Group 2 Dung Nguyen Linh Nguyen Anh Nguyen Dung Tran Katarina Djakovic Devin Dorman Identify consumer preferences in regards to the new iPhone 5s Survey the likelihood of consumer purchase of the new iPhone 5 Explore consumer perception and attitude towards the new iPhone 5s and Apple Survey designed to gain insights into respondents preference for the new iPhone 5S Multi-choice questions were utilized to make the survey uniform and easy for respondents, as well as to provide a high level of ordinal data for analysis Open ended questions allowed mutually exclusive responses and displayed specific preferences From pre-test feedback, question order was changed and revised for clarity. The questionnaire contains 14 multiple choice questions, 2 ranking questions, 2 check-all-that –apply questions and 2 free response questions. Ranking significant factors that influence Smartphone purchase: price, performance, brand name, latest model, features Brand awareness, usage, rating according to participants iPhone 5S awareness, ownership, and features iPhone 5S purchase and reason Demographic data: gender, age, income and education Pre-test held October 2nd ◦ Paper surveys collected at the end of the day ◦ Edited survey using comments made by classmates Created survey using Qualtrics Used convenience sampling distributing via personal email A total of 135 responses were collected between October 16th and 31st Gender Age Range n=135 n=135 65 years or older 0% 53-64 years old 9% 41-52 years old Male 42% 4% 29-40 years old 10% 18-28 years old Female 76% 17 years or younger 58% 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% -We had respondents within all age groups but most of our participants were within the younger population. -Females made up over 50%, but, gender distribution was well balanced. Household Income n=135 23% $100,000 or more 6% $75,000 – $99,999 11% $50,000 - $74,999 19% $25,000 – $49,999 41% Below $25,000 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% -Responses with all annual income levels -Most of them earn below $25,000 per year. 35% 40% 45% Education level (n=135) 49% 25% 7% High School, GED, or lower Some College Undergraduate Degree 19% Graduate Degree or higher -Most respondents ( 49%) have some college degree. - It is also indicated that most of the respondent have undergraduate/ graduate or higher degree. Intention to upgrade Do you own an iPhone 5s? (n=135) n=135 70% 7% 24% 6% Yes No Yes No 93% Already own one -The majority of respondents(93%) answered that they don’t have an iPhone 5s. - Approximately 70% do not intend to upgrade iPhone 5s in the next 12 months. 69% 39% 34% 24% Social network 18% Television Family 24% Other Online news Friends Expected Features in a new iPhone(n=135) Fingerprint security 20% Other (Please specify) 13% Improved battery life 81% More/different colors 16% Better design/construction 33% Better iOS and processor 63% Improved camera and video 45% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Comparison with Other Brands (n=135) % of Using Apple Products Appraisal (n=135) 47% No 23% 25% 19% 8% 1% Best Better than About the Not as good most same as most Worst Yes 77% Money Spent for Smart Phone >$300 25% $201-$300 33% $101-$200 28% $1-$100 10% Free 4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Mode: $201 - $300 -Median $201 - $300 Most of respondents are quite willing to spend from $201- $300 on a smart phone. Smartphone Purpose 67% 25% 8% Business Leisure Both Usage of Smart Phone(n=135) 96% 87% 87% 66% 40% 15% Calling/Texting Internet browsing Games Email GPS Other Education and brand rating are not related p-value = 0.04 < 0.05 reject the null hypothesis education level is significant Age and brand rating are not related p-value = 0.03 < 0.05 reject the null hypothesis age is significant Gender and brand rating are not related p-value = 0.22 > 0.05 do not reject the null hypothesis gender is not significant Income and brand rating are not related p-value =0.06> 0.05 do not reject the null income is not significant Respondents favor extended battery life over other expected features in the new iPhone 5S. Every respondent is aware of the new iPhone 5S. Respondents mostly relied on online news when hearing about the new iPhone. Over 90 % do not own the new iPhone. 70 % would not consider upgrading to the new iPhone. 60 % of our respondents were female. Respondents were mostly between 18-28 years old. Approximately 41% of respondents have a household income of below $25,000.Respondents have some college for education. Improved battery life was deemed as the most important to respondents in the new iPhone 5S. No relationship between education level and iPhone ownership, income level and iPhone ownership, gender and using Apple brands, gender and ownership of iPhone and income and usage purpose. 3.7% survey responses were incomplete (5 out of 135). Results likely include some bias due to overall low response and convenience sampling method. Relatively large gap in gender among respondents (42.2 male vs. 57.8% female) Ranking questions were difficult to code and interpret. A high percentage of survey takers are UTD students (age 18-28), who might not represent correctly the view of the target audience. Maintain high performance of current products and operating systems apart from increasing the variety of features Fix internet browsing and social media bugs Focus less on unimportant features such as colors and fingerprint security Analyze competitors to find out why 34% of smart phone consumers prefer other brands to Apple iPhone Improve Marketing activities to attract the Target market based on education level and age, not on gender and income Reach out to more new media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, 9gag, YouTube, etc. 23 % of non-Apple consumers