music history and literature i - Cincinnati Christian University

Cincinnati Christian University, MUSIC HISTORY I, Fall 2010
Professor: Dr. Hickman
Office #269, Phone # 244-8188 (T, Th)
Home phone #661-6278 (M,W,F)
PMW 371
Classroom #279
Class meets T, Th 1:30-2:45
Three semester credit hours
A History of Western Music, eighth edition, by Burkholder, Grout, and Palisca.*
Norton Anthology of Western Music, volume 1, sixth edition.
Norton Anthology of Western Music, volume 2, sixth edition.*
Norton Recorded Anthology of Western Music, concise version. Six CDs.*
*These materials will also be used in the sequel to this course, Music History and
Literature II, offered in the spring semester.
Bring to each class session:
Norton Anthology of Western Music (NAWM), whichever of the two volumes we
are working out of at the time.
Pen and paper, or laptop for taking notes.
A survey of the music of Western culture from ancient times through the Classical
period, exploring the development of Western music in depth through biography, history,
and analysis with an emphasis on selective listening. Prerequisites: PMW 170, 210.
A basic knowledge of music history is essential for all educated musicians. Studying
music history provides a foundation for understanding the music of today, including
church music. This course teaches the history of music as it coordinates with world and
church history. We will study important composers, as well as listen to, analyze, and
read scores of major works that shaped the course of Western music.
Cincinnati Christian University, MUSIC HISTORY I, Fall 2010
The student who satisfactorily completes this course will be able to:
1. Discuss in detail the development of Western music from ancient times through the
Classical period.
2. Recognize and differentiate stylistic and technical traits, including genres,
terminology, and forms from these periods of music.
3. Discuss the lives and music of composers from these periods of music history,
including representative works.
4. Identify stylistic differences and major works both aurally and by score.
5. Describe the cultural context of the music of each period in terms of its relation to
world history, church history, philosophy, and the arts.
6. Be able to research and write clearly about music.
20% homework assignments and quizzes
20% class presentation (includes the use of technology)
30% mid-term exam
30% final exam
1. Absences. Since this class meets twice a week, only four absences will be allowed per
semester. On the fourth absence an "F" will be averaged into your homework grades. On
the fifth absence (for any reason) you will be required to drop the course. If you have a
valid, documented reason for missing more than this allotment, you may apply for
readmission to this class through the Registrar's Office. Save your three "free" absences
for serious illness or school trips, as these will come up. You are responsible to get notes
and assignments from classmates if you must be absent.
2. Make-ups. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test you will receive an "F". If
you have extenuating circumstances, the only way to make it up is to talk with me and I
may allow you to make it up the following class period. Homework assignments will be
marked down for each class period they are late. Do not be absent on the day of your
scheduled class presentation--this class depends on you.
3. Tardiness. If you are late by five minutes or more, you will be marked tardy. Four
tardies equal one absence.
All assignments must be typed. A paper copy is due at the beginning of the class period.
Papers turned in after the class period is over are considered late, and will be marked
down 10% for each class period they are late. I will accept them up to 2 class periods late
(or 20% off). After that, the missing assignment becomes a “0”. Emailed assignments
are unacceptable.
The professor reserves the right to change any part of this syllabus or course plan as she
deems necessary.
Cincinnati Christian University, MUSIC HISTORY I, Fall 2010
To facilitate class discussion, reading assignments should be done by the time of
the class session listed below. Chapter numbers refer to Grout: A History of Western
Music, eighth edition.
Listening assignments should also be done by the time of the class session listed
below. The numbers come from the Norton Anthology of Western Music, sixth edition,
volumes one or two (NAWM I or II). For complete titles, see your Listening List
handout or NAWM. Remember to continuously review the listening assignments while
looking at their scores, as the exams will center around them.
Written assignments are due on the day on which they are listed. W.A.=Written
Session 1: Introduction to the class and textbooks.
Choose composers for class presentations.
Session 2: Overview of Music History
Homework: Skim chapters 1-2
Session 3: Roman Liturgy and Chant
Homework: Read chapter 3 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I # 3 and 7
Session 4: Song and Dance Music in the Middle Ages
Homework: Read chapter 4 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #8 and 12
W.A.#1: Write an essay comparing and contrasting Gregorian chant and the
songs by troubadours and trouveres. (Include dates, composers, purpose, language,
forms, notation, melody, rhythm, etc.)
Session 5: Polyphony through the Thirteenth Century
Homework: Read chapter 5 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #15, 19, and 21
In Class:
Student Presentation on Hildegard of Bingen
Session 6: French and Italian Music in the Fourteenth Century
Homework: Read chapter 6 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #25, and 31
In Class:
Optional Student Presentation on Guillaume de Machaut
Session 7: Music and the Renaissance
Homework: Read chapter 7 and take Moodle quiz
In Class:
Listening quiz on all Medieval period pieces on the listening list.
