Okay, let’s do it Buy Adobe Acrobat Or… Create 5 PDFs free Okay, let’s do it Free PDF tools Or… PDF Power Brand Okay, let’s do it Free PDF tools Or… Free PDF995 Okay, let’s do it Let those articles be the content for the sequential email messages that goes out every 3 days from your AR system Okay, let’s do it Direct those sequential messages to webpages that contain the article Write an intro for each, and a summary for each Okay, let’s do it On those pages make a product recommendation and also include Adsense Ads that are positioned in the article reading path Q and A and… Show and Tell The Little Secret That No One Is Telling You... “All the latest hi-tech web design gadgets, bells and whistles won't help make you any money unless you learn to use words and sales strategies that have been proven to get attention, generate interest and desire, and motivate people to take buying action now.” Mark Hendricks The Little Secret That No One Is Telling You... “It doesn't matter how pretty and professional looking your ad, sales letter or website is, the only way you're going to make money is by using words that communicate clearly the benefits of your offer and the reasons why your prospect should buy from you rather than anyone else.” Mark Hendricks The Little Secret That No One Is Telling You... Persuasive words and strategies that get your reader… • ATTRACTED to something that will be of… • BENEFIT to the them...then enough • DESIRE for that BENEFIT must be generated to motivate them to… • TAKE ACTION and… • BUY NOW The Little Secret That No One Is Telling You... "It's the WORDS that do the selling..." “You've got to write your sales message so your prospective customers develop an emotional desire for what you're offering them, before you ask them to buy.” We ALL decide with emotions, and then justify with logic. "Your ability to write persuasively is the most important and most widely overlooked marketing tool that you will ever acquire.” Mark Hendricks A little known, yet very important secret... There are three basic things that have to line up for you to make a sale: 1 - Right Market 2 - Right Offer 3 - Right Time Right Market - Right Offer - Right Time 1 - Right Market • Easy to Find and Reach • Hungry and Starving Crowd • Already Interested • Already Motivated • Already Buying • Buying Repeatedly • It’s the “List” Right Market - Right Offer - Right Time 2 - Right Offer • Use the 5 P’s of the Offer (more later) • Perceived Value and Resulting Benefits to the Buyer have to be much higher than their cost Right Market - Right Offer - Right Time The 5 P’s in the offer: • Promise - include the 3 biggest benefits • Product - give a detailed description • Package - include extra bonuses • Price - offer special pricing • Penalty - time limit, quantity limit, etc. Right Market - Right Offer - Right Time 3 - Right Time • People buy when they are ready, not when you want to sell them something • Persistent followup The Psychology of the Buying Process Three Steps 1 - know you 2 - like you 3 - trust you The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 1 - Authority / Expert If people perceive you as an expert, they will respect your opinion, and believe what you say is true and worthwhile The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 2 - Liking People do business with people they like If you want a friend, be a friend The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 3 - Commitment and Consistent Behavior Begin with small commitments, things that are easy to agree to Develop the trust relationship over time The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 4 - Reciprocation Do a favor for them first The tendency is to return a favor to someone who has helped us The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 5 - Social Proof Others think you’re good, so you are quickly accepted as good by others (personal testimonials) The Six Psychological Triggers To Use In Every Ad, Salesletter, or Website 6 - Scarcity People tend to want what is scarce Create special offers with a time limit, and/or quantity limit By using these six triggers in every Ad, Salesletter, or Website you quickly get people through the three steps of: 1 - Know you 2 - Like you 3 - Trust you A quick review of the Six Psychological Sales Triggers 1 – Expert Authority 2 – Liking 3 – Commitment / Consistency 4 – Reciprocation 5 – Social Proof 6 – Scarcity Subscription Forms Provided to you by your AR system – copy and paste into your pages In webpages, blogs, popups, sales pages, ordering process, predownload after ordering, exit pages, and unsubscribe pages too Subscription Forms Capture: First name Email address Subscription Forms Capture: First name, Last name, Email address, Physical address, Telephone number Subscription Forms Capture: First name, Last name, Email address, Physical address, Telephone number, and more info, like… Squeeze Page Gets contact info and possibly other info PRIOR to letting people see the main offer sales page Acts as a “Pre-Sell” page to talk up the benefits of what they are about to see Curiosity is the main motivator, along with not being part of the “in crowd” Squeeze Page Uses: Product Pre-Launch Adwords Affiliate Campaign Affiliate Product Campaign Cross-promotion Campaign Etc. Squeeze Page Templates to edit Let’s Do It Q and A Show and Tell Get Lots Of Traffic To Your Pages Newsletter Search Engines Pay Per Click Articles Newsgroups Forums / Your own forums Affiliate Program Joint Ventures Cross Promotions Giveaway Promos Exit Traffic Get Lots Of Traffic To Your Pages Teleseminars