I A S C A THE INTERNATIONAL ARAB SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS ESTABLISHMENT The International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA) was established on January 12, 1984 as a non-profit professional accounting association in London, UK. It was formally registered in Amman on February 24, 1994 under the name “The Arab Society of Certified Accountants (ASCA)”, then on August 18, 2013 ASCA name has changed to become “The International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA)”. OBJECTIVES Advance the profession of accountancy, auditing and other related fields. Protect and maintain professional independence of accountants. exchange the professional knowledge between accountants. INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS & AGREEMENTS IASCA works hard and on a continuous basis to meet all professional requirements to make it eligible to receive appropriate international status. Memberships: The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). The International Committee for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER). Consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Licensing Agreements: IFRS Foundation. Wiley. ACTIVITIES IASCA main activities are: 1- Membership 2- Publication 3- Training 4- Professional qualifications & Examinations. ACTIVITIES - MEMBERSHIP Membership categories: Associate member Fellow member Membership privileges: The benefits our members enjoy are numerous ,including: 1. Acquiring research and studies. 2. Establishing connections between the members and governmental bodies. ACTIVITIES - PUBLICATIONS We are proud to declare that IASCA has the exclusive right by the IASB, IFAC and Wiley as the only Arab organization, eligible to translate their publications into Arabic language and distribute them on the Arab world on periodic basis . IASCA TRANSLATED PUBLICATIONS International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) IASCA TRANSLATED PUBLICATIONS International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) IASCA TRANSLATED PUBLICATIONS International Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Other Assurance, and Related Services Pronouncements 2012 IASCA TRANSLATED PUBLICATIONS The Vest Pocket to IFRS 2011 IASCA TRANSLATED PUBLICATIONS Guide to Quality Control for Small and Medium-Sized Practices IASCA TRANSLATED PUBLICATIONS Guide to Using ISAs in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities IASCA TRANSLATED PUBLICATIONS Implementation Practical Guide and Workbook on International Standards for the Preparation of Financial Reports (Wiley) 2011 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Other publication issued by IASCA: Anti - Money Laundering Guide OTHER PUBLICATIONS A Guide to Corporate Governance OTHER PUBLICATIONS Abu-Ghazaleh Accounting and Business Dictionary ACTIVITIES – TRAINING COURSES Our training courses are divided into three different categories , which are : Training Courses For The Public. Preparation Courses For The Professional Qualifications (IACPA, IACMA, IFRS Expert, CIMA and JCPA). Contractual Courses. ACTIVITIES – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS – IACPA The International Arab Certified Public Accountant (IACPA) IACPA is an Arab accredited professional certificate aiming at providing Arab accountants with the highest qualifications. IACPA Curriculum Outlines: Paper One: Economic and Finance Paper Two: Accounting Paper Three: Auditing Paper Four: Regulations ACTIVITIES – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS – IACMA The International Arab Certified Management Accountant (IACMA) This certificate targets specialists in administrative and financial fields. IACMA Curriculum Outlines: Part One:“Financial and Cost Accounting” Part Two:“Managerial Accounting and Financial Management” ACTIVITIES – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS – IFRS EXPERT The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Expert This is the first qualification of its kind in the Arab world that entitles its holders to IFRS works and it basically deals with the application of international accounting standards. The Certificate will be published by March 2014. Strengths Weaknesses Language – Opportunity to receive the Poor marketing of our services on the professional qualification in Arabic language for those who cannot speak English Fluently. International level Regulations – The candidate is free to choose the Arab country they believe it is most suitable to their professional background; since every country follows different regulations. International Standards – The “IACPA” Was established based on the international accounting standards which is broadly used worldwide unlike other Certificates. A K M S ARAB KNOWLEDGE AND AND MANAGEMENT SOCIETY ESTABLSIHMENT AKMS was first founded in 1989, in Buffalo in New York, and was officially registered in Amman in 1990. OBJECTIVES • Aim at developing and stimulating human and institutional capacity. • Cooperate with international bodies to exchange experience and knowledge. • Develop the managerial skills for AKMS members by providing them with the required knowledge and research tools. INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP & MEMBERSHIP • Chartered Quality Institute, (CQI) • The International Organization for standardization (ISO) • ICANN At-Large Structure • The Arab Information Club (ARABCIN) • The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education SERVICES - MEMBERSHIP Membership categories: 1. 