Willingham Museum - Süleyman Şah Üniversitesi

B1 Module 1
Worksheet 7, Week 7
10 October 2013
You will hear someone talking on the radio about the Willingham Museum.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Willingham Museum
In the museum, visit:
A 19th-century (1)…………………………………….
A 1950s dining room
A new exhibition about (2)………………………………which will open
On (3)…………………………………………..
The museum is:
In a building which was a (4)…………………………………………….
Near the (5)……………………………………outside the town
To get there:
Follow the (6)……………………………signs from the town centre.
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a boy, William, and a girl, Sophie, in a music shop.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, put a tick (√ ) in the box under A for YES.
If it is not correct, put a tick (√ ) in the box under B for NO.
1. Sophie’s mother works in the town where they live.
Sophie enjoys shopping in Birmingham.
3. William feels confident about finding his way around Birmingham.
4. Sophie thinks the band 521 has improved.
5. William persuades Sophie to buy a different CD from him.
6. Sophie is disappointed to have her birthday present early.
A. Fill in the blanks with one of the following target words in the box.
* audience
* mystery
1. It’s not in my nature to discipline or……………… students in front of other students.
2. When Mary was promoted, her yearly…………………..increased.
3. Climate change may……………….the survivals of king penguins.
4. It’s a community event in which the………………..joins in singing, clapping and
5. The documentary……………….political corruption.,
6. He’s doing fine now, but how were his grades in………………school years?
7. James has a bad……………….with his teachers for misbehaving in class.
8. The detectives had a hard time solving the…………………
9. I will………………….the murder that was committed last night.
10. Find out where to……………….hidden treasures in Arkansas.
B. Circle the correct answer.
My mother had __________ problems when she grew old
a) mental
c) pursuits
b) elegance
c) indigence
d) tolerance
b) table
c) cardtable
d) delectable
Whenever I meet him, he ____ me to a swimming race.
a) lunges
b) aspects
He made some __________contributions to the science of haematology.
a) notable
d) exposure
My father has a low _______ of bureaucracy
a) ignorance
c) annual
Extreme sport enthusiasts like dangerous _____________
a) suits
b) mantle
b) bungees
c) challenges
d) falanges
My memories of my first day at school are______________.
a) livid
b) rigid
c) vivid
d) voided
I can__________ he is a brave man.
a) receive
d) perceive
b) caution
c) prediction
d) presumption
One _______ of the job you should never forget is the pay.
a) aspic
c) conceıve
You should put on your seat belt as a __________
a) precaution
b) deceıve
b) asphalt
c) suspect
d) aspect
There is a ______ of forgetfulness in that family.
a) trait
b) straight
c) trial
C. Match the synonyms.
a. memorable
b. misdirect
c. intentionally
d. spectator
e. repayment
f. earnings
g. boring
h. publicity
i. remove
j. rival
D. Match the antonyms.
a) misunderstand
b) infamous
c) distress
d) negligence
e) oppose
f) disapproval
g) pleasing
h) obscure
d) tract
A. Complete the sentences. Use although + a sentence from the box.
I didn't speak the language
I had never seen her before
it was quite cold,
I'd met her twice before
he has a very important job
we don't like them very much
the heating was on
we've known each other for a long time
1. _Although he has a very important job,_ he isn't articularly well-paid.
2. ____________________________________________ , I recognised her from a
3. She wasn't wearing a coat ____________________________________________.
4. We thought we'd better invite them to the party, ___________________________.
5. ____________________________________________, I managed to make myself
6. ____________________________________________, the room wasn't warm.
7. I didn't recognize her ____________________________________________.
8. We're not very good friends ____________________________________________.
B. Complete the sentences with although / in spite of / because / because of.
1. _Although_ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.
2. a. _______________ all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
b. _______________ we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
3. a. I went home early _______________ I was feeling unwell. b. I went to work the
next day --- I was still feeling unwell.
4. a. She only accepted the job _______________ the salary, which was very high. b. She
accepted the job --- the salary, which was rather low.
5. a. I managed to get to sleep _______________ there was a lot of noise. b. I couldn't get
to sleep _______________ the noise.
Use your own ideas to complete the following sentences:
6. a. He passed the exam although _______________ . b. He passed the exam because --.
7. a. I didn't eat anything although _______________ . b. I didn't eat anything in spite of --.
C. Make one sentence from two. Use the word(s) in brackets in your sentences.
1. I couldn't sleep. I was tired. (despite). _I couldn't sleep despite being tired._
2. They have very little money. They are happy. (in spite of) In spite of
3. My foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village. (although)
4. I enjoyed the film. The story was silly. (in spite of)
5. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other. (despite)
6. I got very wet in the rain. I had an umbrella. (even though)
D. Match the sentences with the most appropriate ones.
___1. Although she missed the bus,
___2. Andy bought it
___3. Betty or Fran will bring the boks
___4. The waiter who served our lunch was
really nice
___5. I saw the nests that the robins built
___6. Until we see it,
___7. If you are ready,
___8. When they had finished,
___9. Roller blades
___10. CDs are great
A.but slow.
B.we can leave so we will be on time.
C.and skateboards are very popular.
D.because he liked it yet he never wore it.
E.she and Lily still arrived on time.
F.both on the porch and in the tree.
