Reservoir Modeling and Storage Capacity Introduction The ability of the reservoir at Tillegra to supply a population of 85,000 residents was assessed using the storage equation; St+1 = St + Qt – Dt – ΔEt –Lt; where St+1 is the storage at time t+1, St is the storage at time t, Q is inflow, D is demand, E is evaporation losses and L is other losses (e.g. environmental flows). Environmental flows are considered in this equation as a loss to the reservoir, however they can be also considered as a demand. Two cases were considered when assessing the reservoir; the first case considering a stationary climate (dealt with in this section) and the second case climate change. Assessment of the impacts of climate change on storage will be considering in section (..) Height – Surface Area Relationship The proposed dam is located at latitude -32.3203 and longitude 151.6861. To calculate the surface area at different heights, a map of the area was purchased as the map given was pixilated and had no scale. The river height at the dam location was calculated as 87m (AHD). A 2mm grid was printed on transparent sleeves, and using the contour lines on the map, the surface area for 3m, 13m, 23m, 33m, 43m and 53m was calculated. As the grid was relatively small, it was assumed that only small errors would be incurred in this approximated method, it was deemed acceptable and the values for surface area were then used to approximate volume. Height – Volume Relationship Volume was calculated to quantify the storage in cubic metres, as the height of the dam increased. The volume of the reservoir was calculated using the height above 0m (87m AHD), the surface area calculated and the trapezoidal rule. The data of can be seen in table 4.1 below. The volume calculated in Table 4.1 is dependent of the volume assigned to dead storage. Dead storage, under normal conditions is not used for flow control, but rather used for settlement of particles (Votruba, 1989). If reservoir storage reaches dead storage, the dam has deemed to fail. Dead storage was set at 64303 m3 at 3m AHD. As the height of the dam is assumed to be between 30-60m, this value falls in the 5-10% range suggested (Sharda & Juyal, 2005). From the values calculated in Table 4.1, two relationships were calculated to give surface area and volume at any height (h) of the dam. Dam Height (m) Surface Area (1x106 m2) Volume (1x106 m3) 0 0 0 3 13 23 33 43 53 0.04286875 0.62949375 1.79371875 4.09960625 7.220000 11.74660 0.064303125 3.426115625 15.542178125 45.008803125 101.606834375 196.4398421875 Figure 4.1- Height, Surface Area and Volume Data SA (m2) = 4E-08h4 + 3E-05h3 + 0.0026h2 + 0.0076h + 0.0012, R² = 0.9999 Volume (m3) = 6E-06h4 + 0.0009h3 + 0.0021h2 + 0.0658h - 0.067, R² = 1 Both these equations have R2 approximately equal to one, which suggests both equations are good representations of the trend in the data and can be assumed to have little error. The relationship between the plotted data and the equations can be seen in Graphs 1 and 2 in appendix. Model Factors Inflow (Q) Using Matlab and the AWBM, daily evaporation and rainfall data from November 1969 to November 2002 was analysed to give daily runoff values. These runoff values were then multiplied by the area of the catchment (205km2) to give a daily runoff in cubic metres. As seen in the AWBM model evaluation in section 2 of this report, the AWBM tends to dampen peak flow values for large storm events. It was then decided that analysing the storage formula using monthly time steps would be a more accurate method of analysis and would negate any dampening inaccuracy in the model. The daily inflow data was then summed for each month to give total inflow (m3) for each month. Demand (D) Referring to section 2, demand for Tea Gardens in 2040 was estimated at 11.08GL/year. This was split into 6.75GL/year for the township, while 4.33GL/year was estimated for the mine that has been assumed to exist in Tea Gardens in 2040. It is assumed that the mine will have no seasonal fluctuations on water supply and the water demand is evenly distributed between the months of the year. However referring to section 2, it can be seen from graph .., that demand for the township will fluctuate throughout the year with peak demand of 633.15ML in January. The demand per month, distributed with seasonal fluctuation can be seen in figure 1. Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec % distribution ML/month 9.38 633.15 9.1 614.25 8.16 550.8 7.97 537.975 7.62 514.35 7.54 508.95 7.56 510.3 7.66 517.05 8.24 556.2 8.81 594.675 9.02 608.85 8.94 603.45 Figure 1: Seasonal distribution of demand Evaporation (ΔEt) Daily evaporation data (mm) was summed to give monthly totals. This total was then multiplied by the surface area of the reservoir, calculated from the height (h) of the dam wall. This approximation was assumed to be the most accurate method to calculate the loss to the reservoir storage caused by evaporation and gave a monthly evaporation outflow in cubic metres. Other Losses – Seepage, Losses to Aquifer and Environmental Flows (Lt) Environmental flow in the storage analysis of Tillegra Dam can be considered as part of the demand, however in the storage analysis is considered as a loss to the reservoir. The Williams River is classified as a gaining stream (NSW Office of Water, 2009) which means in high storage levels, water will move from the Dam into the aquifer, however in low storage times, water will move from the aquifer into the reservoir to provide bank storage. Consequently, losses or gains to the aquifer are assumed to be negligible for the purpose of this report. Seepage also can be considered as a loss to the dam. However, it has been assumed for this report that seepage under the dam will be in orders of magnitude lower than water demand and thus negligible. Flow requirements of the Williams River are determined based on the conservation of ecological processes. Social and economic requirements are also considerations. “The NSW River Flow Objectives (RFOs) are the agreed targets for surface water flow management. They identify the key elements of the flow regime that protect river health and water quality for ecosystems and human uses and are based on the principle of mimicking the key characteristics of the natural flow regime. The river flow objectives that Hunter Water can assist in achieving are: 1) Protect natural water levels in pools of creeks and wetlands during periods of no flow 2) Protect natural low flows 3) Protect or restore a proportion of moderate flows, “freshes” and high flows 4) Maintain or restore the natural inundation patterns and distribution of floodwaters supporting natural wetland and floodplain ecosystems 5) Mimic the natural frequency, duration and seasonal nature of drying periods in naturally temporary waterways 6) Maintain or mimic natural flow variability in all rivers 7) Maintain rates of rise and fall of river heights within natural bounds 8) Maintain groundwaters within natural levels, and variability, critical to surface flows or ecosystems 9) Minimise the impact of in-stream structures 10) Minimise downstream water quality impacts of storage releases 11) Ensure river flow management provides for contingencies Table 1 Source: Aurecon 2008, Page 18) 12) Maintain or rehabilitate estuarine processes and habitats” (Aurecon 2008) To fulfill the RFOs, commitment from various government agencies would be required. The overall goal would be to achieve an appropriate release strategy from the proposed dam in conjunction with the implementation of an appropriate water sharing plan. Table 1 shows how appropriate dam releases strategies may assist in achieving some of the RFOs. It can be seen that strategies in Table 1 do not meet all of the listed RFOs. “Provided that the river flow objectives are achieved for the Williams River, biodiversity and ecosystem objectives which are interrelated to the flow components of a river will also be met.” (Aurecon 2008) The river flow regime for the Williams River can be characterized by its flow components which depend on the frequency of various flow levels. FIgures 1 and 2 depict how the natural river flows in the Williams River are highly variable. Figure 1 shows the historic daily flows at the Tillegra Bridge site over the last 77 years, highlighting the temporal variability. The flow components and aspects described in Table 2 were derived from the analysis of the data presented in Figure 1, detailing the key functions of each flow component. Figure 2 provides a graphical representation of flow component aspects (timing, duration, frequency). Figure 1 & Figure 2 (Source: Aurecon 2008) Table 2 (Source: Aurecon 2008) It can be seen that the minimum flow requirement for the Williams River occurs during low flow at 24ML/day (1ML/hour). It is necessary to maintain this low flow condition in the river because the low flow connects the instream habitations and the maintenance of aquatic vegetation, whilst it also provides refuge from high flows for biota and a passage for juvenile fish. Additionally, to maintain habitat and sustain species population, a moderate flow between 24ML-100ML/day is required. This range of flows gives an exceedance of 30-70%. It can be concluded that a moderate flow of 50ML/day will approximately result in an exceedance of 50%. 