Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2

Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
(50 minutes)
Main Teaching Dot
The concept and
definitions of ‘Normality’
and ‘Abnormality’
Approaches to Defining
Introductory Activity
Main Lesson Activity
Distribute handout on
whether a particular action
is considered to be ‘normal’
or ‘abnormal’. Students are
to complete the table on
their own and then we will
discuss it as a class at the
Students to copy down notes
about the different approaches
to defining what is normal and
abnormal as well as definitions
of normality and abnormality
‘Uncovering Psychology
VCE Units 3 & 4’
Sargent, Bormanis etal.
Completing their
table for
homework if it
has not been
finished already.
Pre-prepared Mental
Health Power Point
No Homework
for this lesson.
Duration: 10 minutes
(100 minutes)
Health & Illness
Mental Health, Mental
Illness & Mental Health
Problems Definitions &
Classification systems of
Mental Disorders and
underlying principles:
Categorical Approaches
Brainstorm on the
whiteboard what the
students think are examples
of Mental Illnesses and
Mental Health Problems or
what they think the
definitions are or them.
Students to copy down the
table on slide 11 (see
attached powerpoint) and
decide whether a scenario is
an example of mental health
of mental illness.
Duration: 10 minutes
Shane Johnston 3855190
Students are then to create a
table in their books that
displays a definition of each of
the 6 approaches to defining
normality and abnormality as
well as providing their own
e.g. Historical Approach
example: homosexuality now
compared to the 1950’s.
Students to copy down the
notes on Power Point
regarding the categorical
approaches with a focus on the
DSM-IV. Read article in VCE
textbook regarding DSM-IV
pg. 490.
Students are split into four
groups where they are each
given a different case study
(see attached). The group has
to make a diagnosis of the case
study using each of the 5 Axis
of the DSM-IV
e.g. Axis I: obsessive
VCE Macmillan
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
compulsive disorder
Before conducting the activity
make sure the case studies are
not too controversial for the
class. Debrief them afterwards
and ask them why we do this.
(100 minutes)
Short Revision of DSMIV to consolidate
Classification systems of
Mental Disorders and
underlying principles:
Dimensional Approaches
Watch the video from the
Education Portal website
titled ‘What is the DSM?’
that goes through the DSM
definition and uses.
Complete the quiz that is
online from the Education
Portal website as a class as a
revision for the DSM. Go
through the answers
together as a class.
Duration: 15 minutes
Duration: 1 period
Students are to take notes on
the Dimensional Approach to
classifying mental disorders
that are located on the Power
Point slides attached.
Duration: 20 minutes
Students are to visit the
‘Psychology Today’ website
on their iPad’s to conduct a
version of the ‘Big 5
Personality Test’. This will
give them an idea of which
personality trait out of the ‘Big
5’ that they are similar to and
not similar to. The idea is to
give them a shortened version
of what a Dimensional
Approach can look like when
Duration: 30 minutes
Shane Johnston 3855190
Education Portal: ‘What
is the DSM?’ activity
located at:
Pre-prepared Power
Point slides that are
Psychology Today
website for personality
test located at:
VCE Macmillan
Students to
complete the table
with strengths and
weaknesses of the
approaches if they
have not
completed it.
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
Students are also to create a
table with column headings as
‘Strengths’ and ‘Weaknesses’
with the row headings being
‘Categorical’ and
‘Dimensional’. Students are to
use their textbooks to list
strengths and weaknesses for
each. Discuss them as a class
Duration: 20 minutes
(100 minutes)
Use of a biopsychosocial
framework (the
and integration of
biological, psychological
and social factors) as an
approach to considering
physical and mental
Revision Activity:
Refer to the Power Point
that is attached called
‘Revision Quiz Mental
Health’. The Power Point
contains questions from
what the class has learned so
far regarding Mental Health.
Students are to write down
their answer for each
question on a spare sheet of
paper under test conditions.
We will go through the
answers once completed.
Students are to copy down the
notes on the Power Point slides
regarding the biopsychosocial
framework definition.
Pre-prepared ‘Revision
Quiz Mental Health’
Power Point that is
The activity is to draw a Venn
diagram in their books where
in each section (biological,
psychological and social) they
are to write down 6-8
examples of each factor.
e.g. biological would be
genetics. This will help the
students understand the
importance of each factor.
Pre-prepared ‘Mental
Health’ Power Point that
is attached.
Duration: 20 minutes
Duration: 15 minutes
Students are also to work in
pairs to apply their knowledge.
