EOC Show & Tell Valerie Lucus Laine Keneller AGENDA Introductions Disasters on Campus Emergency Management & EOC IET & Emergency Communications Pandemic Planning Break Scenarios Video – Aftershocks Discussion Conclusion UC Davis Total population: 50,000 30,000 students 20,000 staff and faculty (including state-wide staff that are associated with UC Davis, i.e.: county extension offices) Other UC campuses Local Community Larger Community Emergency Management “The Earth has a history of catastrophes and that history will continue.” Living with Hazards; Dealing with Disasters William Waugh Define “disaster” … Define “disaster” … … A serious disruption in the ability of a community or a society to function …. … causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses … … which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disasters that plague us … Natural Earthquake Tsunami Volcano Landslide, mudslide, subsidence Glacier, iceberg Flood, flash flood, seiche, tidal surge Drought Fire (forest, range, urban) Snow, ice, hail, sleet, avalanche Windstorm, tropical cyclone, hurricane, tornado, water spout, dust/sand storm Extreme temperatures (heat, cold) Lightning strikes Famine Man-Made Diseases that impact humans and animals Animal or insect infestation HazMat (chem/rad/vio) spill or release Transportation accident Building/structure collapse Energy/power/utility failure Fuel/resource shortage Air/water pollution, contamination Water control structure/dam/levee failure Financial issues, economic depression, etc Communications systems interruptions Terrorism (conventional, chem/bio/rad/cyber) Civil disturbance, public unrest, mass hysteria, riot, enemy attack, war, insurrection, strike Crime, arson Electromagnetic pulse 8 There are hurricanes on campus … Hurricane Katrina August 29, 2005 There are tornados on campus … Tornado Union University, Jackson Tennessee February 5, 2008 There are floods on campus … October 30, 2004 University of Hawaii Manoa Valley, Hamilton Library There are fires on campus … Fire Pepperdine University, California (1993 & 2008) Stony Brook University, New York (Sept 2006) There are active shooters on campus … There are earthquakes on campus … Earthquake California State University (CSU) Northridge November 15, 1994 There are pandemics on campus … “The epidemic came to the University of California in 3 waves: the first and most serious in October and November of 1918. It resurfaced briefing in December and again in January, causing the Spring semester to be delayed by two weeks.” Academic Aftershocks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofXW31CZcHk The Emergency Manager “My job is to tell you things you don’t want to hear, and ask you to spend money you don’t have, for something you don’t ever think is going to happen.” Emergency Management is … … the process of coordinating available resources … to effectively manage emergencies … that overwhelm day-to-day operations, … thereby saving lives, avoiding injury, and minimizing economic loss. Chancellor/ Provost Office of Administration Stan Nosek Safety Services Jill Blackwelder Local Cities Yolo County California OES/Agencies UCOP Federal (DHS, FEMA, etc) 18 Groups Professional EM and BCP Emergency Management Valerie Lucus Public Safety Administrative Units Academic Units Research VetMed/Animal Care Medical Center … the process looks like this. Incident Response Recovery (first 72 hours or so) Life safety, protect property Short-Term (Days - Weeks) damage assessment Long-Term (Months-Years) Business Continuity/ Resumption 19 Emergency Operations Center Emergency Operations Center An EOC is … 1. Defined set of policies/ procedures/people, and 2. A predetermined location 3. To provide centralized management of the unexpected. EOC objectives are … 1. To save lives and minimize injuries; 2. To protect property and the environment; 3. To return to normal/ Disaster Recovery Business Continuity EOC Organization Chart Executive Policy Team Management EOC Manager University Communications Academic Programs Operations Fire Police Facilities EHS IET Student/Employee Health And others Plans & Intelligence Situation Status Documentation Advance Planning Recovery Planning Logistics Finance Supply Transportation Personnel Engineers Procurement Time Claims Department Operation Centers (DOC) Established, staffed and managed by each Department or Office with a need to coordinate the actions of their personnel during a response or recovery activation of the EOC 22 IET Helps Make it Happen! IET at UC Davis In support of the University's mission, Information and Educational Technology will deliver an infrastructure of technological services appropriate to the requirements of the campus community. IET VP Office Communication Resources Data Center & Client Services Academic Technology Support Application Development