G.because they have good quality sound.
J.we won’t believe it.
H.they gave it to the teacher.
I.which you wanted.
E.Match the sentences with the most appropriate ones.
___1. He paid for her ticket
___2. Since I first met Sheila and her,
___3. I won’t be able to go
___4. After the whale beached itself,
___5. I know where they have hidden the
___6. Since the maple trees were damaged in
the storm,
___7. I wonder
___8. Mark knows
___9. It isn’t certain whether
___10. The engineer from Mainframe
___11. Before they read the instructions,
A.they couldn’t fix it themselves.
B.you missed it.
C.because the snow was followed by rain.
D.how I will get there.
E.why people believed in the ghost.
F.they are out of the playoffs.
G.he turned pro.
H.why they are leaving so early.
I.some local citizens rescued it.
J.because he liked her.
K.even though I have the money.
L.he couldn’t turn it.
M.the students asked if they could stay.
N.the wind was cool.
___12. After the lecture,
___13. Although he is stronger,
___14. Because you were late,
___15. Thieves broke in
___16. The roads were slippery
___17. Although it was quite sunny,
___18. I don’t know
___19. If you are short,
___20. The story explained
___21. He always talks
___22. Unless the Leafs win this game,
___23. Les is five inches taller
___24. After he won the gold medal,
___25. You just answered my questions
O.you can’t reach that cupboard.
P.as if he were an expert.
Q.they will be cut down.
R.than I am.
S.before I asked them.
T.how they would build the bridge.
U.they will come or not.
V.more than I do about that case.
W.but I don’t have a map.
X.she has always been very polite.
Y.while we were away.
F.Complete the sentences using one of the conjunctions from the box.
although after
now that
as soon as
the first time the next time
1. __________________ it was raining, she went out for a walk.
2. __________________ she(had) made the phone call, she left.
3. __________________she were a bit more responsible, she wouldn’t be in such a
4. __________________ I went out for lunch ,I had finished this report.
5. __________________ I got home, they were eating dinner.
6. __________________ I was walking up the street, I ran into an old friend.
7. __________________ he comes back, we will have finished our work.
8. She waited for me __________________ I finished my work and we left together.
9. I always greet Ali __________________ I meet him.
10. __________________ we have finished our work, we can go for a walk.
11. __________________ I went to Ankara, I was very confused about the roads but (12)
__________________ I go there I will be able to find my way easily.
13. __________________ the baby saw the doctor with an injection in one hand, she
started to cry.
G. Choose the correct completion.
1. (Now that/ Although) her mother’s attitude was a bit discouraging, she decided to
take the job anyway.
2. (Until/ although) the teacher explained it quite clearly, only a few of the students
understood it very well.
3. (Because / If) he practiced regularly it everyday,he became quite good at skiing.
4. (As soon as/ Since) my sister took out clothes from the laundry, the electricity cut off.
5. (Whenever/ Once) my mother comes home, she directly goes to the kitchen and looks
at the fridge.
6. (As long as/ the first time) people continue talking to each other, misunderstandings
do not occur easily.
7. She rejected the job (because/ until) the pay was low and working ours were long.
8. (While/ Since) children are suffering from malnutrition in poor countries, others are
suffering from obesity in the developed countries.
9. (Even if/ Since) you are rich and successful, you should never give up being sincere
and humble.
10. (Whether/ Whenever) he is your boss or not, he does not have any right to behave
you so badly.
H. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form.
1. When I ________________ (meet) him abouth three months ago, he (not, yet, get)
________________ his degree.
2. By the time school (be) ________________ over next June, I (save)
________________up enough money to buy a bike.
3. They started to the business as soon as I (introduce ) ________________ them to each
4. While I (look) ________________ through the drawers, I (find) ________________ a
letter which I (put) ________________ there years before.
5. Just as I (get) ________________ on the bus, a friend of mine (get)
________________ off, so we (hardly, have) ________________ time to say hello to
each other.
6. Now that you (obtain) ________________ your law degree, I expect you (start)
________________ your own firm soon.
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
For each question, mark the correct letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet.
A enjoyed
B pleased
C amused
D delighted
Answer: A
I found Escape from Time by Andy Treen very exciting and I really (0)………….reading
it. It’s a story (1)……………a boy called Troy who goes on a journey to (2) …………for
His friend Zyra. It wasn’t what I had expected, although I am interested (3)………………
science fiction. I thought this story would be like films I had seen, but I (4)……………….
After a few pages that it was (5)………………interesting than a film.
Troy goes to many places and times. He (6)……………his knowledge with different
(7)…………….of people and learns new skills from them. Then he moves on. The last
Part of the book (8)……………..the meeting between Troy and Zyra when they are both
Caught by some space criminals from the future. But that’s enough information from
me (9)………………I don’t want to spoil it for you. It’s really quite (10)……………..too,
with some excellent jokes about time travel in it.
1 A from
B about
C on
D with
2 A ask
B follow
C look
D find
3 A by
B with
C of
D in
4 A explained
B realised
C showed
D believed
5 A even
B more
C much
D too
6 A divides
B joins
C shares
D adds
7 A kinds
B variety
C range
D qualities
8 A shows
B discovers
C describes
D says
9 A when
B because
C it
D unless
10 A funny
B sad
C shocking
D frightening