
Table of Contents
Page number
Mission Statement & Philosophy
State Regulations
Information to Parents
Invitation to visit Klubhouse Any Time…………………………………………….
Enrollment Policy
Children with Special Needs
Staff to Child Ratio
Staff Qualifications
Family/Staff Communication & Orientation & Input.........…….………………..
Ways to Keep Families Involved
Community Outreach
Program Hours & Days of Operation
Emergency Procedures for Weather, Fire, Potential Terrorist Threats, etc……
Emergency Preparedness Procedures……………………………………………….
Fee Schedule/ Available of Subsidies ………………………………………………
Late Pick Up
Program Withdrawal
Site Phone Numbers & Addresses …………………………………………………
Sick Children - Health & Safety Policy……………………………………
Management of Communicable Diseases……………………………………
Dispensing of Medication …………………………………………………
Illness & Emergencies
Fire/Evacuation Drills & Incidents/Accidents
Parent Code of Conduct ………………………………………………….
Swearing & Cursing, Threatening of Staff, Parents or Children…………
Physical/Verbal Punishment
Quarreling with Other parents or Staff…………………………………………..
Violation of Safety Policy …………………………………………………
System for Monitoring Children’s Arrival........................................................
Release of Children
Impaired Parents/Guardian or Designate ……………………………………………..
Philosophy on Child Guidance/Discipline............………………………………….
Conduct Referrals
Homework/Quiet Time
Food Service …………………………………
Toys from Home
Off Site Activities/Field Trips
Community Outreach
Provided Activities
Transportation of Children
Out of Program Time
Addendum # 1 dated 4/2010 …………………………………………………………….
Guidelines for Positive Discipline ………………………………………………
Expulsion Policy....................................................................
Proactive Action That Can Be Taken In Order To Prevent Expulsion …………………..
Addendum # 2 dated 3/6/2014
Activity Requirements………………………………………………………………………………
School Calendar – Warren ……………………………………………………………
Klubhouse is a privately owned and operated after school program designed to care for ‘typical’ elementary
and middle school children. The concept upon which The Klubhouse philosophy is based is, respect for the
child. Our program always endeavors to individualize the expectations for each child by that child’s
developmental stage. We also believe that children should be free to make their own choices within the
program. This will help them develop the skills and abilities necessary for effective learning, autonomy and
positive self-esteem. We feel that experience is the best teacher; therefore, we try to provide an assortment
of hands on materials, a stimulating atmosphere and consistent adult guidance that will encourage our
children to that end.
Please note we are licensed by the NJ Division of Children & Families and guided by the NJ State School Age
Child Care Regulations Manual. A copy is available at each site for your inspection.
Parents are welcome to visit and observe our centers at any time without having to secure prior permission.
Please complete and return a registration form to the site director along with your nonrefundable $25
registration fee. This will enroll your child/ren in the Klubhouse program for the current school year.
Registrations with missing information will be returned and your child/ren WILL NOT be
considered registered. A $100 security deposit is required for each family. Withdrawal from the program
must be made in writing at least 30 days in advance. The security deposit will be refunded only if and
when another child fills your child/ren’s slot. This deposit will be applied towards your June payment.
Enrollment is available on a first come, first served basis. A waiting list will be maintained for available
openings. It is the responsibility of the parent to keep enrollment records current as to home, business and
cell phone numbers, contract days and person authorized to pick up their child/ren. Parents are encouraged
to make themselves aware of information about the program and its operation by regularly checking the
“Parent Information area at the center and watching for special notices sent and emailed home.
Enrollment for Klubhouse Kids is open to children who attend school or live in North Plainfield or Warren
Twsp. and are in grades kindergarten through eight. Enrollment shall be granted without regard to a child’s
race, color, creed, religion, national origin or gender and without regard to parents or guardian’s race,
color, creed, religion, age, national origin or gender.
