MS Diagnostic Coding


MS Procedural Coding


June 11, 2009

Irene Mueller, EdD, RHIA


• 2 nd hour – Coding Common MS Tx

– ICD-9-CM

– CPT coding

• Resources

MS Procedure Coding

• Procedures

– ICD-9-CM


Bone Bx

• ICD-9-CM

– 77.40-49 Bone Bx OR 41.31 Aspiration bone marrow


– Bone biopsy - 20220

– Bone marrow aspiration performed alone

• 38220

– Bone marrow biopsy is performed

• 38221 (bone marrow biopsy)

• cannot report with CPT code 20220 (bone biopsy)

– 38220 and 38221 reported together

• If two procedures performed at separate sites or at separate encounters

• Separate sites = different bones OR 2 skin incisions over same bone

– 38221 and 38220 performed at same site through same incision

• Only CPT 38221 is reported


• ICD-9-CM

– 87.21


– Myelography

• Brain 70010

• Spine

– Cervical 72240

– Lumbosacral 72265

– Thoracic 72255

– Total 72270



– 81.91


• includes: Joint aspiration

• excludes:

– for arthrography (88.32)

– bx of joint structure (80.30-80.39)

– for injection of drug (81.92)


– Arthrocentesis

• Intermediate Joint 20605

• Large Joint 20610

• Small Joint 20600

Fracture Reduction

• Type of fx doesn’t always correspond to type of tx

• ICD-9-CM - determine

• Open/closed (Remember open = MUST connect w fx site)

• Internal fixation used?

• Bone involved, part of bone

• Open reduction

– 79.6x Add’l code for debridement

– Extremities only

– Debridement included in open fx reductions of

• Skull, nasal, orbital, other facial, vertebral bones

CPT Fracture Mgt

• Many more specific fx proc codes than ICD

• Pinning

• Closed tx

– w/ manipulation (reduction)

– w/o manipulation

– w/ or w/o skeletal traction

• Open tx (fx site is surgically opened/exposed)

• Percutaneous Skeletal


– External fixation (removal included in global pkge)

– Internal Fixation (ORIF)

• Application/Removal of initial cast/splint

• Normal, uncomplicated

Follow up

Internal Fixation

• ICD-9-CM

– 78.5.x w/out fx reduction

• Fx w/good alignment

• IF device reinserted – displaced/broken

– IF with bone grafts, shortening/lengthening bone, Int. Fix. is INCLUDED in those codes


– Ex: ORIF of left mandibular fx 21470-LT

External Fixation

• ICD-9-CM

– Reduction w/

External fixator device

• add’l code 78.10-


• Type of device – add’l code

– Monoplanar – 84.71

– Ring system – 84.72

– Hybrid system (both of above) – 84.73

– No reduction

• 93.4x – traction

• 93.5x – Other immobilization, etc.

• 97.88 – Removal of these devices

– Mini-fixator

• 78.1 Application – add’l code to any fx reduction

• 78.6 Removal

CPT External fixation

• 20692 Add’l code, unless ext. fix included

• Ex: Closed tx of femoral shaft fx with manipulation and external fixation system application

– 27502, 20692-51

• Ex: Closed tx of tibial fx w/manipulation, application of cast, partial skin debridement of fx site

– 27752, 11040

Open Fx Debridement

• ICD-9-CM

– 79.6X Debridement of open fracture

– Used instead of 86.22, Excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn


– 11010, 11011 and 11012

• Differ by extent of debridement

• Must meet open fx definition

Amputation Procedures

• Disarticulation OR

• Cutting thru bone

• ICD-9-CM

– 84.xx

• 3 rd digit = upper/lower limb

• 4 th digit = portion of limb

AND type of amputation

– 84.3 Revision of stump

– 84.1x – Revision of current traumatic amputation

• BKA = 84.15, AKA =


– If BKA converted to

AKA, code just the


• Metatarsal = toe amputation

• Transmetatarsal = foot amputation


• ICD-9-CM

– Associated w/reduction of fx

• Dislocation reduction incl. in fx reduction code

– Not assoc. w/fx

• 79.7x Closed reduction

• 79.8x Open reduction


– Body part

– Open

• Acute/chronic

• Internal Fixation or not

– Closed

– w/wout Manipulation

– w/wout Anesthesia

– Application and removal of first cast or traction included in these codes

Casts and Strapping

• ICD-9-CM and CPT

– Application included in reduction code

– Reported when cast/splint is

• Replacement procedure

• Initial service w/out restorative tx

• When performed in ED setting

– for comfort and stabilization

– patient is to follow-up with another physician for definitive treatment

– only splinting, strapping or casting service is reported

– Do NOT assign a CPT code for fracture treatment without manipulation.

