New Service and Architecture Requirements for the Future Internet: The Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Network Perspective based on the NSF WMPG report, Rutgers, Oct 2005 CCW OCT 2005 Mario Gerla CSD, UCLA The Internet is becoming wireless Laptop sales exceeded desktop PC sales in July 2003 2B mobile phones in use by the end of 2005 > ~1B Internet users >~0.5B networked PC’s …most new phones also have packet data capability Overall, this means that by 2015, # wireless Internet terminals >> # wired! Laptops, cell-phones, PDA’s, iPoD’s ~ 10x PC’s/servers Embedded devices (sensors, actuators, RFID,…) ~ 10-100x PC’s & growing This has important implications for network architecture, both wired and wireless: Wireless access networks must scale and handle new types of devices (sensors, etc.) The Internet, which was designed in the 70’s for wired PC-PC/server connections, needs to scale and evolve towards changing service needs Wireless Internet Access Evolution MSC Internet Public Switched Network (PSTN) Custom Mobile Infrastructure (e.g. GSM, 3G) Mobile/wireless service enhancements BSC BTS WLAN Access Point BTS Infostation cache WLAN Hot-Spot VOIP Ad-hoc network extension CDMA, GSM or 3G radio access network Broadband Media cluster (e.g. UWB or MIMO) Today Future? VOIP (dual-mode) Low-tier clusters (e.g. low power 802.11 sensor) Impact on Internet Architecture Internet Architecture: Caveats Previous attempts at upgrading of IP spec have not had the expected result: Earlier attempts at utopian new network architectures mostly ended in failure, in spite of technical merits IPv6 standardized but not widely deployed... Little progress with end-to-end QoS in the Internet Mobile IP for first wave of wireless needs not implemented IP’s lowest common denominator (best effort datagram) also its greatest strength! B-ISDN/ATM did not take off (...complexity, lack of organic growth model) Significant standards activity and community endorsement not sufficient to launch new network architectures... Problems with 3G wireless This doesn’t mean that new networks aren’t needed, but architectures needed to encourage bottom-up transformation without loss of investment in legacy system: Evolutionary strategies preferable New approaches to protocol standards: hierarchies, modularity, open-source,.. Economic incentives for deployment Internet Architecture: Strategies for Change Evolutionary approach Design a new wireless, ad-hoc and sensor “low-tier IP network profile to be “compatible” with IP global network (e.g. IPv6, BGP routing, MPLS, etc.) Identify critical hierarchy and core IP extensions needed and pass requirement to IETF, etc. Evolve IP functionality via new RFC’s As wireless service needs proliferate, new low-tier IP may replace current IP intra-network New Interface Spec GLOBAL INTERNET Border Router for IPw IP Wireless/Sensor Access Network (IPw) IPv6 extensions Border Router for IPv4 Border Router for IPw IP Wireless/Sensor Access Network (IPw) New Protocol Spec IP Access Network (e.g. IPv4) Internet Architecture: Strategies for Change Overlay approach Design new wireless, ad-hoc or sensor access net to work across global overlay network Specify and build new overlay networks optimized for wireless needs May include concept of an “IP knowledge plane” accessible by overlay If successful, IP is pushed down to a “layer 3-” service, while overlay is “3+” Permits significant flexibility in advanced service features, but tight optimization of packet overhead more difficult due to IP encapsulation new knowledge plane? GLOBAL INTERNET IP Tunnel Border Router Overlay Net Gateway GLOBAL OVERLAY NETWORK new wireless-specific services Overlay Net Gateway New Wireless/Sensor Access Network Overlay Net Gateway New Wireless/Sensor Access Network New Design (non-IP) IP Access Network Internet Architecture: Strategies for Change Revolutionary approach Specify a new “beyond IP” network optimized for mobile/wireless/sensor Build a prototype nationwide network and offer it for experimental use Use this network for emerging mobile data and real-time sensor actuator applications with demanding performance and efficiency requirements Most radical, risks being marginalized by Internet evolution and legacy staying power Next-Gen GLOBAL INTERNET optimized for emerging needs including wireless-specific services New Designs (beyond IP) New Access Network optimized for wireless, etc. Border Gateway New Access Network IP Access Network The NSF WMPG (Wireless Mobile Planning Group) Workshop Aug 2-3, 2005 NSF Wireless Mobile Planning Group (WMPG) Workshop - Rutgers Aug 2-3, 2005 A group of about 30 researchers in the wireless area met at Rutgers (under the leadership of Ray Dipankar) to discuss: Unique requirements posed by wireless mobile users Potential impact on the Internet architecture Experimental facilities required to explore the new Internet architecture solutions A report was issued in October: “New Architectures and Disruptive Technologies for the Future Internet:Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Network Perspective” The “wireless” requirements Identify new requirements placed by wireless users on the Internet “network layer” These new requirements may trigger a “redesign” of the IP stack (or more generally the way we do networking) We were not concerned with SOLUTIONS at this point Questions to be addressed: What is the wireless scenario/application you are addressing? What is the problem to be solved? What are the new qualitative requirements on the network layer? What is the impact of these innovations on user performance? The wireless scenarios We identified three representative scenarios: The individual mobile user, interacting only with Internet resources The mobile “constellation”: the users equipped with several devices/interfaces, interacting with the Internet, with environment (instrumented user) and with each other (opportunistic ad hoc networking). This model applies to individuals while