DECEMBER AGE 5-6 OBJECTIVES This month, *Students will learn

This month,
*Students will learn world around me ,healthy
drinks,sports and my home and rooms.We have
revision of previous topics with MINIGON ACTIVITY
BOOK .Mınıgon develop children’s confidence to
speak english.We revise these topics to reinforce the
target language and to reinforce pronunciation and
intonation and sing a song to encourage them about
*REVISION:Body parts,feelings ,family and seasons.
*HEALTHY DRINKS:Milk,water,oranje
*SPORTS:Play tennis,play basketball,play football,ride
a bike,swim,ride a horse etc.
*TARGET LANGUAGE:I can...,ı can’t...,can you...?
*RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE:Look at me ,open your
books,make a circle,pick up your pencil,repeat after
me ,let’s sing a song,have a nice day.
*Can you swim?
-yes,ı can swim
-No,ı can’t.etc...
*What is your favourite sport?
-tennis,basketball etc.
*what do you do in the kitchen/bathroom/living
-I eat the breakfast....ı brush my teeth....ı watch
*Starting the lesson with the “Hello, good morning"
song and acting out. Ending the lesson with the "Good
Bye everbody.’’
*New songs:’’ıf you are a boy....ıf you are a girl’’
‘’ ı can jump ,ı can swim’’
‘’ ı like the flowers’’
‘’look there is 3 bears’’
Their favourite song can be sung all together and
acting out. FOR EX:’’OPEN SHUT THEM ‘’
*we listen to the story about mınıgon’s adventures
and show the story cards as they listen.When there is
more than one character in the story,we change our
voıce to make sure that the kids understand the
different lines of the character.
*ACTIVITY 1:one child tells the story with the story
cards yourself and act out the scenes when
necessary.The teacher encourage the children to join
in the lesson.
*The teacher can read the short story about topics
with the flash cards.For example:We can use the
“Minigon’s Stories”We undertand the story by making
connections between visual(pictures,flash cards,the
teacher’s voice)and the meaning.
*We dramatize the story by following visual and
auditary clues and re tell the story each other.
First of all, we revise the vocabulary we have taught
*Greet the children.Sat “ Hello/Hi!” ask ”How are you
today?” Encourage them to answer and ask the
teacher the same question.
=>After our routine talk in the mornings,we revise the
question forms.
Ex: How do you feel today?
I’m happy today.
How is the weather today?
It is rainy today.etc...
Our aim develope speaking skills among the
children.The children must develope their
pronunciation and intonation subskills.
*ACTIVITY1 :We choose one of the children to be
mınıgon and say ‘’you are a minigon’’.
*the teacher give him or her the minigon flashcards
to hang around her or his neck.we choose another
child to be grandpa and do the same thing for the
other character .
*he or she ask minigon’’can grandpa ride a bike?’’
*minigon answers’’No,he can’t.’’ In the end we
applaud our friends.
WORLD AROUND ME:Recognizing,identifying and
naming world around me.We introduce the words
with flash cards by showing the pictures.We use
audivisual aids and coloured flashcards.Children work
in child asks ‘’what is it’’
‘’it is a river’’etc...
For Ex:One child shows the pictures and the other
children observe the child and call out which place as
(it is a sea)The teacher shows the flash cards very fast
and asks the children to name the flash cards when
they see them.
For Ex:Spread out the cards on the floor.We choose 2
children.When we name a flashcard,ask the children
to jump on the right card .the children say:it is a
mountain etc...
HEALTHY DRINKS:Firstly,the teacher says names of
healthy drinks and shows the flashcard with coloured
pictures.We can watch “Learning healthy drinks’’.The
children can guess which drinks.
ACTIVITY 1 We stick different healthy drinks flashcards
around a box,ask a child to volunteer.We ask him/her
to roll the box and make sentences with the flashcard
he/she has seen on top of the box using it is a milk,it
is a oranje juıce,it is a water .
*Do you like oranje juice?
No, ı like milk.
ACTIVITY2 We tell a story about Minigon’s food and
drinks.They look Minigon Activity Book and repeat.If
it’s necessary,they can paint the colouring pages
about food and drinks.
SPORTS:We can show the pictures with the flash
cards.And ask the question ‘’CAN YOU SWİM?’’We ask
all the children to get together and show all sports.We
ask one of them “can you ride a bike ‘’encourage
him/her to say ‘’ı can swim...etc”.We can use
audivisual aids.When we say the words or pictures
they repeat several times.we do craft activity
MY HOUSE AND ROOMS:We can show the flashcards
about the rooms and say the children.we can use
different videos by explaning.we watch emily’s house
and rooms together .The teacher asks them’’what do
you do in the kitchen ‘’ the children say’’ı eat the
We celebrate Christmas and learn asong about Santa
Clous.We sing “Jingle Bells” together.
The children make a card for Chirstmas and send this
card their family.
You can choose a topic for your kids and they can
work on it.The topic should be based on the topics
they have learnt.Then they can tell you about it.A
good chance to make use the words, a good speaking