
School Improvement Strategies and Communication for Change
EDU 649
Submitted To:
Dr. Stephen Knobl
Graduate Studies in Education
School of Education and Social Services
Saint Leo University
Submitted By:
Colleen Burr
Michaela Grady
Stephen Hilderbrand
Thomas Horne
Hayden Riggs
June 14, 2014
We must all work together to
make everyone better!
Todays Agenda
 Review
the School Climate Survey
 Review Opportunities for Stakeholders
 Review Steps in which to Implement
 Reviews Strategies to Improve School
Climate for Stakeholders
 Review Strategies and Steps to Improve
Morale and Collegiality with Teachers and
School Climate Survey Results
for Sarasota School District
Sarasota Middle
Total students 1,143
Total teacher 69
Teacher-student ratio
Free/Reduced lunch
White students 81%
Black 1%
Hispanic 8%
Asian 3%
Woodland Middle
Total students 765
Total teacher 51
Teacher-student ratio
Free/Reduced lunch
White students 68%
Black 16%
Hispanic 14%
Asian 2%
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Staff Survey
Staff Agreed Responses:
I am treated with respect at my school/work
The school/work site administration
encourage a climate of respect for persons
from diverse backgrounds.
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Staff Survey
Ways to maintain respect for staff:
Avoid scheduling staff meetings during a week
that teachers are preparing for conferences;
Schedule as few meetings as possible during the
first quarter;
Ensure that a particular week is not burdened
with meetings, holidays, observations, and
planning time;
Protect teachers from interruptions;
Honor teachers’ break time (NAESP)
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Staff Survey
Ways to maintain respect for staff during
critical or high-need times (FCAT Testing,
days prior to vacation and events):
Providing breakfast or lunch for teachers and staff
Visible walk-throughs by the administration and
acknowledging hard work with thank you notes and
Ensure all teachers get allotted breaks during critical
times (administration may have to relieve teachers for
their break).
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Parent Survey
Parent Agreed Responses:
 I am informed about my child’s academic
 There
is a high expectation for student
conduct and good behavior at this
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Parent Survey
Ways to maintain communication with
Students self monitoring grade activity
through charts and graphs with required
parent signature.
 Parent conferences
 Open houses
 Monthly newsletters
 Emails and online parent portal on school
website that accesses student’s grades.
Cox, J. (2014)
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Parent Survey
Ways to maintain communication to reach a
multitude of parents:
Parent conferences- Skype will be set up for parents with
Skype access, parents without Skype or transportation to
the school a Visiting Teacher can be sent to the house to
deliver information
Open House- film and burn DVDs of presentations that
can be checked out in the school library or downloaded
from school website.
Contacting parents- school call outs on the phone, if
parent does not have phone or email, additional
letters/flyers will be sent home via postal mail.
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Student Survey
Student Agreed Responses:
 My
school is a safe place
 School
rules are clearly communicated to
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Student Survey
Ways to maintain student
Administrators provide leadership
in assessing, developing, and
monitoring the safe-school plan.
Administrators establish a
continuous system of school crime
tracking, reporting, and feedback,
and provide this information to
concerned parties.
Administrators design a school
environment that ensures safe
traffic patterns within and to and
from school.
Administrators adopt procedures
for emergency evacuation and
crisis management.
Teachers respond to students in a
caring and non-shaming manner.
Teachers display diligent and
impartial behavior when
supervising students.
Teachers participate in the
development of a school safety
plan, discipline code, and racial
and sexual harassment policy.
Parents are equal partners with
administrators and teachers in the
development of the school safety
plan and discipline code. Their
recommendations on policy and
implementation are carefully
(NCREL, 1996)
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Student Survey
Ways to maintain student behavior expectations:
 When expectations are put into practice, they promote
responsibility and togetherness. Things work better. People get
along better. Kids can feel pride in their classroom community.
 Teachers consider the teaching and modeling of pro-social
behavior to be as important as the teaching of academic
 Teachers display diligent and impartial behavior when
supervising students. They use a consistent and prompt manner
to grant rewards for good behavior and sanctions for
unacceptable behavior.
 Teachers participate in the development of a school safety plan,
discipline code, and racial and sexual harassment policy. They
also play a responsible part in the implementation of such
policies by promptly and consistently reporting incidents of
misbehavior, crime, violence, and harassment.
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Student Survey
Programming for pitfalls in school safety and
behavior expectations:
 Student being afraid to report safety concerns
for fear of being labeled a “snitch”: Students
and parents will be provided with email or text
number of an administrator so that
“anonymous” reports can be made. Follow up
will be made with parents.
 New students who arrive mid-year: All new
students will have a “new student checklist”
upon arrival. It would require them to meet with
administration to learn school expectations.
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Staff Survey
Staff Disagreed Responses:
My school/work site administration treats all
staff in an equitable manner.
The school/ work site administration
effectively handles student discipline and
behavioral problems.
I have the opportunity to be involved in the
making of important decisions that impact
the quality of teaching and learning in my
school/ work site.
