ECOLE NATIONALE VETERINAIRE TOULOUSE Allometric scaling to predict pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters in man PL Toutain UMR 181 Physiopathologie et Toxicologie Expérimentales INRA, ENVT 1 Introduction to allometry Allometry (a term coined by Huxley & Tessier 1936) is the study of size and its consequences 2 Range of body size in mammals Shrew 2 g Blue whale: >108 g Allometry is the study of size and its consequences • Interspecies allometric scaling is based on the assumption that there are anatomical, physiological and biochemical similarities among animals which can be described by simple mathematical models 3 Range of body size in mammals: extrapolation within species Adult to adult Young to adult 4 Many allometric relationships have been established between body size and organ weight as well as body size and physiological process 5 Simple allometry y = 10x 0.6 R2 = 1 180 160 Y=aBWb plasma clearance 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Body weight 6 The power function Y = aBWb Where Y is the parameter of interest, BW is the body weight, a & b are the coefficient and exponent of the allometric equation respectively The log transformation of this equation is represented as : log Y = log a + b x logBW Linear plot: slope=b and intercept=log A the slope of the line (b) indicates the type of scaling relationship 7 Simple allometry: the log-log transformation y = 10x 0.6 R2 = 1 1000 plasma clearance logY=log a +b log BW 100 b=slope 10 Y=aBWb 1 0.01 log a is the Y-intercept 0.1 1 10 100 Body weight 8 The scaling exponent (b) i.e. the slope defines the type of scaling relationship 12 parameter of interest b=1.25 Y increase faster than BW Positive allometry 10 8 6 b=1.0 4 Y increase proportionally with BW (isometry) 2 b=0.75 0 0 2 4 6 8 Body weight 10 12 Y increase slower than BW Negative allometry 9 The assumption behind the log-log transformation • It is assumed that there is a constant %CV about the value of PK parameter associated with BW being considered 10 The log-log transformation •log-log transformation of the data will visually minimize the deviations from a regression line • A high R2 (e.g. 0.95) do not guarantee that all the data point will be close to the regression line •The extrapolation of this regression line to obtain a predicted human value may have a great uncertainty •The regression process does not treat the weight of each animal species comparably •Direct fitting of power function with incorporation of a weighting strategy has been shown not to improve the prediction performance 11 The log-log transformation • When there is a limited number of species associated with the regression analysis, each data point has the greatest impact on the prediction of Y for animals whose value of BW are closer to the deviant observation 12 • How does a the distribution of body weight used in the regression analysis influence the prediction of Y • For any species included in the regression analysis, how does its location on the X-axis (i.e; its value of BW relative to other observed data points) influence prediction of Y • Can we anticipate the impact on prediction error by the goodness of fit (R2) of the regression line 13 Number of species and the regression line • When there is a limited number of species associated with the regression analysis, each data point has the greatest impact on the prediction of Y for animals whose value of BW are closest to the deviant observation • When a midpoint species (dog in vet medecine) is the source of the error, the change is primarily in the intercept rather the slope; consequently the resulting magnitude of prediction error is comparable throughout the range of BW values examined 14 Influence on the predicted value in man of a 30% decrease of the clearance value for a given species species BW (kg) CL CL CL CL Mouse 0.03 0.72 8 0.72 8 0.72 8 0.5046 Rat 0.2 2.99 2.09 2.99 2.99 Rabbit 4 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 monkey 8 47.56 47.56 47.56 47.56 dog 15 76.21 76.21 54.25 76.21 Man 70 242 247 200 212 predicted bias 0% +2% +17% +12% 15 ACCURACY OF ALLOMETRICALLY PREDICTED PHARMACOKINETIC PARAMETERS IN HUMANS: ROLE OF SPECIES SELECTION Huadong Tang and Michael Mayersohn 16 Drug Metabolism Disposition, 2005, 33 (9) 1288-1293 ACCURACY OF ALLOMETRICALLY PREDICTED PHARMACOKINETIC PARAMETERS IN HUMANS: ROLE OF SPECIES SELECTION Huadong Tang and Michael Mayersohn Drug Metabolism Disposition, 2005, 33 (9) 1288-1293 As demonstrated by both theoretical and literature experimentation, rats had no significance in predicting human PK parameters as long as the body weight of the rat is not the smallest in the species used in the allometric relationship. 