The students will be given an
Shane Johnston 3855190
‘Uncovering Psychology
VCE Units 3 & 4’
Sargent, Bormanis etal.
General Revision
if they are
unhappy with
their performance
on the Revision
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
example and have to decide
whether it is a biological,
psychological or social factor.
e.g. children leaving home
would be a social factor. Refer
to slide number 37 on the
Mental Health Power Point.
(100 minutes)
Application of a
to understanding the
relationship between
and physical and mental
 physiological and
of responses to stress
including fight-flight
response, eustress and
Students are to think of a
situation where they are
under significant amounts of
stress. They are to write
down the situation in their
books and to write down
what was happening to them
in terms of their body and
thought processes. They can
write down what they did to
overcome the stress and
what the outcome was.
Students can share these
ideas with the class if they
are comfortable in doing so.
Write down common parts
of their stories on the
whiteboard as an
introduction to stress.
Duration: 10 minutes
Duration: 20 minutes.
The main section of the lesson
will utilise YouTube videos to
cater for the different types of
learners in the class.
The first video is titled ‘The
Biology of Stress’ which goes
through the physiological
response to stress and what
happens to the body. The
students must take note of
these physiological changes.
The second video is titled
‘Fight or Flight’ response and
shows an example of the
response as well as
physiological changes.
Students can take notes and
use their own example of a
personal fight or flight
The third and fourth video are
from the movie ‘Finding
Shane Johnston 3855190
‘The Biology of Stress’
video from YouTube:
‘Fight or Flight’ video
from YouTube:
‘Finding Nemo’ videos
from YouTube:
VCE Macmillan
Learning Activity
13.1 pg. 516 of
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
Nemo’ and show examples of
animals in the movie that use
their fight or flight response.
One is the squid and its ink
when scared and the second is
a blowfish expanding when
under stress. Students can
think of other examples of
animals that possess a fight or
flight response.
The fifth video helps
differentiate eustress from
distress with a mother and
child on a rollercoaster.
Students can come up with
own examples of eustress and
(50 minutes)
Application of a
framework to
understanding the
relationship between
stress and physical and
mental wellbeing:
 psychological
determinants of the
stress response;
strengths and
limitations of Richard
Lazarus and Susan
Shane Johnston 3855190
One video to introduce the
Lazarus and Folkman’s
Transactional Model of
Stress and Coping. The
video is titled ‘AFL Game
Winning Goals- After the
Siren’ and shows the goals
that are scored or missed
after the siren to win the
Duration: Over a Period
Once the students have a
thorough knowledge of the
Lazarus and Folkman process
using the pre-prepared Power
Point slides and VCE
Textbook they are to come up
with their own example where
they would have to appraise
the situation and use coping
Students are to discuss what
the players are going
through when going for that
They will then create a
timeline on a poster that will
incorporate the process that
‘AFL Game Winning
Goals- After the Siren’
video from YouTube:
Pre-prepared Power
Point slides titled
‘Stress’ that is attached
VCE Macmillan
No Homework
for this lesson.
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
Transactional Model
of Stress and Coping
game winning kick. The
point is that the player
would primarily appraise the
situation as either benign,
threat or a challenge and
then secondarily would
assess if they have the
resources to cope with
kicking the goal.
they go through using their
e.g. car breaking down.
Students will then present their
poster and go through what
they go through with their
chosen example
Duration: 30 minutes
(100 minutes)
Application of a
framework to
understanding the
relationship between
stress and physical and
mental wellbeing:
 social, cultural and
environmental factors
that exacerbate and
alleviate the
stress response
Duration: 8 minutes
An introductory activity
would be to conduct a class
experiment where the class
in their original seats view a
list of 15 words that pop up
on the screen. They are then
to write down the words that
they can recall.
Next they are to combine
with the table next to them
where they have to sit close
to them to view a different
list of 15 words and recall as
many as they can.
Next all of the class is to
attempt to recall another list
of 15 words when all using
the same table.
This is an activity to
understand the role of
Shane Johnston 3855190
After copying notes from the
pre-prepared Power Point
slides on the social, cultural
and environmental factors in
terms of the stress response.
Students will discuss
Calhoun’s crowding research
that was conducted in 1962
regarding mice in an enclosure
and doubling the population of
the enclosure every 55 days.
Pre-prepared Power
Point with lists of words
for the introductory
Pre-prepared Power
Point slides regarding
the social factors that
exacerbate stress from
the ‘Stress’ Power Point
VCE Macmillan
Students are to identify the
independent, dependent and
extraneous variables from the
experiment. They can also
write an operational hypothesis
for the experiment.
