ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ г.МОСКВЫ СЕВЕРО-ВОСТОЧНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение гимназия № 1577 (подразделение2) «Утверждаю» и.о. директора гимназии 1577 _________________ А.Г. Юрова ______________ 2013 г. Образовательная программа объединения дополнительного образования «Friends 1» Возраст детей 7-8 лет Срок реализации программы 1 год. Педагог дополнительного образования Фадеева Надежда Евгеньевна г. Москва, 2013г. Пояснительная записка к занятиям по английскому языку для первоклассников Тематическое планирование составлено на основе программы УМК «Семья и друзья» ( « FamilyandFriends» 1 ) Н.Симмонс, издательство «РЕЛОД» . В учебный комплект входят учебник «ClaccBook», аудиодиск, тетрадь Workbook. УМК содержит 15 разделов, состоящих из 4 уроков. Календарно-тематическое планирование составлено из расчета 2 часов английского языка в неделю( 64 часа в год). Основная задача УМК- формирование у детей умений и навыков, необходимых на элементарном уровне, пошаговый подход в формировании коммуникативных умений в говорении , аудировании , чтении и письме,приобщение к новому социальному опыту с использованием английского языка: знакомство с миром их зарубежных сверстников, воспитывает дружелюбное отношение к представителям других стран. Эффективные методики обучения грамоте способствуют повышению учащихся прочному усвоению изучаемого материала, активизациидеятельностного подхода . В каждом уроке включена компьютерная поддержка как средство формирования информационно-коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. В результате изучения английского языка в первом классе учащиеся должны понимать,знать:- основные словосочетания, звуки и буквы алфавита ; основные правила чтения Уметь в области аудирования: понимать на слух речь учителя, одноклассников, основное содержание доступных текстов, с опорой на зрительную наглядность; вобласти говорения:участвовать в диалоге ( по темам), расспрасобеседника,задавая вопросы; в области чтения: читать вслух, соблюдая правила произношения и соответствующую интонацию. Календарно-тематическое планирование к УМК “Семья и друзья 1” (“Family and Friends 1”) УМК РЕЛОД “Семья и друзья 1”(“ Family &Friends 1”) рассчитан на 94 урока и 5 уроков проверочных работ (Review). Общее количество учебных часов составляет 99 уроков в год или 2 урока в неделю. Каждый раздел состоит из 6 уроков: 1-4 уроки каждого раздела являются обязательными, 5-6 уроки даны на закрепление усвоенного материала. Календарно-тематическое планирование составлено из расчета 2 часов английского языка в неделю, куда в обязательном порядке войдут 1-4 уроки каждого раздела учебника и 1 дополнительного часа в который можно включать материал из 5-6 уроков каждого раздела. Unit Starter Hello! Lesson 1 (1) Key language Rosy, Tim, Billy, Miss Jones Lesson 2 (2) What’s your name? My Additional language Hello, Hi, Goodbye, everyone, come, fun, class, cousin, who, this, sorry, come on Lesson Materials iTools objectives To become CD #01-03; Starterfamiliar with Starter story Words/Story the Class poster; Hello Book flashcards 1characters and 4; common greetings; To understand a short story. To greet CD #03-04; Starter/Song people; To ask Starter story Grammar Hello. Goodbye. How are you? I’m fine, thank you. What’s your name? My name’s….. How old are you? I’m…. Phonics Skills Further practice WB p.4 Listening: identifying numbers; listening for specific information; Speaking: asking and answering guestions about names/about age; WB p.5 Student name’s… How are you? I’m fine, thank you. and answer poster; Hello the questions flashcards 1What’s your 4. name? To act out a story. MultiROM/ Starter Unit/Grammar, Song 1. Lesson 3 (3) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten; Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Saturday. To recognize CD# 05-07; Starter/Words and use Numbers; numbers one flashcards 5to ten; To ask 14 ( one to and answer ten) the question How old are you?; To say the days of the week. WB p.6 Lesson 4 (4) Red, yellow, Sing, pink, green, rainbow, too. purple, orange, blue. To identify colours; To use different colours in the context of a song. WB p.7 Picture dictionary, WB p.108 Hello! test, Testing and Evaluation Book, p.6 ; Student MultiROM/ Starter Unit/Words, Song2/Listen at home Track 1(Words and phrases) Track 2 ( Chant), Track 3 ( Song), Track 4 CD #08Starter09;Colours Words/Story flashcards 15-21; set of coloured pencils or strips of paper in the colours red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange and blue for each group of seven children. (Chant), Track 5 ( Song). To identify CD # 10-12; Unit 1Unit 1 What’s this? Pen, rubber, School, What’s this? Lesson 1 pencil, things, train, common Story Words/Story It’s a pen. (5) ruler, book. OK, look at. school things; poster1; To understand School things a short story. flashcards 22-26;school objects ( boor, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler) Lesson 2 (6) What’s this? It’s a … Lesson 3 (7) Bag, door ,window. To ask and CD # 12; Unit 1answer the Story Grammar