Research Project

Al Capone Does My Shirts – Project Sheet
Directions: You will need to pick one project from the selection below. The project will be
due _____________________. Please ask if you need clarification on any of the projects.
1. Multi – Media: Research Alcatraz and find out what it was like when it was an active
prison. When did it open? When did it close as a prison and why? What is the island
currently used for? What was life like on the island for the families of people who
worked there, when it was open? Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your
findings. You will need to have a minimum of 10 slides, including a title slide and a
works cites slide. Make sure to include pictures and any interesting facts you came
across in your research!
2. Art: Draw a map of the layout of Alcatraz Island and prison, based on descriptions from
the book. Your map should be on a poster board with no clipart – this is your drawing.
You then need to find passages from the book that describe the island and setting.
Include those passages on your map. You will also need to include a paragraph as to the
reasons the setting of the book is an integral setting (see notes from English class).
3. English: Research and report on Al Capone. Who was he? What did he go to prison for?
How long was he there and what was his fate? Write a biographical research paper on Al
Capone. You will need to write a 5 paragraph essay – introduction paragraph, 3 body
paragraphs based on the project questions above, and a conclusion paragraph.
4. History: Research and report on this question – Has anyone ever escaped from Alcatraz?
Write a 3 paragraph report on your findings. You will also need to find a library book on
the history of Alcatraz. Read through the book and find 2-3 pictures, passages or other
interesting facts that you can share about the history of Alcatraz.
5. Health & Science: Fins out more about autism. What are the signs of the disorder? Are
there ways to control it? Make an informative pamphlet about autism, supported by
research. You will need to make a tri-fold pamphlet – with all sections covered with
facts, pictures and information. You also need to cite your information from research on
your pamphlet.