Students will also discuss the
ethical principles from doing
this experiment and why it was
conducted on mice rather than
Students are to
read the pages in
the textbook that
relate to
Allostasis before
next class as it
can be a
confusing topic
for students.
Students are to
read the pages
and complete the
learning activity
in the VCE
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
crowding as an
environmental factor as
crowding can often cause
higher feelings of stress
when completing tasks.
(100 minutes)
Allostasis (stability
through change brought
about by the brain’s
regulation of the body’s
response to stress) as a
model that integrates
biological, psychological
and social factors that
explain an individual’s
response to stress
Strategies for coping with
stress including
physical exercise,
social support
Duration: 10 minutes
Students are to draw a
flowchart in their books of
the Allostasis model based
on the reading and learning
activity completed for
homework. They are then to
use a selected example to
relate their example to the
Allostasis model. For
example, being broken
down in a snowstorm and
the allostatic responses such
as the changes to
metabolism. They will then
share this with the class.
Duration: 30 minutes.
After going through the notes
regarding the strategies for
coping with stress on the preprepared Power Point, students
are to download a Meditation
app on their iPads. If they
can’t download it, just use
your own and play it through
the projector.
As a class, practice the basics
of meditation and attempt to
complete meditation. Ask the
students how they feel after
this exercise and if they feel
more relaxed.
Duration: 10 minutes
Duration: 20 minutes
Survey the class and ask them
what methods of coping with
stress that they have used
before and whether they think
it is effective.
Duration: 20 minutes
Shane Johnston 3855190
VCE Macmillan
Pre-prepared ‘Stress’
Power Point slides that
are attached
Students are
handed out a
revision test that
is to be completed
for homework
(see the attached
Meditation iPad App
They are to come
to the next class
with it completed
and to go through
the answers with
them then.
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
(100 minutes)
Concepts of normality
and differentiation of
mental health from
mental illness
Systems of classification
of mental conditions and
Use of a biopsychosocial
framework (the
interaction and integration
of biological,
psychological and social
factors) as an approach to
considering physical and
mental health
(100 minutes)
Application of a
framework to
understanding the
relationship between
stress and physical and
mental wellbeing
Application of a
framework to
understanding and
managing simple phobia
as an example of an
anxiety disorder:
 biological
Shane Johnston 3855190
Go through the answers of
the Revision Test that they
were asked to complete for
homework. Go through each
answer with an explanation
and ask if they have any
confusion with a certain
Students complete the Unit 4
Outcome 2 SAC on Mental
Health (see the attached file)
Unit 4 Mental Health &
Stress Revision Test &
Answers (see attached)
Duration: 5 minutes reading
time and 60 minutes writing
Unit 4 Outcome 2
Mental Health SAC (see
Have the students draw a
poster of the GABA process
and how it helps manage
phobic anxiety. They must
draw a picture of the presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic neuron as well as
labelling in the role of the
‘Maury Povich’
YouTube videos:
No Homework
for this Lesson
Allow them to also have
time to complete any quick
private study that they
would like to complete.
Duration: 15 minutes
Show the class various
videos that introduce the
topic of phobias and explain
the videos. There are videos
from Maury Povich’s
television show where there
are individuals who have a
phobia of pickles, peaches,
No Homework
for this Lesson.
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
contributing factors:
role of the stress
response; role of the
gamma-amino butyric
acid (GABA) in the
management of
phobic anxiety
cotton and mustard. There is
another video with another
man who is afraid of dogs.
Good to get the class
interested as this is often a
topic that peaks interest.
Also survey the class to see
if there are any general fears
or phobias so they are not
uncomfortable in the future.
See if these are just general
fears and not phobias. Good
conversation starter.
A picture is attached in the file
labelled ‘Role of the GABA
neurotransmitter Process’ to
give an idea of what would be
an acceptable drawing.
Duration: 30 minutes
‘My Extreme Animal
Phobia: Tough guy
afraid of puppy’
YouTube Video:
VCE Macmillan
Duration: 15 minutes
(50 minutes)
Application of a
framework to
understanding and
managing simple phobia
as an example of an
anxiety disorder:
 psychological
contributing factors:
behavioural and
cognitive models
Shane Johnston 3855190
Focus on the Behavioural
Model in particular by
splitting up the class into
groups and give each group
a particular phobia (e.g.
dogs, water, enclosed
spaces). Each group must
discuss and write down how
an individual would acquire
their phobia through
Classical Conditioning and
how they would maintain
their phobia through
Discuss the ‘Little Albert’
Experiment conducted by
Watson who helped Albert
acquire a phobia through his
Students are to identify the
independent, dependent and
extraneous variables in the
experiment as well as
formulate an operational
Pre-prepared Power
Point slides titled
‘Anxiety Disorder and
Phobia’ that are attached
VCE Macmillan
Pre-prepared Power
Point slides titled
‘Anxiety Disorder and
Phobias’ that are
Students are to
create a table in
their book that
illustrates the
types of cognitive
bias. This table
must include a
definition of the
bias as well as
their own
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
Operant Conditioning using
the correct terms.
