Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam FOND DU DENESŲŁı̨ NE FIRST NATION BAND ELECTION AND GOVERNANCE ACT 2015 The Procedures Outlining The Way We Have Been Conducting Elections In Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne And Additional Procedures that Need To Be In the Election Act DRAFT MARCH 2015 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election and Governance Act This year 2015, the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation is revising their Band Election and Governance Act. The Election Act will outline how general elections will be conducted. The act will be completed in the June of 2015 and will be used for the next general election in October 2015 and thereafter. The governance act wıll outlıne how the system wıll functıon. An Election Review Committee was be established in April, 2015, with members elected through the same process as other committees and boards. The Election Review Committee has been given the task to oversee the Election Act revision. To date, the Election Committee has developed a draft of the election Act. The following is a draft of the Election and Governance Act. It outlines the current procedures that have been used for Fond du Lac general elections. It also contains some additional procedures that are required for any Election Act. Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne electors are invited to participate and be involved through a community consultation process. You are being asked for your comments, ideas, and suggestions regarding this draft Election Act. In the coming weeks, there will be community discussions on the draft Election Act. This will be done through the radio, at least one community meeting, and the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne Website. We ask for your comments and suggestions. You can also submit your input through: A suggestion box at the Band Office, A telephone call to any of the contact people listed below. An e-mail to any of the contact people listed below. A letter delivered to any of the contact people listed below. 1 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam The Election Committee will provide regular information and updates regarding the progress of this project through this web-site and other means. The Acts will be read three times for any revisions and changes at a duly convened membership meeting and will be ratified at that time. Contact People Councillor Liaison 1. Allan Adam Band Member 3069605192 (work) email; Darryl McDonald – CEO Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Election Committee Members tbd 2 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Title Definitions Chief and Council Eligibility Electoral Office and stafff Term of Office Notice for General Election General Meeting Nominations Meeting Elections Process Vacancy By-Elections Amending the Election Act Voters List Appeal Procedures Records Effective Date Official Adoption 3 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam Introduction FOND DU LAC DËNESŲŁĮNE FIRST NATION CUSTOM ELECTION ACT WHEREAS the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation has the inherent authority to adopt, by way of custom, a method for choosing its Chief and Council, as recognized by subsection 2(1) of the Indian Act, RSC 1985, c I-5, further that process was identified as part of the Treaty 8 negotiations in 1899; WHEREAS Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation recognizes the value and contributions of all its members, whether they reside on or reserve, and the rights of all members to vote in Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne elections; WHEREAS the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation recognizes that certain Council decisions uniquely affect those Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne members who reside on the reserve know that the good governance of the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation requires ensuring that the interests of the residents on the reserve at Fond du Lac are represented on Council; WHEREAS the remote location of the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation requires that a majority of Council members, constituting a quorum of Council lıve ın the communıty to ensure that the business of the First Nation can be efficiently conducted; AND WHEREAS this Custom Election Act was discussed by the members of the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation and approved by their vote on [date]; WE THEREFORE set forth here the custom of the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation as to the election of Chief and Council, and the Council Procedures constituting the Custom Election Act of the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation. Previous Election Act Repealed Any custom election act or regulation in force in respect of the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation that pre-dates this act is hereby repealed and shall no longer be of any force or effect in respect of the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation. Effective Date DRAFT – FOR MEMBERSHIP REVIEW Sections of the Indian Act no longer in force Provisions found in the Indian Act, RSC 1985, c I-5, and its predecessor, the Indian Act, RSC 1970, c I-6, respecting the elections of chiefs and band councils, being sections 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, and 79 inclusive, do not and shall not apply to the Fond du lac Dënesųłı̨ ne First Nation. 4 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam Section 1 Title 1.0 This act is named “Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ne First Nation Election Act.” Section 2 Definitions 2.0 In this election Act: “Appeal Committee” means those persons designated to hear an appeal relating to the Election Act. “Ballot” means the paper by which a member casts a vote at an election. “By-election” means an election other than a general election. “Chief” means the person elected to that office. “Councillor” means the person elected to that office. “Elected” means the person elected to that office. “Election” means the choosing of persons by casting ballots to hold the office of Chief or Councillor. “Election Committee” mean the persons selected in section 5.1 who are responsible for conducting and supervising the election. “Elector” means a person who is entitled to vote at an election or by-election of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation. “Indictable Offense” means as defined in the Criminal Act of Canada “Member” means a person named on the band list of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation. 5 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam Section 3 Chief and Council 3.0 The Council of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation shall consist of: one (1) Chief, and six (6) Councillors. Section 4 Eligibility 4.0 Any person may vote in the general election who is: 4.0.1 a member of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation, 4.0.2 eighteen years of age or over, as of the date of the election. 4.1 Any person may run for the office of Chief or Councillor who is: a member of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation, eighteen years of age as of the date of nominations. Section 5 Electoral Officer and Staff 5.0 An external Electoral Officer will be appointed by BCR. The officer will then establish an election committee comprised of five members who shall hold and conduct the general elections of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation. 5.1 The Committee members shall be elected by the community of Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation. The Electoral Officer to be selected must be from outside of the community and should not be a band member. This will ensure the Electoral Officer will exercerise fairness to all candidates during the election. 