due dates and requirements - Pennsbury School District

Rogerian Argument Presentation
World Lit Academic
Use this assignment sheet in conjunction with the “Six Parts of a Rogerian Argument” sheet to
compose your speech.
For this assignment you are to research, compose, and present a Rogerian argument. This method of
argumentation develops and considers two sides of an issue, finds common ground, and ultimately
suggests a beneficial approach to the issue.
This assignment will require you to produce two pieces for grading:
 Outline
o These must show evidence of extensive research. This includes a minimum of four
sources with an accompanying annotated bibliography (see additional instruction sheet
on this).
o Exhibit all the attributes of senior-level writing: a tone of neutrality (maintained
throughout, even as your final assessment is delivered), academic vocabulary, evidence
of individual style, adherence to the academic integrity policy
o Must include MLA in text citations that cross reference the bibliography
o Outline must be written in full sentences with the six parts of the argument labeled.
This will be the only accepted format to allow the teacher to follow your presentation.
o Delivered in a professional and engaging manner using conversational delivery
o Must include a well edited and clear PowerPoint 4-6 slides in length to be submitted
prior to your speech. This must be used effectively in your presentation
o Speech must include a clear structure that follows the outline submitted: discusses
slides, highlights common ground, and an assessment of the benefits of the final
o Must adhere to the 3-5 minute time limit
o May not be simply “read” must be delivered in an engaging manner that shows
consideration of the audience and the topic
1. Are we too dependent on computers? (financially, instant gratification, research information)
2. Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
3. Should punishment be enforced when parents permit underage drinking in their homes?
4. Should physical education be required for high school?
5. Should voting be compulsory for all adults?
6. Is humankind dangerously harming the environment?
7. Do volunteer border patrol groups represent a reasonable and just way to address immigration
across the Mexican-US border?
8. Are military means the best way to defeat terrorism?
9. Will cuts in foreign aid assistance undermine US safety?
10. Can humanitarian intervention be justified?
11. Should ethnicity be considered in college acceptance?
12. Has Homeland Security become too powerful of an agency?
Rogerian Continued
Annotated Works cited
Wednesday, December 18th
 Typed
- Submitted in class for teacher
 Edited
 Printed out and commented on
Thursday, December 19th
 In class optional, but highly encouraged
Thursday, January 2nd
 Final copy to be submitted on turnitin.com
- Again this must be a full sentence
 This is the final copy and should be what
outline with the bibliography attached
you are using to create your powerpoint
- Submit to turnitin.com
and rehearse your speech
Friday, January 3rd
 Submitted to turnitin.com
- Due at 7Am on turnit.com
 This will be the one used for the speech in
 May only submit once
Practice day
Friday January 3rd
Speeches Begin on Monday January 6th
Reminder: there is a 10% point deduction for every day that these assignments are late. Be sure to
submit on time and verify your file.