TD 37 (IoT-GSI)
English only
STUDY PERIOD 2009-2012
Original: English
Geneva, 9-13 May 2011
TSR Coordinator
Report of 1st IoT-GSI TSR Meeting (Friday 13 May 2011)
The JCA-IoT is required to approve the 2012 meeting plan
The 1st IoT-GSI TSR meeting proposed the following IoT-GSI meeting plan for 2012:
4th IoT-GSI event: 9-15 February 2012
5th IoT-GSI event: 30 April-4 May 2012
6th IoT-GSI event: 3-7 September 2012
The JCA-IoT meeting, 22-23 August 2011, is requested to approve the 2012 IoT-GSI meeting plan.
Key Conclusions from the IoT-GSI TSR perspective
The first IoT-GSI TSR meeting was instrumental to provide coordination on IoT technical issues
spanning various SG Questions.
Two draft Recommendations, which will be developed as a multi-party effort among various SG
Questions, were considered at this IoT-GSI event. A lead SG Question has been identified for each
of them, as underlined below. The lead Question will drive the approval process of the related
 “IoT Terminology” (lead Question: Q25/13)
 “IoT Overview” (lead Question: Q3/13)
The Rapporteurs, who are planning to join the second IoT-GSI event on 22-26 August 2011, are
requested to inform the TSR coordinator ( and the TSB ( by 31st
May 2011. The Rapporteur must also provide information about the number of Sessions planned at
the second IoT-GSI event to help drafting the work-plan and rooms-allocation.
Ms Duo LIU
Attention: This is not a publication made available to the public, but an internal ITU-T Document intended only for use by the
Member States of ITU, by ITU-T Sector Members and Associates, and their respective staff and collaborators in their ITU related
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IoT-GSI TSR meeting report
3.1 Approval of Agenda
The agenda, contained in TD24 (IoT-GSI) was approved without changes.
3.2 Document allocation
The agendas of TSR meetings are treated as TDs for IoT-GSI series. The reports will be also posted as TDs
for IoT-GSI series and will be uploaded as input document for the following JCA-IoT meeting. In addition a
link to the TSR reports will be made available from the web page of the IoT-GSI.
It is recommended that in this and future IoT-GSI events, the Raporteurs produce only one report related to
their Question, including different sections covering the various discussions. One of these sections should be
dedicated to reporting on IoT matters.
3.3 Review joint Rapporteurs Activities
Three joint meetings were held during this IoT-GSI event and were chaired by the TSR coordinator.
a) 1st joint meeting, 9 May 2011
The first joint meeting was held on the afternoon of 9 May 2011. The agenda of this meeting is reproduced
as TD7r1 (IoT-GSI).
ETSI presentation
The presentation provided by ETSI representative is available as JCA-IoT input document [JCAIoT-I-33]. The presenter believes that M2M can be considered as a subset of IoT and the network
will be based on IPv6 in the long term.
Issues related to the “IoT Definition”
Two contributions: C2 (IoT-GSI) and C3 (IoT-GSI) were introduced.
C2 (IoT-GSI), “Proposal for adding some existing definitions to Y.IoT-Term,” proposed to include
some existing terminologies defined in other standards. No technical concerns were raised. This
proposal was submitted to Q.3/13 but the meeting confirmed that this work item belongs to Q.25/13.
C3 (IoT-GSI), “Proposal for definitions in Y.IoT-Term,” proposed new definitions related to IoT
and IoT Terminal. The IoT proposed definition is the following: Networks and applications can
collect information from the “thing” of physical world or realize the controlling of the “thing”
through certain abilities of sensoring, identification, computing and implementation of the networks.
Some concerns on the proposed definition were received. Clarifications for “networks and
applications” and “implementation of the networks” were requested. Also it was commented that
“things” may be physical or virtual. Q.25/13 Rapporteur was requested to prepare a discussion
document which collects existing definitions on the IoT. Due to his tight schedule without time to
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arrange a meeting during this IoT-GSI event, it was agreed that he will lead an offline discussion by
sending emails to ask for feedbacks and report the discussion result to TSR meeting.
Issues related to the “IoT Overview”
Three contributions: C4 (IoT-GSI), C9 (IoT-GSI) and C13 (IoT-GSI) were introduced. The meeting
felt that a common view on the meaning, boundary, use cases and reference architecture of IoT as
well as standardization gap analysis is highly important and urgent to study. The meeting asked the
three contributors to prepare a consolidated structure for development of an IoT overview for
further discussion on Wednesday morning joint session.
