complete the attached test

The Beatles
Many people around the world when they hear the names John, Paul,
George and Ringo will immediately think of The Beatles, the rock group from
Liverpool, England that (A) __________________
to be popular almost 40
years since it finished. The group is the most successful band in music
history and has sold over 1 billion CDs, tapes and records worldwide. John,
Paul and George (B)__________________
playing together in 1958, in a
band called ‘The Quarrymen’, they didn’t become ‘The Beatles’ until 1960.
Ringo didn’t join until 1962, a year before they became famous. After this,
the band soon found fame in the USA and from there many other countries.
In Japan the band (C) __________________
the first rock group to play at
the Budokan, in June 1966. Exactly one year later they were the first to be
broadcast live around the world in front of an audience of 400 million. The
Beatles recorded their final album in the summer of 1969.
Missing words choices: gave, started, continues, became, continued.
Questions on the text:
1. Where are The Beatles from?
2. When did they become famous?
3. When was their global broadcast?
Vocabulary questions, please choose from the following 5 words:
final murdered
1. Rescue workers found only one __________________ passenger after
the plane crash.
2. There was a lot of pressure for the politician to __________________
3. The family of the __________________
man appealed for witnesses
to come forward.
4. The school __________________
holidays only began yesterday but
already the airports are busy.
5. After two weeks of matches the __________________
begin in one hour.
match is due to
Vocabulary Questions :
Conversation One
Sean : ‘That’s a good tan you’ve got. Have you been (1) ___________ (A:
to, B: awhile, C: away, D : too) on vacation?
Jim : Yeah, I just got (2) __________ ( A: back, B: front, C: there, D: that)
last night.
Sean : Who did you go with?
Jim : My parents. My brother wanted to go but he couldn’t get time (3)
_____________ (A: of, B: off, C: from, D: away) work.
Sean : Where did you go?
Jim : We went to Hawaii for ten days.
Sean : How was the flight?
Jim : OK. I like flying but my mother was really (4) _______________ (A:
nervous, B: happy, C: excited, D: nervously)
Sean : Where did you stay?
Jim : In a hotel not far from the beach. The hotel has five (5)
_______________ (A: stars, B: star, C: grade, D: ranking) so there were
a lot of things to do. It had three swimming pools and two tennis (6)
_______________ (A: courts, B: course, C: courses, D: pitch).
Sean : Do you play tennis?
Jim : Yeah, I had a couple of (7) _______________ (A: plays, B: playing,
C: games, D: gaming) with my father.
Sean : Sounds a great vacation.
Jim : Yeah it was, thanks.
Conversation Two
Tom : You know he thinks he (8) _______________ (A: sees, B: look, C:
see, D: looks) like a film star
Stuart : Really? I don’t think he (9) _______________ (A: does, B: is, C:
was, D: look). Which one?
Tom : Johnny Depp.
Stuart : Why does he say that?
Tom : I don’t know you should (10) _______________ (A: asked, B: ask,
C: told, D: tell)
Stuart : I will. When’s he at college (11) _______________ (A: yesterday,
B: after, C: next, D: following) ?
Tom : The day after tomorrow.
Stuart : I have no classes then. Maybe I’ll ask him next (12)
_______________ (A: day, B: week, C: tomorrow, D: today
Tom : Good idea. What are you (13) _______________ (A: going, B:
gone, C: do, D: doing) this weekend?
Stuart : I’m (14) _______________ (A: meeting, B: talking, C: going, D:
studying) some friends on Saturday and going hiking on Sunday.
Tom : Sounds great. Have a good time.
Stuart : Thanks.
Conversation One
Conversation Two
10 :
11 :
12 :
13 :
14 :