Secession and the Civil War

A.P. U.S. History
Mr. Krueger
Born 1809 to poor illiterate parents –Self educated
 1831 settled in New Salem, and made a living as a
Surveyor – Shopkeeper – Postmaster
 Found some success in law and politics
 Became a leader of the Whig Party and a lawyer in Illinois
 Served one term in Congress (1847-1849)
Believed slavery should be tolerated because it was
protected by the constitution
He attacked Douglas’ popular sovereignty because it
allowed for slavery expansion.
He joined the Republicans and became the
presidential candidate in 1860 – he was adept in
party leadership.
Lincoln held the party together by: Persuasion,
Patronage, Flexible Policy Making.
 Lincoln identified with the Northern cause and could inspire
others to make sacrifices for it.
“The Civil War put on trial the very
principle of democracy at a time when
European nations rejected political
liberalism, and accepted the
conservative views that popular
government would collapse into
The Storm Gathers
Lincoln’s election led to the secession of
7 states.
 This did not lead directly to war.
 For this to happen:
 A final compromise effort must fail.
 The North must make a final decision to
maintain the Union by military action.
All realized that when the guns blazed at
Fort Sumter that this would be resolved
on the battlefield.
The Deep South Secedes
South Carolina was the 1st to secede
 Pro-slavery
 Southern Rights
 December 20, 1860 – S. Carolina dissolved itself from the
 Justification – They charged that a sectional party had
elected a president whose opinions and purposes were
hostile to slavery.
By Feb. 1st – 7 states seceded: S. Carolina,
Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Louisiana,
Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas
immediate secession was unnecessary due to
Lincoln’s election
 Whigs maintained influence here during sectional crisis
 More willing to compromise because they were tied to the
 Cooperationists – wanted the south to act as an entirety.
The Montgomery Convention
Without the border states, delegates of the
Deep South met in Montgomery, Alabama
(Feb. 4th) to establish the Confederate
States of America (CSA).
 The convention acted as a provisional
government while drafting a permanent
 They take a moderate approach
 Ideas voted down:
○ Reopen Atlantic Slave Trade
○ Abolish 3/5th compromise and count all slaves
○ Prohibit the admission of free states to the new
The Montgomery Convention
The central government was denied the right to:
 Impose protective tariffs
 Subsidize internal improvements
 Interfere with slavery in the states
Similar to the US Constitution – but with traditional
southern interpretations
It was required to pass laws protecting slavery in the
 Jefferson Davis (Mass.) – President
 Alexander Stephens (Georgia) – V.P.
Radicals were denied positions of authority, and
moderate views were taken to draw in the border
Lincoln’s election developed southern fears that the
north wouldn’t leave slavery alone.
Goals of the CSA
The Montgomery Convention showed that the
goal was not to create a slave holder utopia,
but to recreate the Union prior to the
Republican party. Secession was a last resort.
The decision to allow free states into the CSA
showed moderation. It was a very
conservative revolution.
The only justification for southern
independence was the “peculiar institution”
Vice president Stephens states “that the Negro
is not equal to the white man, that slavery
subordination to the superior race is a natural
Failure of Compromise
Deep South sought independence – the moderate
northerners and border slave states sought
Dec. 1860 – Sen. John Crittenden of Kentucky
presented a plan: Extend the Missouri Compromise
line to the Pacific
 It would protect slavery in the territories south of the line
 Federal compensation to the owners of escaped slaves
 Constitutional Amendment that would forever prohibit the
fed. Gov. from interfering with slavery
Initially, the Republicans showed a willingness to
Lincoln was strongly opposed to the slavery line
extension (as strong as an oak)
Congress then voted the plan down
Congressmen in seceding states also voted it down
Lincoln’s Fault?
Historians generally blame Lincoln for the
unnecessary war, because he would not support the
But it’s believed the approval of the compromise
wouldn’t have halted the Deep South from seceding.
Lincoln felt that extending the Missouri Compromise
to the Pacific wouldn’t halt the agitation for extending
slavery to the new territories.
They felt the only solution to the house divide was to
remove the chance of slavery expansion.
In his Inaugural Address (March 4, 1861) he stated
many patriotic men urged him to accept the
compromise, that would shift the ground on which he
was elected. Lincoln said it signified that an elected
President can’t be inaugurated until he betrays those
that elected him.
And the War Came…
By Lincoln’s Inauguration:
 7 states seceded
 They formed an Independent Confederacy
 Seized many Fed. Forts in the Deep South – all
accomplished without firing a single shot
Commercial trade with the south was important, but
some felt we were better off with the Deep South
By March public opinion shifted to strong action to
preserve the Union
Business now put most of its weight behind coercive
measures – reasoning – temporary loss of
commerce was better than a permanent loss of the
south as a market, and raw materials.
Lincoln called for cautions and limited use of force.
He would defend un-captured forts in the South. This
shifted the beginning of hostilities on the south.
…it hit the fans….
Lincoln knew Fort Sumter must be reinforced –
his cabinet felt it was indefensible
 Sec. of State William Seward informed the
Confederacy of the indefensible fort
Lincoln ordered supplies and provisions sent to Fort
Sumter – sent word to the gov. of S. Carolina
(Apr. 8-9) The Confederate authorities felt the
resupplying of F. Sumter was a hostile act and
attacked (Apr. 12)
Union Forces surrendered under Major Robert
Anderson, the Confederate Flag was raised.