Registration forms are available at each site or by fax or email. Four days after receipt of a completed
registration form, registration fee and security deposit the new Klubbie may start attending any Klubhouse
program dependent upon space availability.
We at Klubhouse will do whatever possible to allow enrollment of all interested children in our programs,
however, Klubhouse Kids is designed to care for ‘typical’ elementary and middle school age children. When
asked to enroll a child with special needs, the child will be evaluated on an individual bases. If the child can
be reasonable accommodated at the site and the child’s condition does not pose a direct threat, a 30 day
trial enrollment will commence. The staff members will be trained to understand that child’s special needs
and ways of working with that child in a group setting. If providing care for a special needs child will impose
an undue burden or fundamentally alter the nature of the program, and the child cannot be reasonably
accommodated at this point, we will be unable to enroll that child at this time. We will, however, do what
we can to help parents to find other placement.
Within Klubhouse, confidential and sensitive information will only be shared with employees of the program
who have a “need to know” in order to most appropriately and safely care for your child. Confidential and
sensitive information about faculty, other parents and/or children will not be shared with parents.
Confidential records are kept in a locked file.
Each Klubhouse site is staffed with one site director plus additional staff as enrollment dictates. We use a
1:10 ratio. New Jersey State requirements are 1:15 ratio.
All staff members have either a National School Age Child Care Director’s Academy Certificate, are
certified teachers or certified school age childcare professionals. Yearly in-service training is required of all
staff members as mandated by DYFS. All staff members are trained in CPR and First Aid. Klubhouse utilizes
qualified substitute staff when needed.
Klubhouse will hold an open house/orientation during the month of September and throughout the year. At
this time parents and Klubbies will have a tour of their facility and the staff will address all questions and
concerns. Children starting Klubhouse during the school year will have a tour and family orientation by a
staff member at a mutually agreeable time. There is an Activity Board posted near the sign out sheet to
inform parents of upcoming events as well as a Parent Suggestion Box, encouraging input from families,
which sits on the teacher’s table.
Each Klubhouse family also has a mail box which is used to send
information home to families to notify them of health issues, last minute curriculum changes, monthly bills,
etc. Klubhouse also will send frequent email newsletters to parents. Staff members are encouraged to
interact daily with parents as they arrive to pick up their children to attend to any questions or concerns
that may arise.
All families should be encouraged by staff members to read the monthly newsletter, parent information
board, check their mail boxes and use the Parent Suggestion Box. We frequently ask for parent input so as
to include family traditions, special foods and interesting family members in our curriculum.
Public school administrators, teachers, members of our host community and members of the community at
large are invited via email and newspaper to attend our open house/orientation days. We frequently send
articles to the local newspapers informing them of interesting projects or distinguished guests hosted at
Klubhouse also sends frequent email newsletters to public school administrators, teachers and facility board
members to keep all informed of Klubhouse activities.
We try to encourage our Klubbies to be good citizens of the local community by adopting socially conscious
projects effecting Somerset County.
Klubhouse runs in accordance with the public school schedule for your district. Warren Township
programs run from school dismissal until 6:30 PM, North Plainfield programs run from school dismissal until
In the event of school closing or early dismissal due to inclement weather, Klubhouse will be closed. A
message to that effect will be placed on the telephone answering machine at each location as early as
feasible. Please have alternate childcare arrangements made early in the school year and inform the public
school as they will dismiss your child/ren on those days.
Klubhouse Kids is working closely with public health and safety officials at the local, county, state, and
federal levels in response to national warnings about potential terrorist threats. Depending on the nature
and scope of emergency — including situations involving chemical, biological and/or radiological materials —
Klubhouse staff will act at the direction of appropriate emergency management personnel. The expectation
is that Klubhouse will do the best we can with existing resources under whatever circumstances occur and
that children, staff, and parents will be supportive and flexible.
In any emergency situation, response strategies will depend on the nature and scope of the incident and
prevailing conditions. Public safety officials will play a critical role in identifying the specific nature, cause, and
extent of the emergency, as well as providing guidance to us on the response steps that must be
implemented. In such cases, we will react at the direction of public safety and health officials.
