From October 3, 2011 5. (d) Developmental Objectives – 2011/12 The Superintendent of Schools spoke to her memorandum as included with the agenda package, noted the June 21, 2011 update on developmental objectives presented to the Board and reflected on the usefulness of these developmental objectives in prioritizing budget allocations to ensure funding is compatible with our overall purpose and orientation. Trustees had comments and questions on the extensive use of the developmental objectives over the years and their helpfulness during the budget development. 332/2011 MOVED BY L. MCPHAIL AND SECONDED BY D. TABLOTNEY: THAT the Board of Education approve the Developmental Objectives of Student Success, Organizational Sustainability, Environmental Stewardship and Communication for the 2011-2012 School Year. CARRIED Developmental Objectives for the 2011-2012 School Year Student Success How can we enable all our students to do their best? This developmental objective is the one that all stakeholders agree is a top priority. As the list below demonstrates, many initiatives were introduced to enhance and support student success in 2010-2011. These range from budget decisions to increase staffing in certain areas to supporting new and ongoing efforts to enhance classroom practice. Student Success Action Development of Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement Intermediate Reading Initiative - A Focus on ElementarySecondary Transition Outcome Time Frame Agreement ready for signing June 2011 Project continues at secondary sites Ongoing Progress to Date Funding for Aboriginal Support workers and resources included in 2011-2012 operating budget. This project complements literacy instruction in the school district by enhancing and expanding initiatives currently underway to support literacy for adolescent learners. Implementation of new provincial curriculum in Adult Secondary School Completion: Literacy Foundations Offered all seven levels of Literacy Foundations – English & two companion courses 2010-2011 More adult students with low levels of literacy are accessing Ministry of Education funded English language courses Collaborative Time in Secondary Schools Six Richmond Schools now have collaborative time built into their timetables to plan and improve instruction Implement ation / Pilot year – Sept 2011 – May 2012 Report back to Board May 2012 Approval by Board in 6 schools (Boyd, Cambie, MacNeill, McMath, McRoberts, Richmond). Student results monitored over time. FDK implementation District FDK Implementation Committee with representation from all programs and all stakeholders All schools to move to FDK in September 2011 All schools provided with appropriate equipment and resources, templates, guiding principles, financial and Pro-D support Elementary Instrumental Music Instrumental Music offered as a regular part of the instructional day to ALL grade 6 and 7 students in Richmond September 2010 and ongoing $25,000 yearly budget to improve existing District musical instrument catalogue Student Success Action Inclusion Review Outcome To continue to support existing school-based projects and support new school-based projects Time Frame Ongoing Progress to date School Teams that worked on the five key areas of focus – Student Plans that Work, Challenging Behaviour, Differentiating Instruction, Education Assistant/Teacher Partnerships and School Based Teams have been given opportunities and support to complete their projects and to plan for ongoing networking plans in their areas of focus. Educational Assistants (EA) student success Peer-to-Peer EA position, formerly funded by an outside grant, will be retained and funded internally. Five EAs will be added to address emergent needs during the year 2011-2012 Implementation in fall of 2011 Learning Resource Teachers (LRT) Allocated as staffing blocks that can be given to schools by Learning Services based on proposals developed by schools to enhance current services. An additional .6FTE SLP will be provided to secondary schools. 2011-2012 Implementation in fall of 2011 Student Success Action Grad Transitions Block Outcome Adding back one block to each secondary school ensures that students get the best possible support for required grad credits. Time Frame 2011-2012 Progress to date Implementation in fall of 2011 Secondary Teacher-Librarian Block One block has been restored to improve access to the library 2011-2012 Implementation in fall of 2011 Career Education The teacher/student ratio will be decreased to 1:22 from 1:25 to improve the ability to support career education. 0.5 FTE Teacher Consultant will be added to support Apprenticeship and Career Ed programs. 1.5 FTE CUPE positions will be added to address emergent issues and work with the District Mental Health Consultant, the District Mental Health Workers and the Community Outreach teachers. 