ISSA Baltimore Chapter Monthly Meeting May 27, 2015

ISSA Baltimore Chapter
Monthly Meeting
May 27, 2015
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security, Websense
Board of Directors
 Bill Smith, CISSP, GSNA, CEH, GPEN, GCFA, GCFE President
 Sidney Spunt, CISSP - VP Operations
 Kevin Drury – Secretary
 Carol Klessig, CISSP - VP Professional Development
 Rod Zwainz, CISSP, PMP - VP Education
 Phil Rogofsky, CISSP, Network+, CPA – Treasurer
 Steve Chan, CISSP, PMP – VP Membership
 Dennis Dworkowski, CISSP-ISSEP – VP Outreach
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security, Websense
Baltimore Chapter Sponsors
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
Agenda / Announcements
 Welcome to Parsons,
Any guests or new members in attendance?
(ISC)2 CPE Submissions – Individual Responsibility
New CISSP and SSCP Domains
Chapter Strategic Plan
Chapter STEM Activity
New Member Promotion
CISSP Chapter Badges / Shirts and Jackets with ISSA-Baltimore Logo
CISSP Study Group
7110 Samuel Morse Drive, Suite 200 Columbia, Maryland 21046
Non-U.S. Citizen Requirements
Spring 2015 – February 24 thru May 19, 2015
New Location: Phoenix TS
Amazon Affiliates program
LinkedIn Group
Facebook Page – “ISSA-Baltimore Chapter”
Future Meeting schedule
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
New Members
Since April Meeting
Marie Dawson
Bill Rohrs
James Saunders
Wayne Sheh
263Total Members
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
ISSA International Conference: October 12-15 2015
Keynote Speaker
Vinton G. Cerf
Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist
Register Now for the ISSA International Conference
| October 12-13, 2015 | Chicago, Illinois, USA |
The first 100 paid attendees will enter into a raffle to receive a
FREE iPad!
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
Breach Report: How Do You Utilize It?
2-Hour Live Event: Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Start Time: 9:00 a.m. US-Pacific/ 12:00 p.m. US-Eastern/ 5:00 p.m. London
Session Moderator: Matthew Mosley - Director of Product Management, Symantec
Larry Ponemon- Chairman and Founder of Ponemon Institute
Paul Williams- Chief Technology Officer, White Badger Group
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
Chapter STEM Activities
• 3rd HoCo STEM Festival-1-5 at HCC on June 7th
– Chapter will be hosting a table
• 1st Maryland STEM Festival November 6-15.
– Chapter is an inaugural sponsor at the Supporter level
– Chapter may host an event
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
New Member Promotion
Congratulations - $25.00 Amazon Gift Card winners:
Chris Ambrose
John Barker
Scott Crum
Jody Denner
Chuck Dickens
Charles Dickert *
Devin Elmore *
Ivan Gordon
Monique Mitchner *
Matt Morris
Nick Rapp
Katelin Rowley
Sidney Spunt
Oliver Thomas *
Rod Zwainz *
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
CISSP Study Group
Fall 2015 Schedule
Phoenix TS, 10420 Little
Patuxent Parkway,
Suite 500
Columbia, MD 21044
17 Feb 15
24 Feb 15
3 Mar 15
10 Mar 15
17 Mar 15
24 Mar 15
31 Mar 15
7 Apr 15
14 Apr 15
21 Apr 15
28 Apr 15
5 May 15
12 May 15
19 May 15
26 May 15
2 June 15
Kickoff for CISSP - Cancelled Snow
Information Security Governance & Risk Management
Security Architecture & Design – Cancelled Snow
Access Control
Access Control
Cryptography Part 1
Cryptography Part 2
Physical & Environmental Security
Software Development Security
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
Telecommunications & Network Security Part 1
Telecommunications & Network Security Part 2
Legal, Regulations, Investigations and Compliance
Security Architecture & Design
Operations Security
Practice Exam / Review
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
As 2015 is now underway, we wanted to provide you with a list of potential networking and
Our New
volunteering opportunities tentatively scheduled for this year. We are always looking for members to
assist with various outreach and chapter activities that need to be completed. You may be asking
Chapter Blog !! yourself, what is in it for me? Listed below are several benefits for volunteering your time to help the
Baltimore ISSA chapter out.
• Volunteering provides a chance to learn new skills. Carol Klessig is learning to create a unique
hash tag this weekend. Learning about social media (Twitter) may help Carol add to her resume.
Please email Carol at If you would like to be considered
for the new position known as Director of Publicity.