A complete Emergency Preparedness document is available at each Klubhouse location.
If Klubhouse needs to close early because of severe weather, each family will be personally contacted by the
Klubhouse Kids is working closely with public health and safety officials at the local, county, state, and
federal levels in response to national warnings about potential terrorist threats. Depending on the nature
and scope of emergency — including situations involving chemical, biological and/or radiological materials —
Klubhouse staff will act at the direction of appropriate emergency management personnel. The expectation
is that Klubhouse will do the best we can with existing resources under whatever circumstances occur and
that Klubbies, staff, and parents will be supportive and flexible.
In any emergency situation, response strategies will depend on the nature and scope of the incident and
prevailing conditions. Public safety officials will play a critical role in identifying the specific nature, cause, and
extent of the emergency, as well as providing guidance to us on the response steps that must be
implemented. In such cases, we will react at the direction of public safety and health officials.
A complete Emergency Preparedness document is available at each Klubhouse location.
Fees will be determined by the number of days you choose for your child to attend on your monthly
schedule. A 2 day per week minimum attendance is required in Warren Twsp. Days are not
transferable. These non-refundable fees are payable in advance on the first business day of the month but
no later than the fourth. Fees paid after that date will be assessed a $10.00 late fee on the fifth business day
of that month plus an additional $2.00 per day thereafter. Bills will be in your Klubhouse ‘mail box’ at the
end of the prior month.
Available at your site.
A 15% Discount will be applied to additional children from the same family.
Klubhouse is a fee based program but we will endeavor to help families obtain child care funding from
Federal, State and Local agencies when possible.
Fee available at your site.
After three (3) significant late pick-ups, a mandatory meeting will be held with the parent to try and find a
solution. Possible withdrawal from the program may occur.
Site staff will verify that all children that are scheduled to attend are at the program at the beginning of each
daily session. Parents are required to let the site staff know if a child will not attend the program on a
scheduled day or will be at public school based after-school activities and arriving late. A message may be
left on the site telephone any time, day or night but prior to noon on the scheduled day. The Klubhouse
staff goes to great lengths to locate children missing from the program. If Klubhouse is not notified that
your child will not attend on a scheduled day:
1st occurrence =
2nd occurrence =
monetary penalty of $10
3rd occurrence =
2 day suspension
30 Days written notice is required when withdrawing your child from the program. Please hand to the
director or mail to the office @90 Myrtle Ave. North Plainfield 07060. Telling a staff member is not
sufficient notification of withdrawal. As soon as your child is replaced, your security deposit, less
outstanding balances, will be returned.
North Plainfield
East End School Program
908 672 4546
Oneida Avenue, North Plainfield 07060
West End School Program
908 230 5872
Green Brook Road, North Plainfield 07063
Warren Township
Community Firehouse
908 693 0753
14 Community Place, Warren 07059
Pilgrim Church
908 500 0969
105 Mountain View Road, Warren 07059
Management of Communicable Diseases:
Klubhouse is designed as a WELL CHILD PROGRAM. We remain committed to providing the best possible
care for children under our supervision but we are not equipped to adequately provide the needs of a sick
child. When the school nurse or main office has deemed a child ill and the child does not return to the
classroom because of such illness, Klubhouse will not accept the child that day. To avoid health risks to
other children and staff, parents will be asked to remove a child from the After School Program site should
any of the following occur after a child has been accepted in the program: coughing; acute diarrhea;
nausea/vomiting; fever with behavioral changes; unidentified rash, infection or swelling of the skin or eyes;
communicable disease such as flu, lethargy, shingles, measles, German measles, mumps, chicken pox,
conjunctivitis, head lice, ringworm, worms or any other condition deemed contagious or transmittable to
others or as listed in the NJ Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers. Women of childbearing age
should be aware of the possible presence of the common disease Cytomegalovirus (CMV), in any school-age
program. Otherwise known as “Fifth’s Disease”, CMV is contagious and may cause birth defects in pregnant
Dispensing of Medication
Children are not permitted to have prescribed or over-the-counter medication in their possession during
school or at the after school program. This includes aspirin, acetaminophen, cough drops, and cough syrup
as well as prescribed drugs. Inhalers prescribed by a doctor for the child to administer are permitted when
the parent or guardian has signed the permission form for such use. Parents of children who may require
the administering of an Epi-Pen need to speak to the Director.
