Assignment: Information for Learners OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in ICT OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Diploma in ICT Unit R005: Creating an interactive product using multimedia components OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge Nationals in ICT Scenario for the Assignment ‘Out and Up’ is a company that runs team-building exercises for young adults. The company has recently bought a small plot of woodland and has set up an activity centre that includes an assault course and a café. ‘Out and Up’ want to use new technology to advertise this new activity centre to youth groups. You have been asked to produce an interactive multimedia product that would advertise the facilities available at the centre in a manner that would appeal to adults between the ages of 17 and 23. ‘Out and Up’ are aware that this advertising could take many different forms and are happy for you to decide on an appropriate format for your product. However, the product must have a consistent style throughout. ‘Out and Up’ already has a reputation for creating exciting team-building exercises and wants to continue this reputation with the new activity centre. They are keen that the advertising that is created for the centre should reflect their reputation. Therefore, they have asked that the advertising uses a range of interactivity and effects to create an advert that appeals to the target audience, is visually exciting and leads to bookings being made at the new centre. In order to create your interactive multimedia product, you will need to: Plan a product that meets the needs of the brief Source multimedia components, taking account of relevant legislation Create your product Test your product, both whilst you are making it and once it has been completed. You could use components (assets) from a range of sources, including those that teachers from your school have already sourced, in order to create your interactive multimedia product. Read through all of the tasks carefully, so that you know what you will need to do to complete this assignment. Important: You will need to have access to the marking criteria. Your teacher can explain the marking criteria if you need further clarification. You will need to draw upon relevant skills/knowledge/understanding from other units you have studied in this qualification. OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge Nationals in ICT Your Tasks Task 1: Design interactive multimedia products Learning Outcome (LO) 1 is assessed in this task. It is important that, before you start to make your product, you have thought about what it is you are going to make, the resources you will need to include, how you are going to combine these resources together to create a suitable interactive multimedia product and how you will decide whether the completed product is suitable. A Produce a design specification for your interactive multimedia product. This specification should include the following: A list of success criteria. These criteria should be used to decide whether or not the completed product meets the needs of the client. The type of interactive multimedia product you are going to create. This should be one of the following: o o o o website a tablet or mobile phone app a game a product created using multimedia authoring or presentation software The product you create should show your creative flair and be a vibrant, energetic and stimulating product. B C A plan for your product in a suitable format. This plan should show the interactive components that will be included within the product, as well as the content and key events. The software you intend to use to create the product. Explain the reasons for your choice of: the type of product you are going to create the software you are going to use. Source and store multimedia components for inclusion in the product you are going to make, taking account of any relevant legislation. Make a list of all the components you have stored. Explain why you have chosen each component and consider the legal implications of using each of them in your product. You should demonstrate your ability to draw upon relevant skills/knowledge/understanding from other units you have studied. OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge Nationals in ICT TASK 1: Marking Criteria Lower Mark Band (1-3) Middle Mark Band (4-6) Upper Mark Band (7-9) P1 Produces a basic specification for an interactive product, identifying success criteria, some of which are suitable, M1 Produces a sound specification for an interactive product, identifying success criteria, most of which are suitable, D1 Produces a comprehensive specification for an interactive product, identifying suitable success criteria, P2 and demonstrates a limited understanding of the client brief. M2 and demonstrates a clear understanding of the client brief. D2 and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the client brief. Lower Mark Band (1-4) Middle Mark Band (5-8) Upper Mark Band (9-11) P3 Reasons for selecting the software to create the final product, including the presentation method of the design, are basic and limited. M3 Selects appropriate software to create the final product, including the presentation method of the design, and gives sound justification for its use. D3 Selects appropriate software to create the final product, including the presentation method, and provides a thorough and detailed justification for its use. P4 Applies basic planning techniques, enough