question poster1; What’s this?; School things To write flashcards answers to the 22-26;school question objects. What’s this?; To act out a story. Close, open. To identify CD # 13-14; Unit 1- Song more school School things things; To flashcards understand the 22-29. meaning of open and Initial sounds: abcd Aa:apple Bb: bird Cc: cat Dd: dog Reading: a WB p.8 description; Listening: identifying objects; Speaking: asking and answering guestions; Writing: identifying and counting words in a sentence; writing about my school things. WB p.9 Grammar reference, CB p.108 Student MultiROM/Unit 1/Grammar WB p.10 Picture dictionary, WB p.108; Extra writing worksheet, PMB Lesson 4 (8) Lesson 5 (9) optional Lesson 6 (10) optional Apple, bird, Here, like. cat, dog. Shcool bag, pencil case, see. close; To use school words in the context of a song. p.2; Student MultiROM/Unit 1/Words,Song To recognize CD # 15-17; Unit 1the upper- and Phonics cards Phonics lower-case 1-4 ( Aa, Bb, forms of the Cc, Dd) letters a, b, c and associate them with their corresponding sounds; To pronounce the sounds ; To learn the names of the letters a, b, c, and d. CD # 18; Unit 1school Reading objects; a bag. WB p.11 Student MultiROM/Unit 1/Phonics CD # 19; a Unit 1piece of Writing paper for each child; a large piece of coloured paper, a glue WB p.12 Reading: read and understand description of objects; recognize specific words. Listening: identify objects; listen for specific information; Speaking: ask and answer What’s this? WB p.13; Values worksheet, PMB p.3 Unit 1 test, Testing and Evaluation Book p.7; Unit 2 Playtime! Lesson 1 (11) Doll, ball, teddy, puzzle, car. Lesson 2 (12) My/your; Is this your teddy? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. stick, a pair of scissors, and a selection of coloured pencils for each group of six children. To identify CD # 20-22; Unit 2common toys; Story Words/Story To understand poster2; Toy a short story. flashcards 30-34; a pencil case and a pupil’s bag. To ask and CD # 22; Unit 2answer the Story poster Grammar question with 2; Toy my and your; flashcards To write 30-34; real answers to the classroom question Is objects, e.g. this your…? pencil case, To act out a bag, pen. Writing: identify Student and count words MultiROM/Listen in a sentence; at home/Track 6 ( write about Words and school things. phrases), 7 (Song), 8 (Phonics). my/your Initial This is my bag. sounds: Is this your efgh teddy? Ee:egg Yes, it is./ No, Ff: fish it isn’t. Gg: goat Hh: hat WB p.14; Reading: reading and understanding a poem; Listening: identifying favourite things; Speaking: asking and answering guestions about favourite things; Writing: Dividing sentences into words ; writing about my favourite toys. WB p.15 Grammar reference, CB p.108 Student MultiROM/Unit 2/Grammar story. To identify more words for toys; To use toy words in the context of f song. Lesson 3 (13) Kite, bike, train Big, love. Lesson 4 (14) Egg, fig, goat,hat. To recognize CD # 25-27; Unit 2the upper- and Phonics cards Phonics lower-case 5-8 ( Ee, Ff, forms of the Gg, Hh) letters e, f g and h and to associate them with their corresponding sounds; To pronounce the sounds ; To learn the names of the letters e, f, g, and h. Favourite, CD # 28; Unit 2furry, fat, Toy Reading lovely, colour flashcards (n), animal. 30-37; a piece of plain paper for each child; coloured Lesson 5 (15) optional CD # 23-24; Unit 2- Song Toy flashcards 35-37; WB p.16 Picture dictionary, WB p.109; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.4; Student MultiROM/Unit 2/Words,Song WB p.17 Student MultiROM/Unit 2/Phonics WB p.18 Reading: read and understand a poem; Writing: complete sentences about favourite things. Lesson 6 (16) optional Unit 3 This is my Lesson 1 nose! (17) pencils for each group of four to six children. CD # 29; Unit 2Toys Writing flashcards 30-37; Colours flashcards 15-21. Arms , nose, Let’s, put out, To identify CD # 30-32; Unit 3arm/arms face, legs, point to, now, different parts Story poster Words/Story This is… ears. that’s right. of the body; 3; My body These are… To understand flashcards a short story. 38-42; Listening: match people to their favourite things; Speaking: ask and answer questions about favourite things; Writing: write about favourite toys. Initial sounds: i jkl Ii: ink Jj: jam Kk: kite Ll: lion WB p.19; Values worksheet, PMB p.5 Unit 2 test, Testing and Evaluation Book p.8; Student MultiROM/Listen at home/Track 9 .