IET Supports Safety Services EOC Communications o o o o Dataports / wireless Projection system Audio / Visual EAS (Emergency Alert System) cable Portable radios (800 MHz) Department Driven DOC Activation Incident Notification Manager notifies IET that DOC will be activated Activate DOC? Situation Analysis Manager Activates DOC Yes Manager contacts Critical Team No Managing the Incident Has EOC been activated? Yes DOC Manager Contacts EOC to provide status DOC Notifies Internal and External Clients Yes DOC Sends Updated Notification to Internal and External Clients Is Incident Resolved? No Has Status Changed? Yes DOC Manager Deactivates DOC No No DOC Manager Assigns Incident Summary Report Ownership Responsible Department Drafts Incident Summary Report Post - Incident Responsible Department Sends Draft to Critical Team for Approval Is Incident Summary Report Approved? Yes Responsible Department Sends Incident Summary Report to Appropriate Recipients Outstanding Corrective Actions? Incident Summary Report closed Yes No Responsible Dept Monitors for Completion Corrective Actions Completed? No Yes End WarnMe Emergency Notification System API built from on-line directory to WARN Over 55,000 records uploaded Database refreshed Nightly Examples of Features Off-Site Hosted Service Unlimited # of Members Monitoring Systems 24 x7 Customer Service Scheduled Call Outs Pre-Recorded Messages Real-Time Reports Response Capabilities UC Davis work home other email Vendor sends hundreds of messages to pre-determined list at once. The ‘Listings’ website (a.k.a Online Directory) collects institutional information about faculty/staff/students. the WarnMe application is the new application built specifically to collect personal information. A third set of data is collected from places like our student system, our health system (e.g. Pagers for doctors), our student housing system (building information for those students living in the dorms). All this information is then joined together in a set of Oracle tables and uploaded into the Warn system with the ‘inConnect’ program that Warn provided for us. The faster we can notify people in an emergency, the faster they can respond and stop worrying. GETS National Communications System National Security/Emergency Preparedness Priority Telecommunications Services Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) Wireless Priority Service (WPS) UC Davis Ralph Parker Regional Outreach Coordinator ralph.parker@associates.dhs.gov 415-893-0401 GETS Calling Card & Wireless Priority Service 0123 4567 8910 JAN SMITH US CITY EOC GETS is an emergency calling card service that can be used from virtually any telephone to provide priority for emergency calls WPS is an add-on feature subscribed on a per-cell phone basis to provide priority for emergency calls made from cell phones Who Has GETS/WPS on Campus? Individuals who need to communicate anytime/anyplace should have personal GETS Cards and WPS Subscribed Cell Phones Key Locations and Functions should have GETS cards for use during emergencies Senior Leadership Media Relations Emergency Management and staff Police/Fire Chiefs and staff Police/Fire Field Command Department Heads and staff Team leaders Subject matter experts/trained specialists Others Individuals with an Emergency Preparedness and Response role. EOC Work Stations Back-up EOC PSAPs Computer/IT Center Police/Fire Dispatch Shelters Command Vehicles Emergency Status Line (530) 752-4000 Collaboration with: IET Emergency Manager University Communications UC Davis Home page Stripped down text Equipment Collocation Off-site Load Balanced for heavy Traffic University Communication Access UC Ready This UC Ready tool will guide you, step by step, to create a continuity plan. Your plan will identify: CRITICAL FUNCTIONS performed by your department, and the factors needed for their continuance. INFORMATION AND STRATEGIES that will help during and after the disaster-event. ACTION ITEMS that can be done, starting now, to lessen the impact of these events and make us ready to cope. https://ucready.berkeley.edu/begin.cfm IET Pandemic Planning “We take this threat of a an Avian Influenza Pandemic seriously and are urging the entire University of California, Davis campus to take the necessary steps to prepare for it.” Provost Virginia Hinshaw UC Davis Pandemic Planning Pandemic Planning Not the same as seasonal flu Historically inevitable Effect a large % of the population Normal life is disrupted because of excessive absenteeism Pandemic Planning 1. Seasonal (or common) flu is a respiratory illness that can be transmitted person to person. 