Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 ® Issues and requirements: The transaction framework Concept Paper The Master Planning module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 works on a principle of fulfilling demand with supply; however in practice it can be a very complicated process. This document gives an overview of the data the master planning operates on and provides insight in the decisions taken during the MRP run. September 2011 CCAX2012DI0061 Table of Contents Overview..................................................................................................... 3 Architecture of the MRP transactions .......................................................... 3 Master plan .......................................................................................................................... 3 Net requirements .................................................................................................................. 3 Planned order ....................................................................................................................... 4 Coverage ............................................................................................................................. 5 Fulfilling requirements ................................................................................ 5 The many dates........................................................................................... 7 2 ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS: THE TRANSACTION FRAMEWORK Overview The Master Planning module in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2012 works on a principle of fulfilling demand with supply; however in practice it can be a very complicated process. This document gives an overview of the data the master planning operates on and provides insight in the decisions taken during the MRP run. Architecture of the MRP transactions Below is a conceptual model of the transactions that is input and output to the master planning process. Master plan 1 * Issue Net requirement 1 Planned order 1 0..1 * 1 Receipt Coverage * Master plan All transactions belong to a specific master plan. The plan entity is in itself just a number of setting fields, but the purpose of having the entity is to allow separation, so e.g. different combinations of settings can be tried without effecting the plan that is currently being executed. Net requirements Transactions in master planning can have different directions: An issue is something that decreases the stock and a receipt is something increases the stock. Besides the direction they are separated by a type. For each type, there is a standard direction, which is the typical direction that the transaction will have however when making e.g. a credit note for a sales order it can be reversed. Type Direction Description On-hand Receipt Generated based on the sum of inventory transactions. The requirement date of this special transaction is set to the system minimum date. Purchase order Receipt One transaction will be inserted for each purchase order line. Sales order Issue One transaction will be inserted for each sales order line. Production order Receipt The production order will trigger a receipt at the scheduled end date. 3 ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS: THE TRANSACTION FRAMEWORK Type Direction Description Production line Issue One transaction will be inserted for each BOM line in the production order. Inventory journal Issue Will be inserted from inventory journals with line type BOM line. Safety stock Issue If an item has a minimum stock level set then an issue will be inserted. The date of the issue depends on the settings and can be today’s date, today’s date + procurement time, first issue date or at the end of the coverage time fence. Inventory journal transfer Receipt Will be inserted from inventory transfer journals. Transfer order shipment Issue The “From” part of the transfer order. Transfer order receive Receipt The “To” part of the transfer order. Demand forecast Issue If a forecast model has been defined in the master planning settings then all demand forecast transactions are inserted. Note that the supply forecast are inserted with the default planned order type (like Planned purchase order) and so they will not be directly distinguishable. Planned production order Receipt The planned production order receipts will either be generated from master planning or have been manually inserted by the user. BOM line Issue All BOM lines of the planned production order will be inserted as issue transactions. Planned purchase order Receipt Planned purchase orders are the default way of fulfilling a demand during master planning. Planned transfer Receipt The “From” part of a planned transfer order. Transfer demand Issue The “To” part of a planned transfer order. Quarantine order Issue A quarantine order effectively reduces stock at least for a period, so it is considered an issue. Quotation Issue One transaction will be inserted for each sales quotation line. Kanban Receipt The inventory transaction of type Kanban process job will be inserted as a receipt. Kanban line Issue Several inventory transaction types (like Kanban emptied) are all inserted as kanban line requirements as they should be treated similar by master planning. Planned Kanban Receipt A Planned Kanban receipt will either be generated by master planning or have been manually inserted by the user. Planned Kanban line Issue The derived requirements of a planned kanban. Planned intercompany demand Issue Demand coming from other legal entities that are part of the intercompany planning group. Planned order Many of the net requirement transactions are inserted based on information from other modules of Microsoft Dynamics AX. These transactions are the basis on which the master planning runs and determines if new receipts are required in order to fulfill all the issues. When a new planned order is created a record is inserted both in the net requirements table and in the planned order table. The 4 ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS: THE TRANSACTION FRAMEWORK latter holds additional information that is only applicable to planned orders like the scheduled from/to dates, the vendor, etc. Coverage The Coverage entity links net requirement issues with receipts and stores how much quantity of the receipt has been allocated for the specific issue. Fulfilling requirements When an issue requirement exists the task of the master planning is to fulfill this. The basic process of matching issues with receipts that MRP process goes through is fairly simple as illustrated in the diagram below. Start Item coverage is set to ”Manual” Yes No Done No Issue has uncovered quantity? Yes Can find existing receipt with open quantity? Yes No Create new planned order receipt Open receipt quantity >= uncovered issue quantity No Create coverage with open receipt quantity Yes Create coverage with uncovered issue quantity For some items the coverage rule in the coverage group has been set to Manual. This means that master planning should ignore the issues and just leave them uncovered. 