NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Y-Bias and Angularity:© The Dynamics of Self-Organizing Criticality From the Zero Point to Infinity NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Abstract: The quest of modern physics has been to develop a model which correctly describes the role and dynamics of the interactions which govern Natural processes. In order for the model which describes these interactions to be robust, it must not only accommodate phenomena which are known to occur, but must also accommodate all rigorously documented phenomena, predict phenomena which are as-yet undiscovered, and allow for the inclusion of all rigorously observed, impeccably documented, carefully reported data derived from all sources. To be adequate, any universally applicable physical model must also accommodate the contemporaneous interaction between Descartes' 'physical stuff' and what he referred to as 'spirit stuff' with equal cogency and grace. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Introduction – Invalid Assumptions • Invariance of the Alpha Constant • The speed of light as the upper limit to transport velocities • Planck’s Constant as the primary limit of time and spatial dimensions • Four Primary Field Effects regarded as mutually exclusive, a priori, and exclusionary • The Big Bang Cosmological Model of the Universe • Black Holes • Dark Energy & Dark Matter NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Unexplained Fundamentals • • • • • • • Matter Mass Energy Magnetism Gravitational field effects Superluminal velocities Simultaneity, defined as non-local effects at a distance NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Big Bang Model • • • • • • • • • • A Priori Field Effects 4 Mutually Exclusive Field Effects Causality EPR Model of Gravitational Field Effects Mass – an intrinsic property of matter Magnetism – an intrinsic property of some kinds of matter C = upper limit to vector velocities The Universe is constantly expanding Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Entropy NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Big Bang Theory - Issues •The Antimatter Problem •The Galaxy Formation Problem •The Isotropy Problem •The Flatness Problem NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Erroneous Concepts Spawned by the Big Bang Model • • • • • • • • • A Priori Field Effects Mutually exclusive and exclusionary field effects Mass = an intrinsic property of matter Magnetism = an intrinsic property of matter Speed of Light – Upper limit to velocities Alpha Constant A Non-infinite but Constantly Expanding Universe [Finger of God] Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and EPR Model of Gravitational Field Effects NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Big Bang Concept • Science relies on the concept as if it were true • It is not a fact • It is an idea • It is indefensible by any reasonable standard • Other accepted Scientific ‘facts’ are equally untenable NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Standard Physical Model Issues That Cannot Be Accommodated • • • • • • • • • Non-local effects at a distance [Gisin] Scalar Non-local Field Effects [Shoulders, Jin] Inertial Mass Reduction [Edmundson & others] Consciousness Interactions [Radin etal] Delayed Choice Experiments [Aspect, Wheeler etal] Super-luminal Data Transport Rates [Nimtz, Wang etal] Non-local Field Persistence [Poponin, Kaznacheev etal] Mono-atomic Hydrogen Phenomena [Langmuir] Fluctuations in the Alpha Constant NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Standard Physical Model – Quarks et al NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Standard Physical Model – Source Charge NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Source Charge Problem Experiment establishes there is no observable energy input to the source charge. Yet charges continuously pour out energy and establish all EM [electromagnetic] fields, potentials, and their energy quanta. T. Bearden NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Standard Physical Model – Other Issues • Simultaneity – non local effects at a distance • Primary, mutually exclusive, a priori field effects • Self-organizing Criticality v. Entropy • C – Upper limit to vector velocities • Quantized Radiation of Virtual Photons NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Myth – Primary Field Effects 1. 2. 3. 