SOIL AND WATER QUALITY MONITORING TECHINIQUES Ramesh Kanwar Professor and Chair, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Department Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa USA Objectives of Soil and Water Monitoring 1. To determine the impact of any activity on the landscape (agriculture, chemicals, manure use, industry, human or industry waste etc) on surface or groundwater quality 2. To make sure our drinking water supplies are safe for human consumption. World Water Supply 2.8% Fresh 0.01% in surface waters & the atmosphere 0.307% in Ground Water < 0.5mi deep 0.307% in Ground Water > 0.5mi deep 0.005% soil moisture 97.2% Saline 2.15% Icecaps & Glaciers Water Quality Issues Related to Human Health Main compounds are - N, P, pathogens, and antibiotics Surface and groundwater pollution potential High NO3-N levels can cause blue baby syndrome (methemoglobinemia) High NO3-N can lead to etiology of stomach cancer (only limited evidence available) Bacteria and pathogens can be disease causing Antibiotics as feed supplements are finding ways to water WATER QUALITY CONCERNS FROM ANIMAL WASTES • Main concern is infant health – Nitrate/nitrite causes “blue baby” disease – Newborn babies essentially suffocate – Water Quality Standard for Nitrate-nitrogen is 10 mg/l • SURFACE WATER WATER BODIES: – Ammonia > 2 mg/L Kills Fish – Phosphate > 0.05 mg/L promotes excess algae growth which leads to Fish Kills - Eutophication – BOD depletes oxygen which causes Fish Kills - Hypoxia Agricultural Contribution: World Perspective • 60% N and 25% P from European Ag to North Sea • 48% of nutrient pollution in the former Czechoslovakia • Significant levels flowing into the Adriatic Sea • Eutrophication problems in Lake Erie NITROGEN LOSSES FROM FARMS IN THE MISSISSIPPI BASIN – US Example Percent Losses Agricultural Fertilizer 55% Nitrogen from Crops 25% Non-ag fertilizers 3% Deposited by rain 15% Human Sewage 2% Water Quality Issue: HYPOXIA • The worst hypoxic conditions are in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea • Hypoxic conditions have been increasing since the 1960’s • The Gulf of Mexico, outside the delta of the Mississippi River is the worlds third largest hypoxic area • 12400 sq. km. (4800 sq. mi) Major Water Quality Issue: WORLD HYPOXIC ZONES Total Nitrogen (ppm) 12 Crystal Lake 10 8 6 4 2 0 Slip Bluff Lake Little Park Lake West Sioux Okoboji Lake Arrowhead Lake Lacey Keosauqua Green BeltLake Lake Park Lake Big NineSpirit Eagles Lake Willow Lake Lake Wapello Crawford Creek Impoundment Mitchell Lake Storm Lake (incl Little Storm Lake) Moorehead Lake Green Castle Lake Yellow Smoke Park Lake Red Haw Lake Pleasant Creek Kent ParkLake Lake Lake Oldham Otter Creek Lake Lake McBride Springbrook Lake SugemaLake Lake Anita Easter LakeLake Greenfield Mormon TrailLake Lake East Okoboji Three Mile Lake George Wyth Lake South Prairie Lake Blue Lake Mill Creek (Lake) Lake of the Hills Hooper AreaLake Pond Hawthorne (aka Barnes City Lake) Browns Lake Manteno Lake Twelve Mile Lake Beaver Lake Meyers Lake Arrowhead Lake Arbor Lake (Lake) Dog Creek Viking Lake Upper Gar Lake DeSoto Bend Lake Spring Lake West Osceola Lake Icaria Thayer LakeLake Dale Maffitt Fogle Lake Lake Orient Lake Minnewashta Hannen Lake Rathbun Avenue ofLake theLake Saints Lake Prairie Rose Lake Cornelia Pierce Creek Lake Roberts Creek Lake Pollmiller Park Lake Lower Gar Lake Lake Iowa Five Island Nelson ParkLake Lake Indian Lake Lake of Three Fires Ottumwa Lagoon Lake Manawa Cold Springs Diamond LakeLake Lake Keomah Lake Pahoja Little River Central Park Lake Bob White Lake Badger LittlefieldCreek