( Words and phrases), 10 (Song), 11 (Phonics). WB p.20 Reading: instructions for making a paper toy; reading a text and putting pictures in the correct order; Listening: identifying different animals; Speaking: describing an animal’s features; Writing: identifying full sentences; writing about my body. Lesson 2 (18) This is my nose. These are my arms. Lesson 3 (19) Fingers, All. hands, eyes. Lesson 4 (20) Ink, jam, kite, lion. To say CD # 32; Unit 3sentences with Story poster Grammar this and these; 3; My body To complete flashcards sentences with 38-42; this and these; To recognize the difference between singular and plural forms of nouns; To act out a story. To identify CD # 33-34; Unit 3- Song more body Body words; To use flashcards body words in 43-45; the context or a song. Oops! Mess. To recognize CD # 35-37; Unit 3the upper- and Phonics cards Phonics lower-case 5-8 ( Ii, Jj, forms of the Kk, Ll) letters i, j k and l and to associate them with their corresponding WB p.21 Grammar reference, CB p.108 Student MultiROM/Unit 3/Grammar WB p.22 Picture dictionary, WB p.109; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.6; Student MultiROM/Unit 3/Words,Song WB p.23 Student MultiROM/Unit 3/Phonics sounds; To pronounce the sounds ; To learn the names of the letters i, j, k, and l. Lesson 5 (21) optional Make, cut(v),fold(v), paper, paw, stick(v), colour(v), then, tall. Lesson 6 (22) optional Long. CD # 38; Unit 3a piece of Reading plain paper for each child; colouring pencils for each group of four to six children; PMB p.36,TB p.124 CD # 39; a Unit 3paper lion Writing puppet from the previous lesson ( optional); a piece of plain paper for each child;a set of colouring pencils for each group of four to six children; two or three WB p.24 Reading: read and follow PMB p.36 ( cut instruction; read a and make 1) text and put pictures in the correct order. WB p.25; Listening: listen and order Values pictures; worksheet, PMB p.7 Testing and Writing: identify full Evaluation Book sentences; count Unit 3 test,p.9 ; sentences; write Summative about your body ; test1,p.10;Skills test1,p.12; Speaking: describe an Student animal’s feature. MultiROM/Listen at home/Track 12 ( Words and phrases), 13 (Song), 14(Phonics). flashcards from previous units. Review 1: CB pages 26-27; review answers key, TB page 116. Grandma, Unit 4 He’s a hero! Teacher, Lesson 1 pupil, grandpa, (23) housewife, meat, hero. fireman, pilot. Lesson 2 (24) He’s/ She’s a teacher. Is he/she a To identify CD # 40-42; Unit 4different jobs; Story poster Words/Story To understand 4; Jobs a short story. flashcards 46-50; To say what CD # 42; Unit 4people’s jobs Story poster Grammar are; To choose 4; Jobs She’s/He’s a Initial teacher. sounds: Is she/he a mnop teacher? Mm:mum Nn: nurse Yes, she is./No, he isn’t. Oo:jrange Pp: pen Reading: an WB p.28 autobiography; Listening: identifying people by their jobs; Speaking:Asking and answering questions about jobs; Writing: identifying capital letters and full stops; writing about my family. WB p.29 Grammar reference, CB teacher? Yes ,he is./No, she isn’t. Lesson 3 (25) Lesson 4 (26) Lesson 5 (27) optional between he flashcards and she for 46-50; describing pictures of people; To act boys and out a story. girls. Doctor, Kind, meet, To identify CD # 43-44; Unit 4- Song policeman, lane , again. more jobs Jobs farmer. words; To use flashcards different jobs 46-53;PMB words in the p.37 ( Cut context or a and make 2); song. TB p. 125. p.108 Student MultiROM/Unit 4/Grammar Mum, nurse, Eat, write. orange (n), pen. WB p.31 Student MultiROM/Unit 4/Phonics To recognize CD # 45-47; Unit 4the upper- and Phonics cards Phonics lower-case 9-12( for forms of the revision) and letters n, m n 13-16 ( Mm, and p and to Nn, Oo, Pp) associate them with their corresponding sounds; To pronounce the sounds ; To learn the names of the letters m, n, o, and p. Brother, CD # 48; Unit 4family, Jobs Reading happy, uncle. flashcards 47, WB p.30 Picture dictionary, WB p.110; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.8 Cut and make 2, PMB p.37; Student MultiROM/Unit 4/Words,Song Reading: read and understand a WB p.32 Lesson 6 (28) optional 49, 51; Phonics card 14; red, blue, green and yellow pencils for each group of four children; PMB finger puppets from Lesson 3. CD # 49; Unit 4Jobs Writing flashcards 46-53. Goal, good To identify CD # 50-52; Unit 5Unit 5 Where’s the Seesaw, Lesson 1 ball? slide, net, try, under, things in the Story poster Words/Story (29) swing, tree. on, in, where. park; 5; The park To understand flashcards a short story. 54-58; description of a family; develop reading skills. Where’s the ball? It’s in/on/under the bag. Initial sounds: qrstu Qq:queen Rr: rabbit Ss:sofa Tt: teddy Uu: umbrella WB p.33; Listening: identify people Values by their jobs; worksheet, PMB listen for specific p.9 unit 4 test, information. Testing and Evaluation Book Writing: identify and write p.14 ; Student capital letters and MultiROM/Listen full stops; count at home/. sentences; write Track 15 ( Words about your and phrases), 16 family; (Song), 17 Speaking: ask (Phonics). and answer questions about jobs. Reading: a WB p.34 puzzle text; Listening: identifying objects by location; Speaking: Asking and answering questions about where things are; Writing: identifying capital letters at the start of names; writing about the park. Lesson 2 (30) Where’s the bal? It’s in/on/under the bag. Lesson 3 (31) Pool, ice cream, frisbee. Lesson 4 (32) Queen, rabbit, sofa, teddy, umbrella. To ask CD # 52; Unit 5questions with Story poster Grammar Where’s…; To 5; The park deacribe flashcards 55, positions 57, 58; using in, classroom on,and under; objectsTo act out a pencil, rubber story. and