• Helping others learn and encouraging our youth feels great. Rewards are not always monetary.
Encouraging a student can be your chance to pay it forward. This is especially beneficial for recent
graduates or new members in the security field.
• Camaraderie. Social outings like our field trips can be a chance to form a new friendship with
others in the IT field.
• CPE's. Working for the club can generate CPE's that can be used to maintain your certifications.
Currently, we need our website updated and possibly redesigned. Does anyone have a experience
in web design that could assist us with updating or redesigning our current website?
• You can volunteer for just a single event or on a regular basis. A variety of items exist that we
could use assistance with. These items include writing a blog article, greeting members at the door
or assisting with the setup/cleanup at chapter meetings. If you see a position aching to be filled, talk
to one of the board members.
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
September 1, 2015
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
2015 Meetings and Events
May 20, 2015
Brian E. Dykstra
Atlantic Data Forensics, Inc.
Murder or Self Defense?
June 7, 2015
3rd Howard County STEM Festival
June 8, 2015
WIS SIG Webinar
June 24, 2015
Michael Volk
July 27, 2015
Rhonda Ferrell
August 26, 2015
Phoenix TS
September 1, 2015
September 16, 2016
October 12 – 13, 2015
October 24, 2015
November 6 – 15,
Networking for Professional Growth:
Reaching Outside of Your Comfort Zone
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator, Center
for Workforce Solutions Anne Arundel
Community College
CyberSecurity & Your Professional Life: A
Value-Add Approach
Mid-Atlantic ISSA Security Conference,
NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
Joint Meeting w/ MD IMMA / Infragard
ISSA International Conference
Chicago Illinois
Chapter 30th Anniversary Picnic,
1st Maryland STEM Festival
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
June 24, 2015 Speaker
Michael Volk
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator, Center for Workforce Solutions
Anne Arundel Community College
Michael Volk is the Strategic Partnerships Coordinator for the Center for Workforce Solutions at Anne Arundel Community College (AACC). In this role he
works to develop relationships with business, government and other organizations to bring Cybersecurity, Leadership Development as well as other
training resources of the college directly to the community.
In a volunteer capacity, Michael serves as the Chair of the Chesapeake Regional Tech Council (CRTC), Workforce Development Forum, and as a member
of the InfraGard Maryland Members Alliance Board of Directors.
Prior to joining AACC Michael held two positions at the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) in Baltimore City from October 2010 – May
2012. The last position Michael held at MOED was the Project Coordinator for the BRAC National Emergency Grant, FEDirect project. Before Michael
began his career in the public sector he held several different inside sales related positions at Eurotech, Inc. a Columbia Maryland based technology
In addition to his professional experience, Michael holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with a focus in International Studies from McDaniel
College in Westminster, MD; and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Baltimore in Baltimore, MD. Michael is also CompTIA
Network+ Certified.
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
June 24, 2015 Topic
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
May 20, 2015 Speaker
Brian E. Dykstra
Atlantic Data Forensics, Inc.
Mr. Dykstra has over 19 years experience in investigations, computer forensics, incident response,
network and wireless security testing and information security. Mr. Dykstra was previously the CIO and
Director of Professional Education at Mandiant, Inc. where he was responsible for the development and
management of numerous advanced computer security and cybercrime investigation courses.
Before founding Atlantic Data Forensics (formerly Jones Dykstra and Associates, Inc.), Mr. Dykstra was
the CIO & Director of Professional Education and a founding member of Mandiant, where he was
responsible for the development and management of numerous advanced computer security and
cybercrime investigation courses. Prior to becoming a co-founder of Mandiant (formerly known as Red
Cliff Consulting, LLC), Mr. Dykstra was a Senior Program Manager at Communications Technologies
where he led commercialization efforts of computer security and managed services business groups;
supervised the secure remote management of UNIX and Windows customer and network systems, and
provided technical oversight for business development efforts and technical assistance to commercial
and government sales groups.
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security
May 20, 2015 Topic
Murder or Self Defense?
Brian Dykstra, CEO, Atlantic Data Forensics will review the West Virginia 1st degree murder trial of Michael Ian
Palmer for the pre-meditated killing of his father-in-law Everett Wilson during a home invasion break-in. Mr.
Dykstra will recount the various testimony given during the trial and the digital evidence he was presented with as
the defense computer forensics expert. From bar fights and brass knuckles to Facebook posts and crime scene
investigations West Virginia v Michael Ian Palmer has it all.
ISSA-Baltimore Sponsors:
Interset!, CyberCore Technologies, Phoenix TS,
Parsons, Tenable Network Security