17 Historical developments: the direct extrapolation of doses from animals to man 18 The Use of Body Surface Area as a Criterion of Drug Dosage in Cancer Chemotherapy Donald Pinkel (Department of Pediatrics, Ronwell Park Memorial Institute and University of Buffalo School of Medicine, Buffalo, N.Y.) Cancer Res 1958 28 853-856 19 The use of body surface area as a criterion of dosage regimen in cancer chemotherapy (From D Pinkel :Cancer Res 1958 28 853-856) Methotrexate 6 Methotrexate 5 y = 2.7102x + 0.0987 R2 = 0.9947 6 dose per day in mg dose per day in mg y = 0.3356x 0.642 R2 = 0.9989 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Body weight 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 surface area Mouse=0.018 y = 0.3356x Methotrexate 0.642 2 R = 0.9989 Body weight in Kg Infant=8 Rat=0.25 Child=20 Adult=70 dose per day in mg 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 Body weight 10 100 20 Body surface area in man • The DuBois and DuBois formula – BSA (m²) = 0.20247 x Height(m)0.725 x Weight(kg)0.425 • The Haycock formula – BSA (m²) = 0.024265 x Height(cm)0.3964 x Weight(kg)0.5378 • The Gehan and George formula – BSA (m²) = 0.0235 x Height(cm)0.42246 x Weight(kg)0.51456 • The Boyd formula – BSA (m2) = 0.0003207 x Height(cm)0.3 x Weight(grams)(0.7285 - ( 0.0188 x LOG(grams) ) 21 Comparison of toxicity data acquired during clinical studies of 18 anticancer agents with those obtained in mice, rats, dogs, and rhesus monkeys uncovered close interspecies correlations when doses were related to body surface, much closer than when doses were related to mass. This finding has guided numerous trials of anticancer and other agents. 22 Comparison of toxicity data on anticancer agents for the Swiss mouse and man (on a mg per m2 basis) From Freireich et al 1966 Maximum tolerated dose (mg per m2) 1000 100 Antimetabolites Alkylating agents Others 10 1.0 0.1 10 Mouse LD10 mg per 1000 m2 23 Observed and predicted dosage (mg per m2) in man using animal system (Freireich & al 1966) 24 Interspecies scaling of maximum tolerated dose of anticancer drugs • In general, small animal require larger dose than human to reach the MTD. • Wanatabe et al used the LD10 mice data from 25 anticancer drugs and concluded that the MTD in human can be predicted from mice LD1 using a scaling power of 0.75 • Actually the use of a fixed exponent cannot be justified 25 Slope actually from 0.60 to 0.84 Data from Freireich & al 1966 26 Body weight or body surface area? • BSA is not directly measured but estimated with allometric equations • For a given species, it may exist several equations predicting BSA • There is no advantage using BSA over BW 27 28 What is exactly a Dose? 29 The determination of an ED50 or any ED% PD ED50 = Clearance x target EC50 Bioavailability PK ED50 - is a hybrid parameter (PK and PD) - is not a genuine PD drug parameter 30 What is a dose? Cardiac _ output (L / day ) 321 BW (kg )0.75 clearance plasma Cardiac _ Output ER Dose clearance plasma ECtherapeutical Bioavailab ility 31 Cardiac output in mammals Cardiac _ output 223 BW In mL per minute 0.75 Body Weight in 32 kg Interpretation of body clearance • Interpretation of body clearance consists of calculating an extraction ratio Ebody = Body clearance (blood) Cardiac output 33 What is a dose? Cardiac output (L per day) µg/L Dose 321 BW 0.75 ER ECtherapeutical Bioavailab ility µg per day 34 Dose (IV) for an hepatic cleared drug with a low or a high hepatic extraction ratio (ER) Low ER V max Dose fu ECtherapeutical Km The plasma protein binding and metabolism activity are the major determinants for the elimination of low hepatic clearance drugs; therefore it is not expected to have a good allometric relationship with BW across species for this kind of drug High ER Dose 68BW 0.76 ECtherapeutical Because hepatic blood flow is shown to have an allometric relationship with BW, it is expected that the elimination of high