5.2 The Electoral Officer will select a Co-Chair of the Election Committee. They will both be responsible to run the election. 5.3 The Co-Chairs shall: 5.3.1 chair all meetings of the Election Committee, 5.3.2 convene a meeting with the Election Committee when called upon to do so by the Chief and Council, 5.3.3 provide general direction and supervision over the running of the election by providing dene translation services or other requirements from time to time. 6 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam 5.3.4 provide instructions as required to others involved with running the election to ensure that the election Act is followed. 5.4 Four of the five members of the Election Committee shall be members of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation. One shall be selected from outside of the community. He/she shall preside as co-chair. 5.5 The Chief and Council shall provide staff for technical support and other necessary resources to conduct the election. 5.6 The members of the Election Committee shall be paid an honorarium for serving on the Committee. The Electoral Officer, Co-chair and Appeal board will paid a flat fee of $250/day to a maximum of $5000.00 for Electoral Officer and a flat fee of $175/day for the cochair to a maximum of $3500.00 for the co-chair or per diems for the Appeal Board and proper related travel-related expenses for services rendered. 5.7 The committee will sit until one month after the election has taken place and they have submitted their report or until the appeal period has lapsed. 5.8 If there is an appeal, they shall remain until that has been completed. Section 6 Term of Office 6.0 The elected members of Chief and Council shall hold office for three (3) years. 6.1 The term of office begins immediately after the formal announcement by the Election Committee of the results of the general election. 6.2 The successful candidates for the office of Chief and Councillors must reside in Fond du Lac, Saskatchewan during their entire term of office. Section 7 Notice for General Election 7.0 The Chief and Council shall issue a Band Council Resolution proclaiming the general election 60 days prior to the date of the general election. 7.1 Immediately upon the issue of a Band Council Resolution announcing an up-coming general election, the Election Committee shall convene to begin the process for the general election. 7 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam 7.2 The Election Committee shall notify the membership of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation, living on or off-reserve, about the upcoming election 60 days prior to the date of the general election. 7.3 The notice for the general election shall include: (i) the date, time, and location of the general meeting; (ii) the date, time, and location of the nomination meeting; (iii) the date, time, and location of the general election. 7.4 The notice for the general election shall be posted in: Prince Albert Daily Herald Newspaper and other newspapers as appropriate; the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne Web-site; the Band Office, Northern Store, Airport, Nursing Station, and MBC Radio; any other place or manner of acceptable means of communication. Section 8 General Meeting 8.0 The Elections Committee shall call for a general meeting of the electors of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation to be held 40 days prior to the date set for a general election, for the purpose of clarifying and reminding the electors of the election procedures as outlined in the election Act. Section 9 Nomination Meeting 9.0 The Elections Committee shall call for a nomination meeting of the electors of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation to be held 10 days prior to the date set for a general election, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of Chief and Councillors. 9.1 The nomination meeting shall be open for three (3) hours. 9.2 At the time and location specified in the notice, the Co-chair shall declare the meeting open for the purpose of receiving nominations. 9.3 A candidate may run for the office of Chief or Councillor but not for more than one position. 9.4 A person nominated for office must be present at the nomination meeting to accept his/her nomination and indicate willingness to run for office. 8 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam 9.5 Any person nominated for office may withdraw their candidacy by filing a withdrawal letter to the Election Committee up to 3 days prior to the election. 9.6 The Elections Committee shall call for nominations for Chief and Councillor positions until there are two or more candidates for Chief and nine or more candidates for Councillor positions. If there ıs no other person runnıng for any of the posıtıons, acclamations for Chief or Councillor positions may be acknowledged at the nomination meeting. Chıefs and or councıllors ıf unopposed can be acclaımed. 9.7 The Election Committee shall prepare a list of all candidates for Chief and Councillor positions along with the names of those that nominated and seconded each candidate. The list shall be: 9.7.1 published on the community’s web-site, 9.7.2 posted at the Band Office, Radio Station, Nursing Station, Airport, and 9.7.3 announced over the community radio or MBC radio. 9.8 Immediately after nominations, the Elections Committee shall organize a forum where candidates address the membership of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation as to their “platform” or reason for running. 9.9 Candidates who may not run for office and declared ineligible if they; 9.9.1 Are in default of owing any monies to the band as per the advance policy, if proven that these monies are outstanding. The Electoral Officer will have to declare the Candidate ineligible to run. The said Candidate is also inelibible to run in future elections until their debt has been cleared. 9.9.2 Are in possession of any band property and have not disclosed of said property or relinquished it back to the band. Section 10 Elections Process 10.0 Elections shall be held before the beginning of the next term, with the new Chief and Council taking office immediately after the formal 9 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam announcement by the Election Committee of successful candidates. 10.1 The Election Committee shall give 30 days’ notice prior to the date of the election, of the date, time, and place of the election in the same manner as provided for in sections 7.3 and 7.4. 10.2 The Election Committee shall establish at least one polling station. An advance polling station may be set up in Prince Albert prior to the general election. Election committee members will take a separate advance polling ballot box used specifically for the election. Further, an advance poll will be established in the community for those who cannot be in the community during the general election. 10.3 The Election Committee shall prepare the polling station by: having the ballot paper and materials for marking the ballot papers, posting directions for voting in conspicuous places as may be required, providing voting booths at the polling station where the elector can mark the ballot papers free from observation. 10.4 The polling station shall be open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Time. 10.5 Every elector who is inside the polling station at the time fixed for closing shall be entitled to vote before the poll is closed. 10.6 Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot on a form or forms prescribed by the Election Committee. 10.7 Upon receiving the ballot(s) from the Election Committee, the elector shall proceed directly to the place provided for marking ballots and shall mark his/her ballot by placing an X or a check mark that clearly indicates the elector’s choice, in the space provided on the ballot opposite the name of the candidate. 