ACCT 401: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA SPRING 2011 Instructor: Ling Harris Office/Phone: BA 317/777 - 2567 E-mail: Course home page: Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:45am – 12:00 pm, or by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: This course examines issues in financial reporting from both the preparer and user perspectives. Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to: (1) prepare and analyze general purpose financial statements using current U.S. financial reporting standards. In addition, you will be able to identify key differences between U.S. standards and international financial reporting standards (IFRS); (2) consider the underlying economics of transactions and events, and understand whether and how financial reporting under U.S. GAAP captures those economics. (3) reason about financial reporting problems in a forward direction, similar to what preparers normally do (i.e., work from data to journal entry to financial statement) and reason about financial reporting problems in a backward direction, similar to what financial report users do (i.e., work from financial statements and footnotes back to journal entries/underlying data). REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Intermediate Accounting, Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield, 13th edition. *other course materials (such as Lecture Notes, Business Press articles, Cases, On-line Quizzes and solutions, and Homework Assignments and solutions for 401Lab) will be posted on Blackboard. PREREQUISITE AND CONCURRENT REQUIREMENT: Prerequisite: You must have earned a C or better in ACCT 225 to take this course. The material in ACCT 225 creates a foundation for this course. If you have earned less than a C, you are not yet prepared for ACCT 401. Concurrent requirement: ACCT 401 Lab. If you have already passed ACCT 401L, you do not have to re-enroll in it. However, you are strongly encouraged to sit in on the lab sessions and complete ALL of the homework and lab assignments to help you succeed in this course. COURSE GRADES: Course grades are determined by the following weighting scheme: Items Points Exam 1 230 points Exam 2 230 points Cumulative Final Exam 380 points Quizzes 50 points Cases 90 points Professionalism 20 points 1,000 points Percentage of Final Grade 23% 23% 38% 5% 9% 2% 100% ACCT 401/Spring2011, Harris, page 1 of 7 Final course grade: Letter grades for the course will be determined on the percentage of total points earned as follows: A: C+: D: 90% and above; B+: 77% – 79.99%; C: 60% – 69.99%; F: 87% – 89.99%; B: 70% – 76.99%; Below 60% 80% – 86.99%; The School of Accounting does not give D+ as a grade. Any business major scoring a D or F must retake this course. Extra credit: Opportunities for extra credit will arise during the course. Some are course-related opportunities (e.g., EC # 2 and 3), designed to reinforce/facilitate learning in ACCT 401. Others ask for your participate in accounting (or other business) related experiments. These experiments help us learn about the cognitive approaches to certain accounting and auditing decisions, so your participation is encouraged by offering course credit for good-faith participation. A maximum of 50 points extra credit is available for the semester, awarded at the rate of 5 points per Extra Credit opportunity (e.g., you will receive 5 points extra credit for completing EC #1 by submitting your picture on Blackboard). You will be advised as these opportunities present themselves. Example: If your grade at the end of the semester without extra credit is 820 (a B), the extra 50 points raises the grade to 870, which normally is the lowest B+. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Exams: There will be two mid-term exams and one final exam given on the dates indicated in the schedule. In the case of a conflict with the final exam (defined as three university course exams scheduled within a twenty-four hour period, or two university course exams scheduled at the same time), I will arrange for a make-up exam. All conflict exams should be taken prior to the regular exams. NO make-ups exams will be given after the scheduled exam times. NO make-ups exams will be given for conflicts that arise from travel plans. You will need to provide documentation to support the conflict. Medical and family emergencies are the only valid reasons that will be accepted for missing an exam. You must provide original, supporting documentation (e.g., an original, signed note from a licensed physician) if you do miss an exam. If you are excused