Creating a Better Internet

Creating a Better Internet
Cybersmart topic area
Let’s create a better internet together
Target age group
Lesson duration
Lower Secondary
Middle Secondary
Lesson Overview
The lesson focus is:
To promote an improved understanding of positive internet use among students.
Lesson outcomes
The lesson will allow students to:
Understand the importance of International Safer Internet Day
Recognise aspects of positive and responsible cybersafe behaviours
Develop an understanding of Australian cybersafety awareness campaigns
Create positive online messages
Australian Curriculum
General Capabilities:
Ethical understanding
Information and communication technology capability
Personal and social capability
Civics and citizenship
Critical and creative thinking
Activity 1
Subject focus
International Safer
Internet Day
Activity 2
Subject focus
Worksheet 1.
3, 5
Positive internet use
Resources required
SID 2014 poster
Resources required
Worksheet 1 – Positive Internet Use
Creating a Better Internet
Activity 3
Subject focus
complete one of
the worksheet
3,4, 6- Positive online
Resources required
Choose from Worksheets 2 – 4
Create a Poster
CyberFIT Song
Research a campaign
CyberFIT Calendar
CyberFIT Sound Track (accessed via a
music file or CyberFIT Powerpoint
Activity 4
summarises the
importance of
Subject focus
Resources required
CyberFIT 7 Day Wall Display
discussion of
key points
made in the wall
External links included in lesson
International Safer Internet Day 2014 poster –
CyberFIT Song (2 mins 20 secs) –
CyberFIT Calendar -
CyberFIT 7 Day Wall Display -
Be CyberFIT Powerpoint Presentation with CyberFIT music track
Technology and Terminology referred to in this lesson
Cybersafety, internet, Facebook, Instagram, Safer Internet Day, national awareness campaigns,
positive internet use, poster, music, song lyrics.
Creating a Better Internet
This lesson plan will help students recognise International Safer Internet Day as well as raising
awareness about safe and responsible participation in the online environment.
Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day (SID) is celebrated worldwide, usually on the second Tuesday in February, to
promote a safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile devices for everyone,
especially young people. SID is supported in Australia by the Australian Communications and
Media Authority’s Cybersmart program. The 2014 ‘Let’s create a better internet together’ theme
encourages young people to consider the positive aspects of the internet and what can be done
to help create a better internet. Some examples may be: to try to be respectful to others when
online; being a positive bystander if they see someone being cyberbullied; taking steps to protect
their online reputations; reporting inappropriate content; and engaging online in positive ways.
Lesson Activities
Activity 1 introduces the SID topic and students are encouraged share their thoughts on the
2014 SID theme. Teachers may wish to decorate their classroom with the SID 2014 Poster.
Activity 2 challenges students to consider social networking services such as Facebook and
Instagram and propose positive ways to use them. Students record their responses on
Worksheet 1 – Positive Internet Use. A follow up activity requires students to research actual
cases where these services have been used for a beneficial purpose.
Activity 3 provides a choice of three worksheets that reinforce the SID theme. Teachers are
given the option to choose a task best suited to the capabilities of their students.
Worksheet 2 – Create a Poster requires students to design their own poster with graphics that
illustrate the Safer Internet Day theme ‘Let’s create a better internet together’. Students will apply
their own cybersafety knowledge to their poster creations. Teachers may wish to mention
something that they do, or will start doing to help create a better internet. Examples might include
making better choices about not forwarding on negative comments or posts. You may also wish
to have students judge the posters and rate them according to the creativity of the message and
overall impact. Decide on the materials required to make the poster in terms of whether it is to be
created in electronic or hard copy format.
Worksheet 3 – CyberFIT Song uses music to help students express a personal view or
message about a cybersafety issue. Students are required to listen to the CyberFIT song and
write an additional verse. Student created verses can be shared with the class and discussed.