10.8 On the day of the election the Chair of the Election Committee shall, immediately before opening the poll, show the ballot box to the persons present in the polling place so that they may see that it is empty. In the absence of persons in the polling station, the Chair of the Election Committee shall verify in writing that the ballot box was empty prior to sealing. The ballot box will then be kept sealed until the counting of the ballots after the close of the poll. 10.9 Where an elector is unable to vote in the usual manner for reasons of physical disability or any other reason, any person at the 10 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam choosing by the elector shall assist the elector to mark the ballot(s) as directed by the elector. This will be done in the presence of the Chair of the Election Committee or another member of the Election Committee appointed by the Chair for that purpose. 10.10 Where an elector is unable to go to or enter the polling place owing to a physical disability, the elector should request a ballot from the Chair of the Election Committee, who in turn will go with another member of the Election Committee to have the ballot cast from the elector. 10.11 The Election Committee shall provide a means for electors who are not resident or present in the community on voting day to cast ballots by telephone, or other cost effective means, which provide as much privacy as is possible: 10.12 The counting of the ballots will commence immediately upon the close of the polls. The Chair of the Election Committee will take the ballot box to the place of counting. The Chair of the Election Committee shall then proceed to count the ballots, assisted by the members of the Election Committee and technical staff, in the presence of the attending electorate composed of the clergy, an elder, and a police officer. 10.13 For the Chief position, the candıdate who recieves the most votes cast shall be declared the wınner. For councıllors, the candidates receiving the most votes will be declared elected. The Councillor attaining the highest votes will be the Vice-Chief. The results will be announced to the public immediately and posted the next working day in the Band Office and on the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne website. 10.14 Where there is a tie vote, the members of the Election Committee shall break the tie by a secret ballot. Otherwise, the members of the Election Committee may not vote in the general election. The counting of the ballots shall be done in the same manner as the regular count. 10.15 The Election Committee shall not count any ballot, which is not marked as prescribed. 10.16 The Election Committee shall deposit all ballot papers in the same ballot box used in the general election, sealed and taken immediately to the police station where it shall be kept for 30 days. 11 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam 10.17 The Election Committee shall destroy all the ballots, if no appeal or challenge has been launched, immediately after the 30th day of announcing the election results and declaring the winners. Section 11 Vacancy 11.0 The Office of Chief or Councillor becomes vacant when a person holding such position: 11.0.1 dies; or 11.0.2 resigns; or 11.0.3 is convicted of an indictable offense. 11.1 If the Chief or Councillor position becomes vacant, the position shall remain vacant until a by-election or general election is called. Section 12 By-elections 12.0 A by-election shall be held where there is a vacancy for the Chief and Councillor positions. 12.1 A notice of the by-election shall be done within 4 weeks of the vacancy. 12.2 The Election Committee shall conduct the by-election and shall follow the same procedures as those set out in an election Act. Section 13 Amending the Election Act 13.0 The act of amending the election Act is a serious and important matter that must involve discussion by the membership of Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation. 13.1 The proposal to amend the election Act may be started anytime up to six (6) months before the next general election. 13.2 The process for amending the election Act may be initiated by: 13.2.1 community band members with the support of elders presenting to Chief and Council an outline of the specific area of the election Act that is proposed for amendment, or 13.2.2 a Band Council Resolution. 12 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam 13.3 Upon receiving an amendment proposal in accordance with section the Chief and Council shall convene the Election Committee to begin work on the proposed amendment. 13.4 The Election Committee shall prepare a notice that outlines: 13.4.1 a summary of the proposed amendments, 13.4.2 a statement explaining that the full copy of the proposed amendment(s) is available at the band office and on the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne web-site, and 13.4.3 a description of the amendment process. 13.5 The notice in section 13.4 shall be: 13.5.1 published on the community’s web-site, 13.5.2 placed in every mail box in Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne, 13.5.3 posted at the Band Office, Radio Station, Nursing Station, Airport, and 13.5.4 announced over MBC radio. 13.6 The Election Committee shall provide a community engagement process where the electors have the opportunity to provide comments and input concerning the proposed amendments. This will include, but not be limited to the following: 13.6.1 a community meeting, 13.6.2 a radio phone-in show, 13.6.3 a suggestion box 13.6 4 the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne web-site 13.7 Upon receipt of comments and input concerning the proposed amendments pursuant to section 13.6, the Election Committee shall compile the feedback and present it to the Chief and Council 13.8 The Chief and Council shall review the comments and confirm the proposed amendment(s) that reflect the majority of the community’s wishes. 13 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam 13.9 The Chief and Council shall submit the final amendment proposal to a community duly convened meeting for approval. 13.10 The amendment(s) shall be considered passed if the majority of the votes cast in a duly convened meeting are in favour of the proposed amendment(s). 13.11 The amended election Act shall be placed on the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne web-site. 13.12 The amended election Act takes effect immediately, but does not affect previous elections or by-elections. Section 14 Voters List 14.0 The Election Committee, in conjunction with the Membership Clerk, shall prepare and certify as correct a list of all members of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation who are eligible to vote in any given Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation election. 14.1 The voters list may be amended by the Election Committee up until 1 day prior to the election. Section 15 Appeal Procedures 15.0 An Election Appeal Committee, consisting of three (3) non-band members, shall be appointed by Chief and Council in the event of appeals to the outcome of an election. 15.1 Any candidate, or any elector who voted in the current election may within thirty (30) days of the Election, appeal the results of the election if he/she has grounds for believing that there was an error or violation of this election Act during the election process that might have affected the outcome of the election. 