Sprain/Strain Surgery

• ICD-9-CM


• Ligament (see also

Arthroplasty) 81.96

– collateral, knee

NEC 81.46

– cruciate, knee NEC 81.45

– Reconstruction >

Construction and repair

• Knee (joint) NEC 81.47


– Codes often include graft harvesting

Ligament, Repair

– Knee Joint 27405 - 27409

• Knee, Reconstruction

– Ligament 27427 - 27429

Knee, Repair

– Ligament 27405 - 27409

– Collateral 27405

– Collateral ligaments 81.46

– Collateral and Cruciate 27409

– Cruciate ligaments 81.45

– Cruciate 27407 – 27409

– Five-in-one 81.42

– Triad 81.43

Arthroscopic 29888 -

29889 (not in Index here)

Bunion Surgery

• ICD-9-CM

• Bunionectomy (radical) 77.59

– with

• Arthrodesis 77.52

• Osteotomy of first metatarsal 77.51

• Resection of joint with prosthetic implant 77.59

• Soft tissue correction NEC 77.53

CPT Bunionectomy Codes

• Hallux valgus repair codes

– 28290-28299

– Bunion Repair

• Chevron Procedure 28296

• Concentric Procedure 28296

• Joplin Procedure 28294

• Keller Procedure 28292

• Lapidus Procedure 28297

• Mayo Procedure 28292

• McBride Procedure 28292

• Mitchell Procedure 28296

• Silver Procedure 28290

• with Implant 28293

Bunion Surgery Examples

• Austin Bunionectomy and Reverse Austin Bunionectomy

– 28296 Hallux valgus (bunion) correction, w/ or w/out sesamoidectomy; with metatarsalosteotomy

(eg, Mitchell, Chevron, or concentric type procedures).

• Distal modified McBride bunionectomy, correction of angular deformity of the first metatarsal w/ proximal osteotomy

– 28292, Correction, hallux valgus (bunion), w/ or w/out sesamoidectomy; Keller, McBride, or Mayo type procedure ,

28306 -59, Osteotomy, w/ or w/out lengthening, shortening or angular correction, metatarsal; first metatarsal ,

– reported with modifier 59 because this code describes the proximal metatarsal osteotomy performed at another site on the metatarsal (usually requiring a separate incision)

Bursitis Procedures

• ICD-9-CM

– 83.03 Bursotomy

• includes: Removal of calcareous deposit of bursa

• excludes: aspiration of bursa (percutaneous) (83.94)

– 83.5 Bursectomy (incl. debridement of bursa)

– 83.96 Injection bursa (therapeutic agent)


– Many more codes than CPT

– Bursa, Bursocentesis, I&D, etc.



– Converted to open, code only open w/ V64.43

– 80.20-80.29


– Dx – visualization and synovial Bx ONLY

• 29870 (separate procedure)

– Surgical – anything else done

• Includes dx

• # of compartments important for some codes

Decompression of Medial Nerve


• ICD-9-CM

– 04.43

Release of carpal tunnel

– (Decompression = main term)


– Carpal Tunnel

• Injection

– Therapeutic 20526

– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Decompression 64721

– Arthroscopic 29848

Arthroplasty (Joint Replacement)

• ICD-9-CM coding

– Based on joint and total/partial replacement

– 81.5x = lower extremity joints

– 81.8x = upper extremity joints

– Add’l Codes

• Hip replacement – type of bearing surface

– 00.74 metal on polyethylene

– 00.75 metal on metal

– 00.76 ceramic on ceramic

• Bone-growth stimulator – add’l code

– 78.9x

– Bilateral replacement – code assigned X 2

Arthroplasty (Joint Replacement)

• CPT coding

– 27125 Hemiarthroplasty, hip, partial (eg, femoral stem prosthesis, bipolar arthroplasty) notices: For prosthetic replacement following fracture of the hip, use 27236

– 27130 Arthroplasty, acetabular and proximal femoral prosthetic replacement (total hip arthroplasty), with or without autograft or allograft

