Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir

“Tempat yang dicari dan terbebankan…….”
Triarko Nurlambang
Dept. Geografi FMIPA UI
Outline bahan kuliah
• Karakteristik Wilayah Pesisir sebagai tempat
• Pertumbuhan pesat pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir
• Permasalahan dalam pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir
• Alternatif pemecahan masalah Pembangunan Wilayah
Pesisir dari perspektif Ruang (Spatial) dan studi kasus
Karakteristik Wilayah Pesisir
sebagai tempat permukiman
Shores and Coastal Processes
Shorelines are places where bodies of water meet dry land
Coasts are landward of ocean shorelines
Beach: a narrow strip of land, washed by waves or tides .
Ordinary Waves are caused by WIND
Waves are produced when wind drag causes the surface water
of oceans/lakes to rise and fall
Waves get refracted on approaching shoreline
Typical Coast
operasi kapal asing di
perairan teritorial
hutan dan erosi
operasi kapal asing di
perairan ZEEI
limbah pertanian
unsur kimia dari
akses terbuka
padat tangkap
limbah RT
peracunan ikan
penduduk di
wilayah pesiisr
peracunan ikan
pengeboman ikan
Sampah pelabuhan
alat tangkap yg. merusak:
trawl dasar, drift nets dan
jaring halus
rusaknya habitat
dan benih ikan
limbah budidaya ikan
reklamasi dan
pengembangan pantai
( DENR, 2001)
• The oceans cover 70 per cent of the planet’s surface area and marine and
coastal environments contain diverse habitats that support an abundance of
marine life; coastal zones account for 20 per cent of the world’s land area
• Coral reef ecosystems are increasingly being degraded and destroyed worldwide
by a variety of
and byofglobal
cover 70 percent
the planet’s
surface area and
• Global harvests for marine fisheries have been above 80 million tonnes per
year since the latter half of the 1980s, with peak of 87 million tonnes in 1997
and 2000
• Mangroves extend over 18 million hectares (44 million acres) worldwide,
covering a quarter of the world’s tropical coastlines
UNEP-CBD 2005; GEO Year Book 2006; UNEP 2005
Jalur Maritim dan Lokasi Strategis
Bab el-Mandab
Good Hope
Jalur Perdagangan Dunia, 14001800
North America
Central Asia
West Africa
Trade Route
Dominant Capital Flow
East Africa
Aceh Malacca
Southeast Asia
Core-Periphery Stages of Development in a Urban System
Corridor Development
Modal Corridors
Maritime Corridor
Land Corridor
Fluvial Corridor
Air Corridor
Articulation point (port, airport rail terminal)
Road and
rail link
This area is devoted to the study of whole systems.
Nature is a whole system. But also an economy, a family, a company, a community, or
many other things, can be looked at as whole systems. A whole system view would include
all the factors involved and examine how they relate to each other and how they work as a
whole. To deal with a whole system we can't leave anything out as irrelevant. Intuition is as
important as rationality, we must address both scientific and artistic approaches, both
material and spiritual needs, the small as well as the big, what we feel as well as what we
think, what we perceive as well as what we imagine.
Whole systems are dynamic, they change they move, they develop. Frozen pictures of
how things are supposed to be might do us no good, we need to deal with the live systems,
whichever surprising directions that might take us in.
There is no one authority in the field of whole systems. Luckily nobody has
monopolized it by putting it into a standard curriculum defining what it IS. So, we all have
the opportunity to discover together what whole systems are about.
