The Amazing Race Snowbird

The Amazing Race Snowbird
February 2009
They start with their normal cloths on and everything in my car.
Starts in field next to underground parking
Opening Speech: In a few moments you will begin a race around Snowbird. Along the
way you must complete various tasks. Some of these tasks will test individual strength
and endurance, and some will test your mental skill. You will go around finding clues in
envelopes that look like this. The clues are different from past races so you don’t
want to rip the clue open because if you do you won’t be able to read the clue.
Here is a map of snowbird for everyone. These will be very useful throughout
the race.
The race is divided into 3 legs. At the end of each leg there is a pit stop. Some
of these pit stops are elimination points so you need to get to them as fast as
possible, because if you’re last, you will be eliminated.
The race will go all around snowbird. The clues might say a specific way to
travel. So if the clue says travel by foot you must travel by foot. If the clue says ski, you
must ski. If the clue just says travel, you may take any form of transportation you like.
At the pit stop of each leg you will need to give me all clues you collected that
leg, so make sure you do not throw them away. If you do not have all of them at the
pit stop you receive a time penalty.
At each clue, you may only take one clue. Also you may not move other
people’s clues. So do not try to hide another person’s clue. It will be much more fun
to have a fair race. Does everyone understand?
Your first clue is buried in the snow under one of those flags. There is one clue
under each flag. When I give you the word, you can run over there, dig for your clue,
read it, and what you do from there on is completely up to you, but remember, the first
team to cross the finish line will win the Amazing Race Snowbird.
Are there any Questions? Is everybody ready? Good Luck. Travel Safe. GO!
1. Intersection: In a normal intersection, you would team up with one other team,
however, since we only have 3 people Corin and Duncan are now a team and marsh
may travel on his own. Corin and Duncan, you may only grab one clue at each
Once you have your teams, travel by foot to the cliff lodge. Then find the game room.
Once there look on the side of the game “Crisis Zone” to find your next clue.
2. Travel to the Covered Valet Parking structure. Then find the “Do Not Enter. One
Way Traffic” Sign on the left side of the structure to find your next clue.
3. Detour: Frosty Or BB
In Frosty, go to the area where Robert is standing and start making a snowman. Your
snowman must have 3 sections to his body and must be at least 3 feet tall. Once you
have created it you must give it eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Once Robert approves of
your creation he will hand you your next clue.
In BB, go to where Robert is standing. Near him there is a circle in the snow. Dig in
that circle until you find a bag. Inside the bag there are some materials and
instructions on how to make a BB shooter. Once you have put the BB shooter
together you must use it to shoot a soda can from about ten feet away with a BB.
Once you hit it, Robert will hand you your next clue.
Note: You are given 30 BBs. However, if you run out you will be given a 5 minute
penalty before you may continue on.
4. Travel to the Forever Young Boundless Zone Playground. Once there search the
playground for your next clue. It is hard to find so there is a map in this clue that will
direct you to it.
5. Road Block: Behind the playground there are 2 large balls of snow. Choose one of
these balls and start destroying it. Your next clue is hidden in the center of these balls.
Once you destroy the ball enough you will be able to retrieve your clue from the
Note: There is one clue in each ball.
6. Travel into the Snowbird Center and search the area in and around the building for
the next pit stop.
Caution: The last team to arrive may be eliminated.
Pit stop is on the deck.
Leg 2:
1. The Intersection is still in place so you must stay with your partner until told
otherwise. Travel to the Lodge at Snowbird. Once there go to the 5th floor and
find the ice machine. Look next to this ice machine to find your next clue.
Note: The Lodge at Snowbird is NOT the same as the Cliff Lodge.
2. Travel to the bridge between the Cliff Lodge and the covered parking. Once here
look under the bridge to find your next clue.
Note: You must bring this bottle with you for the rest of this leg.
(Clue is on Label of Bottle)
3. Road Block: Go out onto the field where the race began. On this field there are 8
poles. Each one of them has a symbol on it. Use the 2 strings provided and use
the symbol coordinates in this clue to line up the strings with the poles. Make
sure the ropes are straight on the ground. The two strings will intersect at one
point. Dig in that spot and you will find another set of coordinates. Use the same
method with those coordinates to find another spot. Then dig in that spot to find
your next clue.
Order: ∞/O/ttow/(square w/ curve)/box“n”/ Δ/X/1
∞ -“N” and 1-“box w/curve”
Δ – O and “N” – 1
O – Δ and “box w/ curve” - ∞
∞ - “N” and Ttow – X
5.Travel by foot or shuttle bus to the Creekside Café. Once there find the covered
glass bus stops and look in the trees behind them to find your next clue.
7. Detour: Talk Or Text
In Talk, use your phone and call someone who you think will have a computer
near them. Then tell them to go to this website: On that website is your next clue and the
person that you call must tell you what the clue says.
Note: You won’t be able to read it if you search for it on your phone.
In Text, use the 2 pages included with this clue to search for one word on each
page. When combined, those words will form something that has to do with the
Amazing Race Snowbird. Once you find those 2 words, text them to Robert (801865-6668). If they are correct he will call you and tell you your next clue. If your
guess is incorrect you will receive a text back telling you to try again.
Both tell teams to go to the next pit stop, the 9th floor of the cliff lodge,
overlooking the Atrium.
Elim – For Marsh, or flip coin for Duncan and Corin
3rd Leg:
Starts at car
1. The Intersection is now over, you are individuals and must complete all tasks
for yourself.
Retrieve all of your ski cloths from the car and put them on. Then retrieve
your next clue from the hood of the car.
2. Ski to the Restaurant on the mountain, near the top of the lift Mid-Gad. Once
there search the outside of the building for a picture of the Travelocity
Roaming Gnome. On that picture, you will find your next clue.
3. Road Block: First ski down to the Creekside Café. Then you must search this
entire building for a random person. This person will have a small amazing
race flag somewhere on him/her. Once you find that person, they will hand
you your next clue.
4. Travel to the entrance of the top part of the Mini Miners Camp. On the trail
map it as near the “number 2” on the run West 2nd south. Once there look
somewhere on the entrance archway to find your next clue.
Note: There is an upper and lower part to Mini Miners camp, and you want
the upper part.
5. Road Block: Use the puzzle pieces in this clue to solve this puzzle. Once the
Puzzle is solved you will be able to read your next clue.
Note: It might be easier to go down to the Creekside Café and then solve the
Note: Once you have solved the puzzle you must either take it with you, or
throw it away.