hepatic clearance drug can show an allometric relationship with BW 35 Interspecies scaling of pharmacodynamic parameters PD ED50 = Clearance x target EC50 Bioavailability 36 Interspecies scaling of pharmacodynamic parameters • Very little information is available for the prediction of pharmacodynamic (PD) parameters from animal to man • It is conceptually difficult to accept that the efficacy and potency of a drug will relate with body weight of the species 37 Allometry of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the muscle relaxant metocurine in mammals 38 Interspecies scaling of pharmacodynamic parameters: The case of Ketoprofen (sKTP) • Cat, goat, sheep, calf, horse • Endpoints: inhibition of the synthesis of thromboxan (TXB2) and prostaglandinE2 (PGE2) • No relationship between IC50 (or other PD parameters) with BW 39 Modeling and allometric scaling of s(+)-ketoprofen pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: a retrospective analysis E.-I. LEPIST & W.J. JUSKO, J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 27, 211-218, 2004 ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUG 40 41 Interspecies scaling of pharmacodynamic parameters: the case of anaesthetic potency minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) • Poor correlation between BW and MAC for several inhalation anesthetics •Travis & Bowers 1991in: Toxicol Ind Health 1991 7 249-260 42 In vitro data: Drug affinity & drug potency Drug potency from in vitro: MIC for antibiotics Benzodiazepine dose and benzodiazepine affinity 43 Interspecies scaling of pharmacokinetic parameters ED50 = Clearance x target EC50 Bioavailability 44 Volume of distribution Absorption Clearance bioavailability Half-life Dosing regimen How often? Systemic exposure Dosage regimen How much 45 Acute toxicity of anticancer drugs human versus mouse AUC Ratio Internal dose Frequency Dose Ratio External dose 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0-1 0.4-0.6 0.6-1.2 2.0-3.0 >4 0 0-1 0.4-0.6 0.6-1.2 2.0-3.0 >4 46 Interspecies scaling of clearance 47 Simple allometry: Diazepam 48 Scaling of antipyrine intrinsic clearance in 15 mammalian species y = 8.2911x 0.8922 R2 = 0.9713 antipyrine in mammals Intrinsic clearance in mL per min 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Body weight in kg Boxenbaum & Fertig Europ J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 1984 9 177-183 49 The concept of neoteny • Retention of juvenile characteristics in the adults of species • The modern man retained its juvenile characteristics of its ancestors (apes) through the retardation of somatic development for selected organs 50 Exemple of Neoteny 51 Interspecies scaling of clearance 1. Simple allometry 2. Allometry with various biological correction factors 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Product of maximum life-span (MLP) and clearance 2. Product of brain weight and clearance Ratio of clearance and GFR Two-term power equation Incorporation of molecular structure parameters incorporation of in-vitro data in in-vivo clearance Correction for protein binding 52 Simple allometry & allometry with standard correction factors (MLP and Brain weight) • Clearance or Clearance multiplied by MLP or Brain weight of several species are plotted against BW on a log-log plot Clearance aBW b Clearance MLP aBW b Clearance BrainWeigh t aBW b 53 Product of maximum life-span (MLP) and clearance • The clearance of different species are multiplied by their respective MLP and are plotted against a function of BW on a log-log scale Clearance man a(MLP Clearance ) 5 8.18 10 b MLP(years ) 185.4 * Brain _ weight 0.636 * BW 0.225 54 Prediction of Cefazolin Clearance in man: standard vs. corrected allometry (MLP) 0.7828 Cefazolin y = 5.3801x y = 3.7432x1.1068 R2 = 0.9906 cefazolin MLP R2 = 0.9982 1000 1000 100 CL X MLP Clearance 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 10 1 0.1 0.1 1 Body weight Simple allometry Predicted: 141 mL/min Actual: 61 mL/min Error: 131% 10 100 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Body weight in kg Allometry with MLP as a correcting factor Predicted: 50.55mL/min Actual: 61mL/min Error:17.1% 55 Selection of a standard correction factor and the so-called rule of the exponent • The random use of the different correction factors is of no practical value • Mahmood & Balian 1996 investigated 40 drugs and found that the exponent of the simple allometry ranged from 0.35 to 1.39 • Based on these exponents ,it was found that there are conditions under which only one of the three methods can be used preferentially for reasonably accurate prediction of clearance Mahmood & Balian 1996 xenobiotica 26 887-895 56 The « rule of exponents » to predict clearance in man Mahmood & Balian 1996 1. 