Web Design Homework Procedures and Classroom Expectations It is important that all students understand classroom rules and expectations. After you have reviewed this packet with your parents or guardians please complete the bottom portion of this page, and return it to your teacher, with both your parent’s signature, and your signature. Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Father/Guardian’s Name: _________________________________________________ Phone: (W)___________(H)____________ e-mail address: ______________________ Mother/Guardian’s Name:_________________________________________________ Phone: (W)___________(H)____________ e-mail address: ______________________ Computer Knowledge: What software applications do you know?_________________ Have you ever created a web site?____________ List your hobbies and interests:____________________________________________ PLEASE SIGN BELOW FOR ALL ITEMS: ________________Date I have read and will adhere to the Web Design Homework and Equipment Vandalism/Plagiarism Policy _______________________________ Student Signature ______________________________ Parent Signature I have read and will adhere to the Standards Required for Successful Completion of Web Design _______________________________ Student Signature ______________________________ Parent Signature I agree to observe the Acceptable Use Policy within the Student Handbook. During this course, we will be using digital cameras and learning how to place these pictures in documents. Many students also use their own pictures as images on their school web sites. These student pictures are copied to their network files where they may access them or display them on a Web page. According to this policy, any time a student has his/her picture placed in the network or on our Website, permission must be granted by a parent/guardian. Your signature below indicates that you acknowledge this. _______________________________ Student Signature ______________________________ Parent Signature Web Design Homework Procedures and Classroom Expectations Classroom Rules Students must be in their assigned seats when the bell rings, or they are considered late Students must anticipate being late if they are detained by a school official, and ask for a pass (no student will be permitted to obtain a pass once they are late) Students must seek permission to leave the room. Students are to remain alert in class and by no means will sleeping be tolerated Students may not engage in personal conversations during a class discussion Students must be polite and courteous to other students, the teacher, and any classroom visitors Profanity will not be tolerated under any circumstances Students will be polite when attempting to gain the attention of someone already engaged in conversation, explanation, or discussion with another Students must continue working until the five minute bell rings Food and drink is strictly prohibited from the area where the computers are located. All classroom rules must be adhered to when attending the Computer Lab for make-up work Administrative Procedures Students must have their name and class period on all assignments Students are responsible for periodically saving their work on the computer, to protect against inadvertent loss of data Students must adjust their schedule in order to visit the Computer Lab, if they fall behind on assignments. Equipment Vandalism Policy Computer equipment is very expensive, and is needed by many students each day. A machine that is broken for any reason can cause students not to receive the instruction they need and deserve. Any student who intentionally vandalizes a piece of equipment will be disciplined by their Principal (Saturday detention or Suspension is likely). The second offense will result in the student being removed from the course with a failing grade. The cost of any damages will be reimbursed to the district, by the student or his parent(s). Examples of Equipment Vandalism include, but are not limited to: switching keyboard keys inserting foreign objects into the disk drive writing on equipment intentional introduction of a computer virus attempts to destroy, or destroying files attempts to illegally access the network, and changing software settings To protect yourself against accusations of vandalism, notify your teacher immediately of any suspected problems. Web Design Homework Procedures and Classroom Expectations Plagiarism Policy Plagiarism is a very serious academic offense. Plagiarism is defined as copying or using the work of others, and representing that work as your own work. Plagiarism is cheating! Any student who plagiarizes will receive an automatic zero on the assignment he/she plagiarizes. If this violation of academic standards and honesty occurs a second time, the student will receive an automatic zero on the assignment he/she plagiarizes and a disciplinary referral. If this violation occurs a third time, the student will automatically receive a failing grade for the marking period. If this violation occurs a fourth time, the student will automatically receive a failing grade for the class. Any instances of plagiarism will result in the student’s parents being notified. Computers present a unique problem related to plagiarism. Students who attempt to copy the work of another via e-mail or a computer storage medium will be considered to have plagiarized the work of another. Students are not generally permitted to work on computer assignments at home, because of the potential for plagiarism. Homework Policy Homework will generally consist of finishing any outstanding class work. Completion of reading assignments or reviews of web sites will occasionally be verified using a pop-quiz. Homework other than finishing class work will occasionally be assigned. Homework assignments requiring the use of a computer will not normally be assigned. If a web site review is necessary the student will have opportunity to print it out at school in the event that a computer is not available to him/her at home. Grading Policy Grades will consist of Tests, Quizzes, Computer Assignments, Projects, Homework, and Class Participation Failure to adhere to classroom rules and procedures will adversely affect a student’s Class Participation grade Students will periodically be provided with grade sheets (generally following a major assignment) Parents may request an updated grade sheet at any time Web Design Homework Procedures and Classroom Expectations Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend class every day The amount of computer assignments to be completed in class makes it necessary for students to be in class on a regular basis A student cut will result in a 0 for any work turned in that day. If a student anticipates an upcoming absence, they should notify their teacher immediately It is the student’s responsibility to make up work within the number of days they were absent, or receive a zero for those assignments unless other arrangements are made with the instructor. The Business/Computer Science Department has established the following Standards Required for Successful Completion of Web Design: Using Adobe CS3, all students must be able to: 1. Create and manipulate a web site using Dreamweaver CS5. 2. Create and manipulate graphics using Photoshop CS5. 3. Create and manipulate animations using Flash CS5. 4. Integrate Dreamweaver CS5, PhotoShop CS5, and Flash CS5 in a final project. 5. Complete the final exam. 6. Obtain a 60% average of grades from the two marking periods and final exam. Parents will be notified if a course requirement is not met. Business/Computer Science Department