Mastering Medical Necessity And OIG Compliance for Physician Practices AGENDA I. OIG Compliance Plan A. B. II. 1995 & 1997 Guidelines A. B. III. C. D. Diagnosis and management options Data complexity Risk Signature Requirements A. VII. General Exam Specialty Specific Exam The Medical Decision Making A. B. C. VI. Chief Complaint HPI 1. Elements PFSH 1. Pertinent data ROS 1. Systems The Exam A. B. V. Difference between 95 & 97 Difference between Initial visits and Follow ups The History A. B. IV. Elements 1. Auditing and monitoring 2. Written Standards 3. Compliance Officer 4. Training and Education 5. Response to Violations 6. Communication 7. Enforcement HIPAA 1. Awareness and Training 2. Electronic Systems 3. Gaps and Weakness 4. Develop and Implement Signature Guidelines Auditing the Note A. Sample Notes Free for AAPC members - $20.00 for NON-AAPC members You must have your active AAPC membership card to be free Space is limited – Reservation is required – 609-261-5755 You will be turned away if there is no room and you have not registered.