Heat Stress - Fresno State Bulldog Marching Band

Heat Stress Training
Marching Band Members
Heat-related health problems can be serious. Even
when all efforts are made to ensure safe conditions
for activities, it’s not always possible to regulate
temperature – or to predict individual reactions to
Physical Hazards of Working in Hot
 Normally, the body is able to maintain a safe
temperature through perspiration and other
physical control mechanisms.
 But sometimes, especially when the temperature
and humidity are both high for a prolonged period,
the body’s ability to tolerate heat may be
 This is especially true when individuals fail to
observe precautions necessary for doing activities
safely in hot conditions.
Symptoms of Heat Stress
Heat exhaustion
Heat exhaustion often occurs as a result of heavy
sweating and dehydration. These are some of the
 Dizziness
 Headache
 Weakness
 Elevated pulse
 Nausea
 Cramps
 Chest pain
 Difficulty breathing
Symptoms of Heat Stress
Heat stroke
Heat stroke involves a highly elevated body
temperature, and it can be life threatening. In
addition to the symptom above, heatstroke may
involve these:
 Rapid pulse
 Dry, reddened skin, no perspiration
 Confusion or delirium, or loss of consciousness
Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
What to Do?
 You can’t control the weather. Even indoor
temperatures can sometimes be hard to regulate,
depending on the activity.
 What you can do to protect yourself is to be aware
of the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke, and to follow some simple precautions
when you expect to do any activities in hot
Preventing Heat Stress Illness Protection
 Dress for the weather. To many people, this means
wearing as little as possible in the sun – but that’s a bad
idea. Instead, choose lightweight, light-colored clothing
that covers as much of you as possible. Your clothes
should be loose-fitting, and natural fabrics – cotton,
which “breathes” – are preferred. Always wear a hat, the
wider-brimmed the better.
 Wear sunscreen. Cover as much of your body as
possible with clothing, and cover the rest with
sunscreen. Try to stay out of the direct sun whenever
possible. Also, be aware that you can get sunburned
even when it’s overcast – and that the effect of sun
reflected off water, sand or concrete is even stronger.
Preventing Heat Stress Illness Hydration
 Drink lots of fluids. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty.
Dehydration is a major factor in heat stress; while
everyone responds differently, very few people realize
how much they need to drink in hot weather, especially
when they’re active. Avoid using alcohol, caffeine or
carbonated beverages 24 hours before an activity;
minimize intake of fatty or salty foods.
 Recommended range of water intake:
 Before activity – within 2 hours, 8- 12 oz.
 During activity – every half hour, 12 – 16 oz.
 After activity – additional 16 -24 oz.
Remember – Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
During Activities – Water Bottles
 Have your own individual container of water available
Example of
a portable
water container
 Drink water continually at every opportunity
During Activities – Hydration Packs
 Hydration packs will be
available from the Music
 Each contains up to 70
oz. of liquid
 Be sure to follow the
instructions for care and
use provided with the
 Distribution/reclamation
to be administrated by
the Music Department
During Activities - Breaks
 Always take advantage of every break opportunity to
drink water
 Seek shade wherever possible during breaks
 Remember to refill water container frequently
Treating Heat Stress What to do first…
The initial treatment for heat exhaustion and heatstroke is
 Get the victim out of the sun and into the shade – or
ideally, into an indoor cool air-conditioned location
 Lay the person down and loosen or remove excess
 Apply cool compresses
Treating Heat Stress –
Heat Exhaustion
 In the case of heat exhaustion, elevate the victim’s
feet slightly and give them cool (not iced) water to
 Continue to rest and hydrate until symptoms
 Watch carefully for symptoms of heat stroke: If
confusion, delirium, or elevated temperature
occurs, call for medical help immediately.
Treating Heat Stress –
Heat Stroke
 In the case of heat stroke, get medical assistance
 While waiting for professional help to arrive, use
whatever means you can to bring the victim’s
temperature down. Fan them, cover them with
damp sheets, even spray them with a hose.
 Monitor temperature if at all possible, and try to
have someone who knows CPR standing by – just
in case.
By taking a few simple precautions the chance of
suffering from heat stress can be greatly reduced.
Whenever working under high temperature
conditions, the signs of heat stress should always be
watched for. If the onset of heat stress is suspected,
treatment should begin immediately and medical help
called for if necessary.