50ML/day will be adopted as the average daily environmental flow discharged from the reservoir. Overflow of the dam wall due to storm events will account for ‘flushes’ and also help mimic natural flow variability. To ensure that environmental flows are representative of natural flow variability, average monthly inflow and percentage distribution (refer to appendix …for full calculation) was calculated using the historical data. The average environmental flow (50ML/day) was distributed based on the percentage per month, giving environmental flows higher variability throughout the year. Distributing the environmental flows monthly also assisted fulfill criterion 2 of the RFO’s, in ensuring natural low flows are protected throughout drier months. The percentage distribution values can be seen in figure…. below. Season % of inflow Jan Feb Mar April 13.9 14.7 17.4 9.5 May 10.7 June July 6.2 3.8 Aug Sept 2.8 2.9 Oct 4.7 Nov 5.7 Dec 7.6 Figure 1: Monthly distribution of Environmental Flow Other Model Considerations Before testing can be carried out on the storage capacity of the reservoir at Tillegra, some other variables need to be assumed, which include level of serviceability, robustness and the starting dam water level. Combining these variables with the storage formula seen in section …, a final dam wall height can be calculated. Tea Gardens residents currently derive water from a borefield in the north-west of Tea Garden’s, providing approximately 12L/s (Mid Coast Water, 2011). As the population will rise to 85,000, this aquifer is seen as unable to supply enough water to match the increased demand. It can be neglected as a source of supply for the purpose of this report, giving a more conservative result. This means that the level of service of the proposed Tillegra Dam is going to be high as it is being considered as the only source of water supply. Levels of serviceability of 95% and 100% have both been considered. When storage levels reach the dead storage value (64303m3), the dam has deemed to fail. Considering a serviceability of 95%, results in an average of 18 days per year of the failing to supply Tea Gardens any water. As the aquifer has been neglected, and demand reductions such as water restrictions have been excluded from calculations, a serviceability of 95% seems reasonable. However just to ensure supply to Tea Gardens in extreme drought periods, a level of serviceability of 100% is more desirable and will be accepted in calculations. The starting dam water level refers to the level which the reservoir is filled to prior to storage calculations commencing. Assuming the starting storage level is at full capacity, can have significant impact if the flow records are unusually low in the early periods of the record (Sharma, 2011). From the historical data it was noted that there was unusually low inflow between April to August 1970. These values appear at the start of the recorded historical data, and thus to assume a starting storage of 100% could have a large impact on the analysis. A starting capacity of 50% has been seen as the conservative alternative to a full capacity starting height and has been assumed for the storage balance equations. Another consideration is the robustness of the dam structure. A good measure of robustness is the severity and frequency of water restrictions over a given time period. As can be seen in figures.. below, Hunter Water suggests and range of restriction levels; stage 1 -60% capacity, stage 2-50%, stage 3-40% and stage 4-30% (Hunter Water, 2011). It was deemed acceptable to accept the same water restriction criteria for the Tillegra Dam. Although these restrictions won’t be factored into demand for calculations (making storage behaviour conservative), the robustness of the structure needs to be analysed to ensure that the town of Tea Gardens are not always on water restrictions. Stages of restriction Water capacity Stage 1 60% Stage 2 50% Stage 3 40% Stage 4 30% Implemented restrictions Ban fixed sprinklers and limited hours use of hand held hoses Same as Stage 1 with use of hand held hoses limited to 2 days per week. Ban use of mains water for outdoor use. Complete ban on outdoor use. Figure 1 and 2, Hunter Water’s Water restriction criteria (source: Hunter Water) Storage Mass Balance and Results – Stationarity With a level of service of 100% and a starting capacity of 50%, storage was