Klubhouse will dispense prescription medication as long at it is in the original pharmacy container; the
container must be labeled by the pharmacist to include the name of the child, date, dosage and name of
medication plus method of administering; the drug must be given to the site director and the
parent/guardian has filled out the medication form provided by Klubhouse. In the case of over-the--counter
medication; parent is still required to fill out the medication form and drug must be given to the site
director. All medication will be kept in a locked container at the site.
Illness and Emergencies
When a child becomes ill or is injured (and does not require the services of the rescue squad) at the center,
the parent will be notified immediately and is expected to pick the child up in a timely manner. In the case
of an emergency, as determined by the center staff, the paramedics will be called and the parent will be
notified immediately. A Klubhouse staff member will accompany the child in the rescue squad vehicle.
Parents will be responsible for all costs incurred in such emergencies.
Fire/Evacuation Drills
 Monthly fire/evacuation drills shall be conducted and logged at each site.
 All children and staff must evacuate the building. Children and staff will come to order and quietly
exit the facility upon hearing the signal used.
 Do not stop for coats or book bags.
 The site director will take the registration binder, attendance sheet and cell phone. This person
shall check the site tracking system to be sure those children in the other areas of the building exit
the building safely.
 Staff will escort the group in an orderly fashion to a designated place away from the building.
Children and staff need to remain quiet so that any directive may be heard.
 Each fire/evacuation drill shall be recorded and include the day, time of drill, weather conditions,
number of participating children, staff and total amount of time to evacuate.
 If evacuation of a Klubhouse site is necessary, parents will be notified of the relocation site.
Staff is instructed not to attempt any unfamiliar procedures or administer anything other than prudent
common sense measures. Each Klubhouse staff person present when an accident/incident occurs will
complete an Incident Report.
 A First Aid Kit is located at each site.
 If bloody or bodily fluids are present, rubber gloves must be used.
 Cuts or scrapes will be washed with soap and water only and covered with a clean bandage or
sterile gauze pad and tape.
 All incidents will be logged for internal use only.
Serious Accidents/Incidents
Staff is instructed to call 911. Parent and Director will be notified. A staff person will accompany a child
who needs to be transported to a hospital by ambulance if a parent is not present.
Klubhouse expects the parents of enrolled children to behave in a manner consistent with decency, courtesy
and respect at all times. One of the goals of Klubhouse is to provide the most appropriate environment in
which a child can grow, learn and develop. Achieving this ideal environment is not only the responsibility of
the employees of the after school program but is the responsibility of each and every parent or other adult
who enters the center. Parents will be expected to behave in a manner that fosters this ideal environment.
Children of parents who violate the Parent Code of Conduct will not be permitted to participate in the
Threats of any kind will not be tolerated. All threats will be reported to the appropriate authorities and will
be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law. While apologies for such behavior are appreciated,
Klubhouse will not assume the risk of a second chance. Parents must be responsible for and in control of
their behavior at all times.
Klubhouse does not condone corporal punishment of children under any circumstance. While verbal
reprimands may be appropriate, it is not appropriate for parents to verbally abuse their child in the presence
of others. Doing so may cause undue embarrassment or emotional distress.
Parents are prohibited from addressing, for the purpose of correction or discipline, a child that is not theirs.