Pertumbuhan Pesat dan
Permasalahan Yang timbul di
Wilayah Pesisir
Shrimp farms replacing mangroves in
Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras
1987-1999: shrimp farms
and ponds have
mushroomed, carpeting
the landscape around the
Gulf of Fonseca, in blocks
of blue and black shapes
Loss of Mangrove in Ecuador’s largest
seaport - Gulf of Guayaquil
1985-2000: Loss of
aquaculture grew 30
percent in a 15-year
Dramatic changes in
Huang He Delta, China
Images show the mouth
of the Yellow River and
the emergence of a
huge parrot-headed
• 1979-2000: Huang
He’s yellow color is
the result of huge
loads of sediments
Changes in Huang He Delta, China
• From 1989 to 1995 the
Yellow River delta area
• From 1995 to 2000 the
Yellow River delta area
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory
Replacement of mangroves by aquaculture in
Thon Buri, Thailand
• 1973-1978: Area is caught
in the battle between needs
of people versus the welfare
of the coastal areas
• 2002: Shows extensive
aquaculture ponds (blue
patches inland)
Sundarban: Largest mangrove forest
of the world, India/Bangladesh
Forest degradation has
been occurring in many
parts of Sundarbans
Shrimp farming is a
major threat to
mangrove forests
Impact of flooding in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
These images show the
extent of flooding and
extensive ditches and
canals used for irrigation
• 2000: Taken during the
period of flooding
• 2001: Taken after the
flood waters had receded
Land reclamation changes along
Isahaya Bay, Japan
• 1993: Turning tidal
lands into farmlands
• 2001: The straight line
of the sea wall is visible
• 2003: The area has
been fully reclaimed
from the sea
Coastal vegetation change along
Knife River Delta, Canada
• 1973: Impact of
snow geese on
coastal vegetation
• 1996: Overgrazing
has turned the
shoreline into an
enormous mudflat
Transformation of Ijsselmeer
The Netherlands
These images show the
transformation of polders
(areas of reclaimed land)
into useable farming land
• 1973-2004: lighter blue
water is the Markermeer –
buffer against floodwaters
• 2004: this area of
reclaimed land was
covered with farms
Slum Area
Hutan bakau
Kampung Nelayan
Pelabuhan ikan
Endapan sampah
Global Warming may caused sea level
rise. It is predicted that by 2050 Tanjung
Priok Port and Pantai Indah Kapuk Real
Estate in northern part of Jakarta will be
Alternatif pembangunan
Wilayah Pesisir dilihat dari
Perspektif Spatial/ Ruang
General Motivation… ICZM and GIS
 Integrated Coastal zone management (ICZM) requires
robust geospatial information to be effective
 Particularly for nearshore areas… land development
impacts surface water runoff in watersheds that drain into
coastal waters
 ICZM is a multi-stakeholder process that can make use
of geographic information systems (GIS)
 Using GIS can help develop a shared insight about
problems, challenges and solutions about how to
management coastal resources
Zone B
Zone A
Spatial planning provides a spatial/geographic and temporal context for the
implementation of policies developed. It uses planning systems to provide decision
support. This provides clear spatial context for:
• Proactive not reactive management ‐ enabling planning ahead;
• Resource use ‐ allowing multiple resource use where practicable: e.g. wind farms and
biodiversity conservation in the same parts of sea;
• Management of areas of sea using plans and other decision support methods (carrying
• Reducing conflicts: reducing conflict ‐ saves time, money and duplication of effort (and
therefore more time to be proactive). Increases certainty for developers. Increases
stakeholder participation;
• Map constraints and opportunities to deliver sustainable solutions/management;
• Consents (agreement) ‐ spatial planning provides the spatial/geographic context to the
process of consenting; planning and resource allocation for developers; and
• Effective environmental / sustainability management and context of particular sectoral
activities and projects throughout their life cycle within the given area.
In general terms, the objectives for a regional marine spatial plan could be to:
(a) Develop a shared understanding and appreciation of the characteristics of the region
through assessing the current knowledge of its:
• Biological and physical characteristics;
• Community and cultural values;
• Current uses and pressures;
• Future uses and opportunities;
• Value of marine resources;
• Threats to the natural system; and
• Management and institutional arrangements.
(b) Design a Regional Sea Plan that is a decision‐making and planning framework for
management across sectors that:
• Identifies shared values of the region, including environmental, economic, social and
cultural values;
• Identifies new information needed;
• Integrates resource management on an ecosystem basis;
• Identifies the methods for assessing performance;
• Is adaptive to changing conditions and improved knowledge; and
• Adds value to existing management arrangements.
(c) Use the shared values of the Region to guide development of economic, social and
conservation opportunities.
(d) Accommodate community needs and aspirations by encouraging involvement and being
inclusive, fair and transparent at all stages of the Plan.
