… could their antioxidant and antiinflammatory components interfere with prostaglandin metabolism and thus influence fetal ductus arteriosus dynamics? FOOD FREQUENCY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR QUANTIFICATION OF DAILY INGESTION OF POLIPHENOLS ORIENTATION TO WITHDRAWL FOODS WITH MORE OF 30mg/100g COMPLETE REVERSION IN 96.3% (48/52 FETUSES WITH DUCTAL CONSTRICTION) (3 WEEKS AFTER SUSPENSION OF THE SUBSTANCES) CONSTRICTION OF DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS Pulsatility Index 2.19 ± 0.43 1.70 ± 0.41 PRE POST P=0.001 Polyphenols FLAVONOIDS FLAVONOLS FLAVONS FLAVAN - 3 - ONS FLAVONONS ANTOCYANIDINS Catequinas Epicatequinas Teaflavinas ANTIINFLAMMATORY AND ANTIOXIDANT EFFECTS OF COMMON FOODS GREEN TEA ORANGE JUICE BLACK TEA DARK CHOCOLATE MATE TEA RESVERATROL 3rd TRIMESTER MATERNAL INGESTION • HERBAL TEAS AND OTHER FLAVONOID-RICH FOODS [3-gallate-gallocatechin, quercitin, cacao,…] • GRAPE DERIVATIVES [resveratrol] POLYPHENOLS WITH ANTIINFLAMMATORY ACTIONS DEPENDENT ON INHIBITION OF COX-2 AND PROSTAGLANDINS FETAL DUCTAL CONSTRICTION ? CONSTRICTION OF DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS IN NORMAL FETUSES, DUCTAL FLOW DYNAMICS AND RIGHT VENTRICULAR SIZE ARE INFLUENCED BY MATERNAL CONSUMPTION OF POLYPHENOL-RICH FOODS (CASE-CONTROL STUDY) Warn mothers about this... zielinsky@cardiol.br CONSTRICTION OF DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS Daily consumption of polyphenols 1509.05 mg/day (>perc 75) GA=32 ± 2 wks 2000 (28 - 38 wks) 1000 80.05 mg/day (<perc 25) 0 AT DIAGNOSIS AFTER ORIENTATION P= 0.0001 DOPPLER BEFORE AND AFTER INGESTION OF GREEN TEA (CASES) p < 0.001 SYST VEL p < 0.001 DIAST VEL p =0.003 PI Heart specimen of a fetal lamb exposed to green tea VD VE RV HYPERTROPHIC AND DILATED RV/LV RATIO DUCTAL HISTOLOGY IN FETAL LAMB EXPOSED TO GREEN TEA 687.7 um DUCTAL LUMEN DECREASED DUCTAL LUMEN AND INCREASED MEDIAL AVASCULAR ZONE THICKNESS DUCTAL HISTOLOGY 238.4 MEAN CONTROLS THICKNESS: AVASCULAR ZONE Case 255.3 ± 97.9 AVASCULAR ZONE Control 933.3 MEAN CASES THICKNESS: p < 0.001 746.6 ± 214.6 OBJECTIVE To investigate the interrelationships between fetal ductal flow dynamics, oxidative damage and polyphenol excretion after experimental exposure of PRF in sheep during late pregnancy 15 STUDY SETUP SUFFOLK SHEEP (90-100kg) >120 DAYS GESTATION Control PRF N=5 N=10 BASAL Control PRF N= 2 N= 7 14 DAYS Habitual diet (basic polyphenol ingestion) Statistics: Generalized Estimating Equations, post hoc Bonferroni. PRF supplementation (basic ingestion + 3100 mg/day OPEN CLINICAL TRIAL n = 72 FETUSES 1st ECHO 2 weeks GA > 28 WEEKS 2nd ECHO 2 weeks 3rd ECHO Nutritional Questionnaire Nutritional Questionnaire SUSPENSION OF POLYPHENOL_ RICH FOODS CONSTRICTION OF DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS Daily consumption of polyphenols 1509.05 mg/day (>perc 75) GA=32 ± 2 wks 2000 (28 - 38 wks) 1000 80.05 mg/day (<perc 25) 0 AT DIAGNOSIS AFTER ORIENTATION P= 0.0001 CONSTRICTION OF DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS CONCLUSION OF INTERVENTIONAL STUDY The oriented restriction of maternal ingestion of polyphenol-rich foods in the third trimester is followed by regression of fetal ductal constriction. IN NORMAL FETUSES, DUCTAL FLOW DYNAMICS AND RIGHT VENTRICULAR SIZE ARE INFLUENCED BY MATERNAL CONSUMPTION OF POLYPHENOL-RICH FOODS (CASE-CONTROL STUDY) 143 NORMAL FETUSES FROM NORMAL MOTHERS IN THE THIRD SEMESTER OF PREGNANCY 28.4 ± 3.1 wks (23-38 wks) 102 FETUSES WITH MATERNAL INGESTION OF POLIPHENOLS (> 75th PERCENTILE, 1089 MG) 41 FETUSES WITHOUT MATERNAL INGESTION OF POLIPHENOLS (< 25th PERCENTILE, 127 MG) FETAL DOPPLER ECHOCARDIOGRAM FETAL DUCTAL FLOW VELOCITIES AND RV/LV RATIO ACCORDING TO MATERNAL POLYPHENOL CONSUMPTION SYST VEL DIAST VEL P<0.001 P=0.011 0.17 0.96 0.96 >PERC 75 0.11 0.61 PERC 75 >PERC 75 <PERC 25 RV/LV RATIO 0.96 P<0.001 1.23 0.94 >PERC 75 <PERC 25 <PERC 25 Fetal ductal constriction detection in fetal CHD Consider the possibility of mild ductal constriction in any fetal left heart disease (HLHS) with a decreasing CV Profile score (TR, decreasing RV function) Counsel mothers on polyphenol foods early after fetal diagnosis Use of Maternal Indomethacin and Fetal Ductal Constriction • Indomethacin doses of 25 mg PO BID or TID are effective for tocolysis • Short course of 48 hours is well tolerated • Some types of ductal dependent CHD can have short-course indomethacin tocolysis safely i.e. pulmonary atresia, Tetralogy of Fallot, etc. Effects of Indomethacin ductal closure in R heart disease e.g. Ebstein and TV dysplasia • Constriction/occlusion of the ductus arteriosus • Theoretical constriction of coronary arteries • Increase in pulmonary vascular resistance • • • • Benefits Prevent or reverse pulmonary valve regurgitation Decrease tricuspid valve regurgitation Promote systolic pulmonary arterial flow Improve systemic flow Approach to the fetus with CHD and preterm labor • Early identification • Address the cause (i.e. infection, indocin for poly) • Aggressive management of cervical incompetence, Redefine “viability” • Screen for CHF • Consider tocolysis early Advances in Perinatal Cardiology 10th Fun in the Sun Course Oct.23-26, 2014 St. Petersburg, FL Focus: Fetal Cardiac Treatment Arrhythmia Management See www.allkids.org “Conferences”