15.2 To appeal an election, a notice in writing, containing details of the alleged infractions, shall be sent by registered mail to: Elections Appeal Committee Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Box 121 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne, Saskatchewan S0J0H0 Along with a money order or certified cheque payable to Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation for $1,000.00. This notice of appeal and deposit must be received at the band office within thirty (30) days of the election poll. If the appeal is successful, the deposit will 14 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam be returned, and if denied, the deposit will be forfeited to the First Nation and will be used to offset election and election appeal expenses. 15.3 Upon receipt of any appeals the Elections Appeal Committee will proceed as follows: 15.3.0 Within seven days from the conclusion of the prescribed thirty-day period for the submission of appeals, the Appeal Committee will forward copies of all appeals together with supporting documentation to all candidates for office as well as to the Chair of the Election Committee. 15.3.1 Candidates and members of the Election Committee may within seven (7) days of receipt of the appeal(s), forward to the Appeal Committee by registered mail a written response to the appeal allegations, together with any supporting documentation. 15.3.2 The Appeal Committee may then conduct or authorize such further investigation into the allegations, as it deems appropriate and necessary. 15.3.3 The Appeal Committee shall render a decision within two weeks, after the thirty (30) day appeal period and provide the decision in writing to the Chair of the Election Committee. 15.4 Upon review of all evidence submitted, the Appeal Committee shall act in one of the following ways: 15.4.1 Deny the appeal(s) on the grounds that the evidence provided did not reveal an infraction of the election Act, or on the grounds that an infraction of the election Act was revealed but the infraction did not affect the outcome of the election. 15.4.2 Grant the appeal(s), and if the election is overturned, call for a new election as soon as possible only for the position(s) affected, to be conducted pursuant to the provisions of the election Act. The Appeal Committee shall, if necessary, give instructions to the Chair of the Elections Committee on how the infractions identified can be corrected. Section 16 Records 16. All records, including the results of elections and dates of all meetings, shall be kept at the Administration Building. 15 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam Section 17 Effective Date 17.0 The Election Act comes into effect on the day it is approved by the electors as per the Community Referendum Process. 16 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam Section 18 Official Adoption 18. This Election Act is hereby adopted this day of _______,20____, as ratified by the members of Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation. Signatures of duly elected Chief and Council: ______________________________ Chief ______________________________ Councillor ______________________________ Councillor ______________________________ Councillor ______________________________ Councillor ______________________________ Councillor ______________________________ Councillor ______________________________ Councillor ______________________________ Councillor 17 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam FOND DU LAC DENESŲŁı̨ NE FIRST NATION (FDLFN) ɂëdets’ęn k’ohıldé (GOVERNANCE ACT) March 30, 2015 Draft 18 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam FDLDFN ɂëdets’en k’ohıldé (GOVERNANCE ACT) PREAMBLE Whereas the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne (FDLDFN) is a Treaty 8 First Nation consisting of the following Indian Reserve #227. And whereas the FDLDFN is proud of its heritage and Dënesųlı̨ ne language and of the educational opportunities, economic successes, and social development made possible by many years of strong leadership; The FDLDFN has determined that sound governance is critical to the well-being and sustainable development of its communities. This Act conduces to such governance by establishing the internal structures and processes of the FDLDFN government, including: Authority, Roles and Responsibilities Code of Conduct Conduct of Council Meeting Complaints Compensation and External Activities Disciplinary Action and Removal from Office By virtue of its inherent right to self-government, the FDLDFN, through its Band Council, has full authority to enact this Act. 19 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam PART I Short Title and Definitions SHORT TITLE 1. This Act may be cited as the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne (FDLDFN) Governance Act. DEFINITIONS 2. In this Act: (a) "Band contract" means a contract entered into with the Band for any purpose. (b) "Band Council" or "Chief and Council" means a quorum of the Council of the Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nations elected pursuant to the terms of the Fond du Lac Denesulıne Fırst Natıon Election Act 2015. (c) "Band Member" means a person whose name appears on the Band Membership List or who is entitled to have his or her name appear on the Band Membership List. (d) "Campaign Period" means the period extending from Nomination Day to Election Day. (e) "Conflict of Interest" means the situation that arises when an elected official, whether Chief or Council, makes a decision or participates in making a decision affecting his or her office and at the same time knows that in the making of the decision there is the opportunity to further his or her private interest, his or her family's interest, or the private interest of an associate. (f) "Corrupt Practice" means any act done by an elected Official, whether Chief or Councillor, who unlawfully and/or wrongly uses his/her name or position of authority or trust to procure some benefit or favour for him/herself or for another person contrary to his/her official or fiduciary duties and/or the rights of other persons and includes any act or omission that is recognized by law or custom to be a corrupt practice. (g) "Council of Elders" means a circle of Elders chosen to advise, guide and provide resolution to internal and external issues associated with band administration. (h) "Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer of band administration as designated by Chief and Council. 20 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam (i) "Family" means, with respect to Chief and Council, his/her spouse and dependent children. j) "Spouse" means a wife or husband but does not include an estranged wife or husband. The definition includes a man or woman who are not married to each other but have cohabited as husband and wife continuously for a period of not less than one year, or are in a relationship of some permanence if they are the birth or adoptive parents of a child. (k) "Quorum" is the minimum number of people required to conduct business which amounts to at least 51 per cent of the members of the band council. 21 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam PART 11 Authority, Roles and Responsibilities 3. CHIEF AND COUNCIL 3. The Chief and Councillors are the elected government of the Fond du Lac Denesulıne Fırst Natıon. The function of the Chief and Council is to provide good governance for the Band. 4. The legal authority conferred upon Chief and Council by the Band Membership is based on Council acting as a collectivity. No member of Council, including the Chief can make a decision affecting the well being of the FDLDFN acting as an individual unless otherwise authorized by Council. 