Of Course, no parent or other adult may physically punish another parent’s child. If a parent should witness
another parent’s child behaving in an inappropriate manner, or is concerned about behavior reported to
them by their own child, it is most appropriate for the parent to direct their concern to the Site Director
and/or Executive Director.
Furthermore, it is wholly inappropriate for one parent to seek out another to discuss their child’s behavior.
All behavior concerns should be brought to the Site Director’s attention. At that time, the Site Director will
address the issue with the other parent. Although you may be curious as to the outcome of such a
discussion, the Site Director or Executive Direction is strictly prohibited from discussing anything about
another child with you. All children enrolled have privacy rights and are further protected by our
Confidentiality Policy. You may be assured that we will not discuss anything about your child with another
parent or guest visiting the program.
Quarreling with Other Parents or Staff
While it is understood that parents will not always agree with the employees of Klubhouse or parents of
other children, it is expected that all disagreements be handled in a calm and respectful manner.
Confrontational interactions are not an appropriate means by which to communicate a point and strictly
For the health of all of the children, employees and other adults, smoking is prohibited anywhere on the
property where the program is in operation. Parents are prohibited from smoking in the building, on the
grounds and in the parking lot of the after school program. Parents who are smoking in their cars must
dispose of the cigarette prior to entering the parking lot.
Violations of the Safety Policy
Parents are required to follow all safety procedures at all times. These procedures are designed not as
inconveniences, but to protect the welfare and best interest of the children, employees and other adults at
Klubhouse. For the safety of the children at Klubhouse, we need to be careful not to allow unauthorized individuals into
the facility. Be alert and mindful. Immediately report any breaches to the Site Director.
A Klubhouse staff member is assigned to each public school to check attendance each day and wait with the
children for the Klubhouse bus.
Start of Day Routine - Pick up at school at dismissal.
Check for parent messages on Klubhouse telephone
Check attendance book.
Check master calendar on desk.
Check notebook for messages.
Confirm above with another staff member.
Check your monthly student attendance sheet.
Drive to Public School.
Main Office – Review School Absentee sheet (#1 = Absent; #2 = Tardy).
Nurse’s Office – Check with nurse to see if any of our Klubbies have been sent home.
Fair weather – Report to Klubhouse Kids bus line outside.
Inclement Weather – Report to gymnasium.
Take Attendance – All children must be present before boarding the bus to Klubhouse.
If there is a problem, you must solve the problem before the bus can leave the school. Ask
school staff, any teacher, or any school staff member holding a walkie-talkie to help you with
the problem. Ex: Finding a child that should be in the bus line.
Walk children to bus and wait for all of the Klubbies to board.
Drive back to Klubhouse Kids.
Tell staff member that all the children are present or if a child is missing that is scheduled to
be at Klubhouse on that given day
Greet the bus and children outside and count/help the children off the bus. The numbers
boarding should be the same as the number of children exiting to Klubhouse.
If a child is missing, we must locate him by calling home/work etc. #’s located on a
registration form in the three ring binder. (Also, if a child is missing, check to see if he/she
fell asleep on the bus.)
Procedure to be followed by a staff member if the parent or person authorized by the parent appears to be
physically and/or emotionally impaired to the extent that, in the judgment of the Program Supervisor and/or
staff member, the child would be placed at risk of harm if released to such an individual:
 The child will not be released to such an impaired individual.
 A staff member will attempt to contact the child’s other parent/guardian or an alternate person
authorized to pick up the child.
 If staff is unable to make alternative arrangements, a staff member will call the Local Police for
assistance in caring for the child.
At Klubhouse Kids, it is our policy to always be positive and consistent with the age and developmental need
of the children. We feel that a discipline policy is helpful to the children as well as the staff members in
teaching the children how they are expected to behave. Good behavior and self control are expected from
each child. Occasionally, a child has difficulty in meeting the demands of a group situation. We have
developed the “Peace Table” as a positive disciplinary tool. At the “Peace Table” there will be a problem
solving process posted: The A B C D & E of Problem Solving:
 Ask – What’s the Problem
 Brainstorm – Positive Solutions
 Choose – The Best Solution
 Do it
 Evaluate – Did it Work
Also, paper, markers or crayons and the ‘Talking Stick’ will be placed here so, if desired, the children may
write down their feelings and/or draw how they feel about the situation.