LakeLake Lake Geode Clear Lake Casey Lake Hickory Hills Lake) Wilson Park (aka Lake Green Valley Lake Lake Ahquabi Lost Island Lake Windmill Lake Big Creek Lake Meadow Lake Little Spirit Lake Silver CenterLake Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake North Twin Lake Rock CarterCreek Lake Lake Williamson Pond Lake Miami Swan Lake White Oak Lake Tuttle Lake Black Hawk Silver Lake Lake Lake Smith Lake Darling Crystal Lake Lake Meyer Little Wall Lake Mariposa Lake Ingham Lake East Lake (Osceola) Union Grove Lake Hickory Grove Lake Don Williams Lake Trumbull Lake Volga Lake Briggs Woods Lake Lower Pine Lake Lake Hendricks Rodgers Park Lake Red Rock Lake Coralville Lake Lake Upper BrushyPine Creek Lake Eldred Sherwood Lake Beeds Lake Saylorville Lake 14 Badger Lake Current Status of Iowa Lakes Mean total nitrogen for Iowa lakes sampled three times during summer, 2000 (Downing and Ramstack 2001) Proposed benchmark: 700 ppb Clear Lake Manure Characteristics and Production Estimates ( what does it contain) 6% of bodyweight per day (most species) 13 - 15 % solids 85 -87% liquid Daily Manure Production Per Animal • We have estimates of manure production – 4.5 kg/day/hd for swine (liquid manure) – 45-50 kg/day/hd for dairy cow (liquid) – 25-30 kg/day/hd for beef cow (liquid) • Solid portion ~ 13-15% of total Animal Waste Nutrient Utilization Scenario • • • • • • Swine Confinement Facility 4000 animals @ 61 kg / animal Nutrient Content in kg/ day / 1000 kg 0.52 kg N / day / 1000 kg animal wt. 0.18 kg P / day / 1000 kg animal wt. 0.29 kg K / day / 1000 kg animal wt. Manure Characteristics • In general… – Nitrogen (ammonia) is in urine – Phosphorus is in feces • In the U.S. we’re working on ways to keep urine and feces separate Manure Management Issues Animal manure is a liability in high density livestock production areas where fertilizers are cheap Animal manure is an asset if fertilizers are unavailable or expensive Odor and ammonia emission to air-global warming Odor issues are serious in residential areas Pollution of soil and water resources-water quality Hypoxia problems in international water Nitrogen • Is mobile in some forms (NO3) – not in others (organic, NH4) • Does not carryover like P • Is not determined by soil test Negative Environmental Impacts •Nitrogen • • • - Nitrates leaching to tilelines and/or groundwater - Ammonia runoff into surface water causing fish kills Negative Environmental Impacts •Phosphorus • • Loss with soil erosion Eutrophication (algae growth) of surface waters Phosphorus • • • • • Is bound to the soil particles Remains in the soil year to year Moves if soil erodes Is determined by soil test Does not volatilize like nitrogen Manure Nutrient Planning Determine the hectares needed to maximize nutrient use and minimize negative environmental impacts Question 1 Which Nutrient should I use for planning... Nitrogen? Phosphorus? U.S. Manure Law says... •Use nitrogen for nutrient planning • - Results in least land area needed • - May not be best use of nutrients because phosphorus is overapplied • - Laws in U.S. are changing to require P planning • N:P Ratio of Manure •N:P ratio is different for different types of manure • N:P •Cattle ratio… ~ 2:1 •Swine ratio… ~ 1.5:1 •Poultry ratio… ~ 1:2 Phosphorus Planning •Requires more hectares •Results in lower application rates •Maximize economic value of manure •Depends on crop & manure application frequency •Requires additional commercial N fertilizer Question 2 How much of the nutrient should I apply?? Plant Nutrient Utilization •Plant utilization – Corn uses 0.7 lb/bu N – Beans use 3.8 