Tips for Getting a “5” on the APES Exam SCORRRRE!!!! There is no longer a penalty on the test for guessing – that means that your multiple choice score is simply based on the total number of correct answers Scoring rubric repository/env-sci-2008-scoringworksheet.pdf Multiple Choice Questions CAREFULLY read the stem with EACH of the answer choices Eliminate answers you know won’t work Go with your gut! Select the answer that seems to be the best and LEAVE IT ALONE! Represents 60% of your exam. Strategy 1 – Pace Yourself You have 90 minutes for each section Slow down and answer the questions you know the answers to! If you think you can use process of elimination to answer tougher questions, do so. Strategy 2 – Three Pass Strategy 1. Easiest questions first 2. Medium tough questions next. 3. Make sure you fill in the correct bubble!!!!! Strategy 3 - POE Or process of elimination Use what you already know to eliminate nonanswers Strategy 4 – Aggressive Guessing Again, there is no penalty for guessing, but guess wisely Strategy 5 – Word Associations After reading the MC stem, use POE to remove non answers. Then, use the remaining choices but look at the stem again and look for terms associated with the stem Example All of the following are important in smog production EXCEPT A. photochemical reactions B. stratospheric ozone C. tropospheric ozone D. volatile organic compounds E. nitrogen oxides Note that C, D, and E can be eliminated because they are all important in smog formation. Of the two remaining, which is correct, A or B? Why? Strategy 6 Mneumonics Create mneumonics or other memory joggers to help you remember stuff! Strategy 7 – ID Question Types Watch out for TRAP words like EXCEPT/NOT/LEAST 10% of MC questions are of this type Question context determines correct answer Example All of the following are components of integrated waste management EXCEPT A. using canvas bags that can be reused rather than disposable bags B. using old appliances for construction of artificial reefs C. using disposable diapers instead of cloth diapers D. using reused glass bottles E. using planking made from recycled plastic Why is “C” the correct answer? Overthinking = Wrong Answer Take questions at face value Do not “read into” the question! Games The sheet with the different websites contains great games to help you learn! Do these as often as possible! Study with a buddy! Strategy 8 – the Art of the APES Free Response Essays m/exam_information/2003.html Contains AP FRE questions, grading rubrics and example answers for 1999 – 2010 Brainstorm and outline BEFORE you write Include HOT BUTTON terms Label any and all diagrams and figures! SHOW ALL MATH AND DON’T FORGET UNITS!!!!! Tip 1 Explain technical terms when used in an answer. Just dropping terms without demonstrating an understanding of the term will not earn any credit. Ex. Bioaccumulation increases the likelihood of biomagnification. What does each word mean? Did you give a good example of how this process works? Tip 2 Marshal good arguments in favor of, or against, a particular position on an environmental issue. Make sure you understand that restating the question is a waste of time in a timed test, and doing so will never earn any points. Tip 3 When questions ask the student to describe, discuss, or explain, they should go beyond listing and identifying. Review the APES Essay Questions and Rubrics to help you see what is necessary from past tests. Tip 4 Practice formulating hypotheses and deciding whether a particular experimental design will test a stated hypothesis. This will help you with any experimental design questions. Tip 5 You need to work on critical reading skills, i.e., knowing what the key words are in a question. Carefully reading questions and responding appropriately. When questions ask you to "describe," "discuss," or "explain," they should go beyond listing and identifying. Students who use outline form, or one- or two-word answers, do not demonstrate the depth of their knowledge. Tip 6 Be able to describe spatial patterns of environmental change and the stepwise sequence of ecological events that accompany such changes. The different concept maps can help you remember this! Tip 7 Free response breakdown APESWEB/FREE%20RESPONSE%20organized% 20.htm Breakdown of APES Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions by Content l/MrsTaraHowell/APES_Main_Chapters_to_Review .pdf Tip 8 Take the tests in your Barrons’ book Also take tests by other teachers Tip 9 There are always 4 questions on the Free Response Section, and you have 90 minutes for all four! 1 data set question 1 document based question (read and answer/expound) 2 synthesis and evaluation questions Do the easier questions first Attempt the harder questions to get points! These represent 40% of your APES grade!!!! Tip 10 Eat a good breakfast with lots of protein. Don’t eat a lot of sugar or white flour products – your body will metabolize it too quickly and you’ll have a sugar drop! Don’t study the night before the test. Go out and have fun! See an action movie! BREATHE! AND RELAX!