Hitting, corporal punishment, abusive language, ridicule or harsh, humiliating or frightening treatment shall
never be used as a form of discipline. Discipline shall not be associated with the behavior of children in
regard to rest, food or basic needs. A child shall not be required to remain silent or away from the group
activity for long periods of time. When the problem persists and the child is not conforming to the group,
the Behavioral Guidelines and the Peace Table has not provided any positive results with the problem, the
parent(s) is then notified of the child’s behavior in writing with a Conduct Referral. This referral must be
read and signed by the parent and the staff member. At this time, with the assistance of the parent, the staff
and the director, working together, we can hopefully rectify the problem. If at any time rectification is
beyond our control, immediate termination from the program will be implemented.
Any person who has reasonable cause to believe that a child has been or is being subjected to any form of
hitting, corporal punishment, abusive language, ridicule or harsh, humiliating or frightening treatment, or any
other kind of child abuse, neglect or exploitation by any adult, is required by state law to report such
allegations to the Division of Youth and Family Service’s office of Child Abuse Control. Such
reports may be made anonymously.
This philosophy and policy statement is being given to each parent and has been discussed with each staff
member. It follows the guideline for discipline set up by the NJ Department of Human Services, Division of
Youth and Family Services.
Conduct Referrals
If your child repeatedly does not follow the behavioral Guidelines and we have tried the Peace Table
repeatedly, with no improvement, he/she will receive a written conduct referral. This referral must be
read and signed by the parent and the staff. Please note that after the second referral, the parent may be
asked to meet with the Director and/or Executive Director. After the third referral, the child may be
suspended from the program for a period of time as proscribed by Klubhouse policy.
A 45 minutes quiet time is set aside each day for adult supervised homework. Klubbies who need additional
time are welcome to work independently. Staff will offer assistance as needed but they cannot provide
one-on-one help. Staff WILL NOT check backpacks if children say they do not have homework. Quiet or
outdoor activities are offered to children who finish early or who are not doing homework.
Please note that the middle school children arrive at Klubhouse one half hour before the elementary
children and can use that additional time for homework if they desire.
Klubhouse has many homework resources available for our Klubbies to use, i.e.; reference books, flash
cards, computer and printer access, abacus, calculators etc.
Healthy, nutritious snacks are provided daily by Klubhouse. Most days’ three snack choices are available
plus water, milk, or juice. On occasion, ice tea or lemonade may be on the menu as well. A daily menu is
posted on the kitchen counter. We ask that you inform the staff of any dietary restrictions your child may
have, we will do our best to accommodate them. Please provide us with a written and signed list. Parents
are always welcome to send in additional nutritious snacks for their own child. No glass please.
We discourage bringing toys from home. Klubhouse will not be responsible for their loss or breakage. We
also ask children to put away toys from home that the staff deems inappropriate for the age and stage of our
Specific information on special activities will be provided as they are schedules. By signing The Registration
Form, parents are giving Klubhouse their permission for their child to participate in walking field trips.
Klubhouse will be happy to walk a child to dance class or release them to an authorized coach or tutor,
however, the parent is solely responsible for the child’s pick up after such an activity.
After a full day of school, it is important that children be able to choose some activities of their own.
Children may choose from many of the following:
We always encourage a minimum of 30 minutes
outdoor play a day (weather permitting.) Please plan your child’s clothing accordingly.
Large Muscle/Free Play
Quiet, Reading Corner
Blocks, Puzzles, Manipulative
Appropriate Movies
Arts & Crafts
Dramatic Play
Board Games
Science & Nature
Special Projects
Special “ End of Day” box is available for additional fun and games one half hour from closing
The above activities revolve around a monthly theme to be determined by the staff and input from the
Klubbies. Information about each monthly theme is available in the Parent Newsletter and is also posted on
the Activity Board (near sign out sheet).
