ObjectARX® Best Practices
Davis Augustine
Autodesk, Inc.
© 2011 Autodesk
Class Summary
We will cover concepts and practices important for ObjectARX developers. Key
areas include general application organization, development tools, localization, user
interface and logic separation, error handling, portability, performance, extensibility,
installation, maintenance, testing, and debugging.
© 2011 Autodesk
What we’ll Discuss
Not a primer – more of a sampling of best practices
See developer support and training for comprehensive how-to’s
 My background is in AutoCAD internals, database and dwg frameworks
ObjectARX involves native C++, not .NET
See other classes for .NET best practices
Upcoming Release features still under NDA
Refer to Monday’s ADN conference
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Some Related Classes
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Parallel Programming in an AutoCAD® Application
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How Do You Do? And Undo? And Redo? And Undo from Redo?
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Porting ObjectARX® Applications and User Interfaces to AutoCAD® for Mac®
Fenton Webb: CP2080 – Tues 1:15pm
Gopinath Taget: CP2526 – Thur 1:15pm
Improving Your ObjectARX® C++ Code
Mike Dickason: CP5177 – Thur 3:15pm
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ObjectARX vs Other Technologies
“Managed” languages. C#
Safer, more powerful and more friendly
WPF U/I framework
 Not available on Mac
There is a third party technology called Mono
Does not support custom classes (enablers)
Not well supported in 64-bit
 Not available on Mac
 Will be removed soon
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ObjectARX vs Other Technologies
Visual LISP
Oldest extension technology. Easy to write and deploy
 U/I options limited – DCL
DCL also available to C++, is platform independent
Can access COM model
 Nice GUI
Limited to what you can send on the command line
 Use CUI to override and customize commands
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Tools and SDKs
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (SP1)
Install both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) support (not IA64)
 ObjectARX SDK for Windows
 Can do all development on 64-bit Windows and cross compile
But can’t run 32-bit AutoCAD on 64-bit OS
Mac XCode IDE
ObjectARX SDK for the Mac
64-bit only
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Big Split – Application Stack
ARX apps
AutoCAD Windows
ARX apps
CRX apps
DBX apps
AutoCAD Mac
AutoCAD Core Engine
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Project Types - ARX
ARX, CRX and DBX Modules
All are essentially DLLs
Must match 32 or 64 bit-ness of main EXE
ARX implements Graphical U/I
Dialogs, Tool palettes,
Requires AutoCAD or a vertical (e.g. ADT) as the host app
Can be done in .NET also
Currently often contains the CRX component
Often platform (Mac or Windows) specific
Should be an MFC extension on Windows
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Project Types – CRX
CRX implements business logic
Can run on CoreDll-based Host Apps
 Platform independent (Mac, Windows, WS)
 Should not use MFC
 May be driven by ARX App
Through command strings or C++ function calls
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Project Types – DBX
DBX (enabler) implements a custom class
More complicated to develop
Proxy and versioning issues
Can load under Real-Dwg based Apps
Usually do not define commands or functions
Cannot be done in .NET
Should not use MFC
Consider using Overrules instead
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Windows ARX Using MFC
ARX can be an MFC extension DLL
Must link to dynamic MFC lib, not static lib
 MFC is a “mature” framework
Use AcUi and AdUi classes to implement dialogs, toolbars, etc
Work with AutoCAD windows better than standard MFC classes
 Provide functionality not available in standard MFC
Tabbed dialogs, interaction with AutoCAD windows, TextTips, DrawTips, etc, etc
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Localization and Resources
Keep strings, bitmaps etc in resource dlls
Translate the resource dll to different locales
 Visual Stdio sets up projects this way automatically
MFC often uses a default resource module
CString::LoadString(UInt nId);
 AfxSetResourceHandle(), AfxGetResourceHandle()
 CAcModuleResourceOverride class switches the default
Dynamic locale switching
On Mac, resources are part of bundles
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Heap Mismatch Issues
Production AutoCAD uses “dll” C Runtime Lib (msvcrt)
Other options are static libs (libc, libcmt)
 And debug libs (libcd, libcmtd, msvcrtd)
 And other MSVC versions (VS 2008)
Some ARX APIs expect client to use same heap as acad.
E.g., any API taking a non-const AcArray argument
The array may be grown (i.e. reallocated) by acad
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Visual Studio
Debug build should disable optimization
But still should use release clib and mfc
 Enable PDB files for both release and debug
 Increase warning level to 3, make warnings fatal
/W3 /WX
Use .props files to
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets">
Project=“C:\MyProj\MyShared.props" />
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Project Types - Mac
Use .dylib for DBX
Use .bundle/.framework type for ARX
Application framework is called COCOA
Can use C++ or Objective C
C++ uses gnu compiler
 Objective C very different from C++
// Objective C
int n = [myObj getInt:nArg];
// C++
int n = myObj->getInt(nArg);
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Installing ARX Applications
Recommend using AutoLoader
Copy or install files to one of two special folders
 C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MyApp.bundle
Create a master XML file to describe the deployment
 Works with the app store (Exchange)
Can use Microsoft MSI
Well tested, integrated with Windows
Can also do xcopy or unzip or use InstallShield or whatever
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Loading Applications - Manually
arx load
(arxload “myapp”)
From AutoCAD command line
Lisp function also callable from lisp scripts
AppLoad dialog
Drag and drop
From explorer to AutoCAD window
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Loading Applications – on Startup
Acad.rx text file
Registry: Dialogs\Appload\Startup
Set up by AppLoad
AcadDoc.lsp – invoked at dwg open
Windows command line arg
acad /ld MyApp.arx
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Loading Applications – on Demand
ARX apps via registered command
DBX enablers via dwg open
Dwg contains custom object or entity
 App name attached to class via newAcRxClass()
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Register your developer symbols to avoid name clashes
http://www.autodesk.com/symbreg/index.htm .