ruler. Cool, nice, To identify CD # 53-54; Unit 5- Song park (n), play more park The park (v). words; To use flashcards park words in 54-61; the context or a song. To recognize CD # 55-57; Unit 5the upper- and Phonics cards Phonics lower-case 13-16 ( for forms of the revision) and letters q, r, s, 17-21 ( Qq, t, and u and to Rr, Ss, Tt, associate them Uu) WB p.35 Grammar reference, CB p.108 Student MultiROM/Unit 5/Grammar WB p.36 Picture dictionary, WB p.110; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.10; Student MultiROM/Unit 5/Words,Song WB p.37 Student MultiROM/Unit 5/Phonics with their corresponding sounds; To pronounce the sounds ; To learn the names of the letters q, r, s, t, and u. Lesson 5 (33) optional Boy, girl, football, help (v). Lesson 6 (34) optional Unit 6 Billy’s Lesson 1 teddy! Mum, dad, Find, the To identify sister, others, know, members of CD #58; Toys flashcards 30-37; The park flashcards 54-61. CD # 59; Toys flashcards 30-37; The park flashcards 54-61; Story poster 5; two pieces of paper for each child; scissors, glue stick, a large piece of paper and coloured pencils for each group. CD # 60-62; Story poster Unit 5Reading WB p.38 Reading: read and understand a text about a picture. Unit 5Writing WB p.39; Listening: number the things Values in a picture; worksheet, PMB p.11 unit 5 test, Writing: identify and write Testing and capital letters and Evaluation Book start of names; p.15 ; Student write about the MultiROM/Listen park; at home/. Speaking: ask Track 18 ( Words and answer and phrases), 19 questions about (Song), 20 where things are. (Phonics). Unit 6Possessive’s Initial Words/Story This is Mum’s sounds: Reading: a caption story; WB p.40 (35) brother, grandma, grandpa. Lesson 2 (36) This is Mum’s pen. It’s my brother’s book. Lesson 3 (37) they. the family; 6; My family To understand flashcards a short story. 62-65; Hello flashcards 1, 3. To write CD # 62; Unit 6sentences with Story poster Grammar ‘s to show 6; School possession. things To act out a flashcards story. 22-26; Toy flashcards3037; My family flashcards 62-65; Hello flashcards 1, 3. Aunt, uncle, Love (n), lots To identify CD # 63-64; Unit 6- Song cousin. of. more family My family words; To use flashcards family words 62-67; Hello in the context flashcards 1or a song. 3. book. vwxyz Vv: van Ww:window Xx: box Yy: yo-yo Zz: zebra Listening: distinguishing details; Speaking: Asking and answering questions about people; Writing: identifying questions marks and sentences; writing about my family’s things. WB p.4 Grammar reference, CB p.109 Student MultiROM/Unit 6/Grammar WB p.42 Picture dictionary, WB p.111; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.12; Student MultiROM/Unit 6/Words,Song Lesson 4 (38) Lesson 5 (39) optional Lesson 6 (40) optional Van, Look (out of). window, box, yo-yo, zebra. To recognize CD # 65-67; Unit 6the upper- and Phonics cards Phonics lower-case 1-21 ( for forms of the revision) and letters v, w, x, 22-26 ( Vv, y, and z and to Ww, Xx, Yy, associate them Zz) with their corresponding sounds; To pronounce the sounds ; To learn the names of the letters v, w, x, y, and z. Throw, still, CD #68; a Unit 6photo. piece of plain Reading paper for each child; a set of coloured pencils for each group of four to six children. Flying, into, at. CD # 69; Unit 6Hello Writing flashcards 13; Family flashcards 62-67; a plain piece of WB p.43 Student MultiROM/Unit 6/Phonics Reading: read a text that describes pictures; find specific information. WB p.44 WB p.45; Listening: identify pictures Values from their worksheet, PMB description; p.13 unit 6 test, Testing and Writing: identify questions Evaluation Book marks and p.16 ; Summative paper for each child a set of coloured pencils for each group of four to six children. Review 2: CB pages 46-47; review answers key, TB page 116. Unit 7 Are these Lesson 1 his (41) trousers? Dress, socks, Tshirt, trousers, shorts. Basket, clothes, his, her. To identify CD # 70-72; Unit 7different Story poster Words/Story clothes; 7; My clothes To understand flashcards a short story. 68-72; sentences; write test2,p.17;Skills capital letters and test2,p.19; questions marks Student in sentences; MultiROM/Listen write about your at home/Track 21 family’s things. ( Words and Speaking: ask phrases), 22 and answer (Song), 23 question Who’s (Phonics). this?. This is her/his T-shirt. Are there his socks? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. The alphabet: the alphabet letter names and their sequence. Reading: a WB p.48 caption story; Listening: identifying clothes; Speaking: Asking and answering questions about clothes; Writing: identifying ‘s in sentences; matching full and abbreviated forms with the contraction ‘s; writing about my favourite clothes. Lesson 2 (42) Lesson 3 (43) Lesson 4 (44) Lesson 5 (45) This is his/her Tshirt. These are his/her trousers. Are there his/ her socks? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. Shoes, coat, Every, day. hat. To make CD # 72; Unit 7sentences with Story poster Grammar his and her; 7; My clothes To ask and flashcards answer 68-72; questions with his and her; To act out a story. WB p.49 Grammar reference, CB p.109 Student MultiROM/Unit 7/Grammar To identify CD # 73-74; Unit 7- Song more words My clothes for clothes; To flashcards use clothes 68-72; PMB words in the p. 38 (Cut context or a and make 3) ; song. TB p. 125. WB p.50 Picture dictionary, WB p.111; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.14; Student MultiROM/Unit 7/Words,Song To recognize CD # 75; Unit 7all the letters Phonics cards Phonics of the 1-26. alphabet in their lowercase forms; To say and write the alphabet. Try on, team. CD #76; a set Unit 7of coloured Reading WB p.51 Student MultiROM/Unit 7/Phonics Reading: read and WB p.52 optional Lesson 6 (46) optional pencils, a glue stick, and a large piece of paper for each group of four to six children; PMB doll and clothes from lesson 3. What about. Kitchen, Sertificate, Unit 8 Where’s Lesson 1 Grandma? living room, show (v), (47) dining surprise, room, good, work, bedroom, well done. CD # 77; Unit 7colour Writing pictures of different types of clothing from magazines; PMB doll and clothes from Lesson 5. understand a story; read for specific details. WB p.53; Listening: identify pictures Values from their worksheet, PMB description; p.15 unit 7 test, Testing and Writing: identify and Evaluation Book write ‘s in a p.21 ; Student sentences; match MultiROM/Listen full and at home/ Track 24 abbreviated ( Words and forms with the phrases), 25 contraction ‘s; (Song), 26 write about (Phonics). favourite clothes.. Speaking: ask . and answer question about colours. To identify CD # 78-80; Unit 8Is she in the WB p.54 Digraphs: Reading: a different Story poster Words/Story kitchen? Yes, sh description on a places at 8; My house webpage; she is./ No, she shoes home; flashcards sheep isn’t. Listening: To understand 76-81; Are they in the fish listening to a bathroom, garden. Lesson 2 (48) Lesson 3 (49) a short story. Where’s To ask and CD # 80; Unit 8Grandma? answer Story poster Grammar She’s in the questions 8; My family bedroom. about where flashcards Where are people are; To 62-67; Hello Dad and write Is and flashcards 1Billy? Are at the 3. They’re in beginning of the kitchen. questions; To Is she in the act out a garden? story. Yes, she is. Are they in the living room? No, they aren’t. Upstairs, Follow, table, To identify CD # 81-82; Unit 8- Song downstairs, chair, go, more words My house house, flat. through. for homes; To flashcards use house 76-85; Toy words in the flashcards context or a 30-37. song. garden? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. description of a flat; Speaking: Asking and answering questions with Where’s…; Writing: identifying vowels within words; writing about my home. WB p.55 Grammar reference, CB p.109 Student MultiROM/Unit 8/Grammar WB p.56 Picture dictionary, WB p.112; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.16; Student MultiROM/Unit 8/Words,Song Lesson 4 (50) Shoes, Want. sheep, fish. Lesson 5 (51) optional Balcony, little, next door. Lesson 6 (52) optional TV.. To pronounce CD # 83-84; Unit 8the sounds on Phonics cards Phonics its own and 27-29 (sh). words; To differentiate between the sounds. CD #85; My Unit 8house Reading flashcards 76-85; a set of coloured pencils for each group of four to six children; a plain piece of paper for each child. CD # 86; Unit 8My house Writing flashcards 76-85; Phonics cards 1, 5, 9, 15, 21. WB p.57 Student MultiROM/Unit 8/Phonics WB p.58 Reading: read and understand a description of a flat ; find specific information in a text. Listening: number items in the correct order; Writing: identify vowels within words; write about your home; Speaking: ask and answer question beginning with Where’s…. WB p.59; Values worksheet, PMB p.17 unit 8 test, Testing and Evaluation Book p.22 ; Student MultiROM/Listen at home/ Track 27 ( Words and phrases), 28 (Song), 29 (Phonics). Unit 9 Lunchtime! Lunch box, Lunch, Lesson 1 sandwich, lunchtime, (53) drink, apple, choose, banana, share, get. biscuit Lesson 2 (54) I’ve got an apple/ two sandwiches. I haven’t got my lunch box. Lesson 3 (55) Tomato, pear, grapes. To identify CD # 87-89; Unit 9different Story poster Words/Story foods in a 9; My lunch lunch box; box To understand flashcards a short story. 86-91; To make CD # 89; Unit 9sentences with Story poster Grammar ‘ ve got and 9; My lunch haven’t got; box To act out a flashcards story. 86-91; a piece of plain paper for each child; an apple. To identify CD # 90-91; Unit 9- Song more types of My lunch food; To use box food words in flashcards the context or 86-94; real a song. food items from vocabulary I’ve got two Digraphs: sandwiches. I ch haven’t got my chair lunch box. teacher an apple chick ( an + a, e, i, o, u) Reading: information texts; Listening: identifying key words; Speaking: Asking and answering questions about lunch boxes; Writing: completing sentences with a or a; writing about my lunch box.. . WB p.60 WB p.61 Grammar reference, CB p.110 Student MultiROM/Unit 9/Grammar WB p.62 Picture dictionary, WB p.112; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.18; Student MultiROM/Unit list. Lesson 4 (56) Lesson 5 (57) optional Lesson 6 (58) optional Chair, teacher, chick. Chirp, say To pronounce CD # 92-93; Unit 9the sounds on Phonics cards Phonics its own and 30-32 (ch). words; To differentiate between the sounds. Cheese, CD #94; My Unit 9water, today. lunch box Reading flashcards 86-94. Inside. CD # 95; a Unit 9piece of plain Writing paper for each child. 