Information Session Power Point (PDF)

RFP: Development and Operation
of Affordable Rental Housing on
Block 36 North, City Place/Railway Lands
Information Meeting February 11,2016
Request for Proposals for the Development and Operation
of Affordable RentRealHousing at 200 Madison Ave.
at 200 Madison AveREeRe
1. Welcome
2. City Priorities for this RFP
3. RFP Highlights
4. Evaluation and Approval Process
5. Questions
“ We need to do everything we can to
build more affordable housing in
Toronto, and we need to do it much
faster. The (Open Door Program) will
help deliver more affordable housing
to people who need it,”
Mayor John Tory
Block 36N and Open Door Program
 Block 36 North is the second site to benefit from City’s
new Open Door Program
 City launched Open Door in April 2015 to accelerate
creation of affordable housing
 Program provides: surplus public land; fast-tracked
planning approvals; federal-provincial funding for
capital costs and expanded City financial incentives
 Piloted at city owned site 200 Madison Avenue - work
underway on 82 new affordable rental homes
City Priorities for this RFP
To select the best proposal:
 That will build and operate high-quality
purpose built affordable rental housing
 That provides good value for the funding
and incentives offered
 That ensures construction starts in a timely
Who Should Apply?
Experienced non-profit or private-sector corporations
 Track record developing quality rental housing on
time and on budget
 Experience operating rental housing and providing
property management and supports in a portfolio of
residential developments
 Experience overseeing soil remediation and obtaining
Ministry of Environment Record of Site Condition
The Block 36N Community
 Block 36N located on northwest corner of Fort York Boulevard
and Queen's Wharf Road near Bathurst Street in the dynamic
City Place community
Area has developed into a residential neighbourhood of 20
high-rise condominiums with some 11,000 people,
predominantly young urban professionals
More recently, families and older households have begun
moving in as community facilities continue to grow
Nearby are Library District Condominiums and public library
on Fort York Boulevard; to the east is 427-unit TCHC affordable
housing building
Neighbourhood served by four streetcar lines and GTA-wide
transit, such as the Gardiner Expressway and Lakeshore
RFP Planning Requirements
 Site is zoned Residential for 6-9 storeys
 Minor variances anticipated but re-zoning not permitted
 Site Plan Approval required
RFP Environmental Requirements
View looking south west
 The site requires
remediation. 2012 Phase 1
and 2 Environmental Site
Assessments (ESA) found
contamination in soil, not
 New Phase 2 ESA is
required given change in
provincial standards
Legal Agreements
 The Contribution Agreement (to be issued as
addendum) is for 50 years and includes terms and
conditions of City funding and incentives, key milestones,
the Proponent’s obligations before and after occupancy
 The Lease with Toronto Community Housing
Corporation (to be issued as an addendum) is for 50 years
less a day and includes rent at nominal rate provided
conditions of the Lease are met
 Shared Facilities Agreement between Block 36N
Proponent, Library District Condominium and Toronto
Public Library in Block 36S regarding annual costs for
shared use of parking ramp
Requirements to be met:
City Planning and Ontario Building Code (OBC)
Environmental Protection Act
AHO Design Guidelines for Affordable Rental Housing
City of Toronto Policy and OBC requirements for
 Energy Consumer Protection Act requirement for suite
 City of Toronto Green Standard Tier 1 requirements
 Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario – Extension
2014-20 Guidelines for funded units
Site Requirements by Proponent
 Remediation of the site and securing of Record of
Site Condition
 Completion of Stage 4 Archeological Excavation
 Payment of annual shared costs for parking ramp
Residents and Rent Levels
 The Proponent will be required to allocate 15 of the units
for rent-geared-to income tenants
All residents must have household income no more than
four times total rent by bedroom type
No rent may be more than 100% Average Market Rent by
bedroom type, including heat, hydro and water
IAH-E funded units must have residents that are on, or
eligible to be on, City’s housing access list
Rent for all IAH-E funded units must average 80% of
Average Market Rent or less by bedroom type, including
heat, hydro and water
Unit Mix and Residents
 Units should be one-, two- and three-bedroom, no
 Two- and three-bedrooms preferred for families with
 Mix of resident groups and rents encouraged
 In addition to OBC visitable suites requirements,
minimum 5% of units must be fully accessible
RFP Funding
Financial assistance includes:
Federal-Provincial Capital Funding
 Investment in Affordable Housing –Extension (IAH-E) funding
of $7,000,000 and additional IAH-E, subject to availability;
maximum $150,000 per unit
City Capital funding
 As required by Proponent to deliver project viability
 Up to $1,500,000 for soil remediation costs
 Up to $500,000 for construction of retaining wall by the City
 $300,000 for infrastructure costs for completed roads and site
City Incentives
City incentives include:
 Development Charge Exemption
 Building Permit and Planning Fee waiver for private
or non-profit Proponent
 Exemption from property taxes for the term of the
Contribution Agreement (50 years)
 Block 36N site leased at nominal rent from TCHC
 Fifteen rent supplements
Making a Proposal
 Proponents must respond to all sections as
outlined in Section 3.0
 Include all items in Submission Checklist in
Appendix 12
RFP Evaluation Criteria
Development Qualifications
Management Qualifications
Corporate Financial Viability
Project Design and Site Concept
Capital Funding and Financial Plan
Operating Plan
Development Plan
Community Consultation &
Communications Plan
100 points
Minimum 70% required to
be funded
RFP Released -
January 29, 2016
Information Meeting -
February 11, at 11 am
Deadline for Written Questions -
March 11
Final Addendum -
March 17
RFP Deadline -
March 24 (Noon)
Executive Committee -
May 24
City Council -
June 7
Following Council Approval
 City, TCHC and Successful Proponent meet
to agree on process going forward
 Environmental testing and design work
begins summer 2016
 Contribution Agreement entered into by
December 15, 2016
Questions, Answers and Addenda
 Questions and answers from the Information session
will be posted on the Affordable Housing Office
(AHO) web site as Addendum #1:
 Additional questions should be submitted in writing
and answers will be posted in subsequent Addenda
on the AHO web site
 Deadline for questions is March 11,2016 at 4:30 pm
 Questions emailed to
Deadline for Proposals:
Friday, March 24, 2016
12:00 noon
Deliver to:
Sean Gadon,
Director Affordable Housing Office
Metro Hall, 7th Floor
55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6