5. In exercising their authority, the Chief and Council collectively serve in five general governance roles, including: (a) representative role (b) law-making role (c) policy-making role (d) planning role (e) monitoring role 6. The Chief and Council's general duties include all of the powers and duties set out in the Indian Act. Their key governance responsibilities shall include: (a) setting strategic management and direction for the Band (b) maintaining good relations with Band members; (c) protecting and optimizing community assets; (d) fulfilling fiduciary and legal responsibilities; (e) making governance laws and policies; (f) regularly reviewing management and financial matters; (g) regularly reviewing program and service delivery; (h) approving major organization changes; 22 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam (i) appointing and evaluating the Chief Executive Officer, Program Directors/Administrators; (j) adopting personnel and financial management policies; (k) establishing boards, authorities, committees or other bodies of Council; (I) bringing communities back into its administration when mutually agreed upon. 7. The political duties and responsibilities extend to all matters over which the Chief and Council have jurisdiction and include: (a) maintaining a system of accountability to the Band Members through policies ensuring transparency, disclosure and redress; (b) recognizing and safeguarding inherent Aboriginal and treaty rights; (c) preserving and strengthening the FDLDFN's culture, language, traditions, lands and resources through their inclusion, where appropriate, in political, economic, social and judicial institutions; (d) promoting, protecting and preserving the FDLDFN culture, language, traditions, lands and resources and, where necessary, reclaiming traditional territory and/or any royalties for harvesting their natural resources; (e) strengthening the inherent and political sovereignty of the FDLDFN government and pursuing the broader recognition of the Band's customary practices; (f) assisting the Band membership in affirming their Inherent, Treaty and Aboriginal rights; (g) holding Canada accountable for its obligations and responsibilities to the Band members; (h) ensuring that no federal or provincial legislation is construed or has the effect of abrogating or derogating from: (i) any aboriginal, treaty, or other rights or freedoms that pertain to the Aboriginal peoples of Canada including any rights or freedoms that have been recognized by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 or any rights that now exist by way of land claim agreements or that may be so acquired; and/or 23 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam (ii) any present or future negotiations for full recognition of First Nation jurisdiction and authority over labour standards on-reserve as part of their broader interest in selfgovernance; developing and negotiating agreements with federal and provincial governments that affirm the spirit and intent of Treaty; (iii) promoting communication and exchange with other First Nations and Indigenous peoples, nationally and internationally; and developing, enacting and revising FDLDFN legislation, regulations, by-laws and amendments there (iv) developing, enacting revising, FDLDFN legistation, regulations, by-laws and emendments thereto. Chief and Councillors CHIEF 8. The Chief is the elected head of the legislative and political arm of FDLDFN. The Chief serves as the political head of FDLDFN. The authority, role and responsibilities of the Chief shall include: (a) acting as the FDLDFN's official spokesperson for internal and external matters; (b) acting as the FDLDFN's official representative for all external matters and agencies including Canada, the Province, any City, Town or Municipality which has dealings with FDLDFN, other First Nations, other Tribal Councils, regional, national and international First Nation organizations; (c) acting as a positive role model to Band Members; (d) establishing specific portfolios; (e) calling Council meetings and approving the agenda in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer; (f) acting as Chair at Council meetings and, as Chair: (i) maintaining order and decorum; (ii) only voting in the event of a tie; (iii) identifying who may be present for any discussion or vote and who shall be entitled to speak; 24 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam (iv) excluding persons from the Council chambers or other meeting place for improper or inappropriate conduct or causing a disturbance; and (v) deciding all questions of procedure. (g) authorizing Councillors to be absent from work or from Council and Band meetings; (h) identifying a Councillor to serve as "acting Chief" for external activities in the event of hislher absence, that councillor is recognized in the Election Act; (i) ensuring that Councillors carry out the various responsibilities under this Act. COUNCILLORS 9. The Councillors are the elected representatives of the reserve community that selected them. They are required to assume all of the duties and obligations set out under the Indian Act. Along with the Chief they are the political and legislative arm of the FDLDFN government. The authority, role and responsibilities of the Councillor shall include: (a) acting as the FDLDFN's official spokesperson and representative only when delegated by the Chief or a quorum of Council; (b) complying with the acts, by-laws, rules, policies and procedures of an FDLDFN reserve community; (c) attending all Band Council meetings unless a conflict of interest or a reasonable cause has been identified; (d) providing leadership and band activity reports during Band Council meetings by participating in discussions and voting on motions unless a conflict of interest has been identified; (e) taking every reasonable action for and in the best interests of FDLDFN with the objective of peace, order and good government. (f) assuming the duties and obligations of any commiltee or portfolio assigned by the Chief. COUNCIL OF ELDERS 10. The Council of Elders shall consist of eight (8) Elders from the communıty and shall consıst equally of men and women. Practısıng love ɂëlghąnelá 25 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam chu ɂësuhudı́ respect. Peace, Honesty, Patience, Courage, and Wisdom, are supported and embodied in the Band's administration; (b) provide guidance to Chief and Council when their advice is sought; (c) serve as the final problem-solving body for both internal and external conflicts for the Chief and Band Council; (d) guide the Chief and Council on issues concerning conduct and behaviour of the Chief and Council and, where necessary, provide sanctions to the offending person; (e) serve as a role models and resource to Band members; (f) support and attend community events; 11. The Council of Elders is a supernumerary position wherein the Council will convene as is required. (a) The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for convening the Council of Elders when requested by the Chief and Council. 12. Any vacancy on the Council of Elders shall be addressed by the individual community by presenting an Elder, within the time, as follows: i) if the Elder resigns, immediately; or ii) if the Elder is deceased, within six months. BAND ADMINISTRATION 13. The Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne Council has developed an organizational structure to facilitate the efficient operation of its programs and to encourage effective communication among Band Employees and between Employees and the general Band population. The Chief and Council delegate the day-to-day administration of Band programs to the Program Directors/Administrators. This authority is an inherent right and is administered under the terms and conditions of the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 1-5 as amended from time to time and under various contribution agreements/arrangements negotiated with the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Affairs Canada [AADNAC] and Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, municipal and provincial governments. The Band Council sets policy and procedures and adopts regulations under which the administration operates to deliver the programs. The administration implements FDLDFN programs with cooperation from the Chief and Council. 