John Lennon and The Beatles

John Lennon
The Beatles
Life of John Lennon
John was born on October 9, 1940 in Liverpool, England
He is named after his Grandfather
His dad did not attend his birth
His parents divorced when he was 4 years old
John went to live with his Aunt Mimi
after his parents divorced
Julia Lennon was John Lennon’s mother
She was fatally struck by a vehicle driven by
an off duty police officer
John had a really hard time coping with her death
John and Paul
John Lennon met Paul McCartney at church.
Not long after, they created the Quarrymen which was
named after their High School.
George Harrison, Pete Best, and Stuart Sutcliffe eventually
joined the band.
Buddy Holly and The Crickets
The Crickets inspired The Quarrymen to change their
name to The Beatles.
The Beatles did a cover of Buddy Holly’s song
“That’ll be the day” in 1958.
Brian Epstein discovered The Beatles at
Liverpool’s Cavern Club in 1961 where they
used to perform on a regular basis.
The Beatles became the most popular band in
Britain due to their popular hits, “She loves you”
and “I want to hold your hand”.
“She Loves You”
0:01 - Drums begin right before they start singing
0:02 - Chorus 1 begins and repeats 3 times
0:12 - They hold out their note while the drummer and guitarists play
0:14 - Verse 1 begins
0:25 - Chorus 2 begins
0:35 - The chord here starts minor and resolves to major
0:38 - Verse 2 begins
0:51 - Chorus 2 repeats
1:05 - Chorus 1 repeats but the end is different than the first time
1:17 - Verse 3 begins
1:29 - Chorus 2 repeats again
1:43 - Chorus 1 repeats for the last time
1:49 - The Hook repeats twice
2:04 - The music slows down like it’s going to end
2:06 - The music picks back up again
2:10 - The outro starts here
2:18 - The song ends
“I Want To Hold Your Hand”
0:08 - Chorus 1 begins
0:30 - Verse 1 starts here
0:52 - Chorus 2 begins
1:12 - It goes back to Chorus 1 or the A section.
1:35 - Begins Chorus 2 or the B section
1:54 - Goes back to the A section or Chorus 1
John Lennon married Cynthia Powell in August
of 1962, but ended up divorcing her in 1968.
They had one son together and named him
Julian after Lennon’s mother, Julia. John
married Yoko Ono a year later in 1969.
The Beatles became popular in America with their
appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. “Beatlemania” was
the launch of a British Invasion of rock bands in
America. Beatlemania began to die down and the band
took a break from writing new songs.
The Beatles began to break up after the death
of their manager Epstein. Yoko Ono was also
causing tensions in the group at this time.
Lennon left the Beatles in 1969 and McCartney
followed him shortly after.
Lennon pursued a solo career shortly after he
left the Beatles. Eventually, he decided to quit
the music business and focus on being a
husband and father.
John Lennon passed away at New
York’s Roosevelt Hospital on
December 8, 1980 after being shot by a
crazy fan in front of his apartment.
“Hey Jude!”
Was written for Lennon’s son Julian by Paul
McCartney right after Lennon divorced his wife
0:01 - Verse 1 begins the song softly
0:27 - Verse 2 begins
0:28 - It begins to add more instruments such as the tambourine
0:43 - The rest of the singers start singing “Ah” under the main melody
0:55 - Verse 3 begins
0:56 - The sound changes with the addition of a bass guitar and drums
1:08 - The guitar does a chromatic 3 note scale to introduce the next phrase
1:25 - A bridge happens with “na na na na”
1:33 - The guitar mimics the singers melody
1:34 - Verse 4 begins
1:48 - The background singers sing the first part of verse five under the main melody
2:00 - Verse 5 begins
“Help” was described as one of Lennon’s
favorite songs that he wrote. This song is called
help because Lennon is calling for help with
everything that is going on in his life.
0:01 - Verse 1 Starts the song out
0:13 - Chorus 1 starts
0:34 - Chorus 2 begins
0:54 - Verse 2 begins
1:15 - Chorus 2 comes back just like a B section
1:35 - Chorus 1 returns just like an A section
1:55 - Chorus 2 returns again
2:14 - Starts a different ending to the second chorus to end the