Repeated Measures ANOVA Rogaine for Hair Growth in Women V.H. Price and E. Menefee (1990). “Quantitative Estimation of Hair Growth I. Androgenic Alopecia in Women: Effect of Minoxidil,” The journal of Investigative Dermatology, Vol.95, pp.683-687 Data Description • Subjects: 8 Women with Androgenetic Alopecia • Treatments: Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Placebo (4 Women per treatment) • Time Periods: Measurements made Pretreatment (0 weeks), 8, 16, 24, and 32 weeks (will only consider post-treatment measures) Data Trt 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Trt\Week Rogaine Placebo Overall Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Week0 216 130 206 106 142 178 189 180 8 189.75 179.75 184.75 Week8 290 146 193 130 154 161 219 185 16 227 183.75 205.375 Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Week16 340 206 218 144 145 170 197 223 24 217 193.25 205.125 Trt Rogaine Rogaine Rogaine Rogaine Placebo Placebo Placebo Placebo Week24 275 220 223 150 160 194 218 201 32 225.5 175.5 200.5 Average 299.75 195.25 215 149.25 151.75 173.5 209.25 197.75 Week32 294 209 226 173 148 169 203 182 Overall 214.8125 183.0625 198.9375 Mean Hair Growth versus Week by Treatment 240 230 220 Hair Growth 210 200 Rogaine Placebo Overall 190 180 170 160 150 0 5 10 15 20 Week 25 30 35 Statistical Model Yijk i b j ( i ) k ( ) ik ijk where : Overall Mean Hair Growth i Effect of Trt i i 1,2 b j ( i ) Effect of j th woman wit hin treatm ent i k Effect of k th time period k 1,2,3,4 ( )ik Interactio n between Trt i and Time k ijk Random error term j 1,2,3,4 Sums of Squares Total Sum of Squares (df 2(4)(4) - 1 31) TSS (290 198.94) 2 ... (182 198.94) 2 73045.88 Treatment Sum of Squares (df 2 - 1 1) : SSTRTS 4(4) (214.81 193.94) 2 (183.06 198.94) 2 8064.5 Subject Wi thin Treatment Sum of Squares (df 2(4 - 1) 6) : SS Subjects(Trts) 4 (299.75 214.81) 2 ... (149.25 214.81) 2 (151.75 183.06) 2 ... (197.75 183.06) 2 55475.88 Time Sum of Squares (df 4 - 1) 3 : SSTime 2(4) (184.75 198.94) 2 (205.38 198.94) 2 (205.13 198.94) 2 (200.50 198.94) 2 2267.63 Treatment x Time Interactio n Sum of Squares (df 1(3) 3) : SSTrtsxTime 4 (189.75 214.81 184.75 198.94) 2 ... (175.5 183.06 200.50 198.94) 2 2004.75 Error2 Sum of Squares (Time x Subject(Tr t) Interactio n) (df 3(6) 18) : SS Error2 5233.13 (By Subtractio n) ANOVA Table/F-Tests Source Treatments Subject(Trts) Time TrtxTime Error2 Total df 1 6 3 3 18 31 SS 8064.50 55475.88 2267.63 2004.75 5233.13 73045.88 MS 8064.50 9245.98 755.88 668.25 290.73 F 0.87 P-value 0.3864 2.60 2.30 0.0839 0.1120 Note: We cannot conclude any treatment or time effects or interaction at the 0.05 significance level. The subject-to-subject variation is very large, which makes finding a treatment effect very difficult in this setting (and very few subjects as well) Post-Hoc comparisons* Comparing Treatments (1 Comparison : Rogaine - Placebo) Y R 214.81 Y P 183.06 MS Subjects(Trt ) 9246 df 6 t.05 / 2, 6 2.447 214.81 183.06 2.447 2(9246) 31.75 83.19 51.44,114.94 4(4) Comparing Time Means (6 Comparison s) : Y ..1 184.75 Y ..2 205.38 Y ..3 205.13 Y ..4 200.5 MS Error2 290.73 t.05 /(2 x 6),18 2.963 BTime 2.963 2(290.73) 25.26 No time means differ by more than 21.63 2(4) * Bonferroni’s method for illustration only (no significant effects found from Analysis of Variance)