26 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam The Band's administration is the responsibility of the Chief and Council who appoints the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer is then responsible for the effective and efficient administration of the band's undertakings in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Band's fiscal agreement (FTA). Each program is directed by a Program Director/Administrator. The Program Directors/Administrators report to the Chief and Council through the Chief Executive Officer on their particular programs. Supervisors report to the Program Director/Administrator. The Chief Executive Officer will assist Council in executing its responsibilities. In addition the Chief Executive Officer will be responsible for: (a) implementing policies, programs and plans; (b) managing the FDLDFN staff; (c) ensuring, in concert wilh the Chief and Council of Elders, harmonious relationships between Councillors and staff; (d) providing a full briefing on the agenda issues to Chief and Band Council prior to any official internal or external meetings; (e) ensuring that the mandatory requirements of funders are met; (f) convening the Council of Elders when requested by the Chief and Council; (g) consult with all Councillors from the community before investigating any community complaints. Directors, through the Chief Executive Officer, will be responsible for: (h) bringing to the attention of Council any significant issues requiring attention within his/her department and, where appropriate, suggesting options or specific solutions for their resolution; (i) recommending to Council new or modified policies and strategic or yearly plans relevant to his or her department; (j) participating in advisory committees relevant to his or her department; and (k) monitoring budgets and related expenditures relevant to his or her department. 27 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam PART III Conduct CODE OF ETHICS 14. The Code of Ethics is a guide by which elected officials should conduct themselves. It is a framework within which the Chief and Council can provide the quality of leadership that is expected of them by the electorate. Every member of the Band Council who wishes to enjoy the respect and confidence of the Band membership should strive to maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct both in and out of the workplace, both on and off reserve. 15. The FDLDFN Election Act bestows upon the Chief and Councillors a position of trust and authority. In his/her official capacity, each Chief or Councillor must uphold the political trust bestowed upon him/her by the Band membership and not compromise the dignity of the office through involvement in other political forums. The Chief or any Councillor seeking any other political office during their present term, must take a leave of absence, with pay, while seeking such other office. 16. The Chief and Councillors, as the duly elected representatives of the FDLDFN, serve as role models for the FDLDFN. As a consequence, each must understand that his/her words and actions may affect the public image of the FDLDFN. In so doing each must acknowledge that he/she shall: (a) respect and promote the spirit, intent, and purpose of the FDLDFN Election Act and this Governance Act; (b) uphold and maintain the moral integrity, honour and dignity of the FDLDFN at all times; (c) promote honesty and good faith with a view to the best interests of the FDLDFN; (d) remain free of any perceived or real conflict of interests; (e) refrain from asking a Band employee or member to do something contrary to law or to any authorized Band policy, procedure, bylaw or BCR; (f) work in harmony with the Chief Executive Officer, Program Directors, staff, institutions, businesses, boards and committees of the FDLDFN and external Treaty organizations; (g) faithfully represent the mandates of the Band membership and 28 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam the respective boards and committees of the FDLDFN; (h) demonstrate and promote respect, co-operation and open communication within the Band Council at all times; (i) respect and follow all FDLDFN acts, by-laws, regulations and policies; ensure fairness and consistency in the application and enforcement of the acts, by-laws, regulations and policies of the FDLDFN; (j) protect all confidential matters concerning the FDLDFN; (k) recognize that the position of Chief and Councillor is a trustee position. As such all Band assets, finances and funds shall be used in the most effective and efficient manner and with regard to the best interests of Band members, but not to restrict services provided for Band members; (l) refrain from using FDLDFN programs, services, capital assets and fiscal resources for personal advantage; (m) refuse any fees in reward for such duties performed in the ordinary course of his/her term of office beyond such salary and allowances as provided by FDLDFN and where another organization is providing funds; (o) refrain from taking his/her salary if he/she fails or neglects to attend work without justifiable cause or reasons; (p) refrain from divulging, disclosing, or communicating to any person, group, organization, firm, corporation or business, any information concerning any matters relating to or affecting any FDLDFN initiatives, projects, businesses, companies, unless authorized to do so by the Band Council; (q) be respectful and courleous to all employees of FDLDFN and the Band Membership; (r) endeavor to avoid bitterness, anger, and hatred and to preserve proper decorum and behaviour; (s) promote and protect the fundamental rights of all FDLDFN members, including their Inherent, Treaty, and Aboriginal rights; and shall refrain from decision-making which appears as nepotism or favouritism and shall refrain from hiring and firing. 29 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam CONFLICT OF INTEREST 17. As a contribution to the transparency and openness of their government, the Chief and Council, in exercising their powers and discharging their duties, are required to exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. Concretely: (a) A Chief or Councillor who has reasonable grounds to believe that he or she has a conflict of interest on a matter before the Band shall, if present at a meeting considering the matter: (i) disclose the general nature of the conflict of interest; and (ii) withdraw from the meeting without voting or participating in the consideration of the matter. (b) The Chief or Councillor is required to disclose in writing to the Band Councilor request to have entered in the minutes of a meeting of Band Council the nature and extent of his/her interest where he or she: (i) is a party to a material contract or proposed material contract with the Band; or (ii) is a director or officer of or has a material interest in any person who is a party to a material contract or proposed material contract with the Band; or (iii) is a business partner or close family friend of any person who is a party to a material contract or proposed material contract with the Band. (c) The disclosure required by subsection (a) shall be made: (i) at the meeting at which a proposed contract is first considered; (ii) if the Chief or Councillor was not then interested in a proposed contract, at the first meeting after he or she becomes interested; (iii) if the Chief or Councillor becomes interested after a contract is made, at the first meeting after he or she becomes interested; or (iv) if a person who is interested in a contract later becomes Chief or a Councillor, at the first meeting 30 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam after he or she becomes a Chief or Councillor. (d) The Chief and Council must diligently avoid conflict of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest when dealing with Band assets. 