4. Gravitational Forces Electromagnetic Forces Strong Nuclear Force Weak Nuclear Force NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Flawed Assumptions • E = MC2 • C = Upper Limit to All Velocities • GTR/ 2nd Postulate – Quantized Radiation • Quantum Mechanics and the Lorenz Transform NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Primary Field Effects Unsupportable Assumptions • • • • Primary Pre-existent to the Big Bang Event Invariant Alpha Constant Mutually Exclusive NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Recent Improvements Reformulation of Maxwell’s Electrodynamic Equations [T. Bearden, M. Evans, L. Crowell, Union of Distinguished Scientists et al] Reformulation of Hadronic Mechanics [Il Grande Grido, R. Santilli] Reformulation of the Laws of Thermodynamics [M. Melehy] Physical Quantum Model For the Atom [T.S. McGrath] US Patent No. 7,284,987 BR Harmonic Resonance Model [Nassim Haramein] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Concept: Y-Bias/Angularity & Self-Organizing Criticality (SOC): The authors provide a simple, elegant model of scalar interactions, which accommodates phenomena not heretofore accommodated by describing how the fundamental processes of Y-Bias Interactions and optimal concomitant Angularity combine to operationalize the autopoietic processes found in Self-Organizing Criticality [SOC] as described by Bak etal. These dynamics combine to produce the space-time continuum described by Minkowski as 4-space [L4], defined in terms of time, matter, energy and Local-Linear/Non-Local, NonLinear [L2/N2L2] field effects. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Information Theory • • • • • • • Expression of duality Comprised of primary data Everything is comprised of Information – Absolutely Everything The notion of the Atom – Democritus & Leucippus 450 – 420 BC Galileo – single, massless, dimensionless point in a vacuum Newton – Principia Rene` Decartes – Physical Stuff & Spirit Stuff NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Discovery of Quarks • • • • • • Murray Gell-Mann Nobel Prize 1986 Not a Particle Mass-less Not Reactive to Gravitational Field Effects Violates Pauli Exclusion Principle Ruggero Santilli Expelled NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Discovery of Sub-Quarks • • • • FermiLabs CDF Collaboration 450 Scientists, Engineers, Technicians 12 Years Published in Physics Letters - 1998 NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sub-Quark Scandal • American Physical Society – demanded retraction • CDF & FermiLabs – threatened with loss of funding • CDF Team – ostracized, threatened with loss of credentials and funding NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Importance of the Sub-Quark • • • • • Unmistakable Fingerprint Cloud Emulsion Plate Tracings Dash – space – dash – space – dash – space Exists – does not – exists – does not – exists – does not Multi-dimensional Attributes – 1st hard physical evidence NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Matter Created From Light • • • • • • Stanford Linear Accelerator Electron – Positron Pairs Crashed High Intensity Laser Beams Together Six Month Effort Discover Magazine E ≠ MC^2 NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Information – Common Denominator • • • • • • M [super-string] Theory Ken Wilber – Theory of Everything Data – Greek Rk – Sanskrit The observer – the means of observation – the object The universe is NOT a clockwork mechanism NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Primary Scale – The Physical Vacuum Interface – Zero Point Secondary Scale – Virtual Ensembles Third Scale – Sub-Quarks Fourth Scale – Quarks Fifth Scale – Hadrons, Leptons, etc. Sixth Scale – Atoms Seventh Scale – Molecules Eighth Scale – Self-Organized, Complex, Open Systems Ninth Scale – Solar Systems Tenth Scale – Galactic Systems = Cosmos NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Self-Organizing Criticality – Elements •Punctuated Equilibrium •Logarithmic Power Laws •Fractal Geometry [Z Z2 + C ] •1/ƒ Noise Thresholds •Fibonacci Series of Numbers •Vector Magnetic Potentials •Y-Bias Interactions •Angularity NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Complex, Self-Organizing Systems NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Simple, Elegant Rules • Punctuated Equilibrium • Power Laws • Fractal Geometry - Z Z2 + C • Quantum Noise Thresholds = 1/ƒ • Fibonacci Relationships NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fibonacci Relationships 0 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 etc. (GS) = 1.618033989 (1/GS) = 0.618033989 1/GS = 1 + GS NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fractal Nature of Fibonacci Series GS = 0.618033989 GS2 = 0.3819659 GS3 = 0.2360678 NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fibonacci Relationships The values represented by the resultant function are - GS = 0.618033989 GS2 = 0.3819659 GS3 = 0.2360678 NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fractal Nature of Fibonacci Series GS = 0.618033989 GS2 = 0.3819659 GS3 = 0.2360678 NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SELF-ORGANIZING CRITICALITY The Fibonacci Series in Nature 10th Scale Celestial Organization – M*51 NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Einstein's Vector Magnetic Potential Schematic Diagram of the Bohm-Aharonov experimental protocol. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Y-Bias & Angularity Dynamics • • • • • • Primary Interactions Occur in the Physical Vacuum Emerge Via the Zero Point Increasing Complexity Occurs at Successive Scales Result is Minkowski 4-Space Angularity of Interactions is Definitive, Dispositive SOC Rules = matter, energy, time, field effects NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Non-Local Field Effects • • • • • Bell’s Theorem Bohm – Wholeness & the Implicate Order Sheldrake - Morphic Fields Poponin - Phantom DNA Effect C.E.R.N./ Gisin - Simultaneity Experiment NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Whittaker’s Electrodynamic Model Equation 5 - Gravitation and Electrostatic Attraction explained as modes of Wave-disturbance. 2V + 2V + 2V = k2 2V 2x2 2y2 2z2 2t2 Undulatory Waves exhibiting harmonic resonance at infinite velocities NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Plotnikov’s Gravitational Formula C(X,Y)=((2*B*COS((2*E0)/h)*EXP(-i*t*(E0A)/h)*(COS(2*k*R*COS(Z))+COS(2*k*R*S IN (Z))))^2 ([1]) M1*M2*1/R2 [1] The Plotnikov formula of gravitational effects contains three expressions which are of interest here. The first, which is preceded by the expression [C(X,Y)] means that the interaction between the two masses X and Y, operate instantaneously. The second, the letter Z, connotes an angle of incidence between the field effects exerted by the masses X and Y on each other. The third, shown as [M1*M2*1/R2] suggests that the strength of the interaction between the masses decreases by a value expressed as the inverse square of the radius which separates them. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fractal Substitution [Z Z2 + C] • Harmonic Resonance • Fractal/ Fibonacci Relationships • Live Feedback Resonance Loop in Real-time regardless of distance NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Planetary Motion – Formula W= C = () . C(Z), t t F.7([1]) [1] F.7: In this formula, the field strength exerted by two rotating planets on each other is expressed in terms of their relative rate of spin. The expression Z occurs again as an expression of the way in which the gravitational field effects are effected by the rotational rates and angle of incidence between the two masses. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A Scalar Roadmap A model that describes how matter, energy, time and all other field effects arise from the Physical Vacuum via the Zero Point to constitute Minkowski’s 4D space at ten [10] distinct scales of quantum complexity. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Defining Mass Mass is not an a priori intrinsic property at all, but rather a product of underlying scalar interactions arising from the Physical Vacuum via the Zero Point, which create the effects identified by science, in compliance with SOC rules and dynamics. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Physical Vacuum First & Primary Scale Quantum Electrodynamic Model Stochastic Electrodynamic Model The Casimir Effect Zitterbewegung NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Zero Point - Interface @ Physical Vacuum Planck Distance (h) = 10-33 meter “At the scale of the Physical Vacuum, a charged scalar virtual ensemble continuously absorbs disordered virtual photon energy from its seething vacuum energy exchange.” (page 7, Y-Bias & Angularity Monograph) Quantum Electrodynamic Model Stochastic Electrodynamic Model The Casimir Effect Zitterbewegung NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Secondary Scale Virtual Ensembles [Bearden] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Bose-Einstein Condensate @ .1 x 10^-9 K Image Credit - NIST All the elements of Y-Bias & Angularity are exhibited by this primary aggregation of information contributed by paired virtual ensembles at the Zero Point Fractal Geometries – Self Similarity Angularity & Archetypal Forms - Vortex Punctuated Equilibrium 1/f Quantum Noise Thresholds Fibonacci Relationships Logarithmic Power Laws Intrinsic Order NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Bose – Einstein Condensate [Transitional Matter] Decay of a Soliton in a Bose-Einstein Condensate [image credit NIST] Fractal Geometries – Self Similarity Angularity & Archetypal Forms Soliton Punctuated Equilibrium 1/f Quantum Noise Thresholds Fibonacci Relationships Logarithmic Power Laws Intrinsic Order NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Third Scale Sub-Quarks [qBits] FermiLabs CDF Collaboration NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Third Scale - Findings Sub-Quarks [qBits] FermiLabs CDF Collaboration FERMILAB MEDIA ADVISORY 2/7/96 CDF Results Raise Questions on Quark Structure. An article to appear in the February 9 issue of Science describes results contained in a paper submitted to Physical Review Letters by the 450-member Collider Detector Collaboration at Fermilab. "Inclusive Jet Cross Section in pbar-p Collisions at sqrt s = 1.8TeV/C2," F. Abe et al., The CDF Collaboration, FERMILAB-PUB96/020-E. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Third Scale - Report Sub-Quarks [qBits] FermiLabs CDF Collaboration FERMILAB MEDIA ADVISORY 2/7/96 CDF Results Raise Questions on Quark Structure. An article to appear in the February 9 issue of Science describes results contained in a paper submitted to Physical Review Letters by the 450-member Collider Detector Collaboration at Fermilab. The CDF paper reports results that appear to be at odds with predictions based on the current theory of the fundamental structure of matter. The paper, submitted January 21, reports the collaboration's measurement of the probability that the fundamental constituents of matter will be deflected, or will "scatter," when very high energy protons collide with antiprotons, according to CDF spokesmen William Carithers and Giorgio Bellettini. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Third Scale – Forced Retraction Sub-Quarks [qBits] FermiLabs CDF Collaboration QUARKS HAVE NO APPARENT STRUCTURE In 1996, based on an analysis of proton–antiproton collisions, the Collider Detector at Fermilab [CDF] collaboration reported an excess of events with high-energy jets shooting away from the interaction at large angles. The measurement was interpreted by some as possible evidence for sub-quarks. (See Physics Today, March 1996.) To test the sub-quark idea, the same group has now reported a study of the angle of emission of high-energy jets. They find that quarks are point-like at the 10–19 m level, that there is no additional evidence for sub-quarks, and that the extra high-energy jets may be more simply explained by extra gluons inside the proton. (F. Abe et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 77, 5336, 1996.) NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fourth Scale Quarks, Pentaquarks & Leptoquarks Digital image of Carbon atoms being bombarded by X-rays. Diagram of X-ray interactions with Carbon atoms to produce Pentaquark components. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fourth Scale - Quarks [Gell-Mann] A new theoretical analysis provides images of the most probable locations within a proton of quarks with some specified value of momentum. Here, quarks with small momenta in the vertical direction occupy a double-cone-shaped region.; X. Ji, A. Belitsky, F. Yuan Univ. of Maryland NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Quarks Have No Mass • Violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle • Not Subject to Gravitational Field Effects • 98% of all Matter is comprised of the same 3 types of quarks • Why? NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fifth Scale – Sub Atomic Particles Hadrons (26) Leptons (2) and Fermions First Experimentally Verified Evidence of 1. Gravitational Forces 2. Electromagnetism 3. Strong & Weak Nuclear Forces 4. Mass NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fifth Scale Anomalies Fundamental Unresolved Issues • Quantum Mechanical Predictions • Electron Splitting [Maris] • Over-unity Plasma Implosion [Langmuir] • High Density Charge Clusters [Shoulders] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fifth Scale Y-Bias Interactions A positron and electron pair being created by a gamma ray which came in from the top of the picture. The magnetic field is going into the plane of the picture. The positron and electron produce spirals going in opposite directions. Apparatus_1421.html;jsessionid=a4 4G95gjyDFg?topic_id=$parameters. topic_id&collection_id=%24paramet ers.collection_id NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fifth Scale Y-Bias Interactions High Density Charge Clusters [EVO] Shoulders [1991] Edge View of Multiple EVO Strikes in Air on an Aluminum Foil Coated with SiC and Epoxy Mix EVO Plasma Discharge [Jin] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Shoulder's EVO's – 5th Scale Self-Organizing Toroids Shoulders Figure 1: (a) EV & (b) EV Chain Maps of electron accretion disks at 4410 A0 [NIST Archive] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Self-Organizing Criticality in EVO’s – A Mathematical Proof T. Banchoff – Flat