Cincinnati Christian University, MUSIC HISTORY I, Fall 2010
Session 8: England and Burgundy in the Fifteenth Century
Homework: Read chapter 8 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #33 and 37
W.A.#2: Make a timeline of the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Include all
Medieval and Renaissance composers on the listening list. Indicate in which century and
country they lived. E.g.: Palestrina—16th century—Italy. (Exact birth and death dates
are optional.) Also include historical people and events, such as Pope Gregory I, Musica
enchiriadis, Crusades, Hundred Years’ War, Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther,
Protestant Reformation, Council of Trent, Shakespeare, etc.
Session 9: Franco-Flemish Composers, 1450-1520
Homework: Read chapter 9 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I # 40 and 42
In Class:
Student Presentation on Josquin des Prez
Session 10: Sacred Music in the Era of the Reformation
Homework: Read chapter 10 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I # 46, 47 and 49
In Class:
Student Presentation on Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Session 11: Madrigal and Secular Song in the Sixteenth Century
Homework: Read chapter 11 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I # 55, 56 and 61
Session 12: The Rise of Instrumental Music
Homework: Read chapter 12 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #62
W.A. #3: Write an essay on church music in the 16th century. Compare and
contrast the music of Lutheran churches, Calvinist churches, the Church of England, and
the Catholic Church. Be sure to discuss the Reformation, the Counter-Reformation,
Martin Luther, William Byrd, and Giovanni Palestrina. Give examples.
Session 13: Review
In class:
Listening quiz on all Renaissance period pieces on the listening
No class 10/7
10/12 Session 14: Exam I over Medieval and Renaissance Periods
Cincinnati Christian University, MUSIC HISTORY I, Fall 2010
10/14 Session 15: New Styles in the Seventeenth Century
Homework: Read chapter 13 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #66
10/19 Session 16: The Invention of Opera
Homework: Read chapter 14 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #69
10/21 Session 17: Music for Chamber and Church in the Early Seventeenth Century
Homework: Read chapter 15 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #76 and 78
10/26 Session 18: France, England, Spain, and the New World in the Seventeenth
Homework: Read chapter 16 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #82 and 85
10/28 Session 19: Italy and Germany in the late Seventeenth Century
Homework: Read chapter 17 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #91
W.A. #4: Concert Review #1. See handout for details.
Session 20: The Early Eighteenth Century in Italy and France
Homework: Read chapter 18 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #93
In Class:
Student Presentation on George Frideric Handel
Session 21: German Composers of the Late Baroque
Homework: Read chapter 19 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM I #96, 98, and 100
In Class:
Student Presentation on Johann Sebastian Bach
Cincinnati Christian University, MUSIC HISTORY I, Fall 2010
Session 22: Musical Taste and Style in the Enlightenment
Homework: Read chapter 20 and take Moodle quiz
In Class:
Listening quiz on all Baroque period pieces on the listening list.
11/11 Session 23: Opera and Vocal Music in the Early Classic Period
Homework: Read chapter 21 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM II #101
W.A. #5: Make a timeline of the Baroque and Classical periods. Use a line to
indicate birth and death dates and nationality of all Baroque and Classical composers on
the listening list. Also include historical people and events, such as the sailing of the
Mayflower, Galileo, Isaac Newton, King James Bible, Great Plague, the Declaration of
Independence, the French Revolution, etc.
11/16 Session 24: Instrumental Music: Sonata, Symphony, and Concerto at Midcentury
Homework: Read chapter 22 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM II #106 and 107
11/18 Session 25: Classical Music in the Late Eighteenth Century
Homework: Read chapter 23, pp 526-535
Listen to NAWM II #111
In Class:
Student Presentation on Joseph Haydn
No class 11/23 or 11/25
11/30 Session 26: Haydn
Homework: Read chapter 23, pp. 536-546
Listen to NAWM II #112
Session 27: Classical Music in the Late Eighteenth Century (cont.)
Homework: Read chapter 23, pp. 546-556
Listen to NAWM II #115, and 116
W.A. #6: Write an essay comparing and contrasting Baroque and Classical
In Class:
Student Presentation on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Session 28: Mozart
Homework: Read chapter 23, pp. 557-565 and take Moodle quiz
Listen to NAWM II #117
Session 29: Review
W.A. #7: Concert Review # 2. See handout for details.
In class:
Listening quiz on all Classical period pieces on the listening list.
Final Exam over Baroque and Classical Periods--during finals week.