18. No Chief or Councillor shall participate in a Band contract. (a) A Chief or Councillor participates in a Band contract where the elected official: (i) is, or has a right to become, in the elected official's private capacity, a party to or has a beneficial interest in the contract; or (ii) is a shareholder, partner, director, manager, or officer of, or has an interest in, a business that: (ii) is, or has a right to become a party to or has a beneficial interest in the contract: or (iii) has a subsidiary, which is, or has a right to become a party to or has a beneficial interest in the contract. 19. The prohibition in subsection 18 does not apply to a Band contract where the standard terms and conditions of eligibility are objective in nature and are prescribed in an act or regulation. 20. A Chief or Councillor shall not use information that is gained in the course of or by reason of his or her official position or activities and is not available to the Band members, to further or to seek to further the elected official's interest, his or her family's interest, or the interest of an associate. SANCTIONS 21. If any member of the Band brings into question a Chief or Councillor's conduct, the issue will be brought before the Council of Elders who will convene a circle with the affected parties and determine what, if any, sanctions are required. There shall be a prohibition against lobbying any elected official for a period of one year from last term and there shall not be a special job created for a defeated Chief or Councillor. 31 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam PART IV Conduct of Council Meetings ATTENDANCE 22. Attendance is required at all Band Council meetings. If a member is unable to attend for other reasons, the absence must be brought to the attention of the Chief before the meeting convenes. If a member's absence is brought into question, the Council of Elders will resolve any outstanding issues and sanctions if required. A record of the attendance shall be kept in the Minutes of each meeting as well as a record of the time of arrival and departure to and from the meeting. MEETING TIMES AND AGENDA 23. To ensure thaI Council meetings maintain the integrity, confidence and dignity of the office of Chief and Councillor and that Council meetings are run in an effective and timely manner, the following procedures shall govern the operation of all meetings of Chief and Council: (a) Council shall establish a regular meeting time and review its meeting schedule every quarter; (b) Council members shall arrive no later than ten minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start; (c) Meetings shall begin as soon as a quorum is present. If no quorum is present within one hour after the scheduled start of the meeting, that meeting shall be deferred 10 another date and time; (d) If quorum is lost at any time during the meeting, that meeting shall be deferred to another date and time; (e) Council meetings shall be open to Band Members, the media and the general public- except for items that are confidential in nature (for example, personnel issues) or where an in camera session is called for by the Chief and Council; (f) Council members shall receive a meeting agenda at least 48 hours before the meeting begins; (g) Councillors who would like issues included on the agenda shall inform the Executive Secretary up until the meeting begins; (h) The agenda shall be prepared in advance somewhat resembling the following: 32 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam Call to order Opening prayer Review & adoption of agenda Approval of minutes of the last meeting(s) Business arising out of the minutes Chief Executive Officer's Report Councillors' business New business Date and time of next meeting Closing prayer Adjournment (i) Any meeting cancelled due to lack of quorum may continue to receive reports from various bodies, however no band business can continue without a proper quorum. MEETING PROCEDURES 24. Council shall strive to reach decisions by consensus. If such a consensus does not appear possible, Council will proceed by a majority vote of members, provided that a quorum is still present. 25. The Chief Executive Officer shall ensure that minutes are developed for each meeting of Council. These minutes shall record all significant decisions reached by Council. DECORUM 26. Under leadership of the Chief and so that the Council can work together effectively for the best interests of the band, Council members shall: (a) maintain decorum and civility at all times before, during and after meetings; (b) strive to deal with disagreements in a creative and respectful manner; (c) refrain from publicly criticizing any colleague, recognizing that authority rests with a quorum of Council. 33 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam PART V Complaints 27. As part of their on-going responsibilities, the Chief and Council are subject to receiving complaints from Band Members about services. To strive for responsiveness to Band Members while ensuring both effective government and respect for the proper channels of authority, the following complaints procedure shall apply: (a) When a Chief or Councillor receives a complaint from a Band Member or Members to which he or she is unable to respond to the complainant's satisfaction, he or she shall forward the complaint in writing to the to the appropriate Director and Chief Executive Officer and to the Councillor(s) of the community from which the complaint emanates. (b) Within ten (10) working days of receiving the complaint, the appropriate Director and Chief Executive Officer shall reply to the complainant and send a copy of the reply to the Councillor and Council of Elders. (c) If the Councillor is not satisfied with the response provided, he or she can raise the matter with the Council of Elders. 28. Any work-related complaints of staff shall always be referred to Human Resources with the guidance of the Council of Elders, according to the established FDLDFN Policy and Procedure Manual. 34 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam PART VI Compensation and External Activities COMPENSATION 29. Compensation paid to the Chief Councillors and Council of Elders shall be according to the rates established during a duly convened meeting of the Chief and Council. The Chief and Council will also determine a per diem amount for bonus as incentive for attendance at Band Council meelings. 30. Requests for salary advances shall be subject to a "no salary advance" policy but will be subject to early release under the conditions established by the Chief and Council. 31. The Chief and Councillors shall receive a yearly travel allowance for the purposes of official travel with the amount, terms and conditions established by the Chief and Council. 32. The Chief and Councillors shall receive a yearly professional development allowance with the amount, terms and condilions established by the Chief and Council. 33. The Chief and Councillors shall not be compensated for activities necessary or incidental to their participation on commissions, boards, committees and institulions of the FDLDFN. 34. The Chief and Council shall remit to the FDLDFN any honoraria and travel expenses received through events attended in the normal course of their duties. 35 When a sitting Chief or Councillor seeks re-election on the Band Council he/she shall vacate his/her office on Nomination Day. The Chief or Councillor who is running for re-eleclion shall not be eligible for any travel expenses, including his/her standard travel allowance; and shall not use any FDLDFN office equipment, facilities, and human resources. 36. The Chief and Council will develop a compensation proposal for Chief or Councillors who are not re-elected or resign for health reasons. This proposal will be presented at a duly convened meeting for acceptance or rejeclion. 