from an exam, the other two exams will be reweighted. If you do not have a valid reason for missing an exam (i.e., any other reason than a true medical or family emergency), you will receive a zero on the exam. All exams will be closed book, closed notes with no text-storing calculators allowed (this includes cell phone calculators and PDA calculators). You are encouraged to use a standard financial calculator. Graded exams will be reviewed in ACCT 401L and then returned to the lab instructor. Any exam not returned to the lab instructor will result in an earned grade of zero. Exams may also be reviewed in my office for seven days after the date reviewed in the lab. After seven days, exam scores are final and exams are no longer available for grade review. The final exam will be cumulative. That is, all topics covered in the entire course are potential questions. ACCT 401/Spring2011, Harris, page 2 of 7 Quizzes: There will be 11 quizzes. Each quiz will be worth 5 points and will be given on Blackboard. The questions will be in either multiple choice or true/false format. You are allowed two attempts, with your score being the average of the two attempts (or the score on the first one if you do not open the second one). If you are satisfied with the score of your first attempt, you do not need to take your second attempt. You are able to move "freely" in and out of the quiz until the scheduled close time (i.e., you may go into/start the quiz, save it, and then come back to finish it at a later time). Your quiz is not complete until you submit your response. To allow for any technology glitches or question ambiguities, I will drop the lowest quiz before computing your final grade. Group Cases: There will be 3 cases, which are designed to help you use accounting standards and other available resources to solve unstructured problems. Each case is worth 30 points. I will randomly assign you to a group of 4 members. Groups will be announced by Tuesday, January 25. At the end of the semester, each group member will submit to me a confidential evaluation of him/herself and the other group members. Group evaluations will be used to adjust case grades for specific individuals in the group when his/her group participation is inadequate on average. The maximum downward adjustment is the earned score on the specific case in question. *You will need access to accounting standards and other online library resources to complete the three cases in this class. To access the authoritative standards, the School of Accounting has purchased a subscription to the FASB Codification. You will be able to access it via the web at: The username and password is available on Blackboard in the Cases folder. Professionalism: 20 points. Professionalism includes preparation, integrity, respect to those around you, participation, and promptness. Grades are based on contributions to class discussions and contributions to the course outside of class. The quality of contributions is more important than its frequency, although regular reliable participation is rewarded. I will evaluate each student over the semester and assign the grade at the end of the semester. Attendance: Regular class attendance is required and attendance will be taken. You are expected to arrive for the class session on time and stay for the entire class period. The maximum number of permitted absences is four. After you miss four times, your final grade will be reduced by 10 points per absence. I expect you to attend the section in which you are enrolled. If there is a particular reason that you must miss class (e.g., only time you could schedule a doctor’s appointment), please let me know of your need to attend another section before that class meeting. EXPECTATIONS: This course will move very quickly and the concepts will build on previous material, so it is very important that you keep up with the material from the start. Students are expected to read the assigned readings before coming to class, attend class regularly, and complete the homework, cases, and quizzes in a timely manner. Your active participation is expected to facilitate the learning environment in this class. Given the volume of work, I highly recommend you form a study group as soon as possible. ACCT 401/Spring2011, Harris, page 3 of 7 BLACKBOARD AND E-MAIL: This course will use Blackboard extensively for communication purposes. I will post announcements and make course materials available to you through Blackboard. Please make sure you check the course page regularly! Also, as needed, I will send a weekly email on Saturdays containing announcements, upcoming events, etc. Doing so will help us avoid spending time in class on these matters. I will use your email as listed in Blackboard, so please make sure your profile information in Blackboard is upto-date! I am generally responsive to email from students. However, please keep in mind that email or telephone correspondence is not a substitute for regularly attending class or for coming to office hours. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS: The University of South Carolina provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students. Such accommodations should be requested near the beginning of the semester. More information is available at ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: You are expected to practice the highest possible standards of academic integrity in this course and in 401L. Any deviation from this expectation will result in a minimum academic penalty of your failing the assignment or exam, and will result in additional disciplinary measures including referring you to the Office of Academic Integrity. Violations of the University's Honor Code include, but are not limited to improper citation of sources, using a current or former student’s work, unauthorized use of materials (including solutions manuals) in the preparation of academic work, and/or any other form of academic misrepresentation. For more information, see the Carolina Community Student Handbook and/or Remember that the first tenet of the Carolinian Creed is, “I will practice personal and academic integrity.” To indicate your understanding of the University’s Honor Code, the School of Accounting requires that you complete and sign a form indicating that you have read the School of Accounting’s Policy Regarding Academic Dishonesty. Please return a signed form to me by Tuesday, January 18. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Some business publications that inform us of what is going on in the business world: The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist, Barron’s,, Fortune, Forbes The WSJ is available in the lobby in hard copy or online in the business library, or many are available online via General One File (SC Library) or FACTIVA (access through the Richland County Public Library). provides free access to articles to anyone with an active email address. ACCT 401/Spring2011, Harris, page 4 of 7 ACCT 401 SPRING 2011 - Tentative Schedule Deviations may be necessary and will be announced on Blackboard. Part I: Class Chapter Topic Advanced Preparation Meeting Tues. 3 Review basic Read: syllabus, Chapter 3 (as necessary). 01/11 accounting concepts Assignment Due* Thurs. 01/13 Download: articles and Conceptual Framework lecture notes. Read: pages 2-18, 30-34, 38-50, 1312-1316, and 1356-1360 (textbook), 5/18/2010 article and the 9/15/2008 Business Week article. Reminder: Extra Credit (EC) #1 Picture & EC #2 Review close at 11 pm on Sat. 1/15. Download: articles and the Income Statement lecture notes. Read: pages 130-157 (textbook), the 7/25/2008 and 9/2/2005 WSJ articles. Reminder: Quiz #1 Framework & EC #3 Review close at 11 pm on Sat. 1/22. 1&2 Conceptual Framework Tues. 01/18 Thurs. 01/20 1&2 4 Conceptual Framework Income Statement Tues. 01/25 Thurs. 01/27 4 Income Statement 5&24 Balance Sheet Tues. 02/01 Thurs. 02/03 5&24 Balance Sheet 7 Receivables Tues. 02/08 Thurs. 02/10 7 7 Practice** E3-1, E3-8, E3-11 E3-17, P3-1, P3-5 P3-6, P3-8, & P3- E4-8, E4-11(a), E4-13, & E4-14 Reminder: Groups announced on Blackboard. Download: the Balance Sheet lecture notes. Read: page 176-197 and 1316-1324 (textbook). Due today: HW #1 I/S due at the beginning E5-10, P5-3, of your section. P5-6 (b), & E24-1 Reminder: Quiz #2 I/S closes at 11 pm on Sat. 1/29. Download: articles and the Receivables lecture notes. Due today: HW #2 B/S due at the beginning of your E7-8, E7-12, E7-16, E7-17, E7-18, P7-4, Read: pages 318-345, 352 - 356 (textbook), the 6/16/2006 WSJ section. article, the 7/25/2007 Bloomberg article and the 3/21/2010 NYT Reminder: Quiz #3 B/S closes at 11 pm on Sat. 2/5. P7-9. article. Receivables Due today: Case 1 due at the beginning of your section. Receivables & Exam I Due today: HW #3 Receivables due at the beginning Review of your section. Reminder: Quiz #4 Receivables closes at 11 pm on Sat. 2/12. Tues. Exam 1 02/15 * You will need to download from Blackboard: Homework Assignments in the Lab-related Issues folder, Cases in the Cases folder. **The Practice column lists exercises/problems in the textbook for additional practice. You do not have to turn these in for homework. The textbook’s prepared solutions to these additional practice problems are posted in the Course Documents folder on Blackboard. ACCT 401/Spring2011, Harris, page 5 of 7 ACCT 401 SPRING 2011 - Tentative Schedule Deviations may be necessary and will be announced on Blackboard. Part II: Class Chapter Topic Meeting Thurs. 