2. Individual membership Institution membership Membership benefits: • discount on AKMS’ professional programs and short-term courses. • discount on all training courses held by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training in the Arab Region. • discount at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh School of Business. • Special discounts on TAG-Org Publications. SERVICES - PUBLICATIONS Business Guide to the World Trading System SERVICES – PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Sample of training course: • Knowledge Management • Management Skills for Managers • Six Sigma Green Belt • Organizational Behavior • Human Resources Management SERVICES – ISTO EXAMINATIONS The International Standardized Testing Organization (ISTO) in cooperation with Arab Knowledge and Management Society, provide independent and worldwide tests for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. ISTO Examinations help professionals acquire additional qualifications as part of their professional development, and add to the credibility of individuals and organizations. SERVICES – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS - PQM Professional Quality Manager (PQM) PQM certificate, approved by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM). Professional Quality Manager Program (PQM) is a professional program providing applicants with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct effective quality assessments in order to illustrate the essentials of Quality, Quality Assurance and Quality Control. SERVICES – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS - PQM Program Structure: - Essentials of Quality Management - Total Quality Management Tools - Core Concepts of Leadership and People Management - Strategic Planning in Quality Management - Customer-Focus for Business Excellence - Supply Chain Management SERVICES – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS - LEADERSHIP Advanced Certificate in Leadership Advanced Certificate in Leadership program is approved by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM). The program provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary for leadership in the modern business world. Strengths AKMS programs are recognized by two valued British institutes, Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) Exclusive provider of ISTO examinations (ISO 9001-14001) in the Arab region. Weaknesses Poor marketing of our services on the International level. A S I P THE ARAB SOCIETY FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (ASIP) ESTABLISHMENT The Society was established on February 23, 1987 in Munich, Germany, as a non-profit organization . OBJECTIVES The main objectives are: To enhance and develop the system of IP in the Arab region. To organize, host, and monitor IP courses, conferences, seminars and other events. To advise the members of the new developments in the field of IP. INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Observer status with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Membership in the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). ACTIVITIES – MEMBERSHIP Why to join ASIP membership? 1. PUBLIC AWARENESS 2. EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3. SOURCE OF IP INFORMATION 4. INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES – TRAINING COURSES Through many years of experience, ASIP has developed several long-term and short-term programs on IP, including some of the most advance topics in the field Some examples on the training course: 1- Intellectual Property: Concepts and Applications. 2- Intellectual Property: protection and marketing strategies for International Companies. 3- Patents and Trade Secrets: legal framework. ACTIVITIES – SEMINARS & CONFERENCE ASIP presents seminars and conferences on IP topics: Geographical Indications Symposium World Intellectual Property Day: “Legal Aspects of the Art” “Innovation Promotion and Technology Commercialization” Workshop. ACTIVITIES – MOOT COURT COMPETITION following the success of similar models at other universities, such as Harvard University in the United States, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Faculty of Law at the University of Jordan and (ASIP) to organize a Simulated Intellectual Property (IP) Tribunal, also known as a Moot Court competition, on IP topics among law students at the Jordanian universities. The purpose is to motivate students to search about IP issues and understand the role of IP in the economy. ACTIVITIES – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS – ACIPP • Arab Certified Intellectual Property Practitioner Program (ACIPP) ACIPP Program is the first professional Arabic program offering advanced teaching and training for the IP practitioner designed to give participants a solid base and real understanding of IP principles, tools and their applications. ACTIVITIES – PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS – ACIPP ACIPP Certificate: • Introduction to Intellectual Property • Trademark Arab Certified Practitioner (TMACP). • Copyright Arab Certified Practitioner (CPACP). • Patent Arab Certified Practitioner (PACP). Strengths International Recognition Weaknesses Poor marketing of our services on the International ASIP is one of the non-governmental level. organizations with a consultative status in the UN Economic and Social Council, and an observer member in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Licensing Executives Society - Arab Countries الدول العربية- جمعية خبراء التراخيص WHAT IS LES? The Licensing Executives Society - Arab Countries (LES-AC) is the regional representative of LES International, which comprises 32 national and regional societies worldwide. LES-AC is the first non-profit Arab regional society specialized in IP licensing and technology transfer. LES-AC aims to educate the business community on the economic importance of licensing, the protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), and research and development (R&D) investment. MISSION LES – AC committed to provide the Arab world with professional executives in the fields of licensing and technology transfer as well as developing the economic growth by encouraging, facilitating and enforcing Intellectual Property (IP) licensing and Research and Development (R&D) investment. WHO ARE MEMBERS OF LES? Membership covers all Arab countries in the League of Arab States. It is composed of individual members that are engaged in the profession of licensing and other aspects of transferring or profiting from intellectual property. Managing Directors Company Executives Small Business Entrepreneurs Technology Transfer Managers at University Inventors Consultants Scientists and Engineers Lawyers Patent and Trademark Attorneys Academics Government Representatives Accountants SERVICES Professional Training and Capacity Building Networking Opportunities Consulting Services Professional Publications PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING 1- Professional Development Series (ACIPLP) 2- Certified Patent Valuation Analyst (CPVA) 34- Online Training: elearning.lesarab.org In-house Training: with more emphatic and concentration paid to the corporate needs and interest with consideration to the specialty and business scope. LES Arab Countries offers specialized training courses, aiming to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants in the fields of Licensing, Technology Transfer, protection and management of Intellectual Property (IP) rights, and Franchising. THE ARAB CERTIFIED IP LICENSING PRACTITIONER (ACIPLP) PROGRAM The program is an intensive (90) training hours divided into: Level One: Commercializing Technology through the Power of IP Licensing. Level Two: Essential Principles and Tools of Licensing. Level Three: Advanced Licensing Strategies and Skills. CERTIFIED PATENT VALUATION ANALYST (CPVA) The Licensing Executives Society – Arab Countries (LES-AC) and the Business Development Academy (BDA) are jointly market the Certified Patent Valuation Analyst (CPVA) designation in the Arab countries and Turkey. CPVA training will be run in the UAE and Turkey in April 2014 and will be followed by other sessions in Egypt and Tunisia in October 2014. The program divided into four courses: 1. Valuation of Emerging Technologies 2. Negotiating Licensing Agreements for Maximum Returns 3. Calculating Damages Resulting from Patent Infringement These three courses can be offered in two days. The fourth required course for earning the CPVA designation—Advanced Patent Valuation—will be made available via webinar. NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES LESI Membership: Access to more than 11,000 LES International members worldwide. Business Meetings, Seminars and Conferences: organized by LESI and LES-AC Licensing Opportunities Forum (LOF): Annual event to assist the inventors, developers and owners of new technologies in the Arab countries, in promoting and marketing their technologies available for licensing. CONSULTING SERVICES This service aims to encourage and facilitate technology transfer and assist SME’s and corporate expand their scope of business through licensing practices . Agencies and Franchise Consulting Service includes: Legal Consulting and Services Commercial Mediation Services Locating Strategic Partners for Projects Franchising, Licensing and Technology Transfer Facilitation and arrangements Valuation Services PUBLICATIONS Educational material (Basics of Licensing, IAM) “Guidelines to Licensing and Technology Transfer Agreements” booklet “The LESI Guide to Licensing Best Practices” Book (E-A) "Introduction to Franchising Agreements" Booklet Annual Reports Quarterly Newsletter Website www.lesarab.org (Regularly updated) Strengths The only representative for LES International in the Arab Countries. Providing professional resources (magazines and references) in the field of licensing and technology transfer. Providing access to more than 10,000 LES international experts in the field of licensing and technology transfer around the world. Weaknesses Poor marketing of our services on the International level. Thank You…