2011-2012 Implementation in fall of 2011 2011-2012 Implementation in fall of 2011 Designed to encourage the development of innovative personalized learning initiatives including use of technology & classroom assessment practices. Organizational Sustainability 2011-2012 Implementation in fall of 2011 Youth Connections Worker Innovation Grants How can we ensure that the challenging work done by staff is sustainable for them? Organizational Sustainability includes a range of activities, including new procedures, professional development and improving facilities. Supporting sustainability in a large organization is an ongoing priority. This year several initiatives have been introduced to address workload and efficiencies to ensure that the District continues to function well in the present and into the future. Action Outcome Time Frame Progress to date Creation of new Elementary Report Cards The goal is better communication with parents and a more efficient report writing process. Template created and pilot schools sought for September 2011 September 2011June 2012: 5 Pilot schools September 2012: District-wide implementation Writing Committee has created template, programmer to complete report card writing program this summer, 5 schools to pilot in 2011-12 school year. Enhanced RSB/RTA Mentoring Program to support 50 Beginning Teachers and their Mentors over a two year cycle Beginning teachers and Mentor teachers expressed gratitude for the increase support Sept 2010 to Apr 2011 This two year Mentoring Program will continue for next year’s New Teachers as well as this year’s 2nd Year new teachers Summer Learning 2011 Business Plan Report received by the Board April 2011 Business Plan – implementation ongoing and process continually reviewed and refined Expansion of Late French Immersion Program Due to overcrowding, and implementation of FDK in all schools, LFI program moved from Homma, decreased in size at Whiteside and begun at Diefenbaker and McNeely September 2011 Two new sites approved by Board and offered to families for September 2010. Materials and resources ordered for new schools. McNeely and Diefenbaker to offer Grade 6 entry classes in September 2011, Grade 7 in September 2012 Beginning March 2012 and continuing in subsequent years Pilot year September 2010 -2011 Large scale community survey done Spring 2011, revealing community support and financial savings Implementation of two week Spring Break Organizational Sustainability Action Sick/Vacation Relief Outcome For the 2011-12 school year nonenrolling teaching and CUPE staff will be replaced on the second day of absence. Time Frame 2011-2012 Progress to date Implementation in the fall of 2011. Custodial Services Adding 5 FTE custodians and the shifts will start closer to the end of the school day. 2011-2012 Implementation in the fall of 2011. Elementary School Administrators Principals will be placed currently and annually at Woodward and McKay Schools as single administrators in 2011-2012. 2011-2012 Implementation in the fall of 2011. Information Technology Support Extend OSS clerical support to summer. 1 FTE Information Technology technician will also be added. 2011-2012 Implementation in the fall of 2011. Leadership Development Opportunity for management employees to further develop their leadership skills. 2011-2012 Implementation in the fall of 2011. Third Assistant Superintendent To provide services and support to schools and school administration. 2011-2012 Implementation in the fall of 2011. Environmental Stewardship How can we behave responsibly towards the natural world? As the list below demonstrates, tremendous progress has been made in this area over the past year. The Richmond School District has become a recognized lighthouse among districts for its environmental initiatives. The list below represents a blend of activities that affect everything from operations to curriculum. As an organization that is responsible for educating students to assume responsibility for the world, we have made environmental stewardship integral to what we do, along with what we teach and model for our students. Action Outcome Time Frame Progress to date Develop Draft revised Environmental Stewardship (ES) Policy, Regulations, and Guidelines Draft documents out for feedback Draft documents to Policy Committee May 24,, 2011 Feedback on draft documents received online and at face to face feedback sessions with stakeholder groups, students, community partners, and City of Richmond Environmental Stewardship Team Curriculum Development Teams worked to develop ES curriculum Framework Draft framework for a user-friendly guide Draft framework for a user-friendly guide Completed 4 morning sessions with teacher/ admin teams to provide direction to the Teacher Consultant for Sustainability to create the integrated ES curriculum framework Develop K-12 Integrated Environmental Learning Outcomes Draft document I progress Ongoing development at District Level in Fall 2001 There will be two documents as part of this Integrated ES Curriculum Framework: a summary of PLO’s for all grades/ subjects with additional local Richmond ES learning outcomes AND a document (accessible online) with lesson/ unit plans for ES Green Team Leadership Development Sessions for 16 Schools 16 school teams participated in morning sessions and experienced Green Team Leadership Development Tools Nine Cafés over the year, at different school with specific foci Implementation of Green Teams at school sites in Fall 2011 Leadership Development Tools ready for use in September 2011; Green Team Leadership Development sessions offered to other Green Team in Fall Oct. 2010 – June 2011 From the Sustainability Kickoff in October, we had schools sign up to host the Cafes around specific topics. Attendance peaked 60+ attendees (students, parents, presenters, teachers, and admin staff) Sustainability Cafés Environmental Stewardship Action Communication to site-based Sustainability contacts Outcome Creation of an ES Blog Calendar of events, emails on RichNet, and Time Frame Sept. 2010 – June 2011 Progress to date The Teacher Consultant for Sustainability, created and available funding sources maintained a ES blog calendar with events in the Richmond region for awareness of events to educators and students. Regular emails went to contacts and a new contact list was formed for School Garden Contacts. Sustainability Grants 26 grants awarded Money granted in Nov, projects to be completed by May with a summary report Most of the grant projects have been completed. Some of the report summaries have been