Research Show That Faculty/Staff
Value Principal’s That Support:
 Continued
education of teachers
 Behavioral needs in the classroom
 Classroom visits
 Timely feedback
 Collaboration Time with fellow teachers
 Practical Professional Education
Action Plan for the Faculty/
To create a Leadership Team that is supporting both teachers and
principals, and at the same time create equality at a school our school
plans to implement a Leadership Schedule. Many teachers describe a
lack of time as the greatest challenge to increasing the number of
teachers in leadership roles. Time for leadership activities must be built
into a teacher's schedule so that they don't need to carry a full class
load and also squeeze in time to lead during their planning time or hours
outside the classroom (Supporting Teacher Leadership, 1998).
Implementing a Leadership Schedule will drive down stress within the
school, which will provide for more powerful instruction in the classroom.
To aid with student discipline and behavior the school will implement a
Positive Behavior Support Program (PBS). PBS is a program that
celebrates the positive, and down plays the negative. This program is
typically headed by the school Behavior Coach or Dean. It is a program
to runs on consistency with all stakeholders celebrating the good that
students do.
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Parent Survey
Parent Disagreed Responses:
There is opportunity to give input to improve
my child’s school.
The administration at my child’s school is
visible, making frequent contact with
students, parents and teachers.
I believe that my child’s school serves lunches
that are nutritious and taste good.
Research Shows That Parents
Value Principals That:
 It
might be dated but some things never
run out. Jane C. Lindle said, “ it’s not
professionalism that parents want but
rather the personal touch” (1989).
 Create a partnership
 Communicate
 Allow a level of Governance from parents
(Marzano, R. 2005)
Action Plan To Meet the Needs of
the Parents
Parents desire an administration that is more visible at school. To achieve this
goal principals will implement a new daily schedule that will allow them to be
in the classroom. To help with this the teachers will respond to a weekly e-mail
that the district will review simply answering the question, Was a school Leader
in your room this week? If the percentage is too low then the administration
will have a negative on their evaluation. If teachers do not answer the
electronic e-mail question then one will be hand delivered to them in the
classroom. We will use the same survey/ question for both school to provide
consistency. The results of this will be posted on the school web-site monthly
for stakeholders to view.
To provide parents the opportunity to give input will be provided the
opportunity to join one of three organizations within the school. The
organizations for the parents to join and support are: PTSA, SAC, and P.A.S.T
(Parents and Students Together, Because Together We Can). P.A.S.T will help
lead non-curricular Organizations such as debate, drama, cooking,
running/fitness clubs. The goal will be to have 25% of parents involved in these
different programs. For those that do not join the schools will have certain
events (i.e Bring Dad To School Day) which will give parents a snap shot of
what is going on and incline them to participate on a greater scale.
Sarasota and Woodland
Middle Student Survey
Student Disagreed Responses:
My school acknowledges the achievements
of students for all types of accomplishments
so that many students have an opportunity to
be recognized.
I know where to report an unsafe situation
involving myself or other students.
My school offers a wide variety of activities to
keep me interested in school.
Research Shows that Students
Value a Principal That:
Students want an environment that is conducive
to learning.
They need to be respected by their peers and
Students need to feel safe physically and able to
take risks intellectually in classrooms.
They want opportunities to be challenged, ways to
apply what they learn to the real world, and
discussions about current events (Citizen League
Action Plan to Meet the Needs
of the Students
To fulfill the students need for an environment conducive to
learning we will implement a school wide PBS Program where we
celebrate the positives in school.
To help students feel as though they are respected all teachers will
be at their door to greet the students into class, and teachers will
allow students to part of the procedure process in class.
To help insure the safety of all students the school will have a school
wide discipline plan that has steps for every teacher to follow. Also,
the school will conduct monthly drills for different situations that
may occur.
In order for the students to feel challenged there will be a gifted
team per grade level. Teacher will also strive to implement the
values of the IB Program were community service is emphasized.
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-student achievement
Acknowledge students daily, weekly, monthly,
quarterly and yearly for their accomplishments
(, 2009)
Display student learning throughout school and
PBS program celebrations daily and monthly
Quarterly and yearly academic celebrations
Contact and invite parents to attend the
Post student names in newsletter, on the website
and in weekly connect education call when
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-student achievement
Vary recognition by considering behaviors, academics,
growth, the arts, community involvement, social
interactions and any other positive behavior worth noting
Daily Positive Student Behavior (PBS) Citizen per class
Honor Roll and Principal’s List ceremony each report card
Most improved student each marking period
Physical Education Fitness awards
Artist of the month club
Musician of the month club
Student volunteer awards
Special education student liaison
Good citizen award
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-student achievement
Use a variety of school personnel to recognize students-specialists,
resource teachers, administrators and support staff
Classroom teachers
Resource teachers (ESE, VE, Etc)
Art teachers
PE teachers
Music teachers
Chorus and Band Directors
Assistant Principal
Guidance Councilor
Behavior Specialist
Cafeteria Staff
Support Staff and Aids
Other students
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-reporting to improve
 Provide
parents and students a copy of
school safety policies and crisis plan
Use creative ways to publish for easy
access for all families
Post on website
Print hard copies for distribution at PTA and
SAC meetings
Make translated copies available for
families with limited English
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-reporting to improve
 Administrators,
teachers and staff must be
visible and present to address safety issues
Post Safety Meeting Minutes
Survey and assess safety drills
Provide feedback to safety concernswritten and verbal
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-reporting to improve
Provide crisis training and professional
development for the school and the
community based on safety needs of the
school and students
District Wide Training day for teachers at the
start of the school year.
