Jeopardy Review Game – Macbeth

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Untimely ripped
from his mother’s
Who is Macduff?
While this
character is
sleepwalking, they
confess to murder
Who is Lady
fears Macbeth
“play’dst most
foully” for the
Who is Banquo?
Pretends to be a
horrible person to
test Macduff’s
Who is Malcolm?
Pretends the castle
is Hell on the night
of King Duncan’s
Who is The Porter?
a figure of speech
that compares two
objects or ideas not
related, and is not
to be taken literally
What is metaphor?
obvious and
What is hyperbole?
a humorous
substitution of words
that are alike or nearly
alike in sound but
different in meaning; a
play on words
What is a pun?
a recurring subject,
theme or idea in a
literary work
What is motif?
a statement or
proposition that seems
self-contradictory or
absurd but in reality
expresses a possible
What is paradox?
Before he kills
Duncan, Macbeth
sees this floating in
front of him
What is a dagger?
What Macbeth sees
at the Banquet in
Act III – seen by no
one else
What is Banquo’s
England has given
Malcolm this to
help fight Macbeth
What is Siward and
an army of 10,000?
The three
prophecies that the
witches tell
Macbeth in Act I
What is:
The Thane of Glamis,
The Thane of Cawdor,
And King hereafter?
The three apparitions
given to Macbeth in
Act IV and the
prophecy that goes
with each one
What is:
Armed Head – “Beware Macduff”
Bloody Child – “No man born of
woman can harm Macbeth
Child Crowned w/Tree – Macbeth
will not fall until Birnham wood
march up Dunsinane Hill
“Fair is foul, and
foul is fair”
Who are the
“Come, you spirits that
tend on mortal thoughts,
unsex me here, and fill me
from the crown to the toe
top-full of direst cruelty!”
Who is Lady
“…But tis strange! And
often times, to win us to our
harm, The instruments of
darkness tell us truths, Win
us with honest trifles, to
betray’s in deepest
Who is Banquo?
“To know my deed,
‘twere best not
know myself.”
Who is Macbeth?
“Fit to govern! No,
not to live. O
nation miserable!”
Who is Macduff?
“…black Macbeth
will seem as pure
as snow.”
What is simile?
“Do not muse at me
my most worthy
What is alliteration?
“Knock, knock,
knock! Who’s there
I’ th’ name of
What is
“Why should I play
the Roman fool,
and die on mine
own sword?”
What is allusion?
“ Come, seeling night,
scarf up the tender eye of
pitiful day; And with thy
bloody and invisible hand
Cancel and tear to pieces
that great bond which
keeps me pale!”
What is
Macbeth is an
example of this
kind of play
What is a tragedy?
The Goddess of
witchcraft, magic
and the moon
Who is Hecate?
Shakespeare was
believed to have
been born and died
on this day
What is April 23?
The King that this
play was most
likely written for
Who is King James
I of England?
The assassination
attempt on the King of
England that had
recently failed when
this play was written
and performed
What is the
Gunpowder Plot?
Make your wager
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