9/Words,Song WB p.63 Student MultiROM/Unit 9/Phonics WB p.64 Reading: read and understand descriptions of lunch boxes; match lunch boxes with their descriptions. WB p.65; Listening: identify items as Values they are head; worksheet, PMB p.19 unit 9 test, Writing: Complete Testing and sentences with a Evaluation Book or an; write about p.23 ; Summative lunch boxes; test3,p.24;Skills Speaking: ask test3,p.26; and answer Student question about MultiROM/Listen lunch boxes. at home/ Track 30 ( Words and phrases), 31 (Song), 32 (Phonics). . Review 3: CB pages 66-67; review answers key, TB page 116. Unit 10 A new Lesson 1 friend! (59) Brown, Over there, blond, curly, hair, new, long, short, friend. straight. To identify CD # 96-98; Unit 10adjectives for Story poster Words/Story description 10; My lunch hair; box To understand flashcards a short story. 95-100; Lesson 2 (60) He’s/She’s It’s got blue eyes. He/She/ It hasn’t got black eyes. Lesson 3 (61) Circle, rectangle, triangle, square. To make CD # 98; Unit 10sentences with Story poster Grammar has and hasn’t 10; My got to describe friends appearance; flashcards To act out a 95-100; story. To identify CD # 99Unit 10- Song shapes; To 100; Shapes use shapes in flashcards the context or 101-104; one Side, the same, smooth, round, just. He’s/She’s/It’s Digraphs: got… th three He/She/It hasnt’t got… bath teeth Reading: a WB p.68; Picture descriptive letter; dictionary, WB p.113; Listening: identifying different friends; Speaking: asking and answering questions about appearance; Writing: matching full and abbreviated forms with the contractions ‘ve and ‘s ; writing about my friend. WB p.69 Grammar reference, CB p.110 Student MultiROM/Unit 10/Grammar WB p.70 Picture dictionary, WB p.113; Extra a song. Lesson 4 (62) Lesson 5 (63) optional Lesson 6 (64) optional piece of paper for each pupil; a selection of coloured shapes and a gluestick for each group of four to six. Three, bath, Count. To pronounce CD # 101- Unit 10teeth. the sounds on 102; Phonics Phonics its own and cards 33-35 words; To (th). differentiate between the sounds. Dear, best, CD #103; Unit 10tall, picture, My friends Reading great, tell, flashcards from.. 95-100. a piece of plain paper for each child; a set of coloured pencils for each group of four to six children; Jumper. CD # 104; Unit 10Shapes Writing flashcards 101-104. writing worksheet, PMB p.20; Student MultiROM/Unit 10/Words,Song WB p.71 Student MultiROM/Unit 10/Phonics WB p.72 Reading: read and understand a descriptive letter; match children to their descriptions. Listening: number items in the correct order; Writing: match full and abbreviated forms with the WB p.73; Values worksheet, PMB p.21; unit 10 test, Testing and Evaluation Book p.28 ; Summative contractions ‘ve and ‘s; write sentences with ‘ve and ‘s; write about friends. Speaking: ask and answer question about appearance. Unit 11 I like Lesson 1 monkeys! (65) Elephant, Zoo, funny. giraffe, monkey, big, tall, little. To identify CD # 105zoo animals; 107; Story To understand poster 11; a short story. The zoo flashcards 105-110; Unit 11I like monkeys. CVC Words/Story I don’t like words: a elephants. cat They’re big. man I’m little. fan Lesson 2 (66) I like lions. I don’t like elephants. They’re big. I’m little.. To make CD # 107; Unit 11sentences with Story poster Grammar like and don’t 11; The zoo like. To act flashcards out a story. 105-110; Reading: reading and understanding a poem; reading for specific information; Listening: identifying preferences; Speaking: describing animals; Writing: ..identifying adjectives in sentences; writing about animals I like. test3,p.24;Skills test3,p.26; Student MultiROM/Listen at home/ Track 33 ( Words and phrases), 34 (Song), 35(Phonics). . WB p.74; WB p.75 Grammar reference, CB p.110 Student MultiROM/Unit 11/Grammar Lesson 3 (67) Tiger, snake, parrot. Hip, hooray! To identify growl, hiss, more zoo squawk, hear. animals; To use zoo animals in the context or a song. CD # 108109; Zoo animals flashcards 111-113. Lesson 4 (68) Cat, man, fan. . CD # 110- Unit 11111; Phonics Phonics cards 36-38 (cat, fan, man) and1,3 ,6,13, 14, 20. Lesson 5 (69) optional Leaves, guess, top, tongue, wrong, three, food, head, neck, at all, listen, true, on top of. Lesson 6 (70) optional Pretty, next, first. To pronounce the sounds on its own and words; To blend the vowel a with consonants to form simple CVC words. Unit 11- Song CD #112; Unit 11cut-up Reading pictures of animals taken from magazine or the internet; PMB p.39. ( Cut and make 4); TB p. 125. CD # 113; Unit 11The zoo Writing flashcards 105-113. WB p.76 Picture dictionary, WB