Issues related to the “Architecture of NGN for support of the Internet of Things”
One contribution: C1 (IoT-GSI) was presented. The meeting felt that it is too early to initiate this
work item as IoT has not been defined yet. It was suggested to the contributor to submit a
contribution on detailed enhancements to NGN to support IoT at next IoT-GSI event.
b) 2nd joint meeting, 10 May 2011
At the second joint meeting, 10th May 2011, TIA introduced TD1 (IoT-GSI), which presented the TIA
standardization activities in terms of the Smart Device Communication (SDC) which is seen similarly to the
M2M of ETSI, also supporting similar use cases. The presentation stressed the need of a close collaboration
between M2M and SDC groups.
The meeting recognized a key difference between M2M and SDC. In the M2M concept, every data
communication operates between M2M devices and a M2M server directly or via an M2M gateway. So, the
communication topology can be modeled with a “star” with no communication between different M2M
gateways. On the contrary, the SDC assumes that the communication between gateways is possible. The
presenter informed that an architecture document for the SDC is being developed and may be released in a
few months by TIA.
c) 3rd joint meeting, 11 May 2011
As planned in the 1st joint meeting, the 3rd joint meeting was held on the morning of 11th May 2011. Two
inputs, TD17 (IoT-GSI) and TD16r1 (IoT-GSI) were discussed.
TD17 (IoT-GSI) is a consolidated result which identified two different clarification points:
IoT is a concept or a network; and
proposed to develop a simple definition of IoT and a detailed definition of IoT. In addition it was
decided to identify three horizontal domains including devices, networks and applications, and to
describe specific technologies such as USN, MOC, M2M, and RFID vertically.
Q.3/13 discussed related contributions and prepared TD16 (IoT-GSI) which provides a view on definition of
IoT which includes the overview of IoT and its table of contents, the use cases, requirements and capabilities
and IoT functional architecture. Due to time constraints and considering the IoT overview as an urgent
document to be developed, the discussion focused on “Overview of IoT”. It was then agreed to initiate the
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new draft Recommendation “Overview of IoT”. The target date for consent of this document is at SG13
closing plenary in February 2012. Q3/13 is designated as leading Question (SG13 will approve the
Recommendation), and the work will be conducted in close collaboration with Q25/16 and other related
Questions. Q3/13 Rapporteur developed the revised document TD16r1 (IoT-GSI), which will be discussed
with other related Questions at this and next IoT-GSI meeting.
3.4 TSR outcome on “IoT Definition”
Three documents were considered TD29 (IoT-GSI) from joint meeting of Q3/13, Q12/13 and Q25/13,
TD27 (IoT-GSI) from Q25/13 and TD26 (IoT-GSI) from Q12/13 respectively. Because the documents
were drafted at different dates, the relationship of these three documents wasn’t clear. After the discussion it
was agreed to make few modifications for alignment and linkage, and to upload a revised version of TD29r1
and TD27r1 as follows:
TD29r1: would add the sentence “see also TD27 Rev.1 (IoT-GSI) and TD26 (IoT-GSI)”;
TD27r1: would add the sentence “Concerning meeting discussions on candidate definitions of IoT,
see also TD29 Rev.1 (IoT-GSI), which includes the results of the May 11th joint Rapporteurs’ group
meeting of Q3/13, Q12/13 and Q25/13.
TD27r1: would also delete the whole “Annex A”.
3.5 TSR outcome on “IoT Overview”
It was considered TD28 (IoT-GSI), which was developed by the joint meeting of Q3/13, Q26/16 and Q12/11.
The document was presented and discussed. This document was agreed to represent the baseline IoT
Overview document and it was suggested to reproduce a revised version which would clarify at the
introduction of the document its status. Concerning the item of proposed editors, the debate focused on the
ITU-T rule of nominating editors and what factors should be taken into consideration to appoint an editor
when several SGs are involved in developing a Recommendation (e.g. as in IoT-GSI studies). Several
proposals were expressed, for example: the editors should be chosen among the main contributors; each IoT
related SG nominates one editor for the same work-item; editors should cover different IoT related aspect
(application, network and device) according to their expertise, etc.. After a long discussion, it was agreed to
nominate the editor(s) of this document at next IoT-GSI event, as the current status does not require major
editing. It was noted that having various parties interested in taking the role of editor of the document is a
very encouraging sign that the work will progress quickly and that the members will engage in submitting
contributions to progress the work.