– 27132 Conversion of previous hip surgery to total hip arthroplasty, with or without autograft or allograft

– 27134 Revision of total hip arthroplasty; both components, with or without autograft or allograft

– 27137 acetabular component only, with or without autograft or allograft

– 27138 femoral component only, with or without allograft

Prosthesis replacement

• Due to infection

• ICD-9-CM coding (Dx)

– 1 st admission

• 996.66, 80.0x

• Infection must be cleared (1-2 months)

– 2 nd admission

• 736.x (Acquired deformity)

• Joint revision code

Joint Replacement Revision

• Adjust or remove and replace

• ICD-9-CM coding

– Includes removal of component(s)

• 81.53 hip component NOS

• 00.7000.73 (hip components) add’l code

• 81.54 knee component NOS

• 00.8000.84 (knee components) add’l code

• 84.57 removal of joint spacer (cement) add’l code

• 81.59, 81.97 joint revision NEC (upper/lower extremities)

• 00.74 – 00.76 add’l code (if known)

• V43.6 Joint replacement status, if significant for pt care

Joint Replacement Revision

• CPT Coding

– 27134 Revision of total hip arthroplasty; both components, with or without autograft or allograft

– 27137 acetabular component only, with or without autograft or allograft

– 27138 femoral component only, with or without allograft

• Many other joint arthroplasties in CPT

Bone Ca Surgery

• Usual tx – current surgical techniques allow 9 out of 10 pts w/bone cancer in arm/leg to keep limb

• ICD-9-CM

– Excision, lesion, bone (no distinction for type)


– Inconsistent Index

• Tumor, Excision, Bone, Malignant

• Go to specific bone

– Tumor (usu. Means ca), Radical, etc.

CPT Spine Procedures

• Distinguish bet. Spinal segments from interspaces

– T1 = one vertebra/one segment

– T1-T2 = one interspace OR two segments

• Bone grafts – sep. codes

– Only one code per operation, even if more than one level

• Instrumentation procedures – sep. codes

• Arthrodesis procedures – sep. codes

• -62 modifier for 2 surgeons

CPT Spine Osteotomy

• Anterior/Posterior approach

• Osteotomy code includes

– Corpectomy, discectomy, laminectomy

Spinal Fusion

• 3 basic approaches

– Anterior, posterior, lateral transverse

• ICD-9-CM coding

– Anterior (81.02-81.36)

• Incision of neck/abdomen

• Front of vertebrae

(anterior annulus)

– Posterior (81.03 –


• Incision of back, directly over vertebrae

– Lateral Transverse

(81.07, 81.37)

• Incision of side

• Lamina approach

• Add’l Codes

– Insertion of interbody fusion device – 81.51

• Bak cage, ray-threaded fusion cage, synthetic cage, spacer, bone dowels

– Number of fused discs

• 81.62 – 2-3

• 81.63 – 4-8

• 81.64 – 9+

360 ° Spinal Fusion

• Both anterior & posterior portions

• Single incision (usually lateral)

• 1 st – fusion or refusion procedure

• 2 nd – ALIF, PLIF, OR TLIF

– Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

• 81.06, 81.36

– Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

• 81.08, 81.38

– Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion

• 81.08, 81.38

Refusion of Spine

• Pseudoarthrosis

– False joint due to inadequate immobilization of fx bone

– Greater original fusion, more likely pseudoarthosis will occur, need refusion

• 81.34, 81.35, 81.36, 81.39 = Refusion

– Various sites, various approaches

Kyphoplasty for Compression fxs

• Kyphoplasty – reestablish vertebral height

– Uses inflatable balloon to gain height

– Injection of Polymethylmethacrylate to stabilize

– ICD-9-CM - 81.66


• 22523 Percutaneous vertebral augmentation, including cavity creation (fracture reduction and bone biopsy included when performed) using mechanical device, one vertebral body, unilateral or bilateral cannulation (eg, kyphoplasty); thoracic

• 22524 lumbar

• 22525 each add’l thoracic or lumbar vertebral body

(List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

Vertebroplasty for Compression fxs

• Stabilize/strengthen bone

– Insertion of cement (glue) into body

• Polymethylmethacrylate

– NO balloon

– ICD-9-CM – 81.65


• 22520 Percutaneous vertebroplasty, one vertebral body, unilateral or bilateral injection; thoracic