calculated using the equation in section…It is recommended that under stationarity, the dam wall be constructed to a height of 31m. This gives a maximum capacity of 36.34GL (including dead storage), and a surface area of 3666071m2. The storage behaviour under stationarity can be seen in figure .. below. The critical period from the analysis is approximately 17 months. As can be seen from figure…, level 4 water restrictions are only reached once for a length of 6 months over the 33 year period of analysis (1.5% of time period). It was concluded that the robustness of the proposed Tillegra Dam is acceptable. Storage Behavioural Diagram - Stationarity 40000000 35000000 Storage (m3) 30000000 25000000 Storage (m^3) 20000000 15000000 Dead Storage 10000000 5000000 5/1/2001 8/1/1999 11/1/1997 2/1/1996 5/1/1994 8/1/1992 11/1/1990 Date 2/1/1989 5/1/1987 8/1/1985 11/1/1983 2/1/1982 5/1/1980 8/1/1978 11/1/1976 2/1/1975 5/1/1973 8/1/1971 11/1/1969 0 Figure .. : Storage Behaviour under stationarity Climate Change Introduction Climate change needs to be considered when designing an engineering structure for future service. To estimate the impact of climate change on the storage calculations for Tillegra, the General Circulation Models (GCMs) were used, and more specifically the A2 envelope as can be seen below in figure…... The GCMs use emission scenarios and solar radiation to simulate the energy and mass balance of the earth (Sharma, 2011). There is uncertainty in temperature and rainfall simulations evident in the error bands in figure… This is due to the complexity of the different variables that impact future temperature and rainfall values. Using the GCMs for estimation of the storage behaviour in 2040, could therefore incur errors in the calculated value. Figure .. : Temperature increase due to climate change (Sharma, 2011) Demand The demand of Tea Gardens in 2040 under climate change has been assumed to be the same as under a stationary climate, although there may be some increase in water demand relating to increasing temperature, for example in agriculture. It has been assumed however that because we have neglected water supply from the aquifer and water restrictions (refer to section ….see above in stationarity section), there has been enough conservative assumptions made to neglect any extra demand due to increasing temperature caused by climate change. Changes in Storage Behaviour due to Climate Change Factors Precipitation Evaporation To predict the variation in storage behaviour due to climate change at Tillegra in 2040, the GCMA2 simulation needs to be Summer 1.06 1.10 correlated with the local historical data at reservoir site. To do Autumn 0.87 1.10 this the Constant Scaling Method was used. This method uses Winter 0.93 1.04 GCM simulations to determine scaling factors as seen in figure Spring 0.83 1.08 ….(Sharma, 2011). These factors are calculated by finding seasonal averages for both precipitation and evaporation for the Figure…Constant scaling method seasonal current climate (assumed as 1960-1990) and compares them to factors for evaporation and precipitation seasonal averages for the future climate based on GCM simulation (2030-2049). These ‘scaling factors’ have then been multiplied by the 33 years of historical data provided (Nov 1969 –Nov 2002) to give a large set of data for analysis of the storage behaviour. Using the AWBM the factored daily data was used to predict daily runoff values. The daily runoff was then summed per month to allow for monthly analysis, similar to the method used in the previous section. Other Model Considerations Similarly to the case for stationarity, level of service and starting dam water level need to be defined before the storage mass balance can be simulated. A level of service of 100% is desired and a starting dam water level of 50% has been assumed. This is similar to the case for stationarity and an in depth discussion on why these values were assumed can be seen in section… Similar values for these parameters were assumed, as climate change has minimal impact on the derivation of these values. Storage Mass Balance and Results – Stationarity With a level of service of 100% and a starting capacity of 50%, the storage mass balance was calculated using the equation in section… It is recommended that under climate change, the dam wall be constructed to a height of 33m. This gives a maximum capacity of 43.85GL (including dead storage), and a surface area of 4208946m2. The storage behaviour due to climate change can be seen in figure .. below. Similar to the condition under