The agreed revisions are available in TD28r1 (IoT-GSI).
3.6 TSR outcome on “IoT Work Plan”
The input document TD16r1 (IoT-GSI) from Q3/13 was presented and discussed. This TD is a revision of
the previous TD16 where the parts related to IoT definition and IoT Overview were removed, as they were
discussed and incorporated in new documents, while the remaining parts were kept for future reference, as
they could support discussion on IoT work plan. Comments were received that the work plan included in this
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TD was mainly from Q3/13 point of view and it should be discussed with other relevant Questions before
taking any decision. So the Rapporteur of Q3/13 will include this document in his Q3/13 report for future
3.7 SG Questions planning to attend the second IoT-GSI event in August
The Rapporteurs, who are planning to join the second IoT-GSI event on 22-26 August, were requested to
inform the TSR coordinator and the TSB by 31st May 2011 (see § 3.7 – clause b). The TSR coordinator
introduced the procedure to have a Question meeting approved by the related SG Management, as follows:
a) Procedure to authorize a SG Question meeting during IoT-GSI, when the Question meeting
was not pre-authorized by the parent SG
The Rapporteur should check within the Question contributors (e.g. via the Question mailing list) the
intention to participate and contribute at a proposed Rapporteur meeting (e.g. during a non foreseen GSI
event). Once the Rapporteur has this information, if he/her thinks that there is enough support or reasons* to
participate, he/her would inform the Management of the Study Group concerned requesting the authorization
to organize his/her Question meeting at that GSI event.
So, for next 22-26 August meeting of IoT-GSI (planned during SG17 meeting), each involved Rapporteur of
the various ITU-T Study Group Questions, could check within their Question mailing list whether there is
intention to contribute and participate at their Question meeting during the August IoT-GSI event.
Subsequently the Rapporteur should inform the Management of the parent SG for endorsement/authorization
of its Question meeting.
(* The condition on the number of contributions should be relaxed in the context of a GSI – at least when
it’s starting – so that the interested questions can participate to identify what contributions are required
from their SG’s perspective. In addition “a reason” to participate could be to provide the technical expertise
needed to advance related work in other Questions, which aim to meet jointly.)
b) Duties of a Question that plans to attend the second IoT-GSI event in August
The Rapporteur of a SG Question that decides to attend the second IoT-GSI event should inform the TSR
coordinator ( ) and the Secretariat of the IoT-GSI ( about his/her
intention to hold its Question meeting and the number of Sessions planned at the second IoT-GSI event, by
31 May, 2011.
3.8 Future IoT-GSI events plan
The TSR coordinator informed the participants of the agreed and confirmed future events plan for 2011:
2nd IoT-GSI event: 22-26 August 2011
3rd IoT-GSI event: 21-25 November 2011
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The events plan for 2012 was also proposed and discussed by the participants. It was agreed to submit it to
JCA-IoT meeting in August 2011 for approval/endorsement:
4th IoT-GSI event: 9-15 February 2012
5th IoT-GSI event: 30 April-4 May 2012
6th IoT-GSI event: 3-7 September 2012
3.9 Future TSR meetings
During the next IoT-GSI event, two TSR meetings will be planned:
one Session to open the IoT-GSI on 22 August 2011
one Session to wrap-up on 26th August 2011.
3.10 Any Other Business
The TSR coordinator asked the participants to express their views on a proposal to organize an
interoperability and testing event on IoT. Some comments were collected as follows for TSB further
 It is too early to organize an IoT interoperability test in 2011 because the standardization activities
have just started. It might be possible after one or two years based on some Recommendations for
which the testing specifications will have to be drafted by SG11 related Questions;
 At this phase, a showcase of equipments by industry for specific IoT applications or devices, could
be possible and would probably be useful to drive standardization. It is difficult to predict whether
industry could be interested in show-casing such products at this stage.
The Rapporteurs and participants were thanked for their inputs and hard work. Special thanks was given to
the secretariat of ITU-T/TSB on their excellent secretariat support for the event preparation and follow up.