Create commands via acedAddCommand()
Invoke commands via acedCommand() and acedCmd()
These APIs use a “co-routine” stack mechanism on Windows
0x00010000 // For internal use only
Sending commands from modeless controls
sendStringToExecute() is asynchronous
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Commands – and Fibers
Fibers are used to support simultaneous stacks
Also known as coroutines
 Similar to multi-threading, but fiber switches are controlled
Not available on Mac.
Microsoft has warned they’re going away too
Issues with managed environments
Use new acedCommandS() which bundles args with command
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Use acedDefun() and acedRegFunc() to declare functions callable by Lisp
Obtain resbuf list arg via acedGetArgs()
Invoke lisp functions from C++ by calling acedInvoke()
Use a registered developer symbol (RDS) on function names
4-letter prefix. Free and easy to register
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Programming Practices - Strings
Use String Classes
AcString, CString or std::wstring
 CString may not be portable to Mac
Use Unicode wchar_t, not ansi char
-define UNICODE=1 in project (CharacterSet=Unicode)
When persisting to a file, consider UTF-8
More compact
 Easy to convert from utf-16 or utf-32
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Programming Practices – XData and XRecords
XData is older, simpler
Less overhead
 Limited to 16k or 32k max size
 Easier to deal with in Lisp
 Resbuf list processing can get messy
XRecords are AcDbObjects
Usually owned by another Object’s Extension Dictionary
Easier to locate than xdata because of dictionary key
Unlimited size
Resbufs can be awkward here too
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Programming Practices - Misc
Be aware of dwg’s version GUID
Uniquely identifies a dwg file – regenerated on every save
 Useful for associating dwgs to external databases
Object handles normally never change
Except during wblock *
Use comments and asserts liberally
It sounds obvious, but is usually not done
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Portability Tips
Do not use long type
Is 64 bits on Mac/gnu C++
Use IntPtr or other polymorphic types for variables that hold pointer and int vals
Many Win32 APIs emulated in Mac ObjectARX
Isolate U/I code into separate module
from Dialogs and fancy U/I controls difficult to share
Can use DCL as a crude portable U/I framework
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Error Handling – Out of Memory
More likely in 32-bit environment
Encourage customers to migrate to 64-bits
Treated by AutoCAD as a fatal error
Both AutoCAD and Windows may warn before it happens
 No point in checking for malloc or new returning NULL in your code
Apps can temporarily override out-of-memory handling
Use C++ set_new_handler() to intercept the event
 Check for NULL returned by new or malloc in that case
 Restore the previous new_handler()
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Error Handling – Opening and Closing Objects
acdbOpen and upgradeOpen may fail
Check results for eOk, handle failure gracefully
 Use SmartPointer classes for more reliable open/close
dbobjptr.h, dbobjptr2.h – ReadableAcDbObject, WriteableAcDbObject
 Also help with objects on locked layers
Don’t open objects for write unless you need to
Don’t forget to close objects
May lead to future failures to open
 Smart pointers can help with this too
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Error Handling – CERs
Fatal Error Causes
Access violations
 Internal fatal errors
 Out of memory
 Other unhandled exceptions
Customer Error Reports
Register your app so that Autodesk can contact you about CERs
Your customers may email you the CER zip files for your inspection
AutoCAD symbol server at symbols.autodesk.com/symbols
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Performance Tips – Dwg Files
Opening dwg files
_SH_DENYWR is lazy, but locks out writers
 _SH_DENYNO reads in whole file, allows other access
 kTryForReadShare attempts to do _SH_DENYWR, falls back to _SH_DENYNO
For batch processing, consider separate processes per dwg
Isolates the operations on each dwg
No accumulated leaks
Allows parallelism
Requires communication between main process and slave processes
Use shared memory, pipes, COM, or messages to communicate
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Performance Tips – Undo
Consider partial undo recording for custom objects
Consider disabling and re-enabling undo around some operations
By default, entire object is filed out to undo filer
E.g., if you are going to open a dwg, make some changes, save it and quit
Undo file currently has a 2G logical limit
File can be cleared by disabling and reenabling undo
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Performance Tips – Misc
Don’t worry about micro coding tricks
Compiler is very good at optimizing. Concentrate on code readability
 E.g.: *dest++ = *src++;
Pre-allocate array space to avoid slow buffer growth
AcArray<T>::setLogicalLength() or setPhysicalLength()
 std::vector<T>::resize()
Consider linking with /delayload switch
Will leave dlls out of memory until they are first called
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Custom Objects - Filing
In dwgOutFields and dwgInFields, first file a version integer
Use filerType() to decide whether all data needs to be filed
Will come in handy during future versions
E.g.: kPurgeFiler, kIdXlate filer only need to see ObjectIds
Consider overriding cloneMeForDragging() to return false
Avoids cloning during drag - good for very large entities
Also override dragStatus().
All transformBy() calls up to dragStatus() are drag updates
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http://adn.autodesk.com/ (whitepapers, knowledge base, etc)
 http://usa.autodesk.com/support/documentation/ (product user guides)
 Arxdev.chm (ObjectARX Developers Guide)
 http://Wikihelp.autodesk.com/ - (articles on various products and technologies)
http://through-the-interface.typepad.com/through_the_interface/ (.NET oriented)
 http://arxdummies.blogspot.com/ (simple arx tutorial)
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Thank you!
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