0.55 ≤ b <0.71 : no correction factor is necessary 2. 0.71 ≤ b <1.00 MLP should be incorporated into scaling method 3. B>1.00 Brain weight should be incorporated into the scaling method 57 The « rule of exponents » to predict clearance in man for 50 drugs Methods Simple allometry % Mean absolute error (MAE) 106 CL x MLP 40 CL x brain Weight 49 Rule of exponents 25 Mahmood In interspecies pharmacokinetic scaling 2005 pp49 58 A Comprehensive Analysis of the Role of Correction Factors in the Allometric Predictivity of Clearance from Rat, Dog, and Monkey to Humans RAKESH NAGILLA, KEITH W. WARD • 103 compounds investigated • Standard allometry and allometry including various correction factor (MLP, brain weight, GFR) were performed • Scaling were performed on all compounds universally and on segregated subset based on allometric exponent, clearance, physicochemical properties etc • 776 allometric combinations with 27913 outcomes were preformed • A predicted-to-observed clearance ratio of 0.5 to twofold was preselected as the criterion for predictive success 59 Nagilla & Ward JPS 2004 60 No correction Brain weight MLP Rule of the exponents 61 Nagilla & Ward 2004 A Comprehensive Analysis of the Role of Correction Factors in the Allometric Predictivity of Clearance from Rat, Dog, and Monkey to Humans • When all three species were utilized in scaling using simple allometry, 48 of 103 compounds yielded a ratio (predicted/observed) that was not within twofold of the observed value • Incorporation of the empirical correction factor MLP or brain weight, either universally or judiciously according to the rule of exponents, failed to improve the predictive performance of the method. 62 A Comprehensive Analysis of the Role of Correction Factors in the Allometric Predictivity of Clearance from Rat, Dog, and Monkey to Humans • The success rate of allometric scaling ranged from 18 to 53% • None of the correction factor resulted in substantially improved predictivity • None of the methods attempted in this study achieved a success rate greater than that observed by simply estimating human clearance based on monkey hepatic extraction 63 % outliers Influence of species, routes of elimination and correction factors Nagilla & Ward 2004 0.5-to twofold window 64 Value of the allometric approach • Conclusion: the prospective allometric scaling , with or without correction factors, represent a suboptimal technique for estimating human clearance based on in vivo preclinical data • Nagilla & Ward J Pharmac Sci 2004 1à 25222534 66 See also Obach & al for the value of allometry as a predictive tool 67 Correction factors for renally and biliary excreted drugs • Renally excreted drugs Clearance / GFR aBW b • Biliary excreted drugs Cl Bile _ flow aBW B Cl UDPGT aBW b UDPGT=UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity 68 Interspecies scaling of clearance 1. 2. Simple allometry Allometry with various biological correction factors 1. 2. 3. 4. Product of maximum life-span (MLP) and clearance Product of brain weight and clearance Ratio of clearance and GFR Two-term power equation 5. Incorporation of molecular structure parameters 6. 7. incorporation of in-vitro data in in-vivo clearance Correction for protein binding 69 Incorporation of molecular structure parameters • Wajima et al. 2002 suggested to use descriptors of drugs related to clearance to predict clearance in man e.g.: – Molecular Weight ,Calculated partition coefficient (c log P; Number of hydrogen bound acceptors (Ha)…). • Then using some types of regression (multiple linear regression analysis, partial least square analysis or artificial neuronal network), a regression equation can be derived to predict clearance in man: Log(CLman ) Log(CLrat ) Log(Cldog ) MW Hydrogen _ bounding .... 