Timeline of Western Classical Music Medieval (Middle Ages) Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Modern Before 1450 1450-1600 1600-1750 17501820 18201900 20th Century Timeline of Western Classical Music Medieval Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Modern 1450-1600 1600-1750 17501820 18201900 20th Century Middle Ages Before 1450 Medieval Period: Before 1450 Medieval Period Before 1450 Hildegard von Bingen Medieval Period Before 1450 Gregorian Chant Timeline of Western Classical Music Medieval (Middle Ages) Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Modern Before 1450 1450-1600 1600-1750 17501820 18201900 20th Century The Renaissance…. Renaissance 1450-1600 Michael Pretorius: Organ music and choral music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLpWgAgRFuQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3p6nAaOmyU&feature=related http://www.empire.k12.ca.us/capistrano/Mike/capmusic/renaissance/MadarigalMadrigals Byrd.mid Greensleeves http://www.empire.k12.ca.us/capistrano/Mike/capmusic/renaissance/Greenslee ves[1].mid Timeline of Western Classical Music Medieval (Middle Ages) Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Modern Before 1450 1450-1600 1600-1750 17501820 18201900 20th Century The Baroque Period…. The Baroque Period 16001750 Opera was established during the Baroque Period. Music became more complex and ornamental. Johannes Sebastian Bach The Baroque Period 16001750 Johannes Sebastian Bach Recursion in Escher: Recursion in Bach: The Fugue Recursion in Gödel: the function, the App Read: Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter The Brandenberg Concertos Brandenberg Concerto : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ9qWpa2rIg The Well-tempered Clavier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI_xx82oTO8 The Baroque Period 16001750 Antonio The Four Seasons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGdFHJXciAQ Vivaldi The Baroque Period 16001750 George The Messiah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp_RHnQ-jgU Frider Timeline of Western Classical Music Medieval (Middle Ages) Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Modern Before 1450 1450-1600 1600-1750 17501820 18201900 20th Century The Classical Period…. The Classical Period 17501820 Lighter and clearer sound; Fewer abrupt changes. Move from polyphony focus on melody; to Musicians and artists attempted to Emulate the WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART ideals of Classical LUDWIG particularly VAN BEETHOVEN Antiquity, Greece. The Classical Period 17501820 WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART Austrian 1756-1791 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUAzZNeuj34 The Classical Period 17501820 LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN German 1770-1827 Beethoven, Symphony 7, Allegretto, movement 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBfKXHoSvDM&feature=related Timeline of Western Classical Music Medieval (Middle Ages) Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Modern Before 1450 1450-1600 1600-1750 17501820 18201900 20th Century The Romantic Period…. •Literary inspiration … Liszt's Faust Symphony •Longer pieces •Increased focus on melody and theme •Sometimes more surprising than classical music •Easier to tell the individuality of composers •Nationalism increased; musical forms (folk music) borrowed from nation and lent to nations. •Industrial revolution – louder, stronger, more instruments. The Romantic Period…. Chopin (Poland) Bizet, Debussy, Ravel , Saint-Saens, (France) Grieg (Norway) Dvorak (Chech) Brahms, Mendelssohn, Schumann (Germany) Rossini, Verdi (Italy) Mahler, Schubert, Strauss (Austria) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci3RPAOFok4 Sebelius (Finland) Borodin, Mussgorsky , Rimsky-Korsakov , Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov (Russia) Wagner (Germany) Timeline of Western Classical Music Medieval (Middle Ages) Renaissance Baroque Classical Romantic Modern Before 1450 1450-1600 1600-1750 17501820 18201900 20th Century • • • • • Igor Stravinsky Schoenberg John Cage & Marcel Duchamps (artist) Paul Hindemith Jaco Pastorious – referencing Stravinsky & Sam & Dave