Torus in 3-Sphere NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Models of the Atom • • • • • Bohr Model – Planetary Orbitals Copenhagen Model – Statistical Probabilities T.E. McGraw Quantum Model of the Atom Maurice Cotterell Model of the Atom Nassim Haramein – Harmonic Resonance Model • Y-Bias Model of the Atom NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Physical Quantum Model For the Atom [T.S. McGrath] US Patent No. 7,284,987 BR US Patent 7,284,987, T.E. McGrath NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY McGrath Model Quantum Model of the Atom NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sixth Scale - Atoms Atomic Structure – IBM Super Computer Image Bohr Model of the Atom Image Credit – NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sixth Scale - Atoms Gold Atoms – Transmission Electron Microscope Where these two gold crystals meet they are joined by a complex arrangement of atoms, forming a nano-bridge that accommodates their different orientations. The gold atoms are 2.3 angstroms apart. TEAM 0.5's unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio makes it possible to distinguish individual atoms and, at the edges of the two crystals, deduce their position in three dimensions. (Credit: Image courtesy of DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Image Credit – NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Seventh Scale – Molecular Structures Carbon – 60 Buckey-Ball Image Image Credit – NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Seventh Scale – Molecular Organization Archetypal Forms – Vortices and Solitons Positively Bouyant Jet [cig998.jpg] Vortex Trail left by dissipation of EVO After point of impact [Shoulders, etal] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Seventh Scale – Archetypal Forms & Shapes Smoke Rings of Mount Etna [200 m. dia.] Image Credit – NOAA Archives NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Seventh Scale – Mathematical Models & Y-Bias Underwater Vortex – Fractal Image Generated by Y-Bias/Angularity Functions T. Banchoff et al NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Tornados & Hurricanes – Seventh Scale Vortices Pinwheel Hurricane [Katrina September 2005, NOAA] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Eighth Scale Phenomena – Vortices & Solitons Falaco Solitons [image credit CSDC, Inc.] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Eighth Scale Phenomena – Vortices & Solitons APOD 2005 Jan 20 – Waterspout off the Florida Keys [image credit NOAA] NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Eighth Scale -Earth-Moon Soliton The Earth and Moon interact as a single Soliton NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Eighth Scale - Planetary Solitons Accretion disks formed around Uranus and Saturn illustrate SOCdriven Soliton [standing wave] behaviors NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Planet Mean distance in million kilometers per NASA Relative mean distance where Mercury=1 Mercury 57.91 1.00000 Fibonacci Relationships – Solar System Venus 108.21 1.86859 Total Degree of Variance = 0.00043 Earth 149.60 1.38250 Mars 227.92 1.52353 Ceres 413.79 1.81552 Jupiter 778.57 1.88154 Saturn 1,433.53 1.84123 Uranus 2,872.46 2.00377 Neptune 4,495.06 1.56488 Pluto 5,869.66 1.30580 Total 16.18736 Average 1.61874 Phi 1.61803 Degree of variance (0.00043) Solar Systems – Ninth Scale NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Galaxies, Meta-Galaxies and Black Holes – Tenth Scale Hoag's Object [[i]]: A Wheel Within a Wheel Image Credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) [i] Image Credit: NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) Acknowledgment: R. Lucas(STScI/AURA) NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Hubble Mosaic of the Majestic Sombrero Galaxy Image Credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Credit: H. Ford and L. Ferrarese, (Johns Hopkins), W. Jaffe, (Leiden), NASA Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4261 NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Tenth Scale – Catastrophic Annihilation Sub-millimeter Galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field-North (SMG 123616.1+621513): Era of Galaxy and Black Hole Growth Spurt Discovered. Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/IoA/D.Alexander et al.; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Summary & Conclusions The universe is not a clockwork mechanism at any scale. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Simple, Elegant, Consistent, Universal Rules Nature operates according to a set of simple, elegant, universally applicable rules which are consistent at all scales, from the Zero Point to the infinite expanses of the cosmos. These rules include: 1. Y-Bias effects, 2. Angularity, and 3. Self-organizing Criticality, as defined by • • • • • Power laws – logarithmic relationships between similar events Punctuated equilibrium 1/ƒ Noise Thresholds [e.g., quantum dynamics] Fractal Geometries Fibonacci Relationships NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No Big Bang There was no 'Big Bang' to mark the beginning of the universe. The universe is infinite, boundless and timeless in L4. If a seminal, universal phenomenon did occur 15-20 billion years ago, it was almost certainly one of a series of similar, recurring phenomena of its type which have also occurred over eons of the past and will eventually happen again at every scale. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Flawed Assumptions of the Standard Physical Model The fundamental physical attributes upon which the standard physical model is based are not invariant at any scale [Alpha Constant], including: •Speed of Light [C] and photons generally •Mass •Gravitational Force •Electromagnetic Forces •Nuclear Forces •Time NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No field forces, including electromagnetism, mass or time, exist prior to the local organization of L4 at the Zero Point. Rather, all field forces, mass and time are the products of Zero Point scalar interactions of increasing organizational complexity, which are occurring everywhere, all the time, in every address encompassed by the cosmos. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY •Non-local/non-linear field effects are complementary and operate everywhere and under all conditions where local-linear field effects are found, at all scales. •The Physical Vacuum exists and evinces selforganizing criticality in measurable, quantifiable, replicable and reportable in terms of its behaviors, attributes and effects. •The Zero Point is the gateway between the Physical Vacuum and L4. The Zero Point is measurable, quantifiable, replicable and reportable in terms of its behaviors, attributes and effects. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Observations “Is consciousness, as reflected by Descartes’ Cogito, ergo sum, merely a manifestation of a sufficiently sophisticated complexity in matter, or does matter arise from a causal plan, a Source, such as the one described in the ancient Hindu book of verses known as the Vedas?” NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A Definition of Consciousness “…an underlying, primary field comprised of undifferentiated information which is characterized by infinite potential, operating in a manner which is self-referential in all-where/alltime and at all scales.” NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Source of Consciousness Ancient Eastern traditions = the One. Maxwell and Whittaker = the primary field of infinite scalar potential. Y-Bias and Angularity Theory = the Physical Vacuum. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Consciousness is speciated and individuated in the same way, according to the same organizing principles, as Time, matter, light and all other aspects of Descartes' 'physical stuff' found in L4. Consciousness is expressed in terms of non-local/nonlinear attributes which are known to couple with the local-linear physical aspects of L4 via known coupling constants. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Considerations & Implications The universe we see at the finest and largest scales is not similar in reality to the universe described by mainstream science, as found in the standard physical model. While the standard model can be relied on to describe some phenomena occurring above the fourth scale of organization, it is fundamentally limited by its reliance on a number of unsupportable presumptions. At the finest scales, empirical data cannot be gathered without the choices of the observer and the means of observation exerting a significant effect on that which is being observed. NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The source of potential energy available in any locale in the cosmos from the Physical Vacuum, via the Zero Point, is both accessible and absolutely unlimited. N. Tesla NOVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Titles Currently Available •Y-Bias & Angularity: The Dynamics of Self-Organizing Criticality From the Zero Point to Infinity [a monograph in eBook format] •Seeing Past The Edge: A Cosmology of Matter & Consciousness [4th Edition eBook] •CΦDE: Eraser [eBook] •The Ho Chi Minh Guerilla Warfare Handbook: A Strategic Guide to Innovation Management [eBook] •Heartbeat of the Cosmos: Y-Bias & Angularity Made Simple [eBook] Available on request from The Nova Institute of Technology