received for compilation into the 2010/ 2011 Sustainability Report (to be completed in June) ES theme of workshops at District Convention and Afternoon Common Pro-D days 18 ES focus sessions were offered at the Convention and additional sessions for all Afternoon Common Pro-D days Recruitment began in Sept. 2010 with planning up to the February 15. Pro-D sessions are continuously being added to ProD Calendar More sessions than ever were offered to District staff to learn about ES behaviours. The Teacher Consultant for Sustainability presented one of the 18 sessions and offered sessions for the AM/PM on Common and noncommon Pro-D days ES Partnerships The Richmond Sustainability Action Team teamed up with community partners that have ES goals Ongoing and new partnerships from Sept. 2010 to the present Partners include: City of Richmond, Metro Vancouver, David Suzuki Foundation, BC Green Games, and the BC Green Games Environmental Stewardship Action Outcome Time Frame Progress to date Eco-Wise Assessment Tool v. 2.0 The more comprehensive EcoWise Tool will be ready for rollout in Sept. 2011 April – June 2011 Eight focus areas will be developed for school Green Teams to assess their progress and find ways to continuously approve their site/ schools: Leadership, Curriculum Development, Energy Conservation, Waste Management, Grounds Greening, Sustainable Transportation, Sustainable Purchasing, and Water Conservation Develop and Implement Green Fund Sustainable source of funding for Energy Conservation and Sustainability Initiatives 2011 Concept was introduced to the Board June 21, 2010 as part of a package of resolutions on a Sustainability Action Plan; fund model developed in Fall 2010; Utility Budget requirements under Green Fund model provided to Finance for 2011-12 budget development in Feb 2011; Green Fund model reviewed with Executive Team on Apr 6, 2010 Develop Strategic 5 Year Energy Conservation Plan 25-30% reduction in energy consumption resulting in approx. $1,000,000 in annual savings 2010-2016 Board Resolution June 21, 2010 to continue with BC Hydro Energy Manager offering; Manager of Energy and Sustainability hired Sept 2010; 2010 data analyzed to determine energy intensity and savings opportunities at each of 50 facilities Time Frame 2010-2014 Progress to date Signed agreements to Environmental Stewardship Action Enroll in BC Hydro’s Outcome Install real-time Continuous Optimization Program metering, undertake investigations of energy use and complete energy retrofits in ten secondary schools. Complete energy retrofit projects Reduction in energy consumption by upgrading mechanical and/or lighting equipment. Undertake Greenhouse Gas Reduction Initiatives in accordance with BC’s Carbon Neutral Government Regulation Carbon Neutral with respect to the District’s Operations enroll in program in Dec 2010; completed RFP process and selected service provider 2010-2011 16 energy efficient lighting upgrades completed from Jan 2010 to Feb 2011; one energy efficient boiler replacement completed; 2 energy efficient rooftop heating unit retrofit completed Richmond School District; Tracked and reported Greenhouse Gas emissions for SD38; Purchased carbon offset the District’s 2010 GHG emissions in order to become Carbon Neutral with respect to operations for the 2010 Calendar year Communication How can we communicate in a clear, timely and inclusive manner? We have positioned ourselves to make tremendous strides in this area in the coming year. Hiring a communications manager has opened up a series of possibilities that are well underway. Most significantly, this has allowed us to begin to plan for the best use of all communications media that surrounds us, including events, publicity, our web page and social media. The chart below describes these initiatives. Communication Action Outcome Time Frame Progress to date Hiring of District Communications and Marketing Manager Enhanced communication through events, publicity and renovated web site. Opening of Neighbourhood Learning Centre Ongoing Facilitated organization of various district-wide activities (Ed. Week, Spring Break Surveys), as well as liaising with Ministry for important District events (Brighouse opening, AEEA signing) Opening of facility and occupancy anticipated for Fall 2011 Construction to begin shortly, policies, applications, planning underway for Fall start up Develop a new website Create a forum for family and student interactions; a place to promote district good news stories; and an online venue to connect with stakeholders Completion expected for beginning of October 2011 Draft design in progress Create district brand standards manual Standardized email signatures, consistent use of district logo, resulting in a cohesive district brand and representation Completion expected August 2011 Evaluation of other organization brand standard manuals in progress Create a strong social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc.) Allows for a platform of generic technologies familiar to both students and parents that will allow for easy communication. Completion expected for November 2011 Project is on hold until website development is closer to completion Communication Action Create a social media Outcome Ensures that district Time Frame August 2011 Progress to date Implementation in the and web policy Incorporating Chinese language translations on a limited bases in Continuing Education staff do not misrepresent the school district Posting English & Chinese instructions on how to create an online client account in Continuing Education fall of 2011. Spring 2011 & beyond Prior to the start of online registration, there were fewer phone calls about “how to create an account online”