5 ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS: THE TRANSACTION FRAMEWORK Note that in the diagram the term receipt applies to both regular receipts like a purchase orders but it can also be the special on-hand transaction. The search for existing receipts is done with the following criteria: Requirement date: The minimum date of the interval in which the receipt’s requirement date must be in is bounded by the issue requirement date minus the number days of the “positive days” setting. The maximum date is the issue requirement date plus the number of days of the “negative days” setting minus the receipt margin. Inventory dimensions: The value of those inventory dimension fields, which are marked as Coverage planned in the dimension group, must be the same on the issue and receipt. Dimension fields which are not marked as Coverage planned will be ignored for the matching. BOM and route: If the issue has a specific BOM or route stated (e.g. when set on a sales order) and the BOM version requirement or Route version requirement option on the coverage group is marked, then the receipt must also have been created with the specific BOM or route. Status: Only open receipts (= which have some unallocated quantity). When no existing receipt can be found a new planned order will be created. The quantity of the new order will depend on the coverage rule used: Requirement: The entire remaining uncovered issue quantity will be used. Period: The quantity of all similar uncovered issues will be aggregated. The issues included in the sum must have a minimum requirement date of the requirement date of the original issue and a maximum requirement date of the requirement date of the original issue plus the number of “coverage period” days (or the number of “positive days” if this is less than the “coverage period” days). Min/Max: When generating a planned order for a safety stock issue, the quantity will be set so the available stock will reach the value stated in the Maximum field on the item coverage. After the preceding rules are applied, the planned order quantity might be further adjusted based on the default order settings. The minimum and maximum order size setting can cause the quantity to be decreased or increased and depending on the unit of measure decimals the quantity might be rounded up. 6 ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS: THE TRANSACTION FRAMEWORK The many dates In the master planning transactions there are many dates to keep track of. In the following scenario a sales order for an item has been created. To fulfill the sales order issue master planning has created a new planned production order, which requires one subcomponent. Since the component is not in stock a planned purchase order is created so all issues are covered by receipts. When the sales net requirement transaction is created, the sales order line’s Requested ship date is transferred directly to the Requested date field (displayed in the diagram as ORD). From this date is then subtracted the one day issue margin which results in the Requirement date (RD). The planned production order that should fulfill the sales order issue will then get the same requirement date, from which the receipt margin is then subtracted to get the Requested date. The scheduling engine will then use either the route or a simple lead time to determine the order’s scheduled start date, depending on if a route has been defined and the requirement date is within the capacity time fence. The Order date will be offset from the start date with the reorder margin. Each of the lines in the planned production order’s bills of materials will get the Requested date set to the scheduled start date of the production order, and like for the sales order the issue margin is subtracted to get the Requirement date. The dates for the planned purchase order will then be set using the same logic as for the planned production order with the exception that the lead time will always be applied. After all the margins and so on has been applied in the scenario the end result is that the planned purchase order gets an order date 3 days before today. Since this is not possible to execute in real life 7 ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS: THE TRANSACTION FRAMEWORK the planned purchase order will get a future date that is 3 days after the Requested date. The number of future days is then applied all the way up through the hierarchy so the sales order also ends up with a future date 3 days after the original Requested date. On the master plan there are options to Use Futures date as requirement date for each of the planned order types. If this is switched on then the requirement date will be adjusted forward according to the futures date, which means that the order date is also adjusted forward. In the scenario shown in the diagram this option is not switched on, which means that even though it is known that the orders will be delayed the scheduling etc. will not be changed. 8 ISSUES AND REQUIREMENTS: THE TRANSACTION FRAMEWORK Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like and with familiar Microsoft software, automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship and supply chain processes in a way that helps you drive business success. U.S. and Canada Toll Free 1-888-477-7989 Worldwide +1-701-281-6500 This document is provided “as-is.” Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. 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