stationarity, the critical period from the analysis is approximately 17 months. As can also be seen from figure…, level 4 water restrictions are only reached once for a length of 6 months over the 33 year period of analysis (1.5% of time period). It was concluded that the robustness of the proposed Tillegra Dam under climate change is also acceptable. Storage Behavioural Diagram - Climate Change 50000000 45000000 40000000 Storage (m3) 35000000 30000000 25000000 20000000 Storage (m^3) 15000000 10000000 Dead Storage 5000000 6/1/2001 11/1/1999 4/1/1998 9/1/1996 2/1/1995 7/1/1993 12/1/1991 5/1/1990 10/1/1988 3/1/1987 8/1/1985 1/1/1984 6/1/1982 11/1/1980 4/1/1979 9/1/1977 2/1/1976 7/1/1974 12/1/1972 5/1/1971 10/1/1969 0 Date Figure .. : Storage Behaviour under climate change Reference Mid Coast Water, 2011,Tea Gardens Water Supply, Accessed on 08/08/2011, [Online Source] Available at Sharma, A, 2011, UNSW lecture notes CVEN3031 Aurecon, Tillegra Dam Planning and Environment Assesment for 2008, Accessed on 1st August 2011, < s%20&%20River%20Management.pdf> NSW Office of Water, 2009, Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sharing Plan, accessed 08/08/2011, [Online Source] Available at - Hunter water, 2011, Water Restrictions,Accessed 10/08/2011, [Online Source] Available at -Votruba, L, 1989, Developments in Water Science, Accessed 4/8/11, [Online Publication] -Sharda and Juyal, 2005, Water Harvesting Techniques, Design of Small Dams and Hydraulic Complements, Accessed 4/8/11, [Online Publication] Available at Appendix Graphical representations (Refer to Figures… below.)) of the data displayed in Section … were created in order to observe any errors in the equations for volume and surface area. Surface Area (m2) Vs Reservoir Height (m) 14 y = 4E-08x4 + 3E-05x3 + 0.0026x2 + 0.0076x + 0.0012 R² = 0.9999 Area(1x106 m2) 12 10 8 Surface Area(1x106 m2) 6 Poly. ( Surface Area(1x106 m2)) 4 2 0 0 20 40 Reservoir Height (m) Graph 1 60 Volume (m3) Vs Reservoir Height (m) 250 y = 6E-06x4 + 0.0009x3 + 0.0021x2 + 0.0658x - 0.067 R² = 1 Volume (1x106 m3) 200 150 Volume( 1x106m3) 100 Poly. (Volume( 1x106m3)) 50 0 0 20 40 60 Reservoir Height (m) Graph 2 Appendix Storage Mass balance The equation for storage at time t+1 is given by; St+1 = St + Qt – Dt – ΔEt –Lt. When maximum capacity of the dam is reached (stationarity = 36.34GL, climate change = 43.85GL), the storage value needs to be replaced by the maximum capacity storage value rather than the addition of St+1. This is because any storage over maximum capacity becomes overflow of the dam wall. When the storage mass balance was simulated for the historical period, starting at the beginning of simulation, any storage value over maximum capacity was replaced by the maximum capacity, then any preceding storage value was calculated using St+1. This ensured that there was no storage value higher than maximum capacity. Appendix Environmental flow monthly distribution Season Sum of flows Number of data values Jan 400423691.5 33 12134051.26 13.90493108 Feb 422955057 33 12816819.91 14.68734504 Mar 502447394.5 33 15225678.62 17.44775981 April 273934386.5 33 8301042.02 9.512520976 May 308235396.5 33 9340466.56 10.70364226 June 177879791.5 33 5390296.71 6.176972776 July 110168353 33 3338434.94 3.825656144 Aug 79506052 33 2409274.30 2.760891019 Sept 84696836.5 33 2566570.80 2.941143841 Oct 135567504.5 33 4108106.20 4.707655533 Nov 169604208 34 4988359.06 5.716375137 Dec 219294076 33 6645275.03 7.615106393 87264375.41 100 TOTAL Average Inflow % of inflow Figure … To mimic the natural variability in flow, the environmental flow was distributed according to the average percentage inflow per month. These were calculated by finding the sum of each month’s inflow over the 33 years of data, and dividing by the total number of data values for that month. Then the percentage distribution was calculated as can be seen above in figure… Climate change-GCM Constant Scaling method The constant scaling method used current (1960-1990) average precipitation and evaporation and compared to future (2030-2049), to calculate seasonal factors as can be seen in table … below Summer Autumn Winter Spring Current(1960-1990) AVE. PREC AVE. EVAP 375.3641906 479.053518 159.5704814 209.9565796 68.25770764 126.2279141 122.2298658 404.9554683 Future (2030-3049) AVE. PREC AVE. EVAP 399.5348268 526.2852396 139.4905586 231.0946474 63.4032972 131.3463034 101.9243592 438.9181083 Table. .. Constant Scaling factors calculated. Factors Summer Autumn Winter Spring Precipitation 1.06 0.87 0.93 0.83 Evaporation 1.10 1.10 1.04 1.08