Viral ebooks Viral software Podcasts - A / V Trade Ads / Endorsemest Contests Thank You Page Cross Promotions Give Brandable Reprint Rights To Others Give Testimonials Your Loyal Unsubscribers Newsletter Just start one and publish weekly Make it personal Stay ahead of the curve Be an advocate for your readers Write content yourself, or get it from others with your intro to it Search Engines It’s all about getting others to have links on their site pointing back to you with your keywords showing as the clickable URL address on their page <a href="">Keyword Phrase</a> Read this book for SEO onpage strategies: Pay Per Click The Big Three: Articles Write your own, or hire out to freelancers at Elance, Rentacoder, etc Use great titles (headlines) Use signature box with link back to you, using the Keyword Phrase linking strategy Articles Post them to top article directories: Press Releases These sites are considered “expert” sites with high Page Rank, use them to your advantage Newsgroups Join the lists and participate [ know you, like you, trust you ] Forums Search for: forum +topic Join forums and participate [ know you, like you, trust you ] Your Own Forums Comes with most hosting accounts and is a quick setup Set up on your domains and dormant domains too Put Adsense ads on them Let other people create the content for you – you make money Affiliate Program Don’t pay for advertising, pay for results Nurture affiliates, teach them, give them promotional materials Quick Setup: Affiliate Program Affiliate Program Script Installs on your site, lots of payment processors to choose from, full tracking, etc. IdevAffiliate - $99 Joint Ventures Works because of personal endorsements and special offers Different than affiliates Usually time sensitive, or quantity limits, or special situation A – B – C of Joint Ventures Cross Promotions Promote others They promote you 2-way 3-way 5-way Etc. Giveaway Promos 12 Days of Christmas Start small (3-5-10 partners) Exit Traffic After you are done with a visitor and they reach your “thank you” page, or guide them to another page Give recommended resources Use a script to promote others as a Cross Promotion arrangement Teleseminars You as host You as guest (250) (96) Record them, make products for lead generation or sales Teleseminars Equipment (Basic) Dictation Buddy Telephone to computer convertor - TSA-3PC Get headsets from Radio Shack - one to connect to computer sound card, and another to use with the TSA-3PC Telephone to computer convertor (you may also need a Radio Shack headset/handset switch product #43-2017) Teleseminars Equipment (Better Quality) Microphone – Audio Technica AT 3035 Power Source for Mic – Rolls Mini-Mic Preamp MP13 JKAudio – THAT-2 Sony Sound Forge Viral Ebooks Write it yourself, hire someone else, or buy the rights to them Make them rebrandable so others can give them away and make money or build their lists too Have your links in there too bringing traffic back to your site Viral Ebooks PDF Rebranders Free LITE version Viral Software (non-viral, but you could provide customized versions) Hire a coder to write software Podcasts – A / V Internet Infomercial Toolkit Trade Ads / Endorsements Get with other publishers and trade ad space, or just mention their newsletter or site, or publish their article in yours, and yours in theirs Actually endorse another publisher’s site, or newsletter, or blog, or podcasts… and they do the same for you Contests Dream up quizzes, tests Drawings Look out for applicable laws Surveys and give them a gift Thank You Page Cross Promotions After people buy from you, refer them to another person’s products or sites They do the same for you Give Brandable Resale Rights To Others Create products (ebooks, software, etc) that others can sell as their own Just make sure you have a few links back to you in the product so you get some traffic out of it Give Testimonials Write endorsement testimonials that truly express your experience with a product or service Highlight specific benefits you got from the product, siting the specific page or feature that you are praising Don’t self promote in the testimonial Give your name and URL address Your Loyal Unsubscribers Always have a custom unsubscribe page that you can promote to your “loyal unsubscribers” Just because they don’t like you anymore doesn’t mean you can’t make money from them by referring them to someone else – and those people refer their “loyal unsubscribers” to you Google Adwords Let’s take a tour Google Adwords Tip – {keyword:sales line} This can go in your title of the ad when you create it. What will show is the words that people type into the search box. If what they type is longer than 25 characters, the words that you have used as “Sales Line” will show up as the title of your ad. Such as using Dog Jewelry in the phrase above: {keyword:Dog Jewelry} Your title would show as – Dog Jewelry – if they typed in -big dog jewelry in Mississippi If they typed in – big dog jewelry – then your title of your ad would show as – big dog jewelry Google Adwords Tip – 3 Formats {keyword:sales line} – results all small letters {Keyword:Sales line} – results first letter of title is capitalized {KeyWord:Sales Line} – results first letter of each word in title is capitalized Getting Traffic To Your Site What “energy” resources are you willing to spend? Time or money, or both? Important Rule for Traffic Generation Only pay for results, not impressions or links Track each source of traffic separately so you know your ROI (return on investment) Getting Traffic To Your Site Track each keyword