37. All compensation owed to Chief or Councillor on his/her termination of office will be payable within 14 days of such termination. All advances and other costs shall be deducted from this final payment. Appeals regarding 35 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam compensation shall be brought before a duly convened Band Council Meeling for a decision that shall be final and binding on all parlies. 38. In the event that an incumbent Chief or Councillor is not re-elected to the FDLDFN and he/she: (a) fails to return any FDLDFN equipment, he/she shall be personally responsible for paying to the FDLDFN the replacement costs of such equipment; (b) either commits FDLDFN resources in contravention of this Act or incurs expenses in relalion to his/her re- eleclion, he/she shall be personally responsible for paying all such commitments and expenses. EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES 39. During the term of office, any Chief or Councillor engaging in full-time educational or other personal pursuits that would conflict with his/her position shall be expected to resign. 40. Upon being elected to Council and before being sworn in, the Chief or Councillor shall be required to resign from any elected or other position conflicling with his/her Council posilion and for which he/she receives compensation. 41. Subject to the approval of Chief and Council, a Chief or Councillor may be authorized to represent the interests of the FDLDFN on the boards of other levels of government or public institulions. 42. Should a Chief or Councillor be elected at another level of government First Nation, municipal, regional, provincial or federal] he/she shall be deemed to have resigned from the FDLDFN Band Council. 36 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam PART VII Disciplinary Action and Removal from Office DISCIPLINARY ACTION 43. Except where an action for removal from office has been initiated, disciplinary action of a serving Chief or Councillor for improper conduct shall be undertaken: (a) in the case of a malfeasant Councillor, by the Chief in consultation with the Band Council and Council of Elders; and (b) in the case of a malfeasant Chiefby the Band Council and Council of Elders. 44. Depending on the decision reached by the above-named parties, disciplinary action would range in severity from a letter of reprimand to suspension from office without pay for a maximum of 4 weeks. 45. In the event that the above-named parties cannot come to a consensus regarding the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken, the Chief and Council would be removed from the circle and the Council of Elders would determine the matter. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE 46. The Chief or a Councillor may be removed from office and be prevented from running for office for 3 years if he/she: (a) violates this Act or his/her Oath of Office; (b) fails to maintain a standard of conduct expected of a member of Council; (c) accepts or offers a bribe, forges a Council document or otherwise acts dishonestly in his/her role; (d) is negligent in failing to ensure the safety and protection of the community's members and property; (e) abuses his/her office such that the conduct negatively affects the dignity and integrity of the community or of council; (f) encourages others to commit any of the above acts or omissions; or 37 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam (g) engages in such other conduct as may be determined by the Council of Elders convened for that purpose to be of such a serious nature that the removal is necessary and appropriate. 47. The process for removal from office shall be the following: (a) A Band Member must submit to the Council a petition against the Chief or named Councillor requesting removal of that Chief or named Councillor from office. The petition for Councillors must bear the signatures of at least 50 percent plus 1 member of constituents of voting age. In the case of Chief 50 percent plus 1 member of constituents of voting age from the entire membership. (b) The Band Member shall attach to the petition an affidavit in which the Band Member: (i) verifies that he/she believes the Chief or Councillor(s) has breached a provision of this Act; and (ii) sets out the specific details and grounds upon which he/she forms his/her belief; (c) The Band Member shall also submit security in the amount of $1000.00 cash or certified cheque to the Chief Executive Officer to offset the costs to the FDLDFN associated with the hearing identified in clause 48(f); (d) The Band Member and Respondent(s) shall be responsible for all of their own costs, including travel, meals and accommodations, associated with the hearing. Each party shall bear his/her own legal costs. All costs associated with the calling of witnesses shall be covered by the FDLDFN. FDLDFN legal counsel shall be asked to attend to ensure that procedural fairness and principles of fundamental justice are observed. (e) The Council shall verify that the signatures on the Petition are those of Band Members and eligible electors and shall provide notice in writing to the Council of Elders, the Respondent(s) and Petitioner(s) of the pending hearing. (f) The Council will call a hearing before the Council of Elders within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the petition. (g) The hearing shall be open to: (i) any of the Band Council who are not impugned in the petition; 38 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam (ii) the Respondent(s); (iii) the Petitioner(s); (iv) any other person whose testimony or assistance may be required. (h) Upon considering the evidence, the Council of Elders will make a determination which may include, but is not limited to, (i) dismissal; (ii) referral for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 40 above. (iii) referral to an independent tribunal for a full-scale investigation. 48. In the event a Councillor is under appeal or complaint, any Councillor taking over his/her portfolios will have assigned to them the travel benefits for those portfolios. In the event of removal from office on a temporary basis while under appeal or complaint, the Chief shall be responsible for the assignment of portfolios until the Councillor position is resolved. 39 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam PART VIII General REGULATIONS 49. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, the Chief and Council may make regulations that are ancillary to this Act provided they are not inconsistent with the spirit or intent of this Act. Every regulation made pursuant to this section shall have the force of law. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Band Council may make regulations: (a) for handling a motion for removal from office (b) regarding conflict of interest; (c) respecting any matter that is required or authorized by this Act to be prescribed in the regulations; and (d) respecting any matter that the Band Council considers necessary or applicable. ORGANIZATION CHART 50. The Chief and Band Council may develop an organizational chart for its own use. INTERPRETATION IN THE EVENT OF DISPUTE 51. In the event of dispute or disagreement arising from the interpretation of any term, condition, word or procedure in this Act, the matter will be referred to the Council of Elders for a decision that shall be final and binding on all parties. AMENDMENTS 52. This Act may be reviewed and amended from time to time by simple majority of the Chief and Council in consultation with the Council of Elders with such amendments immediately coming into force and the date of the amendment. OATH OF OFFICE 53. Attached hereto is a sample of the Chief and Councillor's oath of office. COMING INTO FORCE 40 Fond du Lac Denesųłı̨ ne First Nation Band Custom Election Act Revision 2015 - Allan Adam 52. This Act shall come into force upon ratification by the Chief and Council. 41