70 Interspecies scaling of clearance 1. Simple allometry 2. Allometry with various biological correction factors 1. Product of maximum life-span (MLP) and clearance 2. Product of brain weight and clearance 3. Ratio of clearance and GFR 4. Two-term power equation 5. Incorporation of molecular structure parameters 6. Correction for protein binding 7. incorporation of in-vitro data in in-vivo clearance 71 Correction for protein binding • Protein binding varies considerably among animal species which in turn can influence the distribution and elimination of drugs • Theoretically unbound clearance should be predicted with more accuracy than the total clearance but in practical terms this is not the case (Mahmood, 2005) • Actually, the correction for binding simply adds more variability to the unbound clearance of the species 72 Interspecies scaling of clearance 1. 2. Simple allometry Allometry with various biological correction factors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Product of maximum life-span (MLP) and clearance Product of brain weight and clearance Ratio of clearance and GFR Two-term power equation Incorporation of molecular structure parameters Correction for protein binding 7. incorporation of in-vitro data in invivo clearance 73 Dose for an hepatic cleared drug with a low hepatic ER and a total absorption V max Dose fu ECtherapeutical Km The plasma protein binding and metabolism activity are the major determinants for the elimination of low hepatic clearance drugs; therefore it is not expected to have a good allometric relationship with BW across species for this kind of drug as it is the case for antipyrine ( the Clint of antipyrine in man is only one-seventh of that which would be predicted from other species) 74 Incorporation of in vitro data in in vivo clearance (Lavé et al. 1997) • Clearances are normalized with in vitro data providing a more rational (mechanistic) approach for predicting metabolic clearance in man Clanimal CLhuman ( hepatocytes ) Clanimal ( hepatocytes ) a BW b For 10 extensively metabolized compounds, adjusting the in vivo clearance in the different animal species for the relative rates of metabolism in vitro dramatically improved the prediction of human clearance compared to the approach in which clearance is directly extrapolated using BW Lave et a., J Pham Sci., 1997, 86: 584-590 75 Interspecies Scaling of Bosentan, A New Endothelin Receptor Antagonist and Integration of in vitro Data into Allometric Scaling Thierry Lave, Philippe Coassolo, Geneviève Ubeaud, Roger Brandt, Christophe Schmitt, Sylvie Dupin, Daniel Jaeck ane Ruby C. Chou - Pharmaceutical Research, 13(1), 1996 Cl a BW b R2=0.525 Predicted human clearance=196ml/min Clanimal _ invivo Clhuman _ hepatocytes Clanimal _ hepatocytes R2=0.976 Predicted human clearance=100mL/min 77 Hepatocytes vs microsomes • Absence of phase II metabolism on liver microsomes, which could result in enzyme inhibition due to the accumulation of the oxidative metabolites 78 Incorporation of in-vitro data in invivo clearance Methods %MAE Simple allometry 164 CL x Brain Weight 61 In-vitro method 40 Rule of exponent 38 Data of Lave al (J Pham Sci 1997 86 584-590) on 10 extensively metabolised drugs reanalysd by Mahmood 2005 81 Extrapolation of bioavailability 82 Bioavailability in man: prediction from rodents, primates & dogs ED% ED50 = Clearance x target EC50 Bioavailability 83 Absorption & Bioavailability (F) %F fabs (1 fg ) (1 ERH ) where fabs = fraction absorbed from GI lumen fg = fraction metabolized by GI tissue ERH = hepatic extraction ratio, equivalent to hepatic “first pass” effect 1 - F = “presystemic elimination” 84 Bioavailability in man: prediction from rodents, primates & dogs 85 From Grass ADDR 2002 Extrapolation of Vss 87 Interspecies scaling of volumes of distribution (Vd) Vss Vp Vt fup fut • Where Vp, is the volume of plasma; Vt is tissue volume and fup and fut are the fraction of unbound drug in plasma and tissues respectively • Usually a change in fut has a greater effect than fup on Vss 88 The minimal volume of distribution is 7.5 L (0.1 L/kg) • VD = 7.5 + 7.5 x fu + 27L x fu p fuT Volume of distribution of albumin Drug highly bound to No partitioning plasma protein No tissue binding fu=very smal V = 7.5 L (not 3 L) which is the VD of albumin Note: plasma volume = 3 L but plasma protein (and drug) diffuse out of vascular space and thus protein (and drug) will return through the lymphatic system 89 Interspecies scaling of volumes of distribution (Vd) • Because there is no allometric relationship between protein binding and BW, it will be difficult to project the Vd of drug in humans from data in animals • When a drug has a low binding to plasma and tissue proteins or when a drug only distribute extracellularly, the Vd of the drug reflect total body water or extracellular water – In these cases, the Vd in human can be predicted from data in animals because both the total body water and extracellular water decrease as animal size increases in an allometric manner. 