8&9 Inventory 02/17 Advanced Preparation Assignment Due* Practice** Download: articles and the Inventories lecture notes. Read: pages 380 – 411, 436 – 448, 457-460 (textbook), and the 12/3/2007 article Reminder: Graded Exam 1 returned in Lab on Friday 2/18. E8-5, E8-15, E8-2 E8-25, P8-1, P8-8 (a), E9-1, & P9-3. Download: the PP&E lecture notes. Read: pages 488-512, 538-545, 548-553 and 559-562 (textbook). Due today: HW #4 Inventory due at the beginning of E10-7, E10-14, your section. E10-18, E10-20, & Reminder: Quiz #5 Inventory closes at 11 pm on P10-9 Sat. 2/26. E11-6, E11-11, E11-16, E11-17, P11-9, & P11-11 Due today: HW #5 PP&E due at the beginning of E12-10, E12-12, your section. E12-13, E-12-14, Reminder: Quiz #6 PP&E closes at 11 pm on Sat. E12-15, E12-16, 03/05. E12-19 & P12-3 Tues. 02/22 Thurs. 02/24 8&9 Inventory 10&11 Property, Plant & Equipment Tues. 03/01 10&11 PPE Thurs. 03/03 12 Intangible Assets Download: the Intangible Assets lecture notes. Read: pages 588 - 612 (textbook). Spring Break Intangible Assets No class Change in Accounting Principle / Restatements Change in AP/ Restatements Download: article and the Change in Accounting Due today: HW #6 Intangibles due at the beginning E22-2, E22-4, Principle/Restatements Lecture notes. of your section. E22-6, & P22-2 Read: pages 1182 – 1204 (textbook), and the 3/4/2010 Reminder: Quiz #7 Intangibles closes at 11 pm on article. Sat. 03/19. Due today: Case 2 due at the beginning of your section. Week of 03/07 Tues. 12 03/15 Thurs. 22 03/17 Tues. 03/22 Thurs. 03/24 22 Change in AP/ Restatements & Exam II Review Due today: HW #7 Accounting Changes due at the beginning of your section. Reminder: Quiz #8 Accounting Changes closes at 11 pm on Sat. 03/25. Tues. Exam 2 03/29 * You will need to download from Blackboard: Homework Assignments in the Lab-related Issues folder, Cases in the Cases folder. **The Practice column lists exercises/problems in the textbook for additional practice. You do not have to turn these in for homework. The textbook’s prepared solutions to these additional practice problems are posted in the Course Documents folder on Blackboard. ACCT 401/Spring2011, Harris, page 6 of 7 ACCT 401 SPRING 2011 - Tentative Schedule Deviations may be necessary and will be announced on Blackboard. Part III: Class Chapter Topic Meeting Advanced Preparation Assignment Due* Practice** Thurs. 03/31 13 Current Liabilities and Contingencies Download: the Current Liabilities and Contingencies lecture notes. Read: pages 636 – 667 (textbook). Reminder: Graded Exam 2 returned in Lab on Friday 04/01. E13-2, E13-4, E13-10, E13-12, E13-14, P13-1, P13-11, & P13-14 Tues. 04/05 Thurs. 04/07 13 Current Liabilities and Contingencies Long-Term Liabilities Download: the Long-Term Liabilities lecture notes. Read: pages 688-714 and 716-722 (textbook). Due today: HW #8 CL due at the beginning of your section. Reminder: Quiz #9 CL closes at 11 pm on Sat. 04/09. E14-3, E14-8, E14 10, E14-12, E14-1 E14-16, E14-20, P14-2, & P14-5 Tues. 04/12 Thurs. 04/14 14 Download: article and the Statement of Cash Flows lecture notes. Read: Read pages 197-206 and 1242-1266 (textbook), the 11/19/2009 article Skim: the FASB Draft of the Proposed Financial Statement Presentation Standard documents (illustrative financial statements). Due today: HW #9 LL due at the beginning of your P5-6(a), E23-3, E2 section. 4, E23-5, & E23-6 Reminder: Quiz #10 LL closes at 11 pm on Sat. 04/16. Tues. 04/19 Thurs. 04/21 5&23 Sat. 04/ 30 14 5&23 5&23 Long-Term Liabilities Statement of Cash Flow Statement of Cash Flow Statement of Cash Flow & Final Exam Review Cumulative Final Exam Due today: Case 3 due at the beginning of your section. Due today: HW #10 SCF due at the beginning of your section. Reminder: Quiz #11 SCF closes at 11 pm on Sat. 04/23. Final Exam (Section 001 and 002): April 30, Saturday, 2pm – 5pm, BA 003. * You will need to download from Blackboard: Homework Assignments in the Lab-related Issues folder, Cases in the Cases folder. **The Practice column lists exercises/problems in the textbook for additional practice. You do not have to turn these in for homework. The textbook’s prepared solutions to these additional practice problems are posted in the Course Documents folder on Blackboard. ACCT 401/Spring2011, Harris, page 7 of 7