Educational leadership and reforms in the Asian Pacific: A paradigm shift for the Future & globalization Yin Cheong CHENG Hong Kong Institute of Education WERA Symposium at AERA Annual Meeting 4 May 2010, Denver USA 1 2 In Asia-Pacific: >1m school leaders Enhance >26m teachers in primary & secondary schools >500m school students Change the Future ~50% of the world 3 A Challenge: But how can school leadership be effectively enhanced? In Asia-Pacific: >1m school leaders Enhance Unfortunately, lack of comprehensive research base to inform development & enhancement of school leadership in AP. >26m teachers in primary & secondary schools Western theories not appropriate ~50% of the world >500m school students Change the Future 4 In the coming 10 years, Asia-Pacific Region As facing growing challenges from globalization to local development As the most fast growing area for the development of the world economically & socially, As the largest area of growing human capital & tertiary graduates for knowledge-based economy Urgent need of capable school leadership to transform the school systems to support these fast developments in AP 5 3 Waves of Educational Reforms & Leadership in the Region Effective School Movements Quality /Competitive School Movements World-Class School Movements Globalization Internal Improvement Market Competition Effectiveness Quality Relevance as Stakeholders’ Satisfaction to Future Development as Target Achievement 1980s--90s Internal Leadership 1990s Interface Leadership 2000s Future Leadership Multiple Developments in Globalization Technological Development Economic Development Social Development Political Development Cultural Development Learning Development 7 3rd Wave Education for Contextualized Multiple Intelligence (CMI) Technological Person CMI Technological Intelligence Economic Person Economic Intelligence Social Person Social Intelligence Political Person Cultural Person Learning Person Political Intelligence Cultural Intelligence Learning Intelligence Multiple & Sustainable Effectiveness for Multiple Developments in Globalization Challenges from Changing Environment 8 Pentagon Theory of Learning for Development of CMI & Creativity Technological Intelligence Economic Intelligence Political Intelligence Learning Intelligence Intelligence/ Thinking Transfer Social Intelligence Cultural Intelligence 3rd Wave Leaders for CMI & Creativity? To facilitate development of CMI and creativity of students and teachers for sustainable effectiveness in the future. 10 3rd Wave Learning: New Paradigm of Learning Traditional Site-Bounded Paradigm Shift New CMITriplization Paradigm Triplization in Ed = Globalization+ Localization + Individualization in Ed. Cheng (1999, 2000) 11 World-Class Learning = CMI-Triplization in Learning Unlimited Opportunity for multiple & sustainable development 3rd Wave: A New Paradigm of Future Leadership Triplization Leadership Paradigm Shift Leadership To Multi-level Learning Leadership ( or Sustainable Development Leadership) To Multiple Thinking Leadership To Multiple To Creativity Leadership facilitate paradigm shift towards globalization, Localization & Individualization in education lead multiple-level learning including students’ learning, teachers’ professional learning & school’s organizational learning for sustainable development perform contextualized multiple thinking (CMT) in leadership practice & facilitate development of CMT of students, staff, and the organization perform multiple creativity in leadership & facilitate development of multiple creativity of students, staff, & the organization Samples 31 secondary schools in Hong Kong 30 principals, 1119 teachers and 7063 students of G9 & G16 Quantitative & Case Studies 14 “High SBM & High PS” Schools vs “Low SBM & Low PS” Schools High PS High SBM 15.00 14.00 13.00 Mean Paradigm Education (PS)(PS) ininEducation ShiftShift Paradigm 16.00 12.00 11.00 Low PS Low SBM 10.00 9.00 3.0 3.5 4.0 Mean 4.5 5.0 5.5 Towards School-based Management (SBM) Towards School-based Management (SBM) 15 SBM, PS Learning Effectiveness SC Teaching M. Thinking All scores are Z-scores; SBM: Towards School-based Management; PS: Paradigm Shift in Education; No. of schools in High PS & High SBM Group = 8, No. of schools in Low PS & Low SBM Group = 12 16 Overall Satisfaction Social Satisfaction Extrinsic Satisfaction Intrinsic Satisfaction Student's Satisfaction Learning Thinking Cultural Thinking Political Thinking Social Thinking Economic Thinking Technological Thinking Multiple Thinking in Learning Learning Opportunity Self-directed Learning Self-reflection Learning Facilitation Learning Effectiveness Learning Methods and Strategies Positive Learning Facilitating Student Self Reflection & Assessment Facilitating Student Thinking Facilitating Student Learning Student-centered Teaching Paradigm Shift in Teaching Paradigm Shift in Learning Paradigm Shift in Curriculum Paradigm Shift in Education Towards School-based Management Group Mean Profiles of “High SBM & High PS” Schools & “Low SBM & Low PS” Schools 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 -0.2 0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 Satisfaction High SBM & High PS Low SBM & Low PS Future Research on Leadership Effective School Movements Quality /Competitive School Movements World-Class School Movements Globalization Higher Order Research: To Market Internal Competition Improvement Provide a Comprehensive Knowledge Base to Understand Paradigm Shifts & Develop a Relevance Quality Effectiveness as Stakeholders’ of Leaders for to as New Generation Satisfaction Future Target New Learning & GlobalizationDevelopment Achievement 1980s--90s Internal Leadership 1990s Interface Leadership 2000s Future Leadership 17 鄭燕祥教授 Email address: Cheng, Y.C. (2010). Multiple thinking and creativity in school leadership: A new paradigm for sustainable development. In S. Huber (ed.) School leadership: International perspectives. (pp. 181-210) Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. Cheng, Y.C. (2010). Building capacity for school leadership research and development in the Asia Pacific Region. Invited opening speech at the Asia Leadership Roundtable 2010 organized the Asia-Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change on 11 January 2010. Cheng, Y.C. (2008). New learning and school leadership: Paradigm shift towards the third wave. In MacBeath, J. & Cheng, Y.C. (eds.).Leadership for learning: International perspectives.(pp. 15-35) Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. Cheng, Y.C. (2005).New paradigm for re-engineering education: Globalization, localization and individualization.Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. 18 19