Students are to discuss the
experiment using classical and
operant conditioning terms as
It is a good refresher for the well as discuss the ethical
learning topic that will be on principles involved in the
the exam. Students are to
‘Little Albert’ experiment.
reveal their answers to the
Duration:40 minutes
(100 Minutes)
Application of a
framework to
understanding and
managing simple phobia
as an example of an
anxiety disorder:
 the use of
psychotherapies in
treatment including
cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT),
desensitisation and
Duration: 15 minutes
Brainstorm on the white
board the different types of
phobia that have been
mentioned throughout the
unit or ones that the students
are familiar with. Students
are to discuss ways that they
think the phobia could be
treated as well as how long
they think the treatment
could take. Highlight
common ideas that the
students have mentioned
Duration: 10 minutes
After letting the students write
down and discuss the notes
regarding CBT, systematic
desensitisation and flooding
using the Power Point slides,
perform a short example of
what might happen during a
systematic desensitisation
Give the students, in groups, a
particular phobia and they
must come up with fear
hierarchy that they think
would be useful for their
particular fear. Students will
present their hierarchy.
Students can role play their
treatment as well in front of
the class
Duration: 25 minutes
Shane Johnston 3855190
Pre-prepared Power
No Homework
Point slides titled
for this Lesson.
‘Anxiety Disorders and
Phobia’ that are attached.
VCE Macmillan
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
(100 minutes)
Application of a
framework to
understanding and
simple phobia as an
example of an anxiety
 socio-cultural
contributing factors:
triggers such as being
bitten by a dog;
parental modelling
and transmission of
threat information
Students are to have a class
discussion as to how they
think that an individual can
acquire/maintain a phobia in
terms of the social
component of the
biopsychosocial framework.
Remind the students that the
social component has to do
with close relationships and
the environment.
Write these ideas on the
Duration: 5 minutes
Students are to look at
Bandura’s BoBo Doll
experiment that has to do with
Observational Learning. This
has to do with the parental
modelling component of the
socio-cultural factors.
Pre-prepared Power
Point slides titled
‘Anxiety Disorder and
Phobias’ that are
Revision for
upcoming SAC
VCE Macmillan
Students must again, identify
the independent, dependent
and extraneous variables as
well as creating an operational
They must also discuss the
ethical principles involved in
the study.
Good practice for the Research
Scenario section for the final
(100 minutes)
Application of a
framework to
understanding and
managing simple phobia
as an example of an
anxiety disorder
Shane Johnston 3855190
Students are to draw a threecircle Venn Diagram in their
books with the headings:
biological, psychological
and social.
The student is then to
choose a phobia and write
under each heading how
they might contribute to
their phobia and how they
Duration: 30 minutes
Students are handed out two
articles that have to do with
phobias and have to highlight
the sections of the newspaper
that have to do with anything
they have learned from the
phobias unit. Students will also
discuss the treatment technique
in each article.
This is good practice for their
VCE Macmillan
Pre-prepared Power
Point slides titled
‘Anxiety Disorders and
Phobias’ that are
Article One titled ‘Case
Study One Phobias’ that
Revision for
upcoming SAC
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
can manage their phobia
under each heading.
upcoming SAC which is a
media analysis.
Duration: 10 minutes
Duration: 30 minutes
is attached in the file
retrieved from:
Article Two titled’ Case
Study Two Phobias’ that
is attached in the file
retrieved from:
(100 minutes)
Application of a
framework to
understanding and
managing simple phobia
as an example of an
anxiety disorder
Revision Game called
‘Phobias Game’ that is
attached in the file. The
class will complete this
individually and will go
through the answers once
they have completed the
Biological contributing
factors: role of the stress
response; role of the
neurotransmitter gamma-
The revision game includes
questions relating to the
phobias topic and also very
unique names of phobias
Shane Johnston 3855190
Students complete their SAC
that is a Media Analysis that is
attached in the file.