Workshop for families after PTA or SAC meeting
to educate on safety
Question and Answer session with families and
school administrators to answer concerns and
alleviate fears
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-variety of activities
Provide a variety of choices to students throughout
the school year and the instructional day
(, 2010)
Student choice day
Learning styles
Students choose how to show learning
Slide show
News article
Virtual field trips
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-variety of activities
 Survey
students for activity ideas to
interest all students
Written interest surveys-individual and
Online surveys such as Survey Monkey
Conferring with students for interest to
identify learning styles
Reading interest survey to build libraries
Provide survey feedback for students and
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-variety of activities
Use student strengths, learning styles, and interests
when developing activities for multiple intelligences
(, 2008)
Vary stimuli
Open ended questioning
Feedback for mastery
Problem solving
Peer Interaction
Self Assessment
Strategies to Improve the
Climate-variety of activities
 Provide
a variety of choices to students
throughout the school year and the
instructional day
 Survey students for activity ideas to
interest all students
 Use student strengths, learning styles, and
interests when developing activities
 Use multiple intelligences when creating
and establishing activities
Strategies to Motivate
Teachers and Stakeholders
Streamline procedures, policies and
paperwork for teachers, parents and
community members
School leaders set examples through work
habits and being involved
Put aside personal issues while with students,
teachers and community members
Recognize persons that achieve special tasks
or achievements: on website, in the
newsletter or the media (Education World,
Strategies to Build Collegiality
with stakeholders
 Prepare
staff for change and to be
 Focus all partnerships on problem-solving
and school vision
 Communicate: honestly, with trust to earn
trust, with respect to earn respect in all
forms of communication (Rakes G, n.d.)
Snap Shot of a Positive School
 Open
and caring
 Student and vision focused
 Trusted and respectful
 Supportive of teachers and community
 Clear and frequent communications with
teachers and stakeholders
 Interactive with the community
 Welcoming of community interaction
(Rakes G, n.d.)
How this Builds Community
We are creating a sense of belonging through determining
everyone's needs, ensuring everyone knows they are valued
We are creating unity through surveys to determine what
people need as a whole and not leaving anyone due to
multiple methods of information access
We are creating interdependence by reaching out to parents
and community members for help and to help
We are creating trust and respect for the school and the
community though open, honest and concise communication
venues. We are creating clear paths to follow that will lead to
success for our students.
We are creating socially responsible environments with our
staff, students and parents, through our surveys, volunteer
programs, and community service programs, that will cause all
of us to better learn and serve ourselves, our children, our
schools, and our community as whole. (St. Leo University, n.d.)
Online Access to Information
 Contact
 Community Vision
 Meetings and Presentations
 Upcoming Events
Citizen Schools Lessons at a Glance. (2008)
Retrieved from: http://
Classroom Learning Activities. (2010)Retrieved from:
Classroom Management Success: Principals and Practice (2009) Retrieved from:
Education World (n.d.) How to Keep Good teachers Motivated. Retrieved on June 2,
2014 from
NASSP. Retrieved from:
NCREL. (1996). Retrieved from:
St Leo University (n.d.) Mission and Values.
Retrieved on June 9, 2014 from http://
Knowledge of effective communication practices that accomplish school and system-wide goals by building and maintaining
collaborative relationships with stakeholders. LOM 3
Performance Levels Missing Novice Basic Proficient Exceptional
Collect and examine the results of the most recent School Climate Survey for each of your schools. Analyze data and
communicate, in writing, strategies for creating opportunities within a school that engage
stakeholders. (LOM FELE 3.5.2)
Analyze these to provide next steps or strategies to
improve the climate for each stakeholder within the survey.
data and communicate, in writing, appropriate information to stakeholders. ( LOM FELE 3.5.1)
Create printed information ,such as a fact sheet, question and answer, handout, or other format, to communicate data to
stakeholder . Analyze data and communicate, in writing, strategies that increase motivation and improve morale while
promoting collegial efforts. (LOM FELE 3.5.3)
Provides new and explicit steps and processes for the plan implementation. Determine and select strategies that are
motivational and interactive to demonstrate a focus on the school vision. Analyze data and communicate, in writing,
strategies for creating opportunities within a school that engage stakeholders. (LOM FELE 3.5.2)
Use technology to include interactive links
9.5 -10
Writing adheres to current APA format and style
1 -3.74
3.75 -4.14
4.15- 4.74
4.75 – 5
Saint Leo Core value of Community is integrated Community included
1 -3.74
4.15- 4.74