ECE 3551 Microcomputer Systems 1 Final Project Sultan Alzomiea Instructor: Dr. Kepuska Date submitted: May 5nd 2009 Objective: To use the knowledge learned in ECE-3551, to make a final project. The project is to do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn the sound on/off. Switching the speakers. Increase volume. Decrease volume. Hardware/Software Used: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ADSP-BF533Processor. Blackfin VisualDSP++ 5.0. Speaker. Input audio. MATLAB. Discussion: For this lab, we learned how to process audio data in ADSPBF533 EZ-Kit Lite, and the results where: When Press PF8 = activate/de-activate LP filter, Turn LED4 on/off, fully attenuated audio output for high frequency input. When Press PF9 = First press all speaker work. Second press the left speaker work. Third press the right speakers work When Press PF10 = It increase the volume, also LED1 and LED2 ON. Second press increases the volume more , Also, LED1to LED3 ON. Third press increases the volume more, also, LED1to LED4 ON. Fourth press increases the volume to the maximum. Also, LED1 to LED5 ON. When Press PF11 = It decrease the volume, also LED1 to LED 4 ON. Also, the LEDs decrease as well. In Initialize.c, we include BF533 Flags file, then we added *pFlashA_PortA_Dir = 0x1 so it can work as an input. Then we added pFlashA_PortB_Dir = 0x3f so it can be an output. In the ISR file we had to define our input buttons by using the code: EX_INTERRUPT_HANDLER (Sport0_RX_ISR) Main.c goes through the initialization functions. The filters should be exported in Float format. 16 bit integer and fractional filtering can be done for extra credit. .