Duration: 5 minutes reading
time and 60 minutes writing
Pre-prepared Power
Point slides titled
‘Phobias Game’ that is
Media Analysis SAC
that is attached titled
‘SAC media response’
The Media Analysis
article is attached titled
‘Phobias SAC Article
Page 1’ and ‘Phobias
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
amino butyric acid
(GABA) in the
management of phobic
contributing factors:
behavioural and cognitive
models; the use of
psychotherapies in
treatment including
cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT),
systematic desensitisation
and flooding
that the students have to
SAC Article Page 2'
A good game to help revise
and help them relax before
their SAC.
Duration: 15 minutes
contributing factors:
specific environmental
triggers such as being
bitten by a dog; parental
modelling and
transmission of threat
*Note: Periods are 50 minutes long and VCE Psychology runs on a Ten Day Timetable with 1x 50 minute lesson and 4x 100 minute lessons per cycle.
Shane Johnston 3855190
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
Unit Plan Background:
A Psychology Lesson has a duration of 50 minutes
The timetable at my placement school worked on a 10 day timetable with each day consisting of 6 periods
The first 5 days of the timetable consisted of 1x 50 minute lesson and 2x 100 minute lessons
The second 5 days of the timetable consisted of 2x 100 minute lessons
The coursework and assessments followed the VCAA guidelines
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Statement:
In terms of the Outcome the student will be judged as being either ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Unsatisfactory’ depending on a combination of:
Their results from the SAC’s. If they have achieved a score of 50% and above then they will be deemed as having achieved a
‘Satisfactory’ score for that unit
Their attendance for the outcome, if they have not attended at least 80% of the classes for the outcome then that will come into
consideration for their mark at the end of the outcome.
Formative & Summative Assessment:
The formative and summative assessment methods from the above unit plan are as follows:
The formative assessments during the outcome will come in the form of revision quizzes and general class participation. If the student is
displaying weaknesses from those forms then special attention will be given to those students to help them during the outcome
The summative assessments will take the form of School Assessed Coursework (SAC)
Shane Johnston 3855190
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
AFL Game Winning Goals - After the Siren [HD], (2014). AFL Game Winning Goals - After the Siren [HD], YouTube. [ONLINE]
Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzGXObsSywU. [Accessed 22 September 2014].
The Biology of Stress (Mental Health Guru). (2014). The Biology of Stress (Mental Health Guru), YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt44uDsV8PE. [Accessed 21 September 2014].
Education Portal (2014). What Is the DSM? - Definition, Lesson & Quiz Video - Lesson and Example. [ONLINE] Available at:
http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/what-is-the-dsm-definition-lesson-quiz.html#lesson. [Accessed 20 September 2014].
Fight or Flight Response (2014). Fight or Flight Response, YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2GywoS77qc. [Accessed 21 September 2014]
Finding Nemo "its called a butt" (2014). Finding Nemo "its called a butt", YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeaVb242Kgg. [Accessed 21 September 2014].
Grivas, J. & Letch, N. (2013). Psychology VCE Units 3 & 4 5th edition, Macmillan, NSW
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q-SQtpjuYM. [Accessed 21 September 2014].
Carroll, H. (2014). The high achieving women too scared to drive... and how, like HELEN CARROLL, they can conquer their phobia,
Daily Mail Online. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2736082/The-high-achieving-women-scareddrive-like-HELEN-CARROLL-conquer-phobia.html. [Accessed 22 September 2014].
Ortigo, B. (2014). Is it a fear or phobia?, Longview News-Journal: Lifestyle, [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.newsjournal.com/features/lifestyle/is-it-a-fear-or-phobia/article_cd76ba05-550f-56cf-bd29-0fe8cb3fea09.html. [Accessed 24 September 2014]
Shane Johnston 3855190
Teaching Psychology Assessment One: Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Mental Health 2014
My Extreme Animal Phobia: Tough guy afraid of a puppy, (2014). My Extreme Animal Phobia: Tough guy afraid of a puppy, YouTube.
[ONLINE] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDvDCqLCdEE. [Accessed 22 September 2014].
Produce.avi, (2014). Produce.avi, YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYcZCOxqD38. [Accessed 22
September 2014].
Psychology Today. (2014). Big 5 Personality Test. [ONLINE] Available at: http://psychologytoday.tests.psychtests.com/bin/transfer.
[Accessed 21 September 2014].
Sargent, G., Bormanis, M., Campara, J., Niklaus, K., Schnabl, L., Sundram, S., Warner, J. & Whelan, K. (2010). Uncovering Psychology
VCE Units 3 and 4, Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, VIC.
Shane Johnston 3855190