Klubhouse always tries to reach out to the communities which we serve by:
Providing community service projects to engage our children. A choice of projects is presented to
the Klubbies by the staff and final decision belongs to the children.
Inviting community leaders to our program to share their skills and talents.
Community leaders receive our monthly newsletter and are invited to our annual open house.
Information on childcare resources in the surrounding area is available for our parent’s usage, i.e.;
camp, sick child care, vacation programming, etc.
In Warren Township, Klubhouse staff will wait with all elementary school children until their transportation
arrives, oversee them as they board the vehicle and take attendance.
All children must:
 Buckle Up
 No changing seats once the bus is in motion.
 No eating or drinking on the bus.
 Keep voices to a reasonable level.
 No rough housing
 No actions that would infringe on the driver’s ability to operate the vehicle
Any infraction of these rules will lead to a two day suspension or possible withdrawal from the Klubhouse
program. Please note that we contract our bus services and if a child is removed from the bus by the public
school or the bus company, we have no recourse.
We are aware that often parents and guardians would like to approach our staff to satisfy additional childcare needs. Please note that Klubhouse is not responsible for staff behavior outside of program time. Any
arrangements made with a staff member outside of the Klubhouse time and location is not part of the
service provided by Klubhouse. These arrangements must be made with staff on their own time, not
through the center. Staff members must be listed by parents as a person authorized to pick up a child on
their emergency card if a staff member is taking the child home for the parent.
Addendum #1 – Dated 4/2010
Klubhouse Kids, Inc. Guidelines for Positive Discipline
Positive discipline is a process of teaching children how to behave appropriately.
Positive discipline respects therights of the individual child, the group, and the adult
Positive discipline is different from punishment. Punishment tells children what they should not do;
positive discipline tells children what they should do. Punishment teaches fear; positive discipline teaches
You can use positive discipline by planning ahead:
Anticipate and eliminate potential problems.
Have a few consistent, clear rules that are explained to children and understood
by adults.
Have a well-planned daily schedule. Plan for ample elements of fun and humor.
Include some group decision-making.
Provide time and space for each child to be alone.
Make it possible for each child to feel he/she has some positive impact on the group.
Provide the structure and support children need to resolve their differences.
Share ownership and responsibility with, the children. Talk about our room, our toys.
You can use positive discipline by intervening when necessary.
Re-direct to a new activity to change the focus of a child's behavior.
Provide individualized attention to help the child deal with a particular situation.
Use time out — by removing a child for a few minutes from the area or activity so that he/she may
gain selfcontrol. (One minute for each year of the child's age is a good rule of thumb).
Divert the child and remove from the area of conflict
Provide alternative activities and. acceptable ways to release feelings.
Point out natural or logical consequences of children's behavior.
Offer a choice only if there are two acceptable options.
Criticize the behavior, not the child. .Don't say "bad boy" or "bad girl." Instead you might say
"That is not allowed here."
You can use positive discipline by showing love and encouragement
• Catch the child being good. Respond to and reinforce positive behavior; acknowledge or
praise to let the child know you approve of what he/she is doing.
• Provide positive reinforcement through rewards for good behavior.
• Use encouragement rather than competition, comparison or criticism.
• Overlook small annoyances, and deliberately ignore provocations.
• Give hugs and caring to every child every day.
• Appreciate the child's point of view.
• Be loving, but don't confuse loving with license.
Positive discipline takes time, patience, repetition and the willingness to change the way you deal with children,
however, it’s worth it, because positive discipline works.
Klubhouse Kids, Inc. Expulsion Policy
Unfortunately, there are reasons we have to expel a child from our program either on a short term or
permanent basis. We want you to know we will do everything possible to work with the family of the child
in order to prevent this policy from being enforced. The following are reasons we may have to expel or
suspend a child from this center:
The child is at risk of causing serious injury to other children or himself.
