T EAM 12 - SUPER TANK O VERVIEW Project Refresher A Basic Question An Ethical Look (Qualitative) Environmental (Quantitative) A Personal Perspective P ROJECT R EFRESHER Long Range Vehicle (Tank) Control over wireless network Operate from anywhere in the world (Website/Android App) Collaboration with HKUST Shared Server Customizable for new vehicle features PSSC S An ability to send/receive/decode commands from a controller wirelessly An ability to control direction/firing capability of a vehicle An ability to autonomously avoid obstacles encountered by the tank An ability to provide sensor feedback to a wireless controller An ability to monitor a battery and prevent unexpected signal loss by alerting operator A B ASIC Q UESTION Me SUPER TANK ? E THICAL Q UESTIONS ? NONE! E THICAL Q UESTIONS Will this be used to hurt anyone? How secure does it have to be? Can it be hacked by terrorists? Who should we allow to use SUPER TANK? Etc.. Not the focus of this analysis. INDUSTRIAL CASE - We’ll assume DARPA hired us for honest reasons to deploy the SUPER TANK RESIDENTIAL CASE – We’ll assume we are producing a toy. E THICAL I MPACT How thoroughly tested should this be? What regulations should we comply with? Where should we add warning Labels? User manual cautions? Should we add any additional safety mechanisms? E THICAL I MPACT What regulations should we comply with? It should be FCC Class B compliant. How thoroughly tested should this be? All FCC Class B features Potential injury from cannon External pinch points of motors Reliability of all functions related to PSSCs E THICAL I MPACT Where should we add warning Labels? User manual cautions? If cannon can injure: On chasis If cannon can injure Should we add any additional safety mechanisms? Physical safe gaurds against motor pinch points E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT ? E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT C ONSTRAINTS We are in the Residential market space No evaluation of Network Just Purdue’s Vehicle E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT Halo Tank SUPER TANK ? E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT Me SUPER TANK ? E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT – C OSTS Cost Cost Plastic Manufacturing Plastic Electronics Manufacturing Electronics Battery Manufacturing Battery Overall Construction Overall Electricity Consumption Electricity Quiescent Power Quiescent PCB Recycle PCB Pandaboard Recycle Pandaboard Battery Recycle Battery Other Recycling Other Potential Throw Away Potential Lifecycle Stage Harsnhess Description/Rationale Manufacturing Low Plastic takes energy and resources to be manufactured High Very energy intensive to make ICs! Estimates from 280kWh/Kg to MWh's/Kg High Uses many hazardous chemicals such as Cadmium Low In the grand scheme of things, this construction is trivial In Use High Uses ~MWh throughout its useful lifetime Low The vehicle will tend to be active when on. End of Life High This PCB is very specific to our SUPER TANK. It would be hard to re-use Low If done properly, the Pandaboard can be reused High Recycling of batteries again require's use of hazardous chemicals Low Our other components are mostly plastic, they canbe melted and re-used easily High If these materals get thrown away they are non-bodegradable and potentially hazardous E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT – M ITIGATIONS Cost Plastic Manufacturing Electronics Manufacturing Battery Manufacturing Overall Construction Electricity Consumption Quiescent Power PCB Recycle Pandaboard Recycle Battery Recycle Other Recycling Potential Throw Away Lifecycle Stage Harsnhess Description/Rationale Manufacturing Low Plastic takes energy and resources to be manufactured High Very energy intensive to make ICs! Estimates from 280kWh/Kg to MWh's/Kg High Uses many hazardous chemicals such as Cadmium Low In the grand scheme of things, this construction is trivial In Use High Uses ~MWh throughout its useful lifetime Low The vehicle will tend to be active when on. Proper Labeling and Documentation End of Life High This PCB is very specific to our SUPER TANK. It would be hard to re-use Low If done properly, the Pandaboard can be reused High Recycling of batteries again require's use of hazardous chemicals Low Our other components are mostly plastic, they canbe melted and re-used easily High If these materals get thrown away they are non-bodegradable and potentially hazardous SUPER TANK S C ARBON F OOTPRINT Super Tank's Carbon Footprint Component Amount Rate Packaging 4Kg 6kG/kG of plastic Electrical Components 1Kg 2800kWh/Kg Electricity Use 1.306lb/kWh 866kWh Total Cost (Ton CO2) Ref 0.0264 Packaging Report Comments Derived from 10lb estimate of total weight, and 2 pound estimate of electrical component weight Derived from 10lb estimate of total weight, and 2 pound estimate of electrical component weight 1.8284 Packaging Report Reliability Analysis, Design Constraint 2 Years MTTF (Reliability) -> 2 Years @ 39.3 W = (39.3*22039.1)Wh = 866kWh 0.565498 Analysis 2.4203 H ALO TANKS C ARBON F OOTPRINT Halo Tank H ALO TANKS C ARBON F OOTPRINT Halo Tank's Carbon Footprint Component Amount Rate Packaging 0.5 6kG/kG of plastic Electrical Components 0.5 2800kWh/Kg Electricity Use 242kWh 1.306lb/kWh Total Cost (Ton CO2) Ref 0.0033 Packaging Report Comments Derived from 10lb estimate of total weight, and 2 pound estimate of electrical component weight Derived from 10lb estimate of total weight, and 2 pound estimate of electrical component weight 0.9142 Packaging Report Reliability Analysis, Design Constraint 1 Years MTTF (estimate) -> 1 Years @ 22.0 W = (22.0*11020)Wh = 242kWh 0.158026 Analysis 1.07553 About (2/5)ths that of SUPER TANK E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT Halo Tank SUPER TANK ? > M Y P ERSONAL C ARBON F OOTPRINT Conversation.org -> 14.7 Tons CO2/year EPA.gov -> 16.0 Tons CO2/year Averaged is 15.35 Tons CO2/year M Y P ERSONAL C ARBON F OOTPRINT Estimate I will live to be 85. Estimate my standard of living will increase at 3% per year Estimate standards of living are proportional to your Carbon Footprint. 62 15.35 ∑(1.03)^n = 2783 Tons CO2 n=0 1 Matt =~ 1000 Super Tanks E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT Me SUPER TANK << 2.42 Tons CO2 2783 Tons CO2 E NVIRONMENTAL I MPACT Me SUPER TANK < 1.21 Tons/Year 15.35 Tons/Year Q UESTIONS ?