90 Volume of distribution of propranolol Vtotal Vfree (Unbound) For propranonol, Vf should be similar in humans and other species However this is not a general rule (e.g. large difference for Vf between species for Beta-lactam antibiotics) 91 Interspecies scaling of volumes of distribution (Vd) • Vc is the most important volume parameter which can be predicted with much more accuracy than Vss or Vβ • The exponent of all three volume revolve around 1.0 indicating that there exist a direct relationship between BW and volume • Correction for protein binding is not much help in improving the prediction of vomume in man 92 Extrapolation of half-life 93 Interspecies scaling of elimination half-life • Application of HL to the first time dosing to man is limited • HL is an hybrid parameter (clearance and Vd) • Conceptually, it is difficult to establish a relationship between HL and BW • Unlike clearance and Vd , the correlation of HL with BW has been found to be poor 94 R2=0.14 HL CL R2=0.90 R2=0.94 Allometric analysis of ciprofloxacin half-life, clearance and volume of distribution across mammals Poor correlation for HL while correlation for CL and Vss are good VD 95 96 Prediction of drug clearance in children from adults • Origin of the difference between children and adults – Variation in body composition – Difference in liver and kidney function 97 Age-related changes clearance Morphine Fentanyl 98 Prediction of drug clearance in children from adults • 41 drugs considered • 124 observations in children of different age groups • Infant, children, adolescent (from 1 day to 17 years) Mahmood BJCP 2006 99 Tested models 1. Classical allometric equation with different exponents CLin _ child BW child Cladult BW adult 0.75 _ or _ 0.80 _ or _ 1.0 2. Correction of adult clearance by the estimated liver and kidney weight in children 3. The clearance were estimated using a specific method for a given age (decision tree) • Child<1year: exponent=1 • Child >1 years but <5 years: correction by liver and kidney weight • Child >5 years : allometric exponent of 0.75, 0.80 or 0.85 Mahmood BJCP 2006 100 Results 1. No single method was suitable for all drugs or for all age groups 2. The %RMSE i.e. (MSE)0.5 was almost similar for exponent 0.75, 0.80 and 0.85 as well as the approach based on the liver and kidney weights 3. The lowest RMSE was seen with the mixed approach Mahmood BJCP 2006 101 Percent root mean square (RMSE) and percent error in the prediction of clearance in children by several methods Number of predictions in error (>100%) for 124 predictions Tested Exponents: 0.75, 0.89, 0.85 and 1.0 L+K: liver and kidney weights correction Mixed : decision tree based upon age Mahmood BJCP 2006 102 Children <1 year old • The exponent 0.75 overpredicted the clearance by several folds • When exponent 1.0 (no exponent) was used on the BW the prediction of clearance was fairly reasonable and far less erratic than 0.75 Mahmood BJCP 2006 103 Children from 1 to 5 years old • The best approach appears to be the liver and kidney weights corrections Mahmood BJCP 2006 104 Children >5 years old • One can use any exponent: (0.75, 0.80 or 0.85) Mahmood BJCP 2006 105 Allometry in veterinary medicine 106 107 108 Conclusions: Advantages of interspecies PK scaling • Simple and easy to use • Require plasma concentration-time data from which PK parameters are calculated • Knowledge of elimination pathways, and plasma protein binding may be helpful but not necessary • Data analysis is short • 80% success rate if incorporation of hepatocytes information's 109 Limits of allometic scaling 110 111 Limits of allometric scaling 112 For more information, consult the Mahmood’ book 113