• 22521 lumbar

• 22522 each additional thoracic or lumbar vertebral body

• Add’l code for fluoroscopic/CT guidance

Spinal Disc Prostheses

• ICD-9-CM Coding

– Type of prosthesis – total/partial

– Spinal segment

• Cervical – 84.61, 84.62

• Thoracic – 84.63 (total/partial – same code)

• Lumbarsacral – 84.64, 84.65

• No location – 84.60

– Revision/replacement – 84.66-84.69

• Synchronous insertion of new prosthesis

CPT Spine procedure Examples

• Arthodesis of T1-T3; autograft from ribs

Dual rods inserted w/multiple hooks/wires

– 22610, 22614, 22614 – 3 fusions

– 22842 - rods

– 20936 – autograft

• Surgical repair of L1-2 and L3-L4 by 2 surgeons (distinct parts of procedure)

– 22612-62 (reported by each surgeon)

– 22614-62 (reported by each surgeon)

Answers to Dx Coding Exercises

• Primary osteoarthritis of hip

– 715.95 (Localized NOT documented)

• Admitted for removal of internal fixation nail that has protruded into surrounding tissue, causing pain

– Main term? Complication, mechanical

– Type of care? NOT routine follow-up

– Code? 996.40

Answers to Dx Coding Exercises

• Compound fracture, shaft of radius and ulna, due to tackle in football game

– 813.93, E886.0, E849.4

• Aftercare for fracture of L4 vertebra

– V54.17

• Cervical strain due to MVA, 2ndary to loss of control and collision w/tree. Pt was restrained driver.

– 847.0, E816.0 (tree off highway) OR E815.0 (fallen tree on hwy)

• Derangement of knee due to fall from ladder while working on house

– 836.2, E881.0, E849.0


• View ORlive

– Previous webcasts

– Browse by specialty

– Orthopaedics

– April 7, 2009

Spotlight on Beth Israel Orthopedics, New York


Need Adobe Flash Player

– Code the 4 operations

– Dx? Procedures – ICD and CPT

Resources (Books)

• Brown, F. ICD-9-CM Coding Handbook with

Answers , 2006. AHA Press.

• Frazier, M. S. & Drzymkowski, J. W. Essentials of

Human Diseases and Conditions , 4 th ed.,

Saunders, 2009

• Green, M. A. 3-2-1 Code It!

2 nd ed. 2010. Delmar.

• Moisio M. A. & E. W. Moisio, Understanding

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests , Delmar, 1998

(2 nd ed? later)

• Scott, A. S. & Fong, E. Body Structures and

Functions , 11 th ed., Delmar, 2009

Resources (Videos)

• ORlive

• Laminectomy Back Surgery Video. Spine-



• Microdiscectomy: Lumbar Microdecompression

Spine Surgery Video. Spine-Health .


Resources (Videos)

• Minimally Invasive Discectomy. ORLive.


• Pediatric Spinal fusion to correct scoliosis.

ORLive. (via NLM link)


• Spine Fusion Surgery Video. Spine-Health.


Resources (Websites)

• Acute vs. Chronic Pain. Cleveland Clinic .



• A Guided Tour of the Visible Human


• Bone scan. Mayo Clinic.


• Bunionectomy. Clinical Policy Bulletin: Aetna.


• Bursitis and Tendinitis; Questions and Answers. National

Institute of Arthritis and MS and Skin Diseases. April



Resources (Websites)

• Drugs of Abuse, Chapter 1 The Controlled Substance

Act. Drug Enforcement Administration, US DoJ.


• Feinberg, S. D. MD. Medications and Chronic Pain, 2007

Supplement. American Chronic Pain Association.


• Hallux Valgus (Bunion Deformity)


Institute for Foot and

Ankle Reconstruction. Mercy Hospital, Baltimore, MD.


Resources (Websites)

• Myelography. American Society of Radiologic Technologists.


• Osteosarcoma Overview. American Cancer Society.


• Planes of Section. A Guided Tour of the Visible Human


• Rheumatoid Arthritis: Treatment options. Arthritis Foundation.


• Staging: Questions and Answers


• WebMD.


Resources (X-plain modules)

• Carpal Tunnel Release – Open. X-plain module. Patient

Education Institute, Nat’l Library of Medicine

– nelsyndromeopensurgery/htm/index.htm

• Myelogram. X-plain module. Patient Education Institute,

Nat’l Library of Medicine

– x.htm
