CPE495 Project Proposal Template

Project Title
(as descriptive as possible)
Group Members
CPE495-01 Computer Engineering Design I
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
email: e.mail@uah.edu
The Team
List all team members, their interests, expertise
and role in the proposed project.
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
The Need
Describe the need or opportunity
Lack of the proposed device/software, or
 New enabling technology that can make existing
devices smaller, lighter, faster, more power efficient,
less obtrusive, better user interface, …
Who is affected and who will benefit?
Slide title should describe “the need”
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
A picture worth of thousand words that explains the
whole project
Slide title should be also descriptive, not “big picture”
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Marketing Requirements
Describe (as precisely as possible) marketing
requirements from your sponsor
If you don’t have a sponsor, provide marketing
requirements by conducting interviews with possible
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Engineering Requirements
Describe (as precisely as possible) engineering
requirements and associate them with marketing
requirements from previous slide as described in
class and in your textbook
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Survey: Market & Competition
Describe state of the market
List the main players in the field and
Compare and contrast value propositions of
each product (high performance, low price,
specific features, etc.)
What is comparative advantage of your product?
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Survey: Existing Projects
Describe briefly existing research projects
relevant to your research
University, student, and other projects
 For each project describe the relevance
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Survey: Journal Papers
Describe briefly the most important journal
papers in the field of your project
For each paper describe briefly the main
accomplishments and the relevance to your project
 Provide full reference in IEEE format
F. Author, S. Author, “Paper Title,” IEEE Trans. on Senior
Design, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2009, pp. 15-20.
Sources: IEEE Explore, Google Scholar,
Scientific Databases
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Survey: Conference Papers
Describe briefly the most important conference
papers in the field of your project
For each paper describe briefly the main
accomplishments and the relevance to your project
 Provide full reference in IEEE format
F. Author, S. Author, “Paper Title,” Proc. 1st Annual Conf.
on Senior Design, October 2009, pp. 950-953.
Sources: IEEE Explore, Google Scholar,
Scientific Databases
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Survey: Patents
Describe briefly the most important patents in
the field of your project
For each patent describe briefly the main
accomplishments and the relevance to your project
 Provide full reference:
F. Author, S. Author, Patent Title, Patent Number, October
Sources: US PTO web site, Google Patent, …
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Proposed approach
Describe briefly the solution and the proposed
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
What is innovative in your approach?
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Alternative approaches
Describe briefly alternative approaches to
Compare and analyze alternative approaches
The Engineering Tradeoff Analysis
 Use “The House of Quality” approach as described
in your textbook
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Project Summary
Slides 3-13 in a single-paragraph summary
Present the slide but describe it only with one
sentence during presentation (already described)
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
System Design: Functional
Describe the functionality of all system
components as described in class
Chapter 5 of the Textbook
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
System Design: Behavior Model
Describe system behavior
Chapter 6 of the Textbook
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Describe in detail how do you plan to test the
Chapter 7 of the Textbook
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
The Work Breakdown Structure
Provide a hierarchical breakdown of the tasks
and deliverables
Chapter 10 of the Textbook
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
The Project Timeline
Gantt Chart
Network Diagram
Chapter 10 of the Textbook
Could be a part of Gantt chart
Determine the critical path and its duration
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Cost Estimation
What hardware, software, services, and other
material do you need for your project?
Itemized price and expenses
 Development effort (Labor) expressed in workerhours
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville
Provide deliverables of your project, for
 software,
 report, etc.
CPE496 Project proposal template, Group 0x, UAHuntsville