they walk, drive cars, fly planes, ride trains etc. The “dynamic” pervasive sensor fabric”: this concept includes the traditional environment sensor fields as well as the mobile sensor fields (people, car sensor fabrics). This latter scenario is clearly connected with the instrumented constellation scenario Wireless Service Requirements Summary of Network Requirements and Architecture Challenges 1. Naming and addressing flexibility 2. Mobility support for dynamic migration of end-users and network devices 3. Location services that provide information on geographic position 4. Self-organization and discovery for distributed control of network topology 5. Security and privacy considerations for mobile nodes and open wireless channels 6. Decentralized management for remote monitoring and control 7. Cross-layer support for optimization of protocol performance 8. Sensor network features such as aggregation, content routing and innetwork processing 9. Cognitive radio support 10. Economic incentives to encourage efficient sharing of resources Wireless Requirements: Mobile Data Fast growth of (conventional) mobile data terminals with wireless access link implies a need for new services on the Internet: Terminal mobility (authentication, roaming and dynamic handoff)…mobile IPv6 Multicasting …IP multicast Security …e.g. protection against AP spoofing Efficient transport layer protocols (..non TCP) Major topic in research & standards during 90’s, but limited use.. INTERNET Access Point (AP) High packet Error rate Mobile data terminal Roaming, handoff mobility Radio multicasting Wireless Requirements: Mobile P2P P2P, 7DS, Infostations, etc. represent another emerging category of mobile applications on the Internet Router mobility Network may be disconnected at times …delayed delivery? Caching and opportunistic data delivery …. In-network storage Content- and location- aware data delivery Internet Mobile Infostation Infostation Data Cache Opportunistic High-Speed Link (MB/s) Ad-Hoc Network Infostation cell Low-speed wide-area access Opportunistic High-Speed Link (MB/s) Mobile User Roadway Sensors Wireless Requirements: Ad-Hoc Nets Ad-hoc nets with multiple radio hops to wired Internet useful for various scenarios including mesh 802.11, sensor, etc. Discovery and self-organization capabilities Seamless addressing and routing across wireless-wired gateway Geographic routing options Support for end-to-end cross-layer protocol approaches where needed Privacy and security considerations Best sensor-to-mobile path via wired network (needs unified routing) Wired Internet IP-Ad-hoc Net Protocol Conversion Gateway Wireless link with varying speed and QoS Access Point Local Interference and MAC Congestion Ad-Hoc Network Sensor Relay Node Dynamically changing Network topology Wireless Requirements: Sensors Sensors and actuators with size/power constraints Limited CPU processing & memory (?) Communication speed may be low Intermittent connectivity (power saving modes) Relatively unreliable components Very different application requirements Important new paradigm, since # sensors potentially in the billions MIT DVS Protocols & system designs still at an early stage First sensor nets for simple measurement applications More complex “closed-loop” sensor/actuator in future UC Berkeley MOTE Sensor Applications: Highway Safety Sensors in roadway interact with sensor/actuator in cars Opportunistic, attribute-based binding of sensors and cars Ad-hoc network with dynamically changing topology Closed-loop operation with tight real-time and reliability constraints The Experimental Facilities Experimental Infrastructure for Future Wireless Network Research Techniques for Flexible Experimental Wireless Networks Virtualization of Wireless MAC Cognitive Radio Wireless Network Monitoring and Measurement Measuring and characterizing mobility. Measuring heterogeneous networks overlapping in space. Measuring cellular and DTN networks. Cooperative sharing of measurements Wireless Network Repository Emulation and Simulation Testbeds for Wireless Wireless Networking Platforms Platform Software and End-to-End Architecture Experimental Infrastructure for Future Wireless Network Research (cont) Wireless Network Repository Emulation and Simulation Testbeds for Wireless Wireless Networking Platforms Platform Software and End-to-End Architecture Virtualized Multi-MAC Experimental Wireless Networks Integration of Existing Testbeds Ad Hoc Mesh Networks Summary of Recommendations Recommendation 1: the Internet will undergo a fundamental transformation over the next 10-15 years; invest in research programs aimed at creating necessary technical foundations. Recommendation 2: Increase research focus on central network architecture questions related to future mobile, wireless and sensor scenarios. Recommendation 3: Invest in development of flexible wireless technologies and platforms necessary to implement programmable and evolvable experimental networks. Recommendation 4: Fund development of large-scale experimental wireless networks for effective validation and competitive selection of new architecture and protocol concepts. Recommendation 5: Encourage collaborative research that would result in end-toend deployment and evaluation of future wireless/mobile and sensor networks and applications over the global Internet. Examples of Research enabled by the new testbed platforms Vehicle Grid Applications Car Torrent Ad Torrent Car to Car Games Vehicle Sensor Network Co-operative Downloads: Car-torrent, Ad torrent Internet Vehicle-Vehicle Communication Exchanging Pieces of File Later Car2Car Games: Game Server Architecture + Car-networking Scenario Vehicular Sensor Network (VSN) Applications Monitoring road conditions for Navigation Safety or Traffic control Imaging for accident or crime site investigation Infostation 1. Fixed Infrastructure 2. Processing and storage Car to Infostation 1. On-board “black box” 2. Processing and storage Car-Car multi-hop Thank you!