lb/bu N 0.4 lb/bu P2O5 0.8 lb/bu P2O5 •Plant fertilization – Corn needs 1.2 lb/bu N – Beans need 0.0 lb/bu N 0.4 lb/bu P2O 0.8 lb/bu P2O Steps in Manure Nutrient Management •1. Determine crop nutrient needs •2. Determine manure nutrients available •3. Calculate hectares needed for the manure •4. Calculate manure volume to apply Summary - Manure Planning •Not difficult to do •Economically advantageous •Manure can replace purchased fertilizer •Using manure correctly is good for the environment Potential Pathways Pollutant Pathway 1. Nitrate – N Leaching & Runoff 2. Ammonium – N Surface water runoff & Aerial deposition • Phosphorus runoff • Pathogens runoff • Organic Matter runoff Surface water Surface water Surface water Soil and Water Quality Monitoring Techniques • • Soil sampling Surface water sampling • • • • • • • Surface runoff Open ditch or irrigation canals Small or large rivers Ponds, lakes, reservoirs Ocean, sea Wetlands Groundwater • • Shallow groundwater Deep groundwater Soil Monitoring and Sampling • • • • • • Must know the objectives why to sample? What to sample for? When to sample? Number of soil sampling? Variability in sampling? From various soil depths – Objectives? Soil Monitoring • What to sample for? • NO3-N, pesticides, organic matter, metals, organics, pathogens, micro-organisms, N, P, K, micro-nutrients. When to Sample? • Once a week, month, or year. • As a function of cropping system or season. • As a function of weather cycle. Number of samples per field – function of cost? • Spatial variability. • Minimum three samples per plot. • Several depths. • Composite to cut down cost. Soil Sampling Techniques • • • • • Soil augers Soil probes Back saver Zero contamination tube Hydraulic probes Problems During Soil Sampling and Transportation • • • • • Cross-contamination Separation, collection Storage, transportation, temperature control Timely analyses in lab Laboratory techniques/interpretation Quantity Control/Quality Assurance • Sending duplicate samples to recognized laboratories • Manual on laboratory procedures • All steps on how to collect soil samples and lab analyses. Water Quality Monitoring • • Point sources of pollution (manure storage platforms, spills) Non point sources (agriculture) Monitoring Needs • • Surface water Groundwater Surface water Monitoring • • • • • • • Field runoff Open ditches/drains Irrigation canals Ponds/Lakes/reservoirs Wetlands Streams, rivers (Danube River) Ocean, Sea (Black sea) Groundwater Monitoring • • • • At what depth would you like to collect water samples? Shallow depth < 3 m. Deep groundwater > 3 m. Monitor at depth increments 5, 10, 15, … 50 m?? Groundwater Monitoring Techniques • • • Piezometers Water table wells Deep ground water wells Construction of Groundwater Wells 2. Glass bottles VS plastic bottles. 3. Temperature control during transportation. 4. Acidify samples if used for NO3-N analysis. 5. Store samples at 4oC until analyzed. 6. EPA protocol is to analyze within 15 days of collection. When to collect Groundwater Samples? • Weekly, monthly, 3-4 time in a year?? • Define objectives • For drinking water wells – weekly/monthly (weekly for public wells, monthly/six month for industrial wells) • Quality VS quantity Vadose Zone Monitoring • Water content and Chemical conc. • • • • • Soil moisture potential – Tensiometers Soil water contents Soil salinity Temperature Soil pore water sampling Soil Pore Water Sampling • Soil samples Extract them for either NO3-N or pesticides • Suction lysimeters • Caissiosn lysimeters • Trench lysimeters • Drainage systems • Piezometers • Single or multiple sampling wells