p.113; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.22; Student MultiROM/Unit 11/Words,Song WB p.77 Student MultiROM/Unit 11/Phonics Reading: read and understand a poem; read for specific information; WB p.78; Cut and make 4, PMB p.39. WB p.79; Listening: listening for Values specific details; worksheet, PMB p.23; unit 11 test, Writing: identify and write Testing and adjectives in Evaluation Book sentences; write about animals you like. Speaking: describing animals. Unit 12 Dinnertime! Rice, meat, Dinnertime, To identify Lesson 1 carrots, finished.. more types of (71) yogurt, fish, food; To bread. understand a short story. CD # 114116; Story poster 12; Food flashcards 114-119; Lesson 2 (72) CD # 116; Unit 12Story poster Grammar Do you like yogurt? To ask and answer the Unit 12Do you like Words/Story carrots? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. What do you like? I like yogurt. CVC words: e bed pen red Reading: reading and understanding a menu; reading for specific details in a text; Listening: identifying food preferences; Speaking: asking and answering questions about food likes and dislikes; Writing: : . matching full and abbreviated forms with the contraction n’t; writing about food I like p.29 ; Summative test3,p.24;Skills test3,p.26; Student MultiROM/Listen at home/ Track 36 ( Words and phrases), 37 (Song), 38(Phonics). . WB p.80; WB p.81 Grammar Lesson 3 (73) Yes, I do./No, I don’t. What do you like? I like fish. Milk, juice, Drink (v), water. late, school. Lesson 4 (74) Bed, pen,red. Lesson 5 (75) optional question Do 12; Food you like…?To flashcards act out a story. 114-119; To identify CD # 117drinks; To use 118; Food drink words flashcards in the context 114or a song. 119;Drink flashcards 120-122; My lunch box flashcards 87-94. . To pronounce CD # 119the sounds on 120; Phonics its own and cards 39-41 words; To (bed, pen, blend the red) and2,4 vowel e with ,5,14, 16, 18. consonants to form simple CVC words; To match rhyming words. Menu, CD #121; hungry, Food dessert, café. flashcards 114-119; Drinks flashcards 120-122; Lunch box reference, CB p.110 Student MultiROM/Unit 12/Grammar Unit 12- Song WB p.82 Picture dictionary, WB p.114; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.24; Student MultiROM/Unit 12/Words,Song Unit 12Phonics WB p.83 Student MultiROM/Unit 12/Phonics Unit 12Reading WB p.84; Reading: read and understand a menu; find specific details in a text.; Lesson 6 (76) optional Review 4: CB pages 86-87; review answers key, TB page 116. Unit 13 Tidy up! Lesson 1 Because. Rug, bed, cupboard, Tidy up, tidy To identify (adj), room. bedroom flashcards 87-94; Paper and pencils for each pupil. CD # 122; Unit 12Food Writing flashcards 114-119; Drinks flashcards 120-122; Lunch box flashcards 87-94; . a piece of plain paper for each child; a set of coloured pencils for each group of four to six children; CD # 123125; Story Unit 13There’s… Words/Story There are… Listening: listen for specific details; Writing: match full and abbreviated forms with the contraction n’t; write about food you like ; Speaking: ask and answer questions about food likes and dislikes. WB p.85; Values worksheet, PMB p.25; unit 12 test, Testing and Evaluation Book p.30 ; Summative test4,p.31;Skills test4,p.33; Student MultiROM/Listen at home/ Track 39 ( Words and phrases), 40 (Song), 41(Phonics). . CVC words: i Reading: reading and WB p.88; Picture dictionary, WB (77) shelf, pillow, blanket. Lesson 2 (78) There’s a blanket on the bed. There are Tshirts in the cupboard. Lesson 3 (79) Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, objects; To poster 13; understand a My bedroom short story. flashcards 123-128; To make CD # 125; Unit 13sentences with Story poster Grammar There’s and 13; My There are; To bedroom ask and flashcards answer the 123-128; question with How many…?To act out a story. More, get in. To identify CD # 126- Unit 13- Song numbers 11- 127; Number 20; To use flashcards 5numbers in 14 ( one to the context or ten);Number bin tin tig understanding a p.114. letter to a magazine; reading for specific details in a text; Listening: identifying different rooms from their descriptions; Speaking: asking and answering questions about where things are; Writing: questions marks and full stops; writing about my bedroom. WB p.89 Grammar reference, CB p.111 Student MultiROM/Unit 13/Grammar WB p.90 Picture dictionary, WB p.114; Extra writing Lesson 4 (80) Lesson 5 (81) optional Lesson 6 (82) optional seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.. a song. flashcards 129-138 ( eleven to twenty). worksheet, PMB p.26; Student MultiROM/Unit 13/Words,Song Big, fig, tin . Put. To pronounce the sounds on its own and words; To blend the vowel e with consonants to form simple CVC words; To differentiate between the sounds e and i. CD # 128- Unit 13130; Phonics Phonics cards 42-44 (bin, fig, tin) and 2,6 ,7, 9, 14, 20; Phonics card 40. WB p.91 Student MultiROM/Unit 13/Phonics Star (adj), letter, magazine.. CD #131; Unit 13My badroom Reading flashcards 123-128; a hand-draw picture of a bedroom. CD # 132;My Unit 13house Writing flashcards 76-85; My bedroom flashcards 123-128; school objects. WB p.92; Reading: read and understand a letter to a magazine; find specific details . WB p.93; Listening: identify different Values rooms from their worksheet, PMB descriptions; p.27; unit 13 test, Testing and Writing: differentiate Evaluation Book between p.35 ; Student sentences and MultiROM/Listen questions ; write at home/ Track 42 full stops and ( Words and questions marks; phrases), 43 write about your (Song), bedroom. 