Source: Based on objectives outlined in the RSPB OSPAR paper Version 2 and Robert Canning
Studi kasus ICMZ
Case Study: Community Motivation…
Revitalizing Puget Sound
 Puget Sound is the 2nd largest estuary in the U.S.
 In 2005, WA State Governor Gregoire established the Puget
Sound Partnership (PSP) for Nearshore Restoration, and in
2007 the larger PSP became a state agency.
 Goal of the Puget Sound Partnership (2006, p.10) is to “…ensure
that Puget Sound forever will be a thriving natural system, with
marine and freshwaters, healthy and abundant native species”.
 Goal of the Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership (2006, p.1) is to
“identify significant ecosystem problems, evaluate potential
solutions, and restore and preserve critical nearshore habitat.”
 Overall revitalization activity expected to last until 2020, and
will cost several billion dollars
Puget Sound Nearshore
as a basis for data community
…area of marine and estuarine shoreline extending
approximately 2,500 miles from the Canadian border,
throughout Puget Sound and out the Strait of Juan de
Fuca to Neah Bay.
Nearshore – 2500 miles of shore
Puget Sound (dilafalkan
/ˈpjuːʤɪt/) adalah teluk besar
sebagai kepanjangan
Samudera Pasifik,
terbentang antara Danau
Washington hingga
Samudera Pasifik di barat
laut Seattle, Washington.
What is at issue with the PS Nearshore?
 The integrity of the nearshore ecosystem is in jeopardy.
 Nine of the ten species listed as endangered or threatened
within the Puget Sound region inhabit the nearshore.
 Pollution in parts of Puget Sound has caused lesions and
tumors in flatfish eaten by eagles, seals, birds, and porpoises.
 Urban and suburban developments along the Puget Sound
shoreline have taken away critical shoreline, and estuarine
and nearshore habitats.
 Changes in the physical processes include limiting food and
nutrient sources for marine life, deteriorating beach
sediment movement, and altering the flows of surface and
Data modeling assists learning about
 Conceptual, logical, physical data modeling is useful for
learning about how to represent coastal features associated
with water flow from watersheds into estuarine ecosystems
– a core issue in previous described problems
 Focus on a nearshore coastal data model
to address Puget Sound Partnership concerns
Developing a data model…
 Everyone has a mental model of the problem
 Data models help scaffold our mental models
 Fully articulated data model consists of three components
(Codd 1981):
 geospatial constructs for structuring data,
 operations that can be performed on those structures to derive
information from the data, and
 rules for maintaining the integrity of data.
Developing a Coastal Data Model
through information integration
 Goal: Develop an overall “conceptual data schema” a collection of feature classes and potential
relationships that form the core of a PS nearshore
database design
 Information integration involves identifying,
comparing, contrasting, synthesizing feature classes
 Three steps in the method used…
 each used a different source of “community knowledge”
knowledge to perform integration analysis
Integration Analysis - Three Steps
 Step 1 - integrate watershed data (ArcHydro Data Model) and
marine data (ArcMarine Data Model)
 Step 2 - identify coastal feature classes described within a
textbook reader about coastal zone management and add
them to the feature class list for the coastal data model.