Students might also be encouraged to write their own cybersafety themed song. Teachers can
choose to play the song via the audio file (CyberFIT Song) or the Be CyberFIT Powerpoint
Worksheet 4 – Research a Campaign is a research based activity designed to raise awareness
among students about campaigns related to personal and online safety. Students are allocated
into six groups and are required to investigate an Australian national awareness campaign listed
on the worksheet: Safer Internet Day, Privacy Awareness Week, National Day of Action Against
Bullying and Violence, National Cybersecurity Awareness Week (now known as ‘Stay Smart
Online Week’), National Child Protection Week and Day for Daniel. Students report their research
Creating a Better Internet
findings back to the class. Optional: Teacher’s may wish to record these dates on the CyberFIT
Activity 4 concludes the lesson by summarising the importance of SID.
Optional: Teachers may refer to the CyberFIT Calendar and CyberFIT 7 Day Wall Display as
prompts and for display in classrooms. These resources are provided as separate files and can
be accessed from
This work is based on materials that constitute copyright of the Commonwealth of Australia and is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 2.5 Australia Licence. See Cybersmart/Legal.aspx for more information.
Creating a Better Internet
Worksheet 1 – Positive Internet Use
1. Many students use social networking services to communicate with friends, create content
and share material. Think about the positive ways you can use services such as Facebook
and Instagram. Record your ideas in the table below.
2. Now, choose your own example and complete column three.
3. There are many examples of social networking services being used for good purposes.
Research the web and find a real life story that shows the internet being used in a positive
way. For example, there are many cases where Facebook and YouTube have been used to
find lost relatives. Twitter has also been used to give live updates on natural disasters.
4. Record your real life example in the table below. Share your story with the class.
Table 1 – Using the Internet in a Positive Way
How can you use this site in a positive way?
Record a real life example of how people have used the internet in a positive way. Include
the URL address so you can share your story with others.
Creating a Better Internet
Worksheet 2 – Create a Poster
1. In this task you are invited to create your own Safer Internet Day poster based on the 2014
theme - ‘Let’s create a better internet together’.
2. First, think about what you can do to help make the internet a better place for young people.
Write down your ideas. Some examples to think about include: not forwarding on negative
comments, posts or memes; treating people you communicate with online with respect.
3. Think about your poster design - be creative!
4. Consider these tips below.
Table 1 – Poster Design Tips
Safer Internet Day!
Poster Design Tips
Eye-catching title
Good graphics
Clear layout and good use of space
Easy to read
Visually interesting
Poster Message Tips
Use a clear message
Make sure your message is based on the theme
Sometimes pictures can express more than words
Think about your audience
 If you are using pictures, images or content created by someone else, make sure you
have the right permission to use them. Copyright laws might apply.
 If using Google images, click on ‘Search tools’, click ‘Usage Rights’ and choose ‘labeled
for reuse’ images.
Creating a Better Internet
Worksheet 3 – CyberFIT Song
1. Pretend you are a famous musician and you have been asked to write the lyrics for a hit song.
The only catch is the song must have a cybersafety theme.
2. Listen to the CyberFIT song. Think about the lyrics and the message.
3. Now write another verse to the song. Make sure the new lyrics follow the pattern of the song.
4. If your creative juices are flowing, try writing your own song lyrics about making the internet a
better place.
Table 1 – CyberFIT Lyrics
I will set my cyber goals
I will think about who I affect
I will reset my passwords
I will think before I tap or click
Be CyberFIT
Be CyberFIT
I will think before I post
I will balance online and offline
I will read important text
I will set important reminders
I will network with my friends
I will keep up with all the new apps
I will protect my privacy
I will leave a positive footprint.
Creating a Better Internet
Worksheet 4 – Research a Campaign
1. In this group task you are required to research a national awareness campaign related to
personal and online safety and report your findings back to the class.
2. Don’t forget to gather important details about the campaign – the 5 W’s of who, what, where,
when and why. Think about information such as the: event date, name of the person or group
organising and managing the campaign, the main aim and key issues covered by the
campaign and who is the main audience the campaign is trying to reach.
3. Do you think the campaign is relevant for young people? Why?
Table 1 – Australian National Campaigns
Safer Internet Day
Privacy Awareness Week
National Day of Action Against
Bullying and Violence
National Child Protection Week
Day for Daniel
National Cybersecurity Awareness
(Note: in 2014 the campaign name changed to
‘Stay Smart Online Week’)
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