2. Pandemic Influenza is virulent human flu that causes a global outbreak, or pandemic, of serious illness. Because there is little natural immunity, the disease can spread easily from person to person. Pandemic Planning 1918-19 ‘Spanish Flu’ (H1N1): 2040% of the world’s population, 20 million people died, 500,000 in U.S 1957-58 ‘Asian Flu’, (H2N2): virus was quickly identified due to advances in technology and a vaccine was produced, the elderly had the highest rates of death, about 70,000 deaths in the United States. 1968-69, ‘Hong Kong Flu’, (H3N2): caused approximately 34,000 deaths in the U.S., this virus returned in 1970 and 1972 and still circulates today. H1n1 Pandemic Planning Circulating among swine for several years Unusual combination of swine/bird/human genes Meets all the definitions of a pandemic Novel virus Effective human-to-human spread Present in a large geographic area World: 36,000 cases in 76 countries – 163 deaths US: 18,000 cases in all states – 18 deaths WHO declares Level 6 No previous pandemic has been detected so early or watched so closely The virus writes the rules Appears it will be of moderate severity Most patients experience mild symptoms Virus preferentially infects younger people (>25) WHO declares Level 6 It is prudent to anticipate a bleaker picture as the virus spreads to areas with limited resources, poor health care, and a high prevalence of underlying medical problems. Vaccines are in the works Recommends no restrictions on travel and no border closures Material in your packet WHO Statement re: Pandemic Level 6 UC Davis Influenza Pandemic Annex CDC H1N1 (swine flu) Infections Alert for Institutions of Higher Learning “No Handshakes at Commencement” CDC/OSHA Brief IET Telecommunication Planning Options IET Solutions for Social Distancing Emergency Communication Brochure Break 5 Dirtiest Places That May Surprise You Situation 1 of 4 Early October, 2009 Start of regular annual flu season beginning WHO Pandemic Level 6 –widespread cases around the world Individuals are contagious for 1-2 days before symptoms appear Course of illness is 5-7 days Situation 2 of 4 Influenza symptoms rate in population overall is about 40% - twice that of the seasonal flu; symptoms generally not worse than seasonal flu, but more people sick because there is no immunity There has been one ‘wave’ through your community and it was relatively mild. Experience at other campuses are that the students are getting sick more often and more seriously than staff or faculty. Situation 3 of 4 Nearest major metropolitan area experiencing what looks like beginning of a wave, their public health officer has responded vigorously by closing schools and cancelling public events Number of cases in this county starting to increase Discussions with public health officer makes it clear they are going to request all schools close within the next week – for at least two weeks, probably three weeks. Instructions There will be 3 questions You can ask about what the rest of campus is doing, but consider these questions from an IT perspective These are problem solving questions For each questions, we’ll ask you to report out with: What is the problem (from an IT perspective) What are the options How could those options be implemented Who else needs to be involved Scenario 1 Based on experience elsewhere, IT can expect a 30-40% absentee rate over the next four weeks. ? What is the problem (from an IT perspective)? ? What are the options? ? How could those options be implemented? ? Who else needs to be involved? Scenario 2 Classes will be suspended for three weeks. ? ? ? ? What is the problem (from an IT perspective)? What are the options? How could those options be implemented? Who else needs to be involved? Scenario 3 Non-essential employees throughout the campus will be sent home for 3 weeks. ? ? ? ? What is the problem (from an IT perspective)? What are the options? How could those options be implemented? Who else needs to be involved? Are You Ready? Top 10 Easy Steps to Being Better Prepared 10. Find out who the Emergency Manager is on your campus 9. What kind of pandemic planning is going on at your campus 8. Take advantage of the work Berkeley has done for UC Ready to get your department ready. 7. Make an Emergency Contact List for yourself / your department and keep it with you. 6. Be Prepared at Home Plan for social disruptions Stock a supply of water and food and other supplies Have OTC and prescription medications on hand 5. Stay informed Understand what a pandemic is and isn’t… CDC: “Swine Flu and You” www.pandemicflu.gov www.who.int 4. Keep yourself healthy Adequate rest, healthy food, exercise Immunizations and flu shots 3. Hygiene Wash Etiquette your hand frequently with soap and water Use hand sanitizer when you can’t wash Use alcohol wipes on surfaces in your office 2. Learn to cough properly: Why don’t we do it in our Sleeves! Or Cover your Cough with your Clothes 1. STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK!!! Wrap Up What did you learn? What are you taking back to your campus?