Parent threatens physical or intimidating actions toward staff members.
Parent exhibits verbal abuse to staff in front of enrolled children.
• Failure to pay/habitual lateness of payments.
• Failure to complete required forms including the child's immunization records.
Habitual tardiness when picking up your child.
• Verbal abuse to staff.
Other (explain)
• Failure of child to adjust after a reasonable amount of time.
• Uncontrollable tantrums/ angry outbursts.
• Ongoing physical or verbal abuse to staff or other children.
• Excessive biting.
• Other (explain).
• If after the remedial actions above have not worked, the child's parent/guardian will be advised
verbally and in writing about the child's or parent's behavior warranting an expulsion. An
expulsion action is meant to be a period of time so that the parent/ guardian may work on the
child's behavior or to come to an agreement with the center.
• The parent/guardian will be informed regarding the length of the expulsion period.
• The parent/guardian will be informed about the expected behavioral changes required in order for
the child or parent to return to the center.
• The parent/guardian will be given a specific expulsion date that allows me parent sufficient time to
seek alternate child care (approximately one to two weeks’ notice depending on risk to other
children's welfare or safety).
• Failure of the child/parent to satisfy the terms of the plan may result in permanent expulsion
from the center.
If a child's parent(s):
• Made a complaint to the Office of Licensing regarding a center's alleged violations of the
licensing requirements.
• Reported abuse or neglect occurring at the center.
• Questioned the center regarding policies and procedures. Without giving
the parent sufficient time to make other child care arrangements.
Staff will try to redirect child from negative behavior.
Staff will always use positive methods and language while disciplining children.
Staff will praise appropriate behaviors.
Staff will consistently apply consequences for broken rules.
Staff will reassess classroom environment, activities available and supervision.
Child will be given verbal warnings.
Child will be given time to regain control.
Child's disruptive behavior will be documented and maintained in confidentiality.
Parent/guardian will be notified verbally.
Parent/guardian will be given written copies of the disruptive behaviors that might lead to
The director, classroom staff and parent/guardian will have a conference(s) to discuss how to
promote positive behaviors,
The parent will be given literature or other resources regarding methods of improving
Recommendation of evaluation by professional consultation on premises.
Recommendation of evaluation by local school district child study team.
Klubhouse provides variety of children's planned activities geared to the ages and developmental levels of
our Klubbies, that:
Promote the development of language, thinking and problem-solving skills, curiosity, exploration, large
and small muscles, coordination and movement skills, social competence, self-esteem, and positive selfidentity; and are relevant to the cultural background of the children and foster intercultural awareness.
Daily schedules include individual quiet times, structured and unstructured activities, and small-group and
large-group activities.
1. Time frames for each activity are geared to the age and developmental level of each child served and are
flexible enough to accommodate spontaneous occurrences or children's suggestions and inquiries;
2. Children have opportunities to choose materials freely;
3. Children are presented with and encouraged to participate in a mixture of active and quiet experiences;
4. Both staff-directed and child-selected activities are provided.
5. Children are:
Encouraged, but not required, to participate in every group activity; and
Provided with the time and space within the area to be apart from the group and to participate in an
alternate activity if they choose to do so;
6. Children are provided with daily structured and unstructured developmentally appropriate indoor and
outdoor energetic physical activity as follows:
At least 30 total minutes daily for children receiving child care less than four hours.
7. The use of a television, computers, and other video equipment shall be limited to educational and
instructional use, shall be age and developmentally appropriate, and shall not be used as a substitute for
planned activities or for passive viewing.
8. We plan and implement programs that include:
Activities that reflect the interests and skills of the children served;
Opportunities for child involvement in activity planning;
Opportunities for self-selected activities;
Recreational opportunities, including a mixture of indoor/outdoor and large muscle activities.