Neuroradiologic Features of CASK Mutations (1) Shota Yuasa,Jun-ichi Takanashi (2) Hiroshi Arai (3) Johji Inazawa (4) Nobuhiko Okamoto (5) A. James. Barkovich (1) Dept of Pediatrics, Kameda Medical Center (2) Dept of Pediatric Neurology, Morinomiya Hospital (3) Dept of Molecular Cytogenetics, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (4) Dept of Medical Genetics, Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health (5) Dept of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco CASK (calcium/calmodulin-dependenet serine protein kinase) regulates expression of genes involved in cortical development Mutations of the CASK gene are associated with X-linked mental retardation microcephaly disproportionate brain stem cerebellar hypoplasia female MRI (2-year-old) T1WI T1WI T2WI Case Series 5 Japanese girls with CASK Mutations ( 1–4 years of age) with histories of developmental retardation microcephaly characteristic facial appearances (large pupils, large ears, and small jaw) Normal controls 67 female patients (0.5–180 months of age) mild neurologic symptoms ( headache, hypotonia, seizures, febrile delirium) No parenchymal lesions ( MRI) No genetic abnormalities or syndromes No neurodevelopmental abnormalities Disease controls 5 patients with pontine hypoplasia (other than CASK mutations) PEHO syndrome 5p-syndrome Trisomy of chromosome 18 Complex chromosomal abnormalities Measuring the areas (pons, midbrain tegmentum, cerebellar vermis, corpus callosum) T2WI T1WI T1WI Cerebrum Cerebellum Pons Corpus callosum Cerebrum / Corpus callosum Discussion Mutations of the CASK gene are associated with X-linked mental retardation microcephaly disproportionate brain stem cerebellar hypoplasia female Discussion CASK belongs to the membrane-associated guanylate kinase protein family. has an important function during neuronal development. Inactivating mutations of CASK in humans have recently been reported to be associated with microcephaly and midhindbrain hypoplasia. Barkovich AJ, Millen KJ, Dobyns WB. A developmental and genetic classification for midbrain-hindbrain malformations. Brain 2009;132:3199–230 MRI CASK: PEHO syndrome: 24-month-old 16-month-old Conclusions The normal size of the corpus callosum, which gives an impression of callosal thickening at first glance, may be an imaging clue to detect female patients with CASK mutations. Acknowledgments I thank Dr Shinichiro Hamano at Saitama Children’s Medical Center for referring a patient, and the patients and families for their contribution to this study. Case:2-year-8-month-old girl [Case Scenario/History] She was born at 41 weeks of gestation by caesarean delivery after an uneventful pregnancy. Apgar scores were 9, 9 at 1, 5 minutes. Birth weight 2860g (-0.3 SD), height 48.0cm (-0.2 SD), and head circumference 31.8 cm (-0.8 SD). At 9 month she was noted to have growth retardation and microcephaly with head circumference 38.0cm (- 3.9 SD). she was referred to our pediatric outpatient clinic for further assessment. Physical Exam (9-month-old) weight 6775g(-1.6 SD), height 65.2cm(-2.0 SD), head circumference 38.0cm(-3.9 SD) Head & neck: ocular hypertelorism, large pupils, epicanthal folds, large ears, broad nasal bridge, high arched palate, and small jaw Chest: clear breath sounds, bilaterallyno murmurs Abdomen: soft, nondistended, normal bowel sounds no hepatosplenomegaly Extremities: no edema, no syndactyly Neurological exam Cranial nerves: normal (hearing intact) Cerebellar signs: normal Power: normal Tone: decreased Sensory: normal Reflexes: increased (lower extremity) Laboratory tests CBC, serum biochemistry: normal lactate , pyruvic acid, thyroid test: normal viral antibody titer: normal Urinalysis: normal Plasma/Urine amino acid, organic acids: normal CSF: normal Gene analysis Patient: Chromosome analysis: aCGH: normal heterozygous deletion of CASK Parents: FISH analysis: normal mutations in the patient’s CASK : de novo MRI (9-month-old) T1WI T1WI T2WI MRI (CASK mutations) normal size corpus callosum reduced size cerebrum, pons, midbrain, cerebellum • The most important outcome in this study is that MR imaging findings of mid-hindbrain hypoplasia and a normal- or large appearing corpus callosum in a girl with microcephaly and neurodevelopmental retardation should suggest the possibility of a CASK mutation, particularly if the cerebrum/corpus callosum ratio is low. Growth curve height Head circumference weight [Psychomotor development] Motor development: head control/rolling over at 4 months, sitting/crawling at 1 year, standing at 2 years walking not yet Speech and Language development: one-word phrase at 1 year two-word phrases not yet [Past medical history] None [Family history] Cousin:21trisomy 入院時検査所見 血算,一般生化学 : 異常なし 尿検 髄液,アミノ酸,有機酸,ウィルス抗体価:正常範囲内 アミノ酸分析 (血清・尿・髄液) トキソプラズマ・サイトメガロウィルス・風疹・単純ヘルペス抗体価 乳酸 ピルビン酸 TSH 異常なし 異常なし 13.1mg/dl 0.85mg/dl 5.4μIU/ml フリ-T4 1.4ng/dl フリ-T3 4.9pg/ml MCG X-tiling Array FISH PEHO症候群