The south assumed responsibility for firing the 1st
More Secession
Lincoln called for a militia of the loyal states to
provide 75,000 volunteers
Two days later Virginia joined the Confederacy
 In the next 5 weeks – Arkansas, Tennessee, N. Carolina
followed Virginia
 They had been unwilling to secede due to Lincoln’s
election, but when he asked for troops they were forced to
choose a side.
 They believed secession was a constitutional right and
were quick to cut ties to the Union
In the north, the firing on Fort Sumter proved to unite
the Union
The CSA moved its capital from Montgomery to
In the border states of Maryland, Delaware,
Kentucky, and Missouri – secession was stopped by
local unionism and federal intervention.
 Maryland was kept in the Union by Martial Law
 Missouri experienced brutal and bloody guerilla fighting –
very unsafe place.
What was the Civil War?
Not just a struggle between free and slave
 More than anything conflicting views on the right of
secession determined the ultimate division of states,
and the choice of people in areas where sentiments
were divided
 Robert E. Lee was not a:
○ Defender of Slavery
○ Southern Nationalist
 Lee went south because he was a loyal son to a
sovereign state
 General George Thomas (VA) chose the Union
because he felt it to be indissoluble
The two sides would define the war less as a
struggle over slavery than as a contest to
determine whether the union was undividable
Adjusting to Total War
The Civil War was “total war”
 It was a long war because the south put
up a “hell” of a fight
 Total war tests societies, economies,
and political systems
 Also, a battle of wits between generals
and military strategists
Prospects, Plans, and
North Advantage – Population, Industries,
 South Advantage – Defend its territory,
Could choose the timing/place for battle,
Familiar with terrain
 The North had to invade and conquer, the
South could define its cause as protecting
 South expected/assumed:
 Their armies to be better fed
 Support from England and France because of
cotton market
South – Offensive defense
North – Anaconda Plan – like a boa
constrictor, squeeze the south into submission
Blockade southern ports
Seize control of the Mississippi River
Cut off food supply and other commodities
Lincoln decides on a two front war
○ Pressure Virginia
○ Advance down the M. River Valley to isolate Texas and
 Problems: North lacked superior military leadership
At the beginning both sides had more volunteers
then could be outfitted and armed
Recruiting was done by states – they were reluctant
to give up forces
 CSA passes Conscription Law (1862)
 Lincoln set quotas – if not met a draft followed
War materials produced by private industries
South had problems:
 Weak industrial base – needed outside help
 Relied on cash government programs to get needed
 Agriculture could not meet the demands of total war
Both sides had financial problems
 Taxes, selling war bonds, printing more money (paper)
Political Leadership
Both Constitutions made the President Commander
and Chief, politics persisted
 Elections, Influence of parties and factions
Lincoln was bold in assuming new executive powers
Expanded the army
Advanced public money to private individuals
1861 – declared martial law
Suspended habeas corpus between Philadelphia and
 Lincoln believed this power was necessary
Davis was a weak war leader
 Defined powers literally
 Personally directed the army, but left policy making to the
Confederate Congress
 Played favorites with Confederate Leadership – two of the
CSA’s best generals were denied assignments, while
Braxton Bragg kept a major assignment
 Gradually loses CSA support because he had no party
Campaigns and Battles
Famous Battles?
Bull Run
The West
The Wilderness
Sherman’s March
Appomattox Court House
Major Roles
George McClellan
Ulysses S. Grant
Stonewall Jackson
Robert E. Lee
William T. Sherman
1861 – Congress voted that the war was fought to
preserve the Union, not to change the domestic
institutions in any states
 However, Congress authorized the government to
confiscate the slaves of masters who supported the CSA
 Lincoln favored freeing slaves, but not immediately
○ Prolonged Emancipation – did not want to alienate Union
elements in the Border States
Drafted his speech, but would wait for a major victory so
as to not seem desperate
After Antietam, his issued the Emancipation Proclamation
– 100 days to give up the struggle without losing their
CSA congress did not respond – Lincoln declared slaves
officially free
Did not immediately free slaves, but committed the Union
to abolition
About 25% of slave population gain freedom during
the war
Africans Americans in War
What was it like?
 What did they have to do?
 Views on this?
 What about morale in North and South?
 Riots? And Copperheads?
 Lincoln vs. Booth on April 9 at the Fords
Effects of the War
618,000 victims of war due to enemy fire or
Women who served in the war now led reform
movements for women
4 million African Americans were emancipated
from slavery wondering if they would be equal
North industries lost ground economically
because prices rose faster than wages
Immigrants were optimistic because many had
served in the war, this weakened Nativist
The war also decided that the federal
government had power over the state
The End?
Congress passed laws during the war to
encourage business and agriculture –
Republicans supported this.
 High Tariffs, Homestead Act, National Bank
 “Big Business”
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that the Civil War
changed American thought.
 Organization, government, and civilization over the
deeds of private men
 The North won because it was able to organize,
innovate, and modernize better than the South
 The age of science and technology will now follow