44(Phonics). Speaking: ask and answer questions about where things are. Clever, silly, To identify CD # 133Unit 14 Action Boy Run, fly, Lesson 1 can run! walk, talk, can (v).. action verbs; 135; Story (83) swim, climb. To understand poster 14; a short story. Verbs flashcards 139-144; Lesson 2 (84) He can/ can’t fly. Can she play football? Yes, she can./No, she Unit 14He can/ can’t Words/Story fly. Can he talk? Yes, he can./ No, he can’t. To make CD # 135; Unit 14sentences with Story poster Grammar can and can’t; 14; Verbs To ask and flashcards answer 139-144; questions about people CVC words: o dog fox log WB p.94; Reading: reading and understanding a text about animals; reading for specific details; Listening: identifying animfls; Speaking: asking and answering questions about animals; Writing: : matching full and abbreviated forms of can’t; writing about what I can do ; WB p.95 Grammar reference, CB p.111 Student MultiROM/Unit 14/Grammar can’t. Lesson 3 (85) Lesson 4 (86) can do; To act out a story. Write, draw, Do, anything, To identify CD # 136sing. song, smile more verbs; 137; Verbs (v) ,alphabet. To use verbs flashcards in the context 139-147. or a song. Dog, fox, log. . Sitting. Lesson 5 (87) optional Stripes, fruit, nuts, pet, jump, fast, very, beautiful. Lesson 6 Live (v). To pronounce the sounds on its own and words; To blend the vowel o with consonants to form simple CVC words; Unit 14- Song WB p.96 Picture dictionary, WB p.115; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.28; Student MultiROM/Unit 14/Words,Song CD # 138- Unit 14139; Phonics Phonics cards 45-47 (dog, fox, log) and 4,6 ,7, 12, 15, 24. CD #140; Unit 14The zoo Reading flashcards 105-107, 111-113; a piece of plain paper for each child; a set of coloured pencils for each group of four to six children; CD #141 The Unit 14- WB p.97 Student MultiROM/Unit 14/Phonics WB p.98; Reading: read and understand a text about animals; read for specific details . Listening: WB p.99; (88) optional zoo flashcards 105-107, 111-113 Writing Unit 15Let’s + verb Words/Story Unit 15 Let’s play Lesson 1 ball! (89) Sandcastle, Good idea, beach ,crab, together, the sea, wait, anjther. boat, shell. To identify action things from the beach; To understand a short story. CD # 142144; Story poster 15; The beach flashcards 148-153; Lesson 2 (90) Let’s make a sandcastle. That’s a To make suggestions with Let’s…;To CD # 144; Unit 15Story poster Grammar 15; The beach number items in Values the correct order; worksheet, PMB Writing: match p.29; unit 14 test, and write full Testing and abbreviated Evaluation Book forms of can’t; p.36 ; Student write about you MultiROM/Listen can do. ; at home/ Track 45 Speaking: ask ( Words and and answer phrases), 46 questions about (Song), 47 different animals. (Phonics). CVC words: u rug jug sum . WB p.100; Reading: reading and understanding a poster; reading for specific details; Listening: identifying pictures from their descriptions; Speaking: making and responding to suggestions; Writing: identifying verbs; writing about the beach. WB p.101 Grammar reference, CB p.111 good idea./ Great./OK! Lesson 3 (91) Sun cream, Wonderful, bat, ice forget. lolly. Lesson 4 (92) Rug, jug, sum. Lesson 5 (93) optional Lesson 6 (94) optional Welcome, hotel, rock pool, sandy, stall, clean, alone. Flavour. respond positively to suggestions; To act out a story. To recognize more beach words; To use beach words in the context or a song. flashcards 148-153; To pronounce the sounds on its own and words; To blend the vowel o with consonants to form simple CVC words; CD # 147- Unit 15149; Phonics Phonics cards 48-50 (rug, jug, sum) and 7,10 ,13, 18, 19, 21; Phonics cards 42,24. CD #150; Unit 15PMB p.40 ( Reading Cut and make 5); TB p.125. CD # 145146; The beach flashcards 148-156. CD #151 Verbs flashcards 139-147. Student MultiROM/Unit 15/Grammar Unit 15- Song Unit 15Writing WB p.102 Picture dictionary, WB p.115; Extra writing worksheet, PMB p.30; Student MultiROM/Unit 15/Words,Song WB p.103 Student MultiROM/Unit 15/Phonics WB p.104; PMB Reading: read and p.40 ( Cut and understand a make 5). poster; read for specific details . WB p.105; Listening: identify pictures Values from their worksheet, PMB descriptions; p.31; unit 15 test, Testing and Writing: identify and write Evaluation Book verbs; write about p.37 Summative the beach. test 5,p.38;Skills Speaking: make test 5,p.40; and respond to ; Student suggestions; MultiROM/Listen at home/ Track 48 ( Words and phrases), 49 (Song), 50 (Phonics). . Review 5: CB pages 106107; review answers key, TB page 116.