or phrase Not all traffic is created equal – find quality traffic, that is traffic that converts to prospects and sales… this is where you spend more time and money Use related keywords to get traffic that others may be missing Example: romance and dating keywords to sell travel packages Tools to use for Traffic Wordtracker Adwords Analyzer Tool to help in setting up Google Adword Ads… It creates Adwords combinations of… Broad – “Phrase” – [Exact] How to pre-qualify your PPC traffic Let them know it costs money and it’s not free – state the price in the ad Tell them it’s not for everyone – tell them specifically who it is for Exclusively for a certain country or geographical area Specify the age group or experience level it’s for Layout tips Use headlines that grab attention Use keywords in your headline Each Headline Word Is Capitalized In the description lines, capitalize only the first word Layout tips One technique is to use features on the first line of the description and benefits on the second line – you should test this by switching lines – benefits first, features second In the web URL address use some capitals and only the main domain name Layout tips The underlying URL can go anywhere on your site, such as: Great headlines will get you clicks Great descriptions will get you clicks Great domain names will get you clicks Test, test, test Test domain names Use domain forwarding and cloaking A directory of PPC Search Engines: Split test in Google AdWords to improve your ranking and click through response (CTR) Congruency – the ad they see should get them to a page that has the same topic and works on it (very important) Okay, let’s do it… Go Get Some Traffic Q and A and… Show and Tell Sequential AR Followup Followup, followup, followup Load in your sequential messages to automatically followup on your niche leads Take the 12 articles and send them out with an intro and call to action at the end Turn this into a year’s worth of messages 22 Messages 1 3 5 7 10 13 16 19 21 28 35 then every 30 days Sequential AR Followup General market topics (14-day cycle evergreen list) Send them to webpages that have: - The intro - The article - Call to action (offer to buy a product, yours or affiliate product - Adsense ads placed inline (in the path of the article - Offers for other freebies, reports, etc. Okay, let’s do it… Setup your Sequential AR Followup for one autoresponder Q and A and… Show and Tell Broadcast Mailings Gifts Specials Time Sensitive Backend offers Big packages JVs – Affiliate products Broadcast Mailings Use the Six Psychological Sales Triggers to your advantage 1 – Expert Authority 2 – Liking 3 – Commitment / Consistency 4 – Reciprocation 5 – Social Proof 6 – Scarcity How To Make Your Email Offers Bring In Ten Times The Profits Are you missing out on 90% of the profits of your business? My typical results (yours will be different) First mail out – 10 % of sales Second mail out – 45 % of sales Third mail out – 45 % of sales Only 10 % of sales were made from mailing one time 90 % of sales were made from the two followups!! Another example… First mail out – 2.3 % of sales Second mail out – 18.2 % of sales Third mail out – 79.5 % of sales 97.7 % of sales were made from the two followups!! Stated another way, I increased the profits of this campaign by 43 times by sending two followups The Secret…. Use a three step letter approach 1 – Introduce the offer 2 – Remind them of the offer 3 – Let them know the offer expires soon The Secret…. Set the schedule over 6 day period Day one – send 1st letter Day three – send 2nd letter Day five – send 3rd letter Day six – the offer expires Letter 1 – Introduce the offer Problem or Discovery Stir it up or discuss benefits Use the six psychological triggers Scarcity – specific deadline day, date, and time Special offer – great price, more bonuses, etc. Letter 2 – Remind them of the offer Dear Firstname, Just a quick reminder about the note I sent you two days ago. If you already took advantage of it, congratulations, you know a great deal when you see one. If you didn’t see this, or if you’d like to take another look before the offer expires, I’ve enclosed another copy for you. Here’s what it was all about… (then include the exact same letter that you sent two days ago) Letter 3 – Let them know the offer expires soon Dear Firstname, Mark Hendricks here. As a courtesy, I'm writing to remind you about the deadline tomorrow, Friday March 18 at 1:00pm Eastern USA time. If you already were one of the many who took advantage of this special deal, congratulations. If you didn't see this, or if you'd like to take a second look before the offer expires, I've enclosed this info again for you. (then include the exact same letter that you sent four days ago) Step 4 – The offer expires promptly at the specified time Make sure you stop the special offer at exactly the time you stated, or your JV partner stated You want people to know that you are telling the truth each and every time you make a special offer, or arrange a special deal for them with a JV partner Broadcast Mailing Let’s do it… Send out a broadcast mailing to your list now using these strategies and techniques Q and A and… Show and Tell Offline To Online Postcards Fax Letters Teleseminars Newspaper / Magazine Ads Printed Books ( Seminars Radio / TV (presenting/attending) Gifts Workshops Business Cards (presenting/attending) Offline To Online The idea is to drive traffic to your webpages and then get the lead to signup – faxback, audio lead capture See postcard samples at back of manual Q and A and… Show and Tell