to show what the product will look like but with limited consideration to the success criteria. M4 Applies sound planning techniques, including some reference to a house style that takes into consideration of some of the success criteria. D4 Applies comprehensive planning techniques in a well organised way, including some reference to a clear house style that refers back to the success criteria. P5 Lists components sourced for the interactive product and gives basic reasons for selection in relation to their success criteria. M5 Lists components sourced for the interactive product, gives sound reasons for selection in relation to their success criteria and explains what legislation constraints apply to their use. D5 Lists components sourced for the interactive product, clearly explaining and justifying choices in relation to their success criteria. Explains legislation constraints that apply to their use, stating how they would comply with them. P6 Stores the components to be used in the interactive product in file types that are not always appropriate. M6 Stores the components to be used in the interactive product in file types that are mostly appropriate. D6 Stores the components to be used in the interactive product in file types that are consistently appropriate. P7 Design specification has limited structure. There may be errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar which are intrusive and likely to impact on the meaning. M7 Design specification has some structure. Occasional errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar will not affect the overall meaning D7 Design specification is logical and coherent. Contains few, if any, errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar P8 Makes limited use of technical terminology and demonstrates a basic understanding of the subject matter. Draws upon limited skills/knowledge/understanding from other units in the specification. M8 Uses technical terminology with reasonable accuracy and demonstrates a clear understanding. Draws upon some relevant skills/knowledge/understanding from other units in the specification. D8 Uses technical terminology accurately and appropriately and demonstrates a thorough understanding. Clearly draws upon relevant skills/knowledge/understanding from other units in the specification. OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge Nationals in ICT Task 2: Making your interactive multimedia product Learning Outcome (LO) 2 and part of Learning Outcome (LO) 3 are assessed in this task. You are now ready to create your interactive multimedia product. Create your product by carrying out the following activities: Import your components into your chosen editing software Create the interactive multimedia product that you have planned Test your product as you develop it and on completion, to ensure that it works as intended. TASK 2: Marking Criteria Lower Mark Band (1 - 5) P1 Combines components with a working basic navigation system when creating the interactive product. P2 Middle Mark Band (6 - 8) Upper Mark Band (9 - 10) D1 Combines components effectively showing a clear and coherent working navigation system when creating the interactive product. Applies some advanced techniques of the software enhancing the user interaction of the product. D2 Applies a range of advanced techniques of the software appropriately and effectively, enhancing the user interaction of the product and are based upon user requirements. M3 Uses effects appropriately to meet some of the user requirements. D3 Uses effects appropriately to consistently meet the user requirements. M4 Uses a sound template and/or creates and uses a clear housestyle and the product generally reflects the designs. D4 The interactive product is well organised, effectively making use of templates and/or creating and using house-styles, and the product fully and accurately reflects the designs. M1 Combines components with a working sound navigation system when creating the interactive product. Applies basic techniques with some effects created in the software to allow user interactivity. M2 P3 Makes an attempt to use effects to meet user requirements, with limited success. P4 Uses a basic template and the product in the most part reflects the designs. Lower Mark Band (1 - 5) Middle Mark Band (6 - 8) Upper Mark Band (9 - 12) OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge Nationals in ICT Task 3: Product testing Part of Learning Outcome (LO) 3 is assessed in this task. Test the extent to which your finished product meets the needs of the client. When testing your completed product, you should: Obtain and analyse a variety of feedback to decide how well your product meets the success criteria you established in Task 1. TASK 3: Marking Criteria Lower Mark Band (1-5) P1 Carries out some testing of the product. P2 Middle Mark Band (6-8) Upper Mark Band (9-10) M1 Carries out sound testing of the product while creating and ... D1 Carries out thorough testing of the product while creating and ... M2 Carries out sound testing of the product post completion. D2 Carries out thorough testing of the product post completion. Lower Mark Band (1-3) Middle Mark Band (4-6) Upper Mark Band (7-8) P3 Gathers limited feedback M3 Gathers appropriate feedback D3 Gathers appropriate feedback and justifies the feedback methods used. P4 and carries out some analysis of it, M4 and analyses the feedback in relation to the final product... D4 Effectively analyses the feedback in relation to the final product...