 Step 3 - use recommendations from Puget Sound Nearshore
Partnership report to further contextualize the coastal data
 Knowledge from a different “community of practice”
associated with each step…and integrated into an overall data
Step 1 - Using ArcHydro and
ArcMarine Data Models
 ArcHydro Data Model describes geospatial and temporal
data about surface water resource features in watersheds
(Whiteaker, Schneider, Maidment 2001)
 Addresses principal water resource features on a landscape
 Describes how water moves from feature to feature through multiple
connective networks and channels over time
 ArcMarine Data Model provides integration of important
features of the ocean marine realm, both natural and
human-made (Wright 2006)
 Considers how marine and coastal data can be most effectively
integrated within 4D space-time; that is the multidimensional and
dynamic nature of ocean data and processes
Step 1 Results – Data Models
(See table 1 in reading)
Geospatial Data Types
ArcHydro Data Model
ArcMarine Data Model
Fixed point
Drainage area centroids
Marker, buoy, transponder
Instantaneous point
Discharge measurement, dissolved
oxygen value
Raw bathymetry
Sediment transport line
Habitat, marine boundaries
Time duration points
Current meter
Time duration vectors
Temperature at one point to
temperature at another point
Algae bloom trawl
Time duration areas
Water surface elevation
Oil spill
Feature classes
Drainage, network, channel,
Watershed, waterbody,
monitoring points, streams
Step 2 - Feature Classes from a
Coastal Zone Management Book
 Collection of feature classes and several attributes
compiled from a text reader about coastal zone
 Another form of expert knowledge (Coastal Zone
Management - Beatley, Brower, and Schwab 2002
published by Island Press)
 Authors of a textbook are themselves experts in a
topic, and that topic is peer reviewed by other
experts familiar with the topic
Step 2 Results - CZM feature classes
(see table 2 in reading)
• Barrier Islands
• Estuaries
• Coastal Marshes
• Coral Reefs
• Rocky Shores
• Bluffs
• Tides (dynamic, temporal)
• Currents
• Wind (Currents/Patterns)
• Erosion and Accretion
• Pollution and Toxic Contaminants
• Wetlands (Protected/Unprotected)
• Habitats – endangered species
• Land use and zoning of areas
• Building code
• Soil Composition/make-up
• Catch Basins/ catchments
• Watershed areas
• Streams/Rivers/Water Flow
• Ports – Freight and Passenger
• Ferry Systems/Water Taxi
• Continental Shelf/Slope
• Water Depth/Slope
• Land Cover – (e.g. Beach/Dunes)
• Present Buildings/Structures
• Infrastructure (on land, underneath)
Step 3
Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership
 On October 13th, 2006, the Puget Sound Partnership
executive committee released recommendations for
focusing efforts in the Puget Sound area
 Recommendations are useful for…
a) identifying fundamental theme for improving the health of Puget
b) identifying features that can corroborate the list identified from
reviewing Beatley, Brower, and Schwab (2002) as well as those in the
integration of the ArcHydro and ArcMarine Data Models, and
c) identifying primary and secondary processes that encourage a type
of GIS data analysis to derive information as a basis for decision
support to restore the Sound
Step 3 Results – Processes
(see table 3 in reading;
possible geog 460 final project topics)
 Protect existing habitat and prevent further losses
 Restore amount and quality of habitat; reduce fragmentation
 Reduce toxics entering the Sound
 Reduce pollution from human and animal wastes into the Sound
 Promote and support new and existing treatment facilities
 Improve water quality and habitat; managing stormwater runoff
 Identify, prioritize, and implement retrofits where stormwater
runoff is causing environmental harm; mitigation strategies
 Provide water for people, fish and wildlife, and the environment
 Protect ecosystem biodiversity and recover imperiled species
 Implement existing recovery plans and create recovery programs for
species at risk of extinction lacking current recovery plans
Overall Results
 Feature classes identified in steps 1, 2, and 3 are
collected together in Table 1 in proceeding (Table 4
page 6 in paper handout on your table)
 The feature classes are grouped into feature datasets
 We identify the most likely geospatial data type to
act as a database representation
 Not all features would be used in all applications, so
it is important to identify which feature classes and
processes are to be manipulated by what data
Coastal Data Model Features
and Geospatial Data Construct Types
(see Table 4 in reading)
Geospatial Data Construct Types
Dynamic Natural
Water and Water Bodies
Underwater Topography
Polygon Network
 Data models enable and limit GIS applications for
communities of practice (groups using data)
 Different communities of knowledge practice (per the
three integration steps) result in different data models,
but there are commonalties as one might expect
 Participatory GIS-based data model development can
form the foundation of community-based analyticdeliberative decision processes that draw together diverse
stakeholder, scientist, and decision maker perspectives
 Educational activity part of exploratory work on multi-
stakeholder participatory modeling addressing coastal
environmental improvement programming in which social
(community) learning is a key issue.
 What is the opportunity for social learning about complex
problems when that learning is set within an engaging
situation like “revitalizing Puget Sound”?
… such engagement is a basis of participatory governance
 Research and teaching about participatory